The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 415 Hoarse Female Voice

The time has just passed the ugly time.

At this time, it was the time when people were sleeping soundly. Whether it was the royal relatives or senior executives, or merchants or hawkers or common people, this was the time to fall asleep.

However, tonight, there are destined to be a group of people who cannot sleep. No matter how tired their bodies are, their bodies keep telling themselves that they should rest when they are tired, but the things that are thinking in their brains and the worries that people face are not at all. Unable to sleep them.

Zhang Fuzhong now has such a one.

The rest of the Zhang family didn't know that Zhang Fan was in danger now. Although he didn't know how to be on the night shift, there were almost no such situations where he didn't return home at night, but Zhang Fan was a first-rank official of the imperial court after all. It is normal for him to stay if something important happens in the court, so the rest of the Zhang family did not speculate about it.

But Yingyue is different. She knows the whole story. After being escorted back by Wang Meng, Yingyue has been restless. It is good to let her rest. Zhang Fan was kidnapped and taken away, which made it impossible for her to sleep. Fortunately, what happened later, Zhang Fan was taken away by Fang Yueling alone, and the news that Zhang Fan was stabbed twice did not let her know. I went out without authorization.

At this time, Wang Meng had been waiting on the edge of the woods for nearly an hour, but for such a long time, except for those who routinely came back to report the situation to him, there was nothing about Zhang Fan or others. It was Fang Yueling's news, which made him feel a little annoyed.

Of course, there were things that annoyed him even more. After he got the news that Zhang Fan had been kidnapped by Fang Yueling alone, he sent Liang Chao to report to his superiors.

Nowadays, because Long Qing is recuperating in the deep palace, all the big and small matters in the court are decided by the cabinet. Although in the current cabinet, Zhang Juzheng has Gao Yi as a helper, he is no longer under the control of Gao Yi like in the past. Gong, but no matter what Gao Gong said, he is still the chief assistant of the cabinet now. Even though he does not have an advantage in numbers, he has the largest official position in the cabinet.

So this is the current situation. During this period of time, Zhang Juzheng didn't want to be awkward with Gao Gong, so he just let Gao Gong do many things and didn't join in the fun.

And because of this, Long Qing didn't go to the court to ask questions, Zhang Juzheng didn't oppose him, Gao Gong began to focus on those who disagreed with his political views, which also made everyone in the court, no matter who they were. The taste of self-insecurity, many people have also become human beings with their tails tucked during this period, and they no longer participate in many things in their daily life.

And precisely because of this, even the activities of Jinyiwei and Dongchang have dropped a lot.

But once this person slacks off, it will not be an instant thing to get nervous again.

Liang Chao returned to Wang Meng's place, and the news he brought was that the people above knew about the situation here, but because they didn't go to the Yamen very often for a few days, they couldn't find anyone at all.

Hearing this news, Wang Meng was furious, but also sneered in his heart. These people acted so presumptuously. If Zhang Fan can return safely this time, the senior management of Jinyiwei will definitely change. What an accident, Long Qing will definitely ask about this matter at that time, as long as the current situation is mentioned at that time, those guys will be even worse, and their heads will be lost for sure.

But now is not the time to think about these things. How to rescue Zhang Fan is the big deal. Fortunately, although those people have neglected because of the special circumstances during this period, they also understand the urgency of the matter now, and sent orders to send all the factory guards who can be found at this time. Let Liang Chao bring them here, it sounds like a lot of people, but there are only 200 people here.

So, now 400 people have joined in the search for Zhang Fan, but because the forest is really not small, it would take a lot of time just to search it roughly, not to mention the short mountain behind it, and the mountain forest. There are countless caves above, and it is really dark at night, and you can't light a torch, and only rely on the bright moon in the sky to illuminate, which really brings great difficulty to the search.

But at this moment, Zhang Fan's condition improved a lot. I don't know what kind of medicine Fang Yueling used. Just now, when it was sprinkled into Zhang Fan's wound, it immediately stopped the bleeding, but it seemed that the medicine had a good effect. But the wound was also very irritating. The unconscious Zhang Fan couldn't feel the pain, and all of it was transformed into thoughts. At this time, he was dreaming of being chased and killed by the Tartars, and he was also stabbed twice on the left shoulder. , and excruciatingly painful.

Seeing that Zhang Fan's wound had stopped bleeding, Fang Yueling took cloth strips from his clothes and bandaged him well, then covered Zhang Fan's clothes on his body, and reached the entrance of the cave.

Not long after, Fang Yueling could feel that Zhang Fan's breathing had become steady. She understood that Zhang Fan's injury had stabilized, and as long as he didn't suffer any serious injuries, he would recover slowly.

At this time, she inadvertently looked towards Lin Hai at the bottom of the mountain, and she saw it through the moonlight. Although the night was dark and the moonlight was not too bright, she still saw movement below.

Xiumei frowned slightly. Although the people below were still far away from here, there was no way out behind her, and they would find her here sooner or later. Thinking of this, Fang Yueling didn't intend to wait any longer.

She came to Zhang Fan, took out a delicate white porcelain bottle from her bosom, opened the stopper, and placed it in front of Zhang Fan's nose.

I don't know what it is, but Zhang Fan, who is already extremely physically exhausted, opened his eyes. Seeing his frown tightly, it seems that the smell of that thing must be very special.

Zhang Fan didn't ask where he was, but just looked around for a while, and Zhang Fan knew what was going on now.

Although the wound was still painful, Zhang Fan still supported the stone wall and sat up slowly. At this moment, the clothes covering him slipped off, which made him startled.

Just as Zhang Fan was about to put his clothes back on, he found that the wound on his left shoulder was no longer bleeding and had been bandaged.

Looking around, it was just a very small cave. With the moonlight coming in from the entrance of the cave, Zhang Fan only saw the figure of one person, and there were only two people in total. Bandage yourself, there is only one answer.

"Thank you..." Zhang Fan opened his mouth, wanting to thank her, but the thing thrown over stopped his words.

Picking it up, he found a package of dry food. Looking at Fang Yueling who was still facing away from him, Zhang Fan was no longer pretentious. After all, he was really hungry at this time, so he grabbed the dry food and went out. It seemed that Zhang Fan was too hungry and choked on the first bite when he ate too fast. When he was feeling uncomfortable, Fang Yueling threw over a heavy water bottle.

After taking a sip of water, Zhang Fan, who was relieved, continued to eat again, and didn't stop until he got all the dry food and water into his stomach.

Looking at Fang Yueling whose back was facing him, Zhang Fan said, "No matter what, I still want to thank you,"

"Thank you for what I did," Fang Yueling said with a hoarse voice, "After all, I was the one who caused your injury. Besides, how do you know that I didn't poison the food?"

Anyone who is familiar with her, even Yu'er, who is very "good" with her, will be surprised here. Fang Yueling, who has never spoken before, actually speaks, but to Zhang Fan, this is not a big surprise. I know that Fang Yueling doesn't talk much, but that's all.

"But you saved me," Zhang Fan said, "I don't care who hurt me, but I want to thank the person who saved me. If you talk about poisoning, I don't believe it. How can anyone save a dying person? people, but immediately poisoned him again, "

After saying these words, Zhang Fan wanted to show his fearless demeanor, but suddenly, his weak body made him unable to sit still, so he could only lean against the wall.

Fang Yueling didn't care about this, she turned around to look at Zhang Fan, and didn't speak for a long time.

Although Fang Yueling was facing him, Zhang Fan couldn't see her clearly with the moonlight on her back, but he could feel that the woman in front of him was staring at him. The woman stared at him like this. To be honest, Zhang Fan, who didn't care about these things at all, felt something was wrong at this moment. It was an unexplainable feeling, but it was just weird.

However, neither of them spoke, and gradually some people couldn't hold on anymore.

Logically speaking, Fang Yueling should be the one who couldn't hold on first. After all, there are so many people coming to search for it. Although the distance is still far away, there will always be a day when they will be able to reach it.

But it was Zhang Fan who spoke first. Although Zhang Fan didn't know that someone was looking for him, he couldn't bear the feeling.

To be honest, Zhang Fan felt that he lost to a woman in terms of aura, which is really not something worthy of glory, but whether it is a man or a woman, they will find reasons for themselves, and the reasons Zhang Fan finds for himself That is, I am still seriously injured, my body is weak, and even my spirit is not very tough, so I can't withstand the gaze of Fang Yueling, a healthy woman with martial arts.

"You arrested me, presumably you have something to ask me," Zhang Fan looked at her and asked, "Now it's just the two of us here, and I've suffered two stab wounds, and I'm basically under your control." Next, if you have anything to ask, just ask quickly."

In fact, Zhang Fan was completely superfluous, he knew what Fang Yueling wanted to ask.

"Where is my father?" Sure enough, Fang Yueling asked the question that Zhang Fan had already guessed in her extremely hoarse voice.

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