The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 441 What Guo Pu Thinks

"Brother Zhifu." Gao Gong looked at the somewhat unhappy Guo Pu and said. "I was wrong just now. It's just that brother Zhifu really doesn't need to worry too much about this matter. I don't believe His Majesty will..."

"Master...Master Gao..." At this moment.A voice came from outside.It doesn't sound close.The man obviously used a loud voice.

Gao Gong saw someone yelling so impolitely.Naturally, I was unhappy.It's just that there are many things that will make him unhappy today.

"Who is so presumptuous and bold here." I saw someone coming in.Gao Gong immediately asked in a stern voice. "I don't even look at this place. How can you be so rude as a eunuch."

good.The person who came was a eunuch.One could tell at a glance that he was a young eunuch who had just entered the palace.But the etiquette in the palace is so strict.Even the eunuch who had just entered the palace would never risk beheading to yell like this.Now this little eunuch dares to do this.Something must have happened.

But with a high-arched temper.Where would you think so much.Today's high arch.Even the words of the emperor.I'm afraid I have to say a few words.Other people's accounts will not buy at all.Rebuke also like this.No other factors will be considered at all.

But Guo Pu next to him didn't think so.Guo Pu acted very prudently.Everything will be thought through before doing it.Now this little eunuch dares to do this.Break into the office of the chief minister of the cabinet.How dare you yell like that.Guo Pu suddenly had a bad feeling in his heart.

"Your Majesty. Your Majesty..." The little eunuch obviously ran all the way from a place not close.Panting.Still can't slow down.Even talking is intermittent.

Gao Gong listened.This matter has something to do with Long Qing.Quickly asked: "What's the matter, Your Majesty. Tell me quickly. You should tell me quickly."

"Brother Suqing. Don't worry." Guo Pu was talking beside him.Quickly but without panic, he poured a glass of water and handed it to the little eunuch.Said to him. "Drink this glass of water first. Then talk."

The little eunuch found a water cup.He cast a grateful look at Guo Pu.No regard for etiquette.He quickly drank the water.

"Tell me quickly. What happened? Did something happen to His Majesty?" Gao Gong hadn't waited for him to finish his drink.He hurriedly asked.

The little eunuch was in a hurry.The speed of drinking water also increased by three points.As a result, water came out.wet his front.But he didn't care about such a big loss of etiquette at all.

"Your Majesty just woke up." The little eunuch put down his cup.Opening his mouth, he said such a thing that shocked the people present.

"What." Sure enough.Feng Bao was very excited when he heard the news.But in the end happy or not happy.I'm afraid even Feng Bao himself doesn't understand his own thoughts. "You really mean what you say."

"How dare a servant speak nonsense about this matter." The little eunuch also said with a serious face. "After your majesty woke up, he summoned Mr. Gao to go over. He had something to discuss with Mr. Gao."

Gao Gong hadn't finished listening to the little eunuch's words.Just ran out in a hurry.

Gao Gong is not an idiot.What the little eunuch said.Naturally, it made him think of something.

Today's high arch.The most direct reaction in my heart is.Long Qing was going to die.

The emperor who suddenly passed out in the court hall and died violently.It's not like it hasn't happened throughout the ages.The emperor also ate whole grains.There will also be birth, old age, sickness and death.Don't think that shouting "Long live. Long live" means that you are really immortal.

Moreover, Long Qing's situation couldn't help Gao Gong to think about it.Two months of recuperation.This is the adjournment.However, the first day of the court.Then suddenly passed out.the most important is.Since Long Qing passed out until now.It didn't take long.Gao Gong was sure that Long Qing had only just woken up.

Just woke up.So he hurriedly let the chief assistant of the cabinet see him.This is not a deathbed entrustment and what is it.

The high arch comes to mind.Without further ado.rush out of the house.Then he ran in the direction of Qianqing Palace.

The little eunuch who came to convey the message seemed to be frightened by Gao Gong's reaction.I couldn't speak for a long time.

"Eunuch. This father-in-law." Guo Pu said. "Your Majesty just woke up?"

Guo Pu's heart nourished that also had the same idea as Gao Gong.But he has other things going on.want to ask.

"Ah, Mr. Guo." The little eunuch who recovered quickly replied. "Exactly. The servant listened to the people inside. Your Majesty just woke up not long ago."

"Then..." Guo Pu thought for a while.continue to ask. "Who asked you to inform Mr. Gao?"

"Of course it's Your Majesty." The little eunuch didn't understand Guo Pu's meaning for a while.He directly said it was Long Qing.But he thought about it in a blink of an eye.That is to understand what Guo Pu meant.Hastily replied. "It was Eunuch Feng who obtained His Majesty's will. He sent the servants to summon Mr. Gao."

"This. The servant girl is not very clear." The little eunuch said. "Eunuch Feng only called his servants to come. There was no one else."

"You were not asked to summon other cabinet ministers either." Guo Pu asked immediately.

"No." The little eunuch said inexplicably.

"This is strange." Guo Pu heard the little eunuch say this.He showed a very puzzled expression. "How could His Majesty only summon Brother Gao alone. Even if he is coming... Second Assistant Mr. Zhang should also be summoned."

Originally, the little eunuch still didn't understand what Guo Pu was wondering about.Listen to his muttering.The little eunuch immediately understood: "Master Guo is asking Mr. Zhang Juzheng?"

"What's the matter. What's the matter, Mr. Zhang." I heard the little eunuch mention Zhang Juzheng's name.Guo Pu immediately asked.

"Master Zhang and Lord Gao have long been in Qianqing Palace." The little eunuch said. "Oh. It's Mr. Gao Yigao. He and Mr. Zhang arrived at the Qianqing Palace early in the morning. They have been waiting there."

"What?" Guo Pu seemed to hear the news that the Tartars had arrived under the Forbidden City.A pair of eyes are wide open.

"Guo...Master Guo.'s true." The little eunuch was frightened again.Say something hastily.Confirmed again.

Guo Pu calmed down a bit.He asked again, "When did this happen?"

"Just an hour ago." The little eunuch replied. "It was the time when lunch was eaten in the palace on weekdays."

"But...but today the ministers are not allowed to enter the palace." Guo Pu heard him say this.asked very strangely.This is also the reason why Gao Gong did not enter the palace to visit Long Qing.After all, except for such things.You can guess without even thinking about it.Concubine Li Gui will definitely continue to order like this.

"No." The little eunuch gave an answer that shocked Guo Pu. "There is no word in the palace today. The minister is not allowed to enter the palace. If the minister wants to enter the palace, just let us go and inform. If the empress agrees, you can go in naturally. The slaves have heard. Today is Mr. Zhang He and Mr. Gao also arrived at the gate of the palace. They asked the eunuch to inform the imperial concubine. After the empress agreed, the two adults went in."

The words of the little eunuch.I heard from others.He didn't even know it himself.In fact, Zhang Juzheng and Gao Gong are two people.It was never notified at all.But Concubine Li Gui had already made plans.Let the eunuch guard the east gate of the inner palace.If the two of them come.Take them into the palace yourself.

And Guo Pu who didn't know these things.But he believed it to be true.But even so.Guo Pu was still shocked.I couldn't help screaming in my heart: "Mistake. Too much mistake. I didn't expect that the imperial concubine would do such a trick. I don't know if it was because of your majesty's sudden illness. I forgot about it. Or that the empress did it on purpose. But no matter what How about it. Brother Gao has already missed a move. Someone else seized the opportunity. seems that someone in the palace must have helped Zhang Juzheng. It must be that Feng Bao."

Think here.Guo Pu suddenly felt in his heart.His friend Gao Gong.It seems that the battle has been lost.Although now.Things haven't come to a conclusion yet.But in Guo Pu's view.Gao Gong is already defeated.

only.The worry in Guo Pu's heart didn't last long.Then let it go.

"Maybe... maybe it's like this. It's not bad." Guo Pu thought.

So keen on this for the high arches.Guo Pu had already had many opinions.But after all, he didn't want to accuse Gao Gong of anything.And even if he disagrees with some of Gao Gong's views.But it's getting to the point.Guo Pu will still stand by Gao Gong's side.

But now.Guo Pu was really tired.Don't want to play anymore.And most importantly.Today's Guo Pu also doesn't want to tell Gao Gong about this matter.

Perhaps Gao Gong had already guessed it.Or maybe Gao Gong didn't know at all.But these are no longer what Guo Pu wants to consider.

Not to mention Guo Pu can't catch up with Gao Gong now.Just catch up.He doesn't go either.The reason is very simple.He wanted to save Gao Gong.

Gao Gong's crazy actions during this time.Guo Pu saw it all.But he never said that to Gao Gong.Because he understood the temper of his old friend.Even if you say something.Gao Gong must not listen to it either.

That's right.Now the high arch is powerful.But there is a day when people lose power.Guo Pu understood.Once the high arch loses power.What will follow will inevitably be crazy revenge against Gao Gong.after all.This short period of more than a year is serious.How many people did Gao Gong offend?I'm afraid no one can tell.

Guo Pu just didn't want to see his old friend.It will be like that in the future.even though.It's only now that I plan to do so.It's already a bit late.After all, anyone Gao Gong could offend had already been offended.

But Guo Pu still hopes that Gao Gong can stop here.Don't go any further.

but.Things will really go as Guo Pu thought.Did it go well then?I'm afraid no one has an answer now.

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