Hot and bustling, no, such a word should not be used, it seems very disrespectful, but now, Zhang Fan feels that only these four words can best reflect it.

In short, the bustling emperor's burial ceremony, these seven days have finally passed. For some people, these seven days are really difficult. For these seven consecutive days, they have to get up early every morning and return late at night, kneeling together in the palace Crying inside, this is not something ordinary people can bear.

Even if someone is really sincere, respects the royal family, and worships Longqing, but this kind of person can cry for two or three days at most, let him continue to cry for three to five days, when It's really impossible.

As for those princes and princesses who came to Beijing to pay condolences, it doesn't matter. After all, the Ming Dynasty was the dynasty with the most princes. Although they didn't have much power, but even so, Daming still became a prince. The dynasty with the most rebellions, but there is no second one that can reach the height of Chengzu Zhu Di.

But even so, the Ming imperial family still supported these idlers unconditionally, wasting a lot of food and money of the imperial court every year. Naturally, some emperors criticized this, but since this rule was left by the Taizu Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang , no one will change it.

But, who knows, maybe Zhu Yuanzhang will have such an edict, just because he was poor when he was a child, too poor, so he became the emperor, and he didn't want to see his relatives suffer. Hungry and cold.

In any case, in a word, there are countless vassal kings in various places in the Ming Dynasty, not to mention those county kings and county owners. There are many, and it is a big gift to mourn the emperor's death, which is very cumbersome.

There are so many people coming and going, no matter how pretentious everyone is, and delaying a little time, these seven days seem to be a long time, but in fact it is tight in the end, just enough for all those who are qualified to enter the palace. Go in.

But the seven-day funeral is over.

After the funeral, things didn't seem to be many, but everything was extremely complicated.

After the emperor's funeral and worship, he should be buried, which is called "Zi Gong Fa Yin".

The mausoleum "predetermined" for Longqing is in Zhaoling, southwest of the imperial mausoleum. Originally, most of the emperor's mausoleums had been built since the day the emperor ascended the throne. However, most of the work of building the mausoleum was based on the emperor's physical fitness. It is up to you to decide the speed. If the emperor is in good health, the repair will be slower; for the tomb of the emperor who is sick, the repair will naturally be faster.

However, the emperor is also a human being, and no one can say for sure that people will have misfortunes and blessings. Therefore, the construction speed of the mausoleum is very fast in the early stage, but in the later stage, it will slow down. Speed ​​up the completion of the work so that there will be no disasters.

However, the fate of the emperors of the Ming Dynasty is really not very easy to figure out. Some can be emperors for decades with a sick body, and some look good, but they may die someday.

Therefore, the introduction of Zigong always makes the artisans feel uneasy.

In ancient times, the emperor's burial period was naturally stipulated. "The emperor was buried in seven days and in July" is such a saying, but the emperor or empress in the Ming Dynasty never had such a saying. Luckily, Zigong issued a statement saying "No exception can be made within a hundred days", but the emperor did not have any hard and fast rules at all, he just said to choose an auspicious day for burial, and there was no customary length of time.

Ming Taizu Zhu Yuanzhang was buried in Xiaoling Mausoleum seven days after his death, but some emperors were not buried for several months after his death. Perhaps this has something to do with those mausoleums.

In short, according to the formal procedures, it should be here, but there is no regular schedule for this matter, so it can only be put aside.

However, the fact that the old emperor is not buried does not mean that other things cannot be done. The most important point is that the country cannot live without a king.

The emperor is dead, but this huge empire has not perished. The imperial court has raised hundreds of officials. It is the enthronement.

This is the so-called posthumous posthumous title.

And now, it has reached this threshold.

On the third day after the funeral, the civil and military officials persuaded Zhu Yijun to ascend the throne and become the new emperor.

It was at this moment that something else happened.

On this day, representatives of the group of ministers, six cabinet ministers, and six ministers jointly had an audience and asked Zhu Yijun to ascend the throne.

And the location is exactly in the main hall of the Emperor Palace.

On the Huangji Hall, the huge hall is very deserted. There are no people in the past few days. Now, there are only a few dozen people, and there is no "lively" atmosphere in the morning. But even if it is deserted, what is being discussed here is feudalism. The most important thing in the dynasty era.

Zhu Yijun is still only the prince at this time, and can only sit under the throne, but Zhu Yijun has no intention of sitting, he just stands there.

At the back of the main hall, Concubine Li Gui was sitting there. Originally, there should be the Queen Wang here, but the Queen Wang obviously has no interest in such things as regent, and she has no ability, so she didn't come here.

In the main hall, Zhang Fan and Feng Bao were also there.

"You're doing this..." Zhu Yijun's expression was not happy at this time. After all, Long Qing died not long ago, and now these people are forcing him to ascend the throne, which made Zhu Yijun unhappy.

"His Royal Highness, I understand in my heart," Gao Gong stood up first and said, "However, a country cannot be without a king for a day. If His Highness refuses to ascend the throne for a long time, the court will be in chaos. At that time, the people of the world No one is in control, and you don’t know what’s going to happen,”

Faced with Gao Gong's "sensationalism", although the others did not express it on the surface, they all despised him in their hearts, but the words Gao Gong said were not too nonsense, and no one mentioned it. come out.

Everyone present understood that Long Qing's words of entrustment to Gao Gong before his departure had already spread throughout the government and the public, and no one knew about it.

Hearing what Gao Gong said, Zhu Yijun felt a little helpless. He knew that this would happen sooner or later, and he couldn't avoid it. What's more, before he came here today, Concubine Li Gui had talked to him. That's what I mean.

Looking at Zhang Fan, Zhu Yijun found that Zhang Fan also nodded slightly towards him, and sighed helplessly, Zhu Yijun finally nodded.

Seeing that Zhu Yijun agreed, everyone present laughed. Of course, Gao Gong was the happiest.

Although he has not officially enthroned, it is understandable to salute the future new emperor, but just as everyone was about to kneel down and salute, and shouted long live, a person's voice interrupted the action.

"Wait a minute,"

Everyone was shocked by the sound, and when they looked around, they found that it was Feng Bao who spoke.

"Feng Bao, what do you want to do?" Gao Gong immediately shouted when he saw Feng Bao who was the most displeased, "How can you interrupt at this time?"

"Lord Gao, our family is also working for His Majesty, why is it so?" Faced with Gao Gong's scolding, Feng Bao said calmly without looking unhappy at all.

"Your Majesty," Gao Gong was stunned when he heard this word.

"That's right," Feng Bao said, and walked to the center of the hall with a brocade box in his arms, took out a roll of things from the brocade box, and said loudly, "Now, we will read your Majesty's last edict."

"Yu... Yizhao," Gao Gong was startled.

The other ministers who heard it were also very surprised.

But Zhang Fan didn't. He had already guessed that Feng Baoding must have done something, but he didn't expect that there would be a will.

Yes, the people present, except for those few insiders, I am afraid that no one thought of it.

There is a question in these people's minds at this moment, why did Long Qing make a will, it makes no sense at all.

After all, Zhu Yijun, as Longqing's prince, is the oldest one, and he is also the one who has been crowned prince. Longqing also has a prince, Zhu Yiliu, who is not yet a year old. Obviously, no matter what the throne is, They all belong to Zhu Yijun.

For such an inevitable matter, it is obviously redundant to make a will.

Moreover, the most important point is that the drafting of such an imperial edict requires the presence of a cabinet scholar. Gao Gong, as the chief minister of the cabinet, must be present, even if he is sent home by Xu Jie In those days, Guo Pu never mentioned this matter after he came back, so now that Feng Bao has come up with a will, how can Gao Gong not be suspicious.

But now Gao Gong doesn't dare to say that the edict is fake, everyone knows that Concubine Li Gui is sitting behind him, but now Concubine Li Gui doesn't say anything, could it be that... this edict was quietly made by Long Qing.

Even if it was true, everyone couldn't figure out what was written in it. As I said before, Zhu Yijun is the only one who has the conditions and qualifications to be enthroned. Even if it is a will, what tricks can he say?

However, Zhu Yijun didn't show any panic at all when facing the thing that Feng Bao suddenly took out. Is there anything written in it against him.

But Zhang Fan was different. After he heard the word will, he kept thinking about it. In such a short period of time, Zhang Fan had already thought of a possibility, but he was not sure about it yet.

Without further ado, Feng Bao had already opened the will and began to read it.

At the beginning, it was all about the scene, saying that Long Qing himself, the emperor, had done something wrong, what was wrong, it didn't matter, it was not in the scope of everyone's attention.

But when Feng Bao read the last sentence, everyone present was shocked.

"As expected," Zhang Fan thought.

And Gao Gong's side has already started to shout "impossible",

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