The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 388 Jumping the beam clown

There is an old saying: "There are no tigers in the mountains. Monkeys are kings." It is somewhat like this scene in the imperial court today.Long Qing, the emperor, is gone.But as for which monkey can dominate.This makes people hard to figure out.Actually speaking.Even before.Long Qing, the emperor, was still able to go to court every day.He basically doesn't like to be in charge.But there are many people below who want to be the overlord.It's just that these people are not convinced by each other.

Now Longqing couldn't do it if he wanted to take care of things.The ministers have nothing to say about this.certainly.Except for one thing.That is even though he clearly knew that Long Qing was already sick.I was so sick that I couldn't go to court.But these are ministers.Still have to get out of bed every morning.Then I came to the Huangji Hall in the dark to go to the morning court.And he had to wait until the eunuch in the harem came to tell them clearly.There is no morning morning today.before they can leave.This makes many people feel a little uncomfortable.But that's how it should be.There is no way.After all, no one can tell what is going on in this world.Just in case one day Long Qing suddenly gets better.It's early morning.If anyone does not arrive.That would be troublesome.Moreover.Even if Long Qing doesn't come.How could those censors who had been eyeing them all day long let them go.

In short.In today's court.Although the emperor Longqing is not here.But because of the special political system of the Ming Dynasty.The emperor seems to be the same whether he is in court or not.The political affairs in the court did not slack off because of Long Qing's absence.Everything is going on in order.

certainly.Nor is everything comfortable.If in the past.The emperor fell ill and rested.This kind of thing also happens from time to time.But there is a point.Some notes still need to be approved by the emperor himself.But it's different now.At that time, everyone heard the eunuch's oral order in Huangji Hall.All the scriptures were actually handed over to the Supervisor of Rituals for approval.

Since the Ming Dynasty, there has been a supervisor of ceremonies.For so many years.Countless people who entered the cabinet to pay their respects were all very dissatisfied with this.It is believed that this gang of eunuchs from the Supervisor of Rites has stolen the prime minister's power.It should have been outlawed long ago.But as long as it is a person who has entered the official career.And who doesn't understand.The inspector of ceremonies said to the end.It is only to exercise the power of approving redemption on behalf of the imperial power.After all.They are just helping the emperor to deal with government affairs.This power is not occupied.Moreover.If the supervisor of ceremonies dares to criticize red without authorization.The cabinet also has the power to reject.Moreover, eunuchs who approve of red without authorization will also be in big all.The reason why the cabinet hates the inspector of ceremonies is not for these reasons that do not count at all.The only thing is.The ceremonial supervisor has the right to conceal some excerpts that some people do not want the emperor to see.Or put it off for a while.That's the point of contention.

But it's different now.It is clearly stated in the oral instructions handed down.During this period of time, all the notes were approved by the supervisor of ceremonies.It was simply a matter of letting the cabinet.Especially Gao Gong.Absolutely unacceptable decision.But now.Things developed like this.There is simply no way.Along with Long Qing's oral order, there was another instruction.That is, Long Qing would never meet any ministers.If so.These ministers can't even get in.Also cut off a way to prove.

What to prove.Of course, it is to verify whether the oral order is true or not.need to know.Regardless of the written decree.Or the oral order handed down by the emperor's dictation.Everything in the palace is recorded.for future inquiries.But now there is a problem.It is the backup of these oracles.It is not so easy to see.The emperor's consent is required.

In this way.Now stuck in a dead end.The ministers were skeptical about this oral order.Want to ask for proof.But the verification must have Long Qing's consent.However.It has been very clearly stated in the oral instructions that have been handed down today.During this time, no ministers who request an audience will be received.This is simply inconsistent.But it just happened anyway.And it happened very naturally.

Everyone else is fine.After all, not everyone has a deep enemy.It is necessary to find opportunities to slander Long Qing in front of him every moment.But this makes some people very unhappy.One of the most typical representatives.Naturally, it is a high arch.

Gao Gong is now understandable.Long Qing is gone.And the memorials are all handed over to the supervisor of ceremonies for approval.Although said cabinet by the dismissal of powers.But Long Qing was not there.The rejected memorials will naturally be sent back to the Supervisor of Rituals again.Then.The two sides began a tug of war.and.That one was recommended by Gao Gong.Served as the eunuch's dash for the chief inspector of ceremonies.Also because I don't know how to love myself.And Feng Bao, who had been coveting that position for a long time, found a chance.took that position.

And Feng Bao.First.He is the opposite of the high arch.People on Zhang Juzheng's side; second.There is a gap between Feng Bao himself and Gao Gong.And it's not small.Thus.It was originally because there was no cabinet vacancy.And Gao Yi, who had just been pulled into Zhang Juzheng's side, took that position.Gao Gong's original advantage in the cabinet is now gone forever.How could this situation not make Gao Gong go crazy.

But a high arch is a high arch after all.He will always carry his very special character from ordinary people.If an ordinary person stands in a high arched position.Encountered this kind of thing.Then it goes without saying.During this period of time, you must be a man with your tail between your legs.Get in less trouble.Wait until the time passes.

However, the high arch is different.Even in this extremely unfavorable time.He still has to argue for everything.Now every the cabinet.for things that you identify with.But not recognized by others.Gao Gong will definitely jump out and make his point.If anyone dares to disagree.He will argue with that person.It's just that his theory turns into a brawl almost every time.

only.Nowadays, no one would provoke Gao Gong too much.Everyone knows.Today's court.Zhang Juzheng has an absolute advantage.There is no doubt about this.Gao Gong no matter how messed up he is now.In the end there is no way.After all, there are six cabinet ministers in the cabinet.There are two people on Zhang Juzheng's side.There are two people on the high arch side.The remaining two people are considered to be standing in the neutral zone.But in comparison.These two people are still closer to Zhang Juzheng.They also couldn't stand Gao Gong's temperament.

Zhang Fan is naturally aware of the current situation in the court.But he never made any public comments on it.He believes.In same as him.There are definitely not a few people who regard today's Gao Gong as a clown.

Zhang Fan has been very proud of himself recently.Although the term "proud of the spring breeze" has long been applied to him by the ministers in the court.But the recent Zhang Fan is.A little more spring breeze.

Why.Because he is now.The only one who can freely enter and leave the palace.After all, he has the waist badge bestowed by Long Qing.He also shoulders the responsibility of teaching the prince.and.The other ministers also wanted to bribe the eunuchs in the inner palace during this period of time.Inquire about the situation in the big house.certainly.The main thing is to inquire about Long Qing's situation.but.Almost every time.They could all hear Zhang Fan's name.Long Qing is currently recuperating.But from time to time, Zhang Fan would be summoned to have an audience.This is in this special period.It can be regarded as a very great honor.

Because of this matter.Zhang Fan's net worth has risen by a few points recently.It's not his worth in Long Qing's eyes.That's already high.It's his worth in the minds of these ministers.

The number of people who started to go to Zhang Fan's residence started to increase again recently.And they all found out whether Zhang Fan was at home before going.And these people all came with something.The minister bribed the commander of Jinyiwei, who was in charge of supervising the officials.It's nothing new either.But imagine Zhang Fan's situation.Really too little.But unluckily.What Zhang Fan did was very fair.At least in the days since he took office.Almost never grabbed anyone.Moreover, since Zhang Fan was in charge of Jinyiwei.A record also appeared.That is the person who was caught by Jin Yiwei.And someone who clearly committed many things.There will still be or come out.That's ever been the case.It's almost an impossible thing.

In short.Now there are more people going to Zhang Fan's house again.These people naturally understand.Zhang Fan didn't need it.I don't even bother to accept their things.So these people even thought of a coup.People who went to Zhang Fan's house.what was sent.It was not for Zhang Fan's mother, Mrs. Zhao.It was given to Zhang Fan's two children.and.These people are even more advanced.What was given was never a priceless ornamental item.Most of them are some of the price is not very high.But most of them are practical items that can be used in daily life.

This made Zhang Fan a little embarrassed.If it is to send some valuable things.He can also frighten these people back with a stare.But if you send these things.It's not a bribe at all.It's just a gift from friends visiting each other.If not.Zhang Fan had no choice but to.This will appear to be too hypocritical.Even a little unreasonable.But if it is accepted.No matter how insignificant things are.Not worth the money anymore.That is also a gift.It is also a heart.It is also a favor.This favor has come out.Naturally, Zhang Fan couldn't bear to lose face.

But it was impossible for him to tell the real situation in the palace.In case Gao Gong finds out.I don't know what will happen.Simply.Long Qing's time was really good.Although the body is weak.But the complexion looks much better.Every time someone asks.Zhang Fan told him exactly what he saw.Never mention another word.

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