"Teacher, what should we do now," Zhang Fan asked Zhang Juzheng after telling him everything he knew.

This is not to say that Zhang Fan has no opinions at all, but the involvement of this matter, if you say big, it will be big, and if you say small, it will be small. Zhang Fan has not been an official for a long time. Although the journey has been smooth, there have been many words of hardships. Naturally, Zhang Juzheng's vision is not as open as Zhang Juzheng's in the court for many years, and his thoughts are not as thoughtful as these old fritters. Besides, this matter really has little direct relationship with Zhang Fan. Judging from Zhang Fan's current situation, it doesn't matter whether Long Qing is critically ill or not. Anyway, whether Long Qing or Zhu Yijun is the emperor, it doesn't have much influence on Zhang Fan. At this time, Zhang Fan still needs to help Zhang Juzheng.

Moreover, in the final analysis, Zhang Fan also had some small thoughts of his own in his heart.

"..." Zhang Juzheng didn't speak for a long time, but just stood there, thinking about something.

Zhang Fan is not a roundworm in Zhang Juzheng's stomach, so naturally he doesn't know what Zhang Juzheng is thinking, but Zhang Fan can guess a little bit. In his opinion, Zhang Juzheng is not hesitating about what to do now. It was because of what Zhang Fan said that he was silent, but whether he was silent because of Long Qing's critical illness and displeasure; or because of what Zhang Fan said about Li Guifei's orders to Wang Youcai? Yes, Zhang Fan is somewhat unknown, but it seems that the latter one is more likely, but Zhang Fan will not care about these things.

Here Zhang Juzheng is still silent, while Gao Yi on the side has a calm expression, it seems that he has been caressing in his heart early, but Gao Yi is not a person who likes to show off, although he is now It didn't take long to stand in this camp just now, and it was the time when he should be eager to stand up and express himself and reflect his own value, but even if there are only three of them now, Gaoyi would not do this kind of arrow to shoot the bird out of the head It's just that his expression now is very obviously telling Zhang Fan, who is looking at him, that he already has calculations in his heart. Of course, as for whether Zhang Fan or Zhang Juzheng will ask his opinion , he is completely holding a good luck mentality.

Seeing that Zhang Juzheng was still thinking and not speaking, Zhang Fan felt a little worried in his heart. He was not afraid that Zhang Juzheng would not speak up. After all, the matter had already happened now, and there was no way to reverse it, so now he had to be prepared to deal with it. He was not afraid that Zhang Juzheng would procrastinate. After all, as far as the present is concerned, time is still plenty. Zhang Fan was afraid. He was afraid that Zhang Juzheng's indecision at the moment would affect the next decision he made. Although Zhang Juzheng He has been in officialdom for a long time, but people's hearts are really unpredictable, and there are too many unstable factors.

Seeing Gao Yi at the side, Zhang Fan made a decision in his heart, and said, "Master Gao, what did you think of?"

This sentence awakened Zhang Juzheng, but he looked at Zhang Fan, then at Gao Yi, and said, "If Mr. Gao has any thoughts in his heart, just say it."

"In this case, Gao Yi will talk about his humble opinion," Gao Yi said with a smile. Since the opportunity has come and the time to express yourself has come, then naturally we should not let it go. "Actually, we don't need this matter at all." To plan something, or even do nothing, just wait, "

Regarding Gao Yi's words, Zhang Ju didn't change his expression on the front, while Zhang Fan showed a surprised expression, but he then understood.

"You two, please think about it," Gao Yi continued, "Your Majesty's body is still like this now, and Master Zhang has also received a letter of approval from the imperial physician Wang Youcai, 'There is no way to return to heaven', regardless of Concubine Li Gui. What's on An's mind, if His Majesty...then the crown prince must be His Royal Highness. As for the Fourth Highness, he is too young to be possible.

"In this way, we don't need to care about anything at all. We just need to wait and see what happens. Besides, this matter was not done by human beings, so we don't have to worry about what Gao Gong will do again. The trick is coming, not to mention that he doesn't know the details of the palace now, and I guess, the matter of His Majesty must have been ordered by the two empresses, and it will definitely not be easily spread. It will take two months It's not short, but it's not too long. At that time, when things happen, that guy Gao Gong will inevitably panic. This panic will naturally do wrong things. We don't need to do anything at all, just need to Just wait for the other party to make a mistake."

To be honest, what Gao Yi said was the same as if he hadn't said it, but Zhang Fan and Zhang Juzheng did not show any disdain for his words. Look, Gao Yi's remarks can be regarded as hitting the point. Now things are already like this, and there is no room for maneuver. For Zhang Juzheng, even if he is working hard, he will change it if he is invincible. Concubine Li Gui's decision only made her agree to allow the imperial physician to continue Long Qing's life, but according to what Zhang Fan said, no matter how hard he tried, Long Qing would not escape death. More importantly, if this was the case, Long Qing could If it drags on for a year or so, Gao Gong may not be able to find out some news. Although now, a few people can't figure out what else Gao Gong can do, but no one can do this kind of thing. Not sure, if there is an eventuality, it will be troublesome.

And if you don't care about it and let the matter continue like this, when Long Qing dies two months later, this "sudden" situation will definitely be given to people who don't know, especially those who have been trying to plan something. And Gao Gong, who didn't know the inside story at all, was caught off guard. When this person panicked, he would naturally make mistakes easily. Needless to say, ordinary people, even careful people are no exception. up.

And as long as a person makes a mistake, it is easy to show his feet, and there are loopholes for others to attack.

The more important point is that both Zhang Fan and Zhang Juzheng now feel that this method is very feasible. The reason is very simple. The play of teasing Gao Gong performed by the two of them in the room just now was all because of It was done with a playful expression. From the two people's point of view, the effect produced by this kind of unintentional action is not just as simple as playing with Gao Gong, it is also invisible, and it also makes Gao Gong Gong relaxed his vigilance, after all, who would have imagined that Zhang Fan and Zhang Juzheng, master and apprentice, would laugh and tell the news that Long Qing's time was numbered.

And even if Gao Gong wants to make a fuss about this matter in the future, no one will pay attention to him. After all, Zhang Fan and Zhang Juzheng have never talked about the topic, and no matter how artificial the expression is, it is very "serious" after all. "of.

After thinking about this, the three of them already knew it in their hearts.

"Yuande, where is Your Majesty..." Zhang Juzheng seemed to want to say something else.

Zhang Fan naturally understood what he meant, and said: "Teacher, it is estimated that His Majesty will not appear in the court hall again in the past two months, and what does the student mean by looking at the two empresses, especially Concubine Li Gui?" , I am afraid that within these two months, His Majesty will not receive any minister who wants to have an audience, unless His Majesty himself summons, "

"That's exactly what I'm worried about," Zhang Juzheng said, "I can't understand His Majesty's temperament the most. Although His Majesty may have already made plans in his heart, in my opinion, even now, His Majesty may not Get that thing ready,"

Zhang Juzheng didn't say what "that thing" was, but Zhang Fan and Gao Yi who were present all understood very well that the "that thing" that Zhang Juzheng did was the only possibility of passing on the imperial edict. From Zhang Fan's point of view, Zhang Juzheng is a little worried. After all, there are only two princes in Longqing, Zhu Yijun and Zhu Yiliu, and they are both born to Concubine Li Guifei. The most important thing is that Zhu Yijun has been the prince for many years. ; and Zhu Yizhen was born not long ago, and now he can't even speak a word, there is nothing to worry about at all, but Zhang Fan doesn't know what Zhang Ju is worried about.

Zhang Fan, who was planning to ask, didn't know what was wrong at the moment, so he didn't ask.

"Perhaps, the teacher is really worried that Gao Gong will use this matter to mess around," Zhang Fan thought in his heart, but if this is the case, wouldn't it be Gao Gong who gave the opportunity to him? Zhang Fan thinks there is nothing wrong with it. OK

"In that case, Yuande," Zhang Juzheng said without any intention of explaining, "Master Gao and I still have some papers to read, so we'll go back now."

"The students have to go back to the East Palace, and His Royal Highness is still waiting," Zhang Fan said.

After bidding farewell to the two, Zhang Fan walked on the way to the East Palace alone. Zhang Fan walked very slowly along the way, and he was thinking about something in his heart.

This time, it can be regarded as a bit sudden, and it also made Zhang Fan flustered for a while, but it was only for a while. After Zhang Fan calmed down, he accepted that it was actually very difficult It was a natural fact, but then, Zhang Fan began to think about other things in his heart.

The things he started to plan when he was in the south of the Yangtze River, because of Long Qing's reasons, can't be fully implemented now. After all, for Long Qing, love of money is one aspect, but Long Qing is a mature person after all. Now Zhang Fan It is indeed a bit difficult to guide him to his own plan.

But Zhu Yijun is different. Zhu Yijun is only ten years old now. Although he was born in the palace and grew up in the palace, he is still young and his mind is easily changed. The more important point is that Zhu Yijun agrees with Zhang Fan very much. Fan also intends to instill in Zhu Yijun some things that can help him achieve his ideals.

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