The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 448 Willing Chaos

"This is impossible."

With such a loud cry.Gao Gong's figure was able to rush up.

But even with so many ministers present.It is derived from Gao Gong.There are also disagreements.But this time.None of these people wanted to stop Gao Gong.

The reason is very simple.Those few people who know the inside story or can guess the inside story.All very calm.I also know that Gao Gong must be like this at this time; I don't know the inside story.Like Gao Gong, he was also the first person to hear this will.It is also like a high arch.Was shocked on the spot.The difference is that these people aren't just too surprised or something.They didn't rush forward as impulsively as Gao Gong.Instead, he stayed where he was.His eyes were staring like copper bells.Looking at Feng Bao.

Gao Gong rushed up.He didn't even care that Zhu Yijun was sitting next to him.Did he violate the etiquette in the palace by doing so?But whether it's Zhu Yijun or Feng Bao.But he didn't say anything to Gao Gong.

Gao Gong rushed in front of Feng Bao.Reaching out to grab the imperial edict in Feng Bao's hand.However, for this disrespectful behavior.Zhu Yijun and Feng Bao didn't say anything either.Zhu Yijun still looked like he had nothing to do with him.And Feng Bao was very cooperative in handing over the imperial decree to the impatient Gao Gong.

Snatch it with your hands.Gao Gong looked up.There is not much content in the imperial decree.Anyone who has heard it just now knows this.It only takes a while to read it.But Gao Gong looked at it.Just watched for a long time.

The person standing below can clearly see it.Arched expression.It changes with the time of looking at the imperial decree.At the beginning, it was still the same shock and disbelief as before.But gradually.The expression on Gao Gong's face changed.Become confused and puzzled.It seems that he didn't understand why what was written in the imperial decree at all.Later.Doubt and incomprehension were replaced by anger.

What exactly was written in the will.Being able to empower the high arches and all those people present.The ministers who had experienced the storm were surprised.

In fact, the content of this will is very simple.

At the beginning, it was still like the emperor's will.Long Qing talked about how many years he had been the emperor.What did you do.Something is wrong with it.Nothing can do enough of these gossips.

After that is to say.I died.I want my courtiers to take good care of my son Zhu Yijun who will succeed to the throne in the future.good.Zhu Yijun succeeded him.And only Zhu Yijun.The will does not change the meaning of were not the surprises of the ministers.

The surprise is still behind.

The end of the will has come.Wrote such a sentence: "The eunuch who is in charge of the commander and the supervisor of ceremonies is in charge of the government together with the cabinet scholars."

That's all.Who is not shocked.Who is not trembling.

The founding of the Ming Dynasty is about 200 years old.At the beginning of the founding of the country by Ming Taizu Zhu Yuanzhang.has been clearly stipulated.The harem is not allowed to interfere in politics.

But later.A lot of things happened.So there is also an unwritten rule that internal supervisors are not allowed to interfere in politics.But this one.up to now.Even if it is dispensable.

After all, since the Ming Dynasty, there has been a whole place for the supervisor of ceremonies.After several eunuchs replaced the emperor to exercise the right to "approve red".Eunuchs are already inseparable from politics.

The system of the Ming Dynasty.Cabinet vote proposed.The supervisor of ceremonies approved the red.Approval of red is equal to the emperor's approval.The memorials played by the ministers were approved and returned to the cabinet for execution.Of course.If the cabinet disagrees.There is also the right to object.In short.It is to achieve a balance.One party

Being popular sounds like a huge right.It is simply acting on behalf of the imperial power to govern the country.But actually.Criticizing red is nothing more than the emperor letting eunuchs work instead of him.But in fact it was the emperor who made up his mind.certainly.The self-assertive eunuch is naturally made.And not less.But some little things don't matter.Big things will be troublesome.Naturally, the cabinet will not pass it.

So speak up.Eunuchs are basically out of politics.

But now let's take a look at this will.Things have all changed.

In the history of nearly 200 years since the opening of the Ming Dynasty.There have been rampant eunuchs.Power eunuch.A reckless eunuch who behaved recklessly.For example, Wang Zhen, Liu Jin and the like.This is definitely the "arrogance" among eunuchs.

But even these two famous eunuchs in the history of the Ming Dynasty.Its power is great.Want to assist the government.It's just daydreaming.

This is not discrimination.Speaking up.Eunuchs are much more loyal than many ministers.But the problem is.In the eunuch.Ten chances.They are all uneducated.Those who rely on their beards to pat horses into officials.Even the palace opened a school for eunuchs to read and write.But it is just to let them read and write.What a book of sages.The etiquette of saints is not taught very much.

co-government.What is auxiliary government.Assist the emperor in handling political affairs.When the emperor was confused about political to give proper guidance.Let the country be at peace.The country is rich and the people are safe.

Followed by a eunuch who didn't ask any questions.What can be learned.

good.The great eunuch Feng Bao of the dynasty indeed had ink in his stomach.And not at 01:30.Really talented.Just these years in the palace.Wrote several books.And it is quite recognized by the literati.

But even so.Nor should Feng Bao assist Zhu Yijun.

From the Jiajing Dynasty to the Longqing Dynasty.How many talented people have been produced.Even Yan Song, who the whole world was angry with.That is definitely a professor-level figure.Not to mention Xu Jie, Gao Gong, Zhang Juzheng, Guo Pu, Gao Yi, Ge Shouli and others.Which is not full of knowledge.And they are all in important positions.It took him many years of hard work in his official career to get where he is now.

There are these people.Even if your Feng Bao's knowledge is really above these people.Or you, Feng Bao, really have sharp eyes.He has a unique understanding of political opinions.But you, Feng Bao, are still just a eunuch after all.

There are these people.Oh, right.Now we have to add Zhang Fan.There are so many candidates for minister.No matter what, it will not be your turn as an eunuch to assist the new emperor.

However, unluckily.Now the will is clearly written on it.Just resigned when Feng Bao read it.Everyone heard it all.Even Feng Bao rushed forward to grab the imperial decree.I saw it with my own eyes.Although the people standing below did not follow to see.But judging from the change in Feng Bao's expression.I guess that's what it says above.

Now.Everyone has different thoughts in their hearts.These children may have a good show to watch.

Recently.I don't know if it's Gao Gong himself.Someone still deliberately let out the words.In short.Gao Gong was left alone by Long Qing on his deathbed.The fact that Zhu Yijun was entrusted to him was already known to everyone.

But it comes down to it.It was just Long Qing's oral order.No.Not even oral instructions.Even the emperor's oral order.There are also evidences to be found in the palace.It will be a proof for comparison in the future.

However, what Long Qing said to Gao Gong.Where are those things.It's just word of mouth.If this is serious, we must pursue it.In fact, it is impossible to count.Even if there were still many people present at the time.That didn't work either.people present.Basically there is some gap between them and the high arch.Even if not.And he definitely would not want to see Gao Gong, Long Qing's designated First Assistant Minister, appear.Absolutely will strongly deny.

Now Gao Gong is talking without proof.Let him exert all his strength.It is absolutely impossible to argue.

And what made Gao Gong furious even more.This eunuch never follows the rules of assisting the government.Or is it customary.It was broken by him.

Who is he Gao Gong.The current chief minister of the cabinet.The chief minister of the dynasty.

future.If someone mentions this matter.It is definitely not the period of Zhang Juzheng.In other words, it was the Zhang Fan period.He even let an eunuch be the assistant minister of the new emperor.but speak.When Gao Gong was the chief minister of the cabinet.The new emperor ascended the throne.And among the ministers around the young new emperor.There is such a eunuch.Although this is not something that will be infamous for thousands of years.But this is definitely a disgraceful thing.

In short.Ministers present today.Although I was shocked in my heart.But there are also people who want to see Gao Gong's jokes in their hearts.

Of course.Gao Gong felt angry.And that's not all...

"Where did you get this edict?" Gao Gong raised his head.Looking at Feng Bao, he asked fiercely.His complexion was already extremely bad.It looks as if he wants to eat his meat raw at any time.

That's right.What Gao Gong asked was the authenticity of this will.The emperor issued an imperial edict.It's all about the presence of cabinet ministers.Especially this edict.Almost all are drafted by the be honest.It is to be drafted with a high arch.Now Gao Gong has never done it at all.Where did this edict come from?

"Master Gao. Could it be that he is confused." Feng Bao didn't seem to care about Gao Gong's appearance at all.said with a smile. "This is the last emperor's edict. The last edict. Naturally, it was made by the first emperor."

Gao Gong seemed to have expected Feng Bao to say that.But there was still a look of disbelief on his face: "This is impossible. This will is..."

"Master Gao, could it be that he wanted to say that this edict is a fake?" Feng Bao interrupted Gao Gong's words.It also has a bad complexion.Said. "Mr. Gao. Be careful when you say this. Is this evidence from the former emperor? It is all well-documented. Our family will save face for Mr. Gao now. Don't let him say it. If Mr. Gao If it is revealed, the evidence will be found in the palace at that time. Mr. Gao, don’t blame others.”

Gao Gong who still wants to talk.I was shocked by Feng Bao's words.yes.That credential.It's not that I can't do my hands and feet.Long Qing was ill in bed.These things are for Feng Bao who is in the palace.No trouble at all.It's even possible.This is really what Long Qing established.Can't tell.

Don't dare to take the risk of the high arch.At this moment, my face is red and my ears are red.Can't say a word.

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