The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 416 The so-called filial piety

"Where is my father?"

Following Fang Yueling's sentence, there is a strong Miao dialect.But at the same time.It was very hoarse because of her original voice.Zhang Fan knew.This is only a few hours long.But the drama that has experienced too many variables is about to usher in the theme.

But at this time.Zhang Fan didn't know what to say.

Fang Yueling saw that Zhang Fan did not answer her question.Although her back was facing the moonlight, she understood that Zhang Fan couldn't see his face clearly.But her face was still calm.It's just that she was a little anxious in her heart.The people who searched for Zhang Fan below were still very far away.But they're not advancing too slowly.At most there is an hour to reach the bottom of the mountain.Although there are many large and small caves on this mountain.But at that time, Fang Yueling was going to take Zhang Fan, who was already unconscious, on the road.So it's not too high to choose only one.But it's a slightly remote cave.It will not be too much trouble for the people below to find this place.

In short.It doesn't matter whether Zhang Fan can see it or not.Fang Yueling's face was still calm.But she was already a little anxious in her heart.Plus.She has been looking for news of her father Fang Zhenqian for a long time.No news for so long.Now there is finally an "insider" in front of him.She naturally wanted to quickly find out the whereabouts of her father.

This is why the voice is inherently flawed.She has never spoken in front of outsiders.Now he was facing Zhang Fan, whom he had just met for the first time.The reason why you will speak.She was so eager to know.

Seeing that Zhang Fan didn't speak.Fang Yueling walked up to Zhang Fan.He sat down on a big rock opposite him.Facing Zhang Fan.Can't help but ask again: "Where is my father?"

Zhang Fan looked at her.Some are speechless.This is not because he didn't know Fang Zhenqian's news at all, so he was speechless.It was because of Fang Yueling.

From modern society to this era.In his previous life, Zhang Fan was somewhat submissive.For many things.Many of them have no ability to change.Or to say something.I have long been used to being silent.But this does not mean that Zhang Fan is a cowardly person.He keeps his head down no matter what happens.It looks like it has nothing to do with him.

on the contrary.It is precisely because of his character that he has never been indifferent.On the contrary, it is a feudal society with a stricter hierarchy.There was a big explosion.Zhang Fan who came here.No matter who you are facing.Up to the ministers of power.Even facing those who want to put themselves to death.He can face it calmly.Get acquainted with each other without losing momentum. this time.Facing Fang Yueling's Zhang Fan.But she felt that she couldn't bear the way Fang Yueling looked at her.

Although Fang Yueling was wearing a veil.People can't see her appearance clearly.But those beautiful eyes exposed outside were unreservedly displayed in front of Zhang Fan.What a pair of extremely beautiful eyes.And now.The gaze directly at him in those wonderful eyes was not sharp.on the contrary.Still very calm.even.Zhang Fan could faintly see the meaning of prayer in it.

Although Zhang Fan is now Fang Yueling's hostage.And he was injured.But now the other party is asking for something after all.Logically speaking.At this time, Zhang Fan's momentum was higher than Fang Yueling's.Not to mention Fang Yueling's prayer revealed at the end of the extension.

But somehow.Facing Fang Yueling.Zhang Fan couldn't bring up that kind of momentum.If it is because Zhang Fan lied to her.He lied to her that he had news about Fang Zhenqian.Now the other party came to testify.Zhang Fan, who couldn't tell, felt guilty.No.Zhang Fan didn't think so.After all, he originally released this fake news to attract Fang Yueling.Now Fang Yueling is in front of Zhang Fan.His approach was considered a success.For Zhang Fan.It's nothing to feel guilty about.

Zhang Fan couldn't understand the reason.I can't even think about it now.Because he began to feel that he really couldn't hold on anymore.


finally.Zhang Fan shifted his gaze away.He lowered his head slightly and coughed hide his embarrassment.

Fang Yueling seemed to understand that she had won now.That is the corner of the mouth that cannot be seen by outsiders at all.But he was still taking advantage of Zhang Fan's sight to leave him.Upturned slightly.To show her joy.

Zhang Fan thought for a while.Facing her again, he said, "Master Fang..." It's just that he only said these three words.It stopped.

"Don't call me the leader." Fang Yueling said.

"..." Zhang Fan was speechless.I don't know if Fang Yueling hates this title.Still hate the position of leader.

"Then... Fang Nvxia." Zhang Fan asked tentatively.But quickly shook his head. "No. You can't shout like that. When I shouted like that last time, you stabbed me. Now I don't want to be stabbed again. Then... Miss Fang. "

Faced with Zhang Fan's glib words.Fang Yueling did not express her opinion.No answer.But there is no objection.Looks like she's acquiescing.

"Miss Fang. I really want to see you too. I think you know why." Zhang Fan didn't answer her immediately.Instead, he asked.

Facing Zhang Fan's words.Fang Yueling nodded.Said: "Of course I understand in my heart. You are doing it for that girl Yingyue."

Also nodded.Zhang Fan said: "Yingyue is my beloved. However, she has the poison of the 'Five Immortals Honeydew' in her body. I heard people say that this 'Five Immortals Honeydew' will not kill people. But Whenever the poison occurs, it will be extremely painful. Only the antidote for Miss Fang's injury can relieve it. But it is only a year. Although Yingyue has not suffered from the poison now, she still has two antidotes in her hand. But this is not a long-term solution. I hope Miss Fang can give me the antidote to completely remove the 'Five Immortals' Honeydew', so that the poison on Yingyue's body can be cured."

After listening to Zhang Fan's words.Fang Yueling said nothing.He took out a small blue porcelain bottle from his pocket and threw it to Zhang Fan.

Hastily caught.Zhang Fan looked at the bottle in surprise.Then he looked at Fang Yueling: "Could it be that this is..."

"That's right. This is the antidote that can completely remove the 'Five Immortals Honeydew'." Fang Yueling said. "When the girl Yingyue was sent to the teaching school, she was very young. I didn't want her to drink the 'Five Immortals Honeydew'. But the person who sent her insisted on letting her Accept it. I can't help it either. That's the way it is. Now that her sister is dead, she can have a good home. I am naturally relieved."

Hearing Fang Yueling's words.Zhang Fan understood.Just when I wanted to say thanks.But it stopped.After some thought.Zhang Fan threw back the porcelain bottle in his hand to Fang Yueling.

Seeing Fang Yueling looking at herself with puzzled eyes.Zhang Fan couldn't help but let out a long sigh.He opened his mouth and said: "It's not that I, Zhang, don't want it. The Guijiao was originally a Jianghu gang. Although the imperial court has strict management on the Jianghu gang, but as long as it doesn't do something outrageous, it will not ask. But now. Gui But because of some reasons, I embarked on the road of rebellion. But I, Mr. Zhang, understood the whole story. I knew in my heart that your teaching was also because of some things. It was forced to do so. In addition, the girl above was eager to find her father. I really don't want to deceive Miss Fang..."

Although Zhang Fan hadn't finished speaking.But Fang Yueling, who is the leader of a sect.In my heart, I can already guess.Zhang Fan's so-called didn't want to deceive himself.What is it for.Think about it.There was a look of incomparable disappointment in her eyes.

See Fang Yueling's eyes.Zhang Fan also understood that she already knew: "Yes. When I asked someone to pass the news of my father's whereabouts to Miss Fang, what was said above was completely false. I have no news about my father. After that I also sent a lot of people to try my best to find the whereabouts of your father. However, the fact that the group of people went too secretly. It has been almost ten months now. But let alone the whereabouts of your father. Even the news of those people Little is known about it.”

A journey of a thousand miles.Fang Yueling did not hesitate to travel thousands of miles to the capital alone.You have to face the dangerous situation before.However, all that was obtained was empty joy.want to come.This is indeed a very disappointing thing.And Fang Yueling was like this at this time.

Zhang Fan finished speaking.His eyes stared at Fang Yueling non-stop.He understood what he had just said.What a huge blow to her.He could have made jokes.Lie to her and she will be able to get by.You can also get the antidote.But even Zhang Fan himself didn't know why he didn't do that.

Now the words are out.It's hard to get overwhelmed.Even so.But Zhang Fan still felt a little regretful.He was afraid that Fang Yueling would suddenly explode at this time and kill himself.But watched for a long time.Seeing that Fang Yueling didn't move at all.Zhang Fan also felt a little relieved.

"Perhaps. I can help Miss Fang find her father together." Zhang Fan suggested. "After all, it is the place of the Miao people. Although I have a lot of court power available under my command, it is still inconvenient to be there. As long as Miss Fang can help me. If I send someone to help, I believe that finding your father's whereabouts is not easy. Difficult."

Zhang Fan's proposal was a bit too much.Whether he is sincere or false.These words sounded a bit like they wanted to use Fang Yueling to help the court.

How could Fang Yueling not understand.Say it in her heart.I don't want to associate with those rebels.But I also don't want to have anything to do with the government.but.her father...

I pondered for a while.Fang Yueling threw the porcelain vase to Zhang Fan again.

Looking at Zhang Fan's surprised face.Fang Yueling said, "I want to make a deal with you."

Listen to what she said.Zhang Fan suddenly felt that the road in front of him was a bit brighter.Although I don't know if Fang Yueling's request is too much.But now is a good start after all.

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