The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 440 Ignorance of Filial Piety

"Dong dong dong," came a knock on the door.

Everyone in the room knew that the person who knocked on the door must be a eunuch from the palace, and he was sent by others. Only Concubine Li Gui knew that the four of them were in the room. Of course, the queen and queen might also know, but if they If two people come, how can they knock on the door.

"Who is it?" As the highest eunuch in the palace, Feng Bao naturally asked, "Come in and talk."

The door was opened, and it was indeed a young eunuch from the palace who came in. He walked into the room, thinking of the four people present, he bowed and greeted: "Eunuch Feng, three adults, my lady asked the servants to come and call the three of you." Go to His Majesty's bedroom,"

Hearing what he said, the four of them looked at each other and exchanged glances.

"You go down first, tell the empress, our family and the adults will go there soon," Feng Bao ordered again.

"Yes," the little eunuch seemed to be a little afraid of Feng Bao, and replied to Feng Bao's words with a rather timid expression, and then walked out of the room quickly.

"It seems..." After seeing the little eunuch leave, Zhang Fan said with a somewhat melancholy expression, "The time has come."

The other three also looked at each other, not knowing what to say.

"In this case..." After a long time, Zhang Juzheng finally said, "Let's go, don't let the empress wait for us." Go outside the door.

Behind him, Gao Yi seemed to be planning to say something, but he opened his mouth, but couldn't speak. Seeing Zhang Juzheng disappearing outside the door, he finally closed his mouth and walked out.

Behind them, Feng Bao and Zhang Fan looked at each other, didn't say anything, and just walked out together.

The door of Longqing's bedroom is naturally guarded by the eunuch now, but since Concubine Li Gui has already explained, the eunuch opened the door and let them in when he saw the four people coming.

Feng Bao walked in the front, Zhang Juzheng and Gao Yi walked side by side in the middle, and Zhang Fan walked behind the three of them.

Just when the eunuch opened the door, Zhang Fan heard a burst of sobbing coming from the room. Zhang Fan was very familiar with this voice, and it was Zhu Yijun.

Okay, why would you cry? Even though Long Qing is unconscious now, there is no need for Zhu Yijun to cry.

The only explanation is that Zhu Yijun already knew the truth of the matter.

Thinking of this, Zhang Fan felt pity again, and with excitement, Zhu Yijun could finally see his father who was sick in bed. Although this was not a happy thing, it also made Zhu Yijun very happy .

However, when he arrived at his father's window, Long Qing was falling asleep. Before his father woke up and said a few words to him, his mother told him that his father was about to die.

This kind of blow, no matter who it is, will not be able to bear it, not to mention that Zhu Yijun is only a ten-year-old boy now, and he has never experienced any big storms.

Sighing secretly, Zhang Fan followed the other three and walked in.

"Slaves and servants...wait, please greet the Empress, Your Highness the Crown Prince, and the Imperial Concubine," the four people who entered hurriedly knelt down and saluted the people in the room.

"You all get up," Queen Wang said, her words were listless, obviously in a bad mood.

"Thank you, ma'am," the four of them thanked and stood up.

Standing up, Zhang Fan sneaked a look ahead, and saw Zhu Yijun kneeling in front of Long Qing's bed with a thin, and more desolate figure now, with his upper body close to Long Qing's side, and he didn't speak. , as if he was afraid of disturbing his father's rest, even the sound of crying seemed to be absent.

Even now, Zhang Fan just looked at his back, but he could guess that Zhu Yijun's face must be extremely painful.

Queen Wang stood beside her, looked at Zhu Yijun but said nothing, but Zhang Fan just glanced at her secretly, but found that her face was also extremely haggard, and the left eye socket that could only be seen from the side was also red and red. , obviously just cried.

Concubine Li Gui was standing on the other side of Zhu Yijun, her face was also very sad, pale and weak, but there were no tears.

Zhang Fan couldn't help admiring from the bottom of his heart. If ordinary people saw this, they might think that Concubine Li Gui was weak in humanity. Now that her husband was about to die, she could still be so upright, but Zhang Fan didn't think so. Sad, this is absolutely impossible, in Zhang Fan's view, Concubine Li Gui is a very strong woman.

Thinking of this, Zhang Fan rejoiced in his heart. Fortunately, Concubine Li Gui is not a woman with real power, otherwise even with Zhu Yuanzhang's enactment that "the harem must not interfere in politics", the court would still be in chaos .

After the four of them stood up, Feng Bao, as a eunuch, had the emperor's right-hand man, so he naturally stood up.

"Your Majesty," Zhang Juzheng, being the highest official among the remaining three, was the one who spoke first, and he bowed to Concubine Li Gui and asked, "I don't know how your Majesty's condition is," he skipped the sentence He asked Concubine Li Gui directly after seeing Queen Wang.

Although it is said that the king and queen are in charge of the palace in name, but in fact it is Li Guifei. Zhang Juzheng is very rude to do this, but no one cares about it. This is not because of today's special period, but because the palace It has always been like this.

Long Qing never asked about this matter, and acquiesced. In fact, the concubine, who was at a disadvantage, would never say that Li Guifei robbed her of her rights, and Li Guifei herself was not hypocritical, even in front of Long Qing or the king. The queen, even now, in front of the ministers, never puts on an air of hypocrisy, and even makes concessions with the queen, and always responds directly.

It can be seen that Longqing's love for the weak woman, Queen Wang, and the kind image of Queen Wang herself in the palace, if she hadn't been recognized in this way, Concubine Li only needs to do a little tricks to ascend to the position of queen and be the mother of the world, but she Never did that.

Zhang Juzheng's remarks are almost nonsense. Although he and Gao Yi have not discussed with Concubine Li Gui, through Zhang Fan and Feng Bao, both they and Concubine Li understand the relationship between them. agreement between.

Zhang Juzheng said that now, he still wanted to deceive others.

"Your Majesty, he..." Concubine Li Gui didn't know what to say now. She didn't know that Zhang Juzheng already knew that Long Qing's time was numbered, and had buried the news of Long Qing's death for so long. Some are not easy to say.

"Stop talking," just when Concubine Li Gui was worrying about how to speak, Zhu Yijun, who was lying beside Longqing's bed, stood up, walked up to Zhang Juzheng and the others, and said with a look of extreme grief on his face, "Father Emperor...Father, he doesn't have much time, "

"What?" Zhang Juzheng immediately showed a shocked look, obviously not wanting Zhu Yijun to know anything.

In addition, Gao Yi and Zhang Fan behind Zhang Juzheng also showed a very surprised look, but among the three, whether it is Zhang Juzheng and Gao Yi who have been in the officialdom for many years, it is not too long to enter the official career Zhang Fan, in front of Zhu Yijun's eyes, performed flawlessly.

"Teacher," Zhu Yijun walked up to Zhang Fan, "Bengong now understands why the mother concubine didn't let me come to visit my father, but I still want to thank the teacher for allowing me to see my father for the last time." ,” After saying this, Zhu Yijun actually bent down and was about to bow to Zhang Fan.

Zhang Fan was shocked when he saw this, and quickly supported him: "Your Highness, this is absolutely unacceptable."

However, Zhu Yijun didn't want to get up, and the strength of his body continued to fall. Zhang Fan looked at Concubine Li Gui in desperation, but Concubine Li Gui didn't say anything.

Surprised, Zhang Fan's hand loosened, Zhu Yijun looked at Zhang Fan, and said solemnly: "The great kindness of the Taifu, Zhu Yijun will never forget it in this life." After speaking, Zhu Yijun bowed to Zhang Fan .

Being bowed down by the prince or the future emperor, Zhang Fan can be regarded as a part of the world, but Zhang Fan doesn't feel this honor at all at the moment, only this special feeling, and he feels extremely embarrassed.

Standing up straight, Zhu Yijun didn't look at anyone, so he went back to Long Qing's bed and knelt down.

"Your Majesty," at this time, an eunuch walked in, "The imperial physician Wang Youcai has already delivered the medicine according to your Majesty's order,"

After hearing this, Concubine Li Gui looked at her son, hesitated for a while, and then said firmly, "Let him in."

Wang Youcai walked in, followed by a young eunuch carrying a box.

Wang Youcai took the box and opened it. Inside was a bowl of steaming soup with a strong medicinal smell.

"Your Majesty, I have already cooked the decoction," Wang Youcai said.

"Give it to Your Majesty," Li Guifei said.

In the past, some court ladies came up, took the medicine bowl, walked to Long Qing's bed, and were about to feed Long Qing the medicine. Originally, the Queen and Concubine Li had personally fed the medicine to Long Qing, but now they have not done anything. mean.

But this time, someone still wants to do it.

"Wait," said Zhu Yijun, he reached out to stop the maid, and said, "I want to feed this bowl of medicine to my father myself."

The palace maid looked at Concubine Li Gui next to her with some hesitation, and Concubine Li Gui finally nodded helplessly, while the Queen Wang and Empress couldn't bear to look any longer and turned around.

After taking the medicine bowl, Zhu Yijun carefully fed Long Qing spoon by spoon. If the medicine juice accidentally flowed out, Zhu Yijun would not let the maid do it, but would wipe it off for Long Qing himself.

Looking at this scene, Zhang Fan felt very sad. Zhu Yijun, who was kept in the dark, had no idea that this bowl of medicine that would greatly reduce Long Qing's life was fed by him himself.

Those present, as long as they know the truth of the matter, no matter if they are queens, noble concubines, eunuchs or ministers, they all know in their hearts that this secret will never be revealed.

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