The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 439 Feeling Good

"Yo, the two adults have arrived."

While Zhang Fan and Zhang Juzheng were talking with Gao Yi.Feng Bao's voice came from above the stairs.I saw Feng Bao was walking quickly down the stairs.

"Eunuch Feng." All three of them greeted Feng Bao.

"Elder-in-law. Is the matter over?" Zhang Fan asked Feng Bao.These words are actually superfluous.

"Our family is going out. How can it not be done." Feng Bao said very complacently. "However. Let's take a look. I'm afraid the empress has made this plan a long time ago. Our family came to the empress. It's just a mention. It is said that Mr. Zhang and Mr. Gao want to visit His Majesty. The empress didn't even think about it. Directly I agreed."

The three of them heard what Feng Bao said.I said "Sure enough" in my heart.It seems that they made some guesses just now.Not wrong.Concubine Li Gui must have made such a plan long ago.It's just that Concubine Li Gui should take the initiative to bring up this matter.Obviously impossible.And Feng Baoqu, who had the same thoughts, mentioned this.Concubine Li Gui naturally accepted Feng Bao's excuse.

"It's just..." Feng Bao seemed to want to say something else.He muttered in his mouth.But he had only just spoken.He shut his mouth.

"It's just nothing." Zhang Fan was standing very close to Feng Bao.Of course I heard his voice.He thought Feng Bao was going to say something important.Hence this question.

"Nothing. Nothing." Feng Bao said with a smile.It's just that the expression on his face is for anyone to see.I also know.There is definitely something going on.

But for Feng Bao.Zhang Fan didn't intend to press for any questions.Since he doesn't want to say it.Zhang Fan naturally didn't ask too many questions: "That's right. Since the empress quickly agreed to come down, why did the father-in-law go for so long? Is there anything else?"

"Ah... ah... that's it." Feng Bao was a little surprised by Zhang Fan's culture.After a while, he spoke. "Your Majesty has been telling our family. She said she was worried about His Royal Highness. She wants our family to be by His Royal Highness's side in the future. Please enlighten His Highness more. Sigh. It is not easy to come to Your Highness. Your Majesty is like this now. Your Highness is young. I don't know yet. This matter..." Speaking of this.Feng Bao stopped.There was a very sad expression for Zhu Yijun on his face.

The other three people present.Which has no thought.Feng Bao's performance in this play is indeed excellent.But for even his trio.Feng Bao couldn't fool them.

"Eunuch is truly a bodhisattva. In the future, Your Highness will be accompanied by Eunuch. It is indeed a great blessing." Zhang Fan expressed admiration.Said such a compliment to Feng Bao.

"Yes." Zhang Juzheng and Gao Yi next to him also complimented Feng Baolai in the same way.

"You three don't have to be like this. Our family is ashamed." Feng Bao immediately put on an extremely humble appearance.

Feng Bao didn't believe what the three said.same.It's not that the three of them couldn't see that Feng Bao understood their thoughts.But there are some things that needn't be said.All three of them understood this truth in their hearts.

Especially for Feng Bao.What he was hiding was really no big deal.After a while, everyone in the world will know.Feng Bao won't say anything now.In fact, I'm still a little guilty.

"Since the three have already arrived, let's go up." Feng Bao didn't want to say anything about other things.Open your mouth and say. "It's just that His Majesty is still in a coma. The bedroom cannot be entered. The empress told us to come. Lead the three of you to the outer wing to rest and wait. Three of you. Please."

"Elder-in-law, please." The three also politely returned the salute.

In the wing.Feng Bao and Zhang Fan just sat down.Immediately another maid brought tea.

Wait until the maid who brought the tea leaves.The three of them spoke.But be careful when speaking.After all, the environment here is different.The emperor's bedroom already had quite a few court ladies and eunuchs serving him.And now.Long Qing was unconscious.Although the people here are light-footed.But also a lot more.

All four of them understood in their hearts.I don't know how many court ladies and eunuchs in the palace were bought by people outside the palace.Now let's talk.Naturally, be careful.Just in case the partition has ears.was heard.

Zhang Fan picked up the tea and took a sip.Only then did he speak: "Eunuch, now there is an imperial physician here to treat His Majesty."

Said it was diagnosis and treatment.But Feng Bao, who knew the ins and outs of this matter, naturally understood what Zhang Fan was referring to.Even Zhang Juzheng and Gaoyi.Although I don't know the details.But the two of them listened to what Zhang Fan said.He also understood what Zhang Fan was asking.

"Not yet." Feng Bao naturally understood.The words are also very mellow. "The empress told me just now. The imperial physician came not long ago. There is no good way. Now let His Majesty rest for a while. I will make plans later."

"Since the two of us are here. Presumably..." Gao Yi who was sitting there said. "There must be others coming."

"Master Gao is right." Feng Bao looked at Gao Yi and Zhang Juzheng and nodded. "The two of you know this matter much better than our family. If His Majesty wakes up, he will naturally call the ministers into the palace. But now, the two of you have arrived first."

"It's just..." Zhang Juzheng next to him.Suddenly said with some worry. "The two of us arrived first. And it took so long. Will there be any trouble? You must know. The current chief minister of the cabinet. But..."

"Teacher, please rest assured." Zhang Fan said suddenly. "Now the ministers in the cabinet are all working in the cabinet. The teacher and Mr. Gao go out. If you think about it, Gao Gong won't pay much attention."

Listen to what Zhang Fan said.The other three suddenly felt.This thing is really normal.Where is High Arch now.Handle political affairs in the cabinet.Where is the cabinet.In the vicinity of Dong'anmen, the east side of the imperial city.From there to the Qianqing Palace.There is still a short distance.the most important is.Among the current cabinet ministers.Gao Gong, the chief minister of the cabinet, is the oldest.Riding a horse is not allowed in the palace.You are not allowed to sit in a sedan chair.Even if it is to let the sedan chair.That speed is quite slow.Much slower than letting him walk over.

By the time.Even if Gao Gong came.Meet these people who came earlier than him.Even if you get angry again.There is no other way.Who told him to get old?

"Who is with His Majesty now?" Zhang Fan asked Feng Bao again.

"Only His Royal Highness the Crown Prince." Feng Bao said. "This is what the empress and the imperial concubine have explained. Let your highness stay with your majesty."

Listen to what Feng Bao said.Although the three of them already understood it in their hearts.But still couldn't help but sighed in his heart.

"Now." Feng Bao also sighed.Said. "It depends on when the empress will let the imperial physician come to take medicine for His Majesty."

The four of them were discussing this matter.Moreover, it was also a gloomy time in the Qianqing Palace.The same is true of the scene in the cabinet.But the atmosphere is different.

"Brother Suqing." Guo Pu saw that Gao Gong was quite distraught.and came to him.Open your mouth and say. "But I'm worried about His Majesty's affairs."

"I'm a little worried." Gao Gong said with a frown. "It's just that this matter is not too important. It's not that your majesty has fallen ill in the past. There have been more serious cases than this one. In my opinion, this matter should not be a big deal." After finishing these words .Gao Gong looked down at the memorial in his hand.

See high arches so.Guo Pu on the side sighed secretly.I don't know if the high arch is too big.Or is he really so confident.It is believed that Long Qing fell ill this time.I believe Longqing will get better.No.In fact, Gao Gong didn't think about it.Today's Gao Gong is not thinking about these things at all.Even at this juncture.What he thinks about is how to attack his political opponents.Make your rights in the court more consolidated.

Inside Gao Gong's thoughts.Long Qing passed out this time.Just don't die.But he also woke up.It's best for Long Qing to stay in a coma like this.Don't wake up.Just drag it on for a few years.

If so.The most proud person in this world is Gao Gong.As the chief minister of the cabinet, Gao Gong.Although there is no prime minister's name.But have the power of prime minister.If Long Qing could not go to court.Gao Gong was able to monopolize the power of the government.

Wait until then.The entire court.Can compete with Gao Gong.only one person.Not Zhang Juzheng.Zhang Juzheng is not as crazy as Gao Gong is today.High Arch can do it.Zhang Juzheng couldn't do it; it wasn't Zhang Fan.Although Zhang Fan won the emperor's trust.But there was no emperor behind him to back him up.Even if he is the commander of Jin Yiwei.Still can't beat Gao Gong.

only one person.Only Feng Bao.

Ming Dynasty.If you count the original history that has not changed.Only three eunuchs served as eunuchs in charge of rites and seals.He also served as the supervisor of the East Factory.One is Liu Jin.One is Wei Zhongxian.It can be described as two notorious people.There is one left.It was Feng Bao.

Once there are eunuchs who can hold both positions at the same time.Its power can be described as monstrous.Never exaggerate.In charge of everything in the palace.He is also in charge of the most powerful and terrifying spy organization in the world.Not to mention ordinary ministers.Even the emperor himself would give him three points.

But Gao Gong was not too afraid of Feng Bao.After all, although Feng Bao is in power now.But Long Qing didn't trust Feng Bao too much.Gao Gong is confident that he can deal with Feng Bao by ability.

certainly.The idiot Gao Gong never considered his own age.

Think here.Guo Pu sighed again.He walked away gently.He didn't bother Gao Gong.Today's high arch.It doesn't matter who it is.what to say.He couldn't listen anymore.

In this instant.Guo Pu thinks.I am very tired.Maybe I should leave this place of right and wrong long ago.When he wanted to become an official.You shouldn't have listened to Gao Gong's words.stay here.

But now.Guo Pu felt that it was time for him to really leave.It should not be far away.

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