"Teacher," Zhu Yijun looked at Zhang Fan and said, "Teacher doesn't have to stay with me tonight anymore."

"What's the matter, Your Highness?" Zhang Fan asked with some doubts, "Could it be... Your Highness has something to say to His Majesty." Having said that, Zhang Fan looked at a hanging curtain in the center of the hall. Where Longqing's body is now.

"No," Zhu Yijun shook his head and said, "I have already said what I should say to my father." At this point, Zhu Yijun showed a wry smile or a helpless expression on his face.

"Then... why Your Highness?" Zhang Fan was puzzled, since Zhu Yijun had nothing to do, why did he drive him away now.

At this time, there was a voice from the little eunuch telling him that he was here to deliver dinner.

"The teacher has been here with me to watch the night for my father for six days," Zhu Yijun said. It's time for the emperor's funeral, today teacher should go home early to rest, these days the teacher only cares about taking care of me, and in the morning I have to deal with those ministers I hate, so that they don't disturb me, all of these me You can see it, not to mention listening to these disturbing scriptures here sooner or later, the teacher has lost a lot of weight in the past few days, even this palace can see it, not to mention..."

Having said that, Zhu Yijun stopped, and looked at the eunuch who brought the dinner, who was taking the food out.

"In the past few days, the palace can only eat this," Zhu Yijun said, "Although the emperor died, the courtiers in the court should do the same, but I know that even if I don't look at it, there are still such big fish in private now. Big meat, it's not worth it for the teacher to suffer with Ben Gong like this, the teacher should go back quickly, "

Hearing Zhu Yijun's words, Zhang Fan didn't frown, nor did he intend to get up and leave, but instead laughed.

"This..." Sure enough, Zhu Yijun was confused by Zhang Fan's appearance, "Why did the teacher laugh, did I say something strange?"

"No, no, what your highness said is very true, and your highness cares about this minister, and this minister is very touched," Zhang Fan said quickly, "the reason why this minister laughs is because he is really happy."

"Happy," Zhu Yijun was puzzled.

That's right, the emperor died a few days ago, and the corpse was placed in front of Zhang Fan before it was put into the coffin and buried. However, Zhang Fan actually said that he was happy in this place, in front of the Crown Prince. Knowing that those censors knew, impeaching him for deceiving the emperor would be trivial, at least it should be a big treason, and he asked to be pulled out and chopped.

But Zhu Yijun was just puzzled, but he didn't think about it that way. He knew that Zhang Fan didn't mean it that way.

"That's right," Zhang Fan said, "it's been six days since His Majesty passed away. During these six days, His Highness hasn't cried or laughed, and hasn't even said a word. My minister is worrying. Thinking that His Highness has said so many words in one breath, I am naturally happy in my heart, I think, if His Majesty knows from heaven, and knows that His Highness is like this, I will be very pleased."

"Teacher..." Zhu Yijun immediately became moved when he heard Zhang Fan's words. His eye sockets, which had been dry for six days, were now rosy again, and he was almost tired.

"Your Highness, Your Highness," Zhang Fan said hastily when he saw this, "Your Highness, please don't cry, if so, this will be blamed on Weichen. This, Weichen can't afford it."

The tone of Zhang Fan's words is quite weird, and Zhang Fan can be regarded as No. 1 in this place if he can say such words in this way.

This is also a crime that will be beheaded, but Zhu Yijun will never do it. Even the little eunuch who brought the food has never thought about what benefits he can gain by relying on this matter. It may bring you any benefits, but it will make you die faster.

"I am so lucky to have met my teacher and have my teacher be my tutor," said Zhu Yijun with a smile on his face, which was the first time Zhu Yijun smiled these days.

It's all concentrated today, but Zhang Fan thinks there's nothing wrong with it. Now in Zhang Fan's opinion, it's best for Zhu Yijun to become cheerful.

"However, it is precisely because of this," Zhu Yijun changed the subject and said, "I want the teacher to go back to rest today. The teacher cares about me so much, how can I let the teacher accompany me here? Watching the night for the father is my responsibility, and I can't shirk it, but the teacher doesn't need to do this. Besides, today is the seventh day, the last day. Tomorrow, I want to come to watch the night. I guess the mother and concubine won't let me. Now, it's the turn of those princes and county kings who came to Beijing from other places," Zhu Yijun said with obvious sarcasm.

Everyone knows that the princes and county kings who came here from other places to express their condolences came here with some intentions. Most of them cried loudly in front of Long Qing, but they were all very contrived. The most important thing is to come Explore the future direction of the court and whether your own throne can keep these issues.

These things are not secrets. Even Zhu Yijun, the prince who is only ten years old, or Zhang Fan, who has just entered an official position and is the first person who has experienced a change of dynasty, just think about it a little bit in his heart. Guess it.

But this kind of thing has never happened in any dynasty, and it is impossible to stop this kind of thing.

"However, as His Highness said," Zhang Fan didn't care about these things, but picked up the bowls and chopsticks in front of him, and said to Zhu Yijun with a smile, "I have been here with Your Highness for six days. Besides, if His Highness insists on going back now, I will naturally dare not refuse, but in my heart, I always feel that it is wrong to do so."

"..." After hearing what Zhang Fan said, Zhu Yijun also showed a smile on his face. He didn't bring up this matter anymore, just like Zhang Fan, he picked up the bowls and chopsticks in front of him, and started to eat Come.

Seeing that Zhu Yijun was finally relieved, Zhang Fan moved his chopsticks.

The food is still the same as in the past few days, and it is still a list of items such as vegetables and tofu, and I don’t know who made the regulations. It’s fine to eat lighter food during the emperor’s funeral, but it’s not even salty. Be willing to let it go, this is actually the most uncomfortable reason.

Although this meal was basically the same as the previous few days, both Zhang Fan and Zhu Yijun ate it with relish, as if what was in front of them was delicious food, especially Zhu Yijun, who hadn't eaten well for a few days Although he has to take care of the gentleness and palace etiquette for a meal, he can't gobble it up, but the speed is definitely very fast, and it didn't take long for him to eat two bowls of rice.

After the little eunuch packed up the dishes and left, the place became silent again, but the atmosphere here is much better than the previous few days. There is a sense of desolation, but it is no longer desolate, and there is more human touch in it.

In the middle of the night, the group of monks outside seemed to have become gods and arhats, and the sound of chanting sutras never stopped.

Outside the hall, there was a faint sound of beating watch, but only by carefully distinguishing could it be heard.

It's past time now, but usually at this time even Zhu Yijun who has been working hard will be a little sleepy, but today he is very energetic, and he doesn't feel sleepy at all.

"Teacher, I've been thinking about what's wrong with this man's heart," Zhu Yijun suddenly asked Zhang Fan, "It's nothing more than intrigue on weekdays. After all, I don't know what happened in the court, but more or less I still know a little bit, but now that the father died, this should be a time for the whole country to mourn, but those people are still walking around for themselves, and even make more grimaces than usual.

"I have always been wondering, could it be that my father and the ancestors of my Zhu family did something wrong, or that these people are really wolf-hearted?"

Zhang Fan did not expect that Zhu Yijun would ask such a question at this time. Faced with this question, Zhang Fan couldn't help but sighed helplessly. It wasn't that Zhang Fan didn't know how to answer, but that he didn't know where to start. Speaking of.

"Your Majesty, none of the late emperors, even Emperor Chengzu and Taizu, did anything wrong," Zhang Fan said, "It's not that everyone in the world is like this, it's just that because His Highness is in the palace, what he sees is all the same. It’s just this kind of person, speaking of it, there are always more good people than bad people in this world.”

"But..." Zhu Yijun didn't believe Zhang Fan's words, but became confused, "Why is this? I have heard that even Gao Gong was an ambitious person back then, but look at him now. , what has become of it?"

"It's not the fault of man, it's just the way it is in the world," Zhang Fan said, "I don't understand what's going on, but after thousands of years, people have gotten used to it. No, it won’t change now, and it will still be the same in the next 500 or 1000 years.”

"Hmph, the world is not benevolent, [-] is a humble dog," Zhu Yijun said helplessly.

"Your Highness," Zhang Fan said to Zhu Yijun suddenly, "it's not that I'm disrespectful, but it's just that after His Majesty's funeral, he will be posthumous. At that time, Your Highness will ascend the throne."

"This palace knows," Zhu Yijun nodded and said.

"It's just that I want His Highness to understand," Zhang Fan said, "Your Highness's throne is very easy to sit on when you first sit on it, but His Highness may feel that many things are beyond His Highness's control." up,"

"..." Facing Zhang Fan's words, Zhu Yijun was silent for a while, nodded his head, and said very seriously, "Don't worry about this, teacher, I naturally know it well."

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