The death of the emperor is so important.

Long Qing passed away in the middle of the night, it was already past the time of Zi, and since then, it has entered the mourning period, and all temples, large and small, in the entire capital have to strike their bells [-] times.

In the entire capital, slaughter is prohibited for fifteen days. Of course, this is just a way of offering sacrifices. If someone really can't bear this kind of meat-free life, as long as they have the ability, the method is also very simple. Let them go out of the capital. Slaughtering pigs, after slaughtering, transporting the meat back is over.

It's just that no one has ever done this before. People with this ability are nothing more than officials and wealthy merchants at home. But now that the emperor is dead, no matter how arrogant officials are, they dare not make any mistakes at this time. At this time, it is the juncture when the new emperor is about to ascend the throne, and no one can tell what kind of power changes in the court will occur.

On the night of Long Qing's death, besides many people crying in the palace, there were also many people who carried the news and went to various parts of the Ming Dynasty. Beng, when the funeral is heard, the princes, kings, and even Faye Wong, princesses, princesses, and civil and military officials at all levels must face the direction of the Forbidden City in the local area, kneel down and cry and worship.

Of course, people in the capital don't know whether they are sincere or not. Even if there are eunuchs to supervise them locally, even those eunuchs can't do this.

Besides, ever since Emperor Zhengde died and Zhu Houcong, who was living a poor life in other places, became the emperor of Ming Dynasty, the princes who were entrusted in various places began to move around. The crown prince inherits the throne, but these princes can't help but feel happy.

Zhang Fan had already prepared for these things, but the situation that happened in front of him still made him a little unexpected.

It's not that he hasn't read history books, even if he didn't in his previous life, he has read a lot in this life, and heard a lot from others. At first, Zhang Fan thought he could get used to it, but seeing the scene where he thought the emperor died, Still a little shocked.

That's right, that night was just people in the palace, the empress, concubine, prince, princess, and the maids and eunuchs were crying. Although there were a lot of people in the palace, Zhang Fan, who often went in and out of the palace on weekdays, saw many people. It was quite a lot, although it was the first time he saw so many people lined up and kneeling down to mourn, but after a little shock, Zhang Fan got used to it.

However, the small funeral that followed really shocked Zhang Fan.

Regarding the funeral etiquette of the Ming Dynasty, although there were many strict and extraordinary rules, there were no rules for the execution order of many procedures. The funeral could be placed before or after the small funeral.

But this time, although it wasn't considered urgent or procrastinated, Xiaoyu started on the second day.

The so-called burial, as the name suggests, is to bathe and change clothes for the dead, and put them in the coffin for burial.

But now, the situation is naturally different, the one who died was the emperor, so the encoffining etiquette has to be divided into big and small.

The so-called small mortuary refers to bathing and changing clothes for the corpse of the late Emperor Longqing, but it is not put into the coffin at this time, but to be buried in the Qing Palace, and a table is placed in front of the corpse for extreme use.

The people in the palace cried and cried, but it was quite fast to set up the mourning hall. It took less than an hour. This place was made "mother's language and flowers" by our Lord Longqing before, and there are printed signs everywhere. The decorations with erotic patterns are nowhere to be seen now, and the Qianqing Palace, which was once bright in spring, has instantly become a solemn mourning hall decorated with white silk everywhere.

This is the so-called end of life. The ridiculous thing is that although Long Qing did die lying on the bed, not many people felt that he passed away very comfortably and peacefully. On the contrary, many people felt that before Long Qing left, he was actually The pain was excruciating.

But then again, how many emperors in history were able to truly die, even if some ascended to the throne in a prosperous age, their lives were free from disasters and diseases, and the country was healthy, and the emperor who was called the Holy Lord ended up with A few can walk comfortably.

Although it was a small funeral, the ostentation was not exaggerated at all. After all, it was the emperor who died, so naturally it would take seven days.

Nowadays, most of the monks in the Palace of Heavenly Purity are invited from nowhere to perform supernatural acts. For many people who experienced this scene six years ago, it seems that they are not used to it, not to mention that this is only the first time for Zhang Fan.

The voices of these monks chanting sutras could be heard throughout the palace, and the Sanskrit sounds were bursting, but apart from making people feel upset, Zhang Fan really didn't feel any serious meaning.

At the time of the small coffin, basically people from the royal family in the capital came to worship. Of course, it is not forbidden for ministers to come to worship, but those who can come are naturally those with high positions.

Like Feng Bao, the great eunuch in the palace, needless to say, most of the people who came during these days were cabinet ministers, as well as six ministers, ministers and the like.

But if it is really counted, besides Zhang Fan, the most diligent minister who came here is Gao Gong, and most of Zhang Fan came here because Zhu Yijun asked him to come, but Gao Gong came here uninvited, and It's there every day.

This is not all because Gao Gong felt that he had received the highest trust from Long Qing before his death. Gao Gong said that he came here to pay homage to Long Qing, but everyone knows that he actually came to marry Zhu Yijun, who will soon be married. Sitting on the throne, His Royal Highness the Crown Prince is close.

However, firstly, Zhang Fan has always been by Zhu Yijun's side during this period of time; secondly, although Gao Gong has a heart, he is not a natural material for flirting with flattery. To put it better, even Gao Gong felt that after doing this for the past few days, not only did Zhu Yijun fail to establish a good relationship with him, but he hated him even more.

But Gao Gong didn't care about these things, he just thought in his mind that since Long Qing had "handed over" Zhu Yijun to him, no matter what happened in the future, Zhu Yijun would have to listen to him.

Zhang Fan, it's not a problem, although Zhang Fan has a good relationship with Zhu Yijun now, but in the future, Gao Gong feels that he will still gain the upper hand.

But after three days, facing Zhu Yijun's cold face, no matter who he is, he will feel impatient. Gao Gong is a person who can't bear his temper. God he won't come.

In the past few days, Zhang Fan has been the hardest one. As the crown prince, Zhu Yijun naturally has to be by Long Qing's side all the time. Even though sometimes there is no need for this, Zhu Yijun insists on keeping vigil for Long Qing during this time. .

Zhu Yijun didn't ask Zhang Fan to accompany him, but Zhang Fan always felt uneasy, seeing a ten-year-old child standing beside his father's cold corpse, with that annoying voice ringing in his ears. The sound of chanting scriptures, so Zhang Fan also stayed to accompany Zhu Yijun these days.

Zhang Fan and Zhu Yijun didn't complain when they ate the bland vegetables and tofu prepared in the palace.

Especially Zhu Yijun, except for going out to solve his physical problems, he has never left this place for the past few days. When he was hungry, the eunuch brought him meals, and when he was tired, he almost knelt on the futon and took a nap.

Zhang Fan, who saw this scene, was deeply moved. Later generations often say that you don’t know how to cherish before you die, and you don’t know how to regret it after death. However, Zhu Yijun was very filial even before Longqing’s death. Although he was naughty, he never caused any trouble. However, due to many reasons, Zhu Yijun was unable to fulfill his filial piety, and now, Zhu Yijun did this just to remedy something.

It's just that Zhang Fan felt that Zhu Yijun would definitely feel that these were not enough.

Of course, it looks like a filial son and dedicated courtier here, but outside, it's not like that.

For many people, especially those who see something wrong with Fan like Gao Gong, Zhang Fan's doing this is simply an obvious act of flattery.

However, the reality is like this, Zhang Fan is the only one who can do this now, and is qualified to do so.

Others are either physically strong but not qualified to go, or they are old enough to be qualified but do not have the physical strength.

It sounds easy to stay by Zhu Yijun's side for four days, but whoever has never died or experienced such a thing, this is simply more tiring than going to the battlefield to fight, the difference is that no one dies.

What's more, those old guys are all self-aware. Given their age, they will naturally feel sleepy at night. At this time, if they do something indecent and Zhu Yijun sees it, it's not just that they haven't reached the goal. The desired effect will be self-defeating instead.

Can Zhang Fan not make mistakes? Yes, of course he will, but Zhang Fan's position in Zhu Yijun's heart is unquestionable. After Long Qing's death, Zhang Fan has become Zhu Yijun's most trusted person.

Yes, that's right, the person Zhu Yijun trusts the most, even trusts Zhang Fan more than Zhu Yijun trusts the queen or his mother and concubine Li Guifei.

This sounds strange, ten years of family relationship is not as good as two years of teacher-student relationship, but if you think about it carefully, it is quite normal.

After all, Zhu Yijun was born in the imperial family of Ming Dynasty, and the relationship between those who were born in the royal family, even if they had no interests, would not always be very good.

Although Zhu Yijun was young, he might not be able to see it all.

He also had doubts about Zhang Fan, but Zhu Yijun's suspicion of Zhang Fan made him want to ask for proof. But after seeking proof this month, Zhu Yijun found out that Zhang Fan, the minister, was the person he should trust the most.

Maybe, there are some things that Zhang Fan and Zhu Yijun don't understand in their hearts, but everything is like this in front of them,

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