The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 450 The Heart of Compassion

For Feng Bao, he doesn't take himself seriously.Zhu Yijun didn't show any dissatisfaction.It's always been like that it's none of your business.Standing there without moving.

this scene.The ministers standing below all saw it.But no one said anything.Moreover.Even Zhu Yijun, the sufferer, didn't express any dissatisfaction.What can they do as ministers.

Gao Gong had already prepared for this.In addition, what happened just now hit him hard.At this time, Gao Gong had no time to take care of these things.

remaining people.Some either don't care about it at all.In other words, this situation seems inevitable to them.

And some people.Some are truly ambitious.People who are loyal to the court.For this kind of scene.I feel helpless and sad.In their view.This symbolizes.In the future, the Ming Dynasty will be in chaos.Chaos in the government.People's livelihood is uneasy.certainly.There is also the question of the authority of the royal family and so on.

But Zhang Fan didn't care about these things.What he cared about was Zhu Yijun.This is now His Royal Highness the Crown Prince.The future grandson.

Honestly.Zhang Fan's feelings for Zhu Yijun.It's actually very subtle.

early stage.Zhang Fan, who just entered the official career.For all of a sudden, he came into contact with His Royal Highness the Prince.Feeling naturally a little excited.But excitement is excitement.It's a momentary mood swing.It is not a long-term state.not to mention.At that time, Zhu Yijun was just a child under ten years old.

And gradually.Zhang Fan also changed towards Zhu Yijun.Care and teach.This is what Zhang Fan should have done.It's his job.And Zhang Fan really gave his heart to do these things.Thus, he gained Zhu Yijun's incomparable trust.

But even so.Zhang Fan's true thoughts at that time.After all, he still wanted to use Zhu Yijun.Have a good relationship with the current prince.In the future, after Zhu Yijun becomes emperor.Use the relationship foundation you have laid to make things easier for yourself.

Don't get me wrong though.This is just because of Zhang Fan who had many "angry youth" plots in his previous life.I just want to use this to fulfill some ideals in my heart.There is nothing like gaining the complete trust of an emperor.And it's easier to let yourself act.Even if you understand the truth that "accompanying a king is like accompanying a tiger".Zhang Fan was not very afraid.After all, what he was going to do was not something outrageous.Nor is it a reform that would arouse the wrath of the feudal ruling forces.

But over time.And the development of the relationship between him and Zhu Yijun.Today's Zhang Fan has made some changes to Zhu Yijun.

Caring or caring.It's not fake.Even more eager than before.Teach or teach.Zhang Fan did not mislead Zhu Yijun.There has never been any behavior of hiding secrets.Even when Zhang Fan was teaching Zhu Yijun.There will always be intentional or unintentional.Changing the way.Tell him many understandings and understandings in future generations in a way that Zhu Yijun will not object.Let him be able to unify his actions in the future.

But Zhu Yijun.I don't know if it's his own fault.Or the relationship between him and Zhang Fan made him trust Zhang Fan very much.In short.Zhu Yijun basically obeyed Zhang Fan's words.As for many things that Zhang Fan taught him.Even if some are measured according to today's moral value standards.There are still some unrecognizable things.Zhu Yijun can understand and accept it.

The development of things seemed to be going in the direction Zhang Fan wanted.but.It was precisely because of Zhu Yijun's trust in Zhang Fan.Let Zhang Fan feel.Is my original thought a little sorry for Zhu Yijun?Even if it is done according to Zhang Fan's original plan.Zhu Yijun won't suffer any harm, and if Zhang Fan succeeds.In the future, this mainland of China.It is bound to be a good situation.

But for Zhu Yijun personally.Zhang Fan always felt that he had hurt him a little by doing so.Although the other party does not know.But some things always linger in my mind.Zhang Fan still can't do that kind of indifference to anything.He even felt that it was impossible for him to reach that level in his entire life.Hence the way Zhang Fan treated Zhu Yijun.It started to change.

In fact, it stands to reason.With Zhang Fan's personality and way of dealing with people.No matter how much literary talent you have in your chest.No matter in the officialdom of any era.It's all very difficult to get out of the way.But who is Zhang Fan's luck?

In short.Now Zhang Fan really cares about Zhu Yijun.he does not know.This kind of concern for Zhu Yijun.How much change will happen to the future Wanli emperor.

And see.Seeing these people present.Whether it is loyal or selfish.Whether you want to use power for personal gain or for the country and the people.But they all regard Zhu Yijun as a tool.Zhang Fan felt very inappropriate.This is mercy.

Think about it.Zhang Fan turned to the thin and lonely figure standing on the high platform.Cast a caring look.

It seems that there is a connection somewhere.It happened when Zhang Fan was looking at Zhu Yijun.Zhu Yijun's eyes also turned around.

The two people whose eyes are facing each other.In this instant.They all understood what the other party wanted to convey.

Zhang Fan's eyes.Expressing his sympathy for Zhu Yijun.But when Zhu Yijun looked over.There was some embarrassment in Zhang Fan's eyes.

And Zhu Yijun saw Zhang Fan's eyes.I was a little surprised at first.Then it turned into a look of relief and comfort.

It seems that the positions of the two people have been reversed.

That's right.Zhang Fan just cast a caring and sympathetic look at Zhu Yijun.But when he saw Zhu Yijun saw it.Embarrassed.In fact, the reason is very simple.No matter how pitiful and helpless Zhu Yijun is now, there are more people who want to use him.But at the end of the day.He is still a prince.Soon to be emperor.

and.more importantly.Of royal birth.Especially the Zhu family of the Ming Dynasty.There is always such an arrogance about him.Emperor of the Ming Dynasty.There are bastards, there are ruined government officials, and there are cynical ones.But there are no people without integrity.

in those days.At the end of the Northern Song Dynasty.The second emperor was robbed by the golden man.The prosperous Song Dynasty never recovered.Even Song Gaozong opened the Southern Song Dynasty in Lin'an, Hangzhou.In the final analysis, it just lasted for a hundred years.It finally collapsed.

However.On the other hand, Daming.Orthodox 14 years.The Civil Fortress Change broke out.The Wacha army defeated Ming's army.Even Zhu Qizhen, the then emperor Ming Yingzong, was taken away by the Wacha people.However, the Ming Dynasty did not fail because of this.Even Southward migration has been discussed.But this was immediately rejected.

To be part of such an arrogant royal family.Zhu Yijun naturally carried these emotions.therefore.If other people showed him such sympathetic eyes.Not only will Zhu Yijun have a good impression of him.It will only be more annoying.

But Zhang Fan was different.Zhang Fan has a special meaning to Zhu Yijun.And it is because of this special.In Zhu Yijun's opinion.Zhang Fan's acceptable to him.we can even say.This is what Zhu Yijun hopes to see.

"In that case, let's settle the matter like this." Feng Bao said.Things have come to a conclusion.He turned to Zhu Yijun and said. "Your Highness. The slaves have already asked. June tenth is an auspicious day. Why not be on that day. Your Highness, please ascend the throne. How does Your Highness feel?"

"Since this matter has been settled, I naturally agree." Zhu Yijun still didn't have much reaction to Feng Bao's question.Just replied very calmly. "It's just that there are only a few days now. It's better to hurry up."

"It's natural. The maidservant will go and order later." Feng Bao replied very respectfully.It's just whether he is respectful in his heart.I'm afraid it's hard to say. "I have to trouble all my lords with this matter. Especially Mr. Zhang from the Ministry of Rites."

"Your Highness, please rest assured. At this time, I should be cautious." Zhang Juzheng replied.

actually.For this kind of thing.It was all prepared early.Generally, it is when the previous emperor has just passed away.The preparations have already begun.After all when did the emperor die.No one knows.But after death, the new emperor must succeed immediately.Hence these work.Especially the work of etiquette.Nature is prepared early.In case the time is tight.If something goes wrong it can be troublesome.

See things have been resolved.Feng Bao looked at Zhu Yijun again.

Zhu Yijun knew it was his turn to speak.Slightly sighed.Said: "Today, my lords persuaded me to enter the palace to become the throne. I have already agreed. Now the date has been settled. I don't know if my lords have other things to say."

Waited for a while.See no one speaks.Only then did Zhu Yijun speak again: "Since that's the case, let's stop here today. The day is approaching too. I have to trouble everyone. I'm a little tired. I need to go back and rest."

"Respectfully send His Highness the Crown Prince back to the palace." Everyone present said in unison.They understand.This may be the last time they call Zhu Yijun "His Royal Highness".

Zhu Yijun left.Feng Bao took a look and left too.The ministers above the hall began to exit.It's just that they are all talking about today's affairs with their eyes.

Zhang Fan cast a questioning look at Zhang Juzheng.It seems to be asking some questions that are not easy to speak out.And Zhang Juzheng who saw Zhang Fan's eyes.First he last.Still nodded slowly.

Seeing Zhang Juzheng admitted it.Zhang Fan didn't ask any more questions.Cast a look of "be careful".Also ready to leave.

thing of the day.There is no winner or loser.But in the eyes of everyone.The loser is naturally Gao Gong.

However, Gao Gong did not show defeat.Just when he leaves.With resentment on his face.

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