April day.It is the season when the mountain flowers are blooming.no matter where.This is a good time to go out for an outing.

Take Zhang Fan as an example.He is actually not a person who likes to go out on weekdays.Recently, I have also become a little obsessed with going outing, which seems a bit too contrived and elegant.The so-called outing.Talented scholars and beautiful ladies are always in people's images.Meet up for a trip.Maybe you can take advantage of the beautiful scenery on a good day.Pursue the sweet heart of the heart.So as to achieve a beautiful marriage.

But Zhang Fan is not.Every time he travels with his family.In addition to being able to make the family laugh together.The most important point is.He can use this opportunity to escape.Avoiding those who have recently been like moths to the lights.Crazy people rushing over.

During the recent period.Zhang Fan's house was extremely lively.As long as Zhang Fan's people are at home.Then someone will come knocking on the door.visit him.Zhang Fan was still puzzled several times.Wonder how these people know when he's home.But when Wang Meng's men caught a few, they always liked to stay near Zhang's mansion.After some furtive behavior.Zhang Fan understood.These arrested people are nothing more than ordinary servants.As long as he is pulled into Jin Yiwei's yamen.He knelt down and begged for mercy before seeing the instruments of torture.Said everything.Without exception.Almost all of these people were sent by various families to keep an eye on them.Just see Zhang Fan come back.They'll go back and report.Then these people will come to the door in person.

Zhang Fan was extremely troubled by this matter.Follow Liang Chao's suggestion.At this time, we should kill chickens and monkeys.Kill a person who comes to watch.Then no one would bother Zhang Fan again.But Zhang Fan understood.These people are just under the orders of the masters.innocent people.Zhang Fan really didn't want to hurt his life.These people were all sent back.But Zhang Fan also tasted the bitter fruit he sowed.Things didn't get any better.On the contrary, it got worse.

There is no way.This is where Zhang Fan takes his family on trips every now and then.Want to get rid of these troubles.

Zhang Fan wanted to prevent anyone from coming to trouble him.Someone has been sent to inquire about the situation.If no one will come that day.He didn't intend to go out either.But if it is this day, many people will come.And some more annoying ones.Then Zhang Fanke will have to redo his plans.

Another beautiful day of spring.today.Zhang Fan got the news.Someone will come.Ever since.When I went out in the morning, I made plans with my family.Go out in the afternoon to avoid disaster.no.Is to go out to play.Mrs. Zhao understands Zhang Fan's worries.But during this period of time, I ran out every now and then.She is also a little tired.I didn't follow Zhang Fan today.

It was Zhu Yijun.This time also followed.Now Long Qing is recuperating.Regardless of whether it is Queen Chen or Concubine Li.Everyone is worrying about this matter.And because of this.Concubine Li Gui's discipline of Zhu Yijun.I don't know if it was because she was worrying about Long Qing's affairs.Or she was very relieved about handing Zhu Yijun over to Zhang Fan.In short.Since this time.Zhu Yijun seemed to be free again.Today I heard that Zhang Fan's family is going out for an outing.Zhu Yijun couldn't hold back anymore.After I made a special trip to ask Concubine Li Gui for instructions.So he happily came to Zhang Fan's house.

For Zhu Yijun.When Zhang Fan saw him today.I was a little surprised.But then.Zhang Fan was very happy to welcome him to join.But Zhang Fan did so.But there are some thoughts.Before.He came up with a way to go outing to avoid those pestering people.It worked really well at first.

But after.It's different.These people are even better.He sent his servants to follow Zhang Fan.See where he goes.Then go over by yourself.Met Zhang Fan.Or pretend to be an unintentional coincidence.In this way, he can get close to Zhang Fan.

today.Zhang Fan saw Zhu Yijun coming.There are some small thoughts in my heart.He told Zhu Yijun.He can follow.But it is really dangerous.At the beginning, Zhu Yijun still looked fearless.But Zhang Fan kept talking.His purpose was not to scare Zhu Yijun.It is very difficult to achieve that effect.his purpose.Just to make Zhu Yijun impatient.

really.Zhu Yijun was immediately hit.Zhu Yijun, who was a little annoyed by Zhang Fan's gossip, brought it up on his own initiative.He wants to invite Zhang Fan's family to Xiyuan as his prince.That Zhu Yijun himself only knew.But I went to visit the Royal Garden, which I had never been to before.

This is Zhang Fan's main purpose.After all, no matter how closely those people stare at him.You can't just chase into the Royal Garden and harass him so casually.Moreover.Although Zhang Fan has never been there.But it is said that the scenery there is also quite good.Although it is thought to create.But in this day and age.Really different from hundreds of years later.

Xiyuan.Just to the west of the Forbidden City.here.It was called Taiye Pool in the past.And hundreds of years later.There is a famous name.Zhongnanhai.

It was originally a place for the emperor to play, rest, and deal with political affairs.certainly.Ministers are naturally allowed to come in at the invitation of the emperor.But someone like Zhang Fan dragged his family in.It's really rare.But now.It doesn't matter much anymore.Since Emperor Zhengde built the Leopard Room.And hang around there all day to start.It has been a long time since the arrival of the emperor has been welcomed here.

After the death of Emperor Zhengde.Emperor Jiajing succeeded to the throne.Emperor Jiajing was worried that someone would covet his throne.I always like to lock myself in the deep palace.Never go out.And wait until Jiajing died.After Long Qing succeeded to the throne.This lewd and romantic son only knows how to be nostalgic for the beauty of the harem all day long.Where will there be that kind of leisurely going out of the palace to enjoy the beautiful scenery.

Xiyuan has not had an emperor for a long time.In fact, there are not many people in the royal garden of the Ming Dynasty royal family.These people naturally knew Zhu Yijun.As for Zhu Yijun, he will bring Zhang Fan's family here to play.There seems to be no opinion.

Zhu Yijun didn't care about these things at all.It doesn't matter where he goes.As long as Ruan Er can be by his side.Then it doesn't matter.

Luo Linger.At this time, she was a little tired.He was leaning lightly on a recliner with Zhang Yanyi in his arms.The little guy is very energetic now.It was moving restlessly in Luo Ling'er's arms.It provoked Luo Ling'er to smile coquettishly.And aside.Zhang Yanyue, who was tired from playing, was already sound asleep.

Looking at the child in his arms.Luo Ling'er couldn't help feeling fascinated.Luo Linger back then.With a tragic experience.every night.Wake up time.She will be lamenting her fate at the same time.I also feel infinitely confused about the future.And Zhang Fan accepted her.This simply made her extremely happy.She always believes.This is God's redemption for her.Compensation for what happened to her in the first half of her life.that time.She thought she was the happiest.

Luo Ling'er never thought about giving birth to a child for Zhang Fan.No.She is a woman.This kind of thing is naturally thought of.But she knows who she is.Although Ru Xue was very gentle.Never had any dissatisfaction with her.But Luo Ling'er still has her own concerns.If you give birth to a daughter.It doesn't matter.But if he gave birth to a son.What will happen in the future.She really doesn't know.It is because of this son that he will get more love from Zhang Fan.Or maybe it's because he's a boy.The future is not easy.Luo Ling'er didn't have an answer in her heart.Let's talk about having boys and girls.She couldn't control it.Simply.She never mentioned it.

But now.Her resolution, which she had already made up, was shaken once again.The reason was Zhang Yanyi who was shaking in her arms now.Whenever Luo Ling'er hugged their brother and sister.The expectation in my heart will erupt.But every time.Luo Ling'er always forcibly suppressed that expectation in her heart.She is always warning herself.Today's life is already able to make myself laugh out loud in my dreams.A person should know how to be content.Don't push yourself too far.Luo Linger for this.He always regards these two children as his own.The point is to kill the expectation in her heart.

But whenever.Whenever the two children left her.She will remember again.Although it doesn't matter if it's Ru Xue or Zhao Shi.She has never been denied access to these two children.On the contrary, he was very enthusiastic.But they are not their own after all.

at this time.Looking at Zhang Yanyi in his arms.Luo Ling'er seemed to regard him as her own flesh and blood again.A smile appeared on his face.

"Yan Yi and Yanyue are..." The voice followed Zhang Fan's figure and walked in.He had wanted to see the two children.But he was stunned by this scene.

In Zhang Fan's eyes.At this moment, Luo Ling'er showed a special beauty.maternal love.This made Luo Ling'er, who was already unparalleled in beauty, even more unfathomable.

"Sir." He saw Zhang Fan coming in.Luo Linger called him.Then he looked at Zhang Yanyi who was restless in his arms.said with a smile. "This boy is really naughty. Look how good my sister is. You, a brother, don't know how to set an example."

The little guy seemed to understand Luo Linger's words.Under dissatisfaction.The body moves more violently.It made Luo Ling'er laugh again.

Looking at the scene in front of him.Zhang Fan was obsessed for a while before he came back to his senses.but.Zhang Fan who came back to his senses.In my heart, I was thinking about it.And what he's thinking about.It was the same thing that Luo Linger thought.

At this time.Yingyue wanders here alone.No one was with her.unconsciously.She went to a more secluded place.And that figure.But at this time.at this place.Appeared in front of Yingyue again.This surprised Yingyue a little.But later.Just worried.

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