The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 451 The new emperor ascends the throne

In the Ming Dynasty.The emperor ascended the throne.It's called "The Ascension Instrument".The so-called ascension instrument.It is interpreted literally.Etiquette when reaching the peak.

After all, the new emperor ascended the throne.Therefore, this process can be said to be extremely cumbersome.

Zhang Juzheng was the Minister of Rites.Naturally, he is in charge of various matters of Dengjiyi.However, even he started preparing from the day Long Qing just passed away.But know now.Nearly half a month has passed.This is how to get it right.A lot of haste.

June tenth.Qin Tianjian said that this day is an auspicious day.In fact, many people are not sure whether this day is auspicious or unlucky.But since everyone doesn't know.Then they say it's auspicious.

In short.this day.The climbing ceremony began.

The emperor's throne is in the Huangji Hall.Shang Baosi set up a treasure case in the Huangji Hall.Honglu Temple set up a table on top of Danbi (the steps in front of the main hall).

The Jiaofang Division set up Zhonghe Shaoyue, set it up but didn't make it.It means goodbye.After all, today is the enthronement ceremony of the new emperor.How can there be a mess of silk and bamboo ears?

after.Honglu Temple will set up an imperial edict.After the new emperor ascends the throne.Read the edict.

certainly.The matter of Jin Yiwei is also indispensable here.Jin Yiwei is the most important guard among the twelve personal guards of the emperor.Of course it matters.When the new emperor walks.The cloud cover and the cloud disk should move accordingly.These are the tasks of Jin Yiwei.

now.Zhang Fan took his men with him.Standing on the east side of the Huangji Hall.

others.There is also a cloud cover on Chengtian Gate.Set up Yunyu outside the Meridian Gate.Set the reading case on the Chengtian gate, facing southwest.etc.These are all preparations.

early in the morning.The first thing is to tell the world, the ancestral temple, and the country.

The new emperor should wear filial piety clothes and arrange wine and fruit and other items.I personally offered the money for the banquet to the emperor in Daxing.Only life expectancy.Then it's over.

after.The new emperor will wear a mian suit.Just in front of the Emperor Palace.Set up incense tables, wine, fruits and other items.Proclaim the gift of heaven and earth.

Then.The new emperor entered the Huangji Hall.Call on the ancestors.To show the filial piety of the new emperor.

After finishing.The new emperor wears a crown.Come again to Daxing Emperor for a few feasts of money.Five prostrations and three kowtows.After finishing.I have to go to the queen mother.Then perform five prostrations and three prostrations.He hesitated that Zhu Yijun was not born to Empress Longqing.So now.What he wants to worship are the two queen mothers.One is the mother-in-law queen.One is the birth mother noble concubine.But today.These two are about to become queen mothers.

The matter of worship is over.Zhu Yijun is going to Huangji Hall now.A real succession to the throne.

Bells and drums rang together.Just like the days before.Long Qing looked the same when he passed away and heard about the funeral.But if you can be there.Looking at the scene in front of him.Hear the bells again.It is really unforgettable.

Because of the enthronement ceremony.Xinhuang has many places to go.And as Jin Yiwei.Naturally, it is necessary to be in charge of Lubo (the emperor's ceremonial guard).so.Everything that happened that day.Zhang Fan saw everything in his eyes.

originally.Thinking about it in Zhang Fan's mind.Is the emperor enthroned?This scene is naturally huge.But no matter how big, solemn, or fascinating the scene in Zhang Fan's mind is.But it was still not as good as what he saw with his own eyes.

During the enthronement ceremony.Everyone is doing as prescribed.Absolutely dare not make any mistakes.No one laughed.No one will be sad.Talk about it today.Not a happy event.After all, the former emperor had just made a big move.The whole country is in mourning.It's not a happy event; but it can't be called a sad event either.After all, the new emperor ascended the throne.The orthodox succession to the royal line.Continue the dynasty.

Even so.Everyone is so serious.Just like a wooden man.Even those who sounded a reminder to be polite.Although the voice is high-pitched.There is no shortage of passion, either.But it still lacks a lot of spirituality.

But even so dull.Everyone is on track.And dare not go beyond one step.From Zhang Fan's point of view.This is still very grand.The grand one will definitely make him unforgettable forever.

these manners.Although rigid.But none of them have been passed down for thousands of years.It can best reflect the performance of the emperor's authority.These.In the eyes of later generations, it may be nothing more than the feudal ruler's desire for power.But at this time.Undoubtedly represents the most noble in the world.It is also the most orthodox power.

But when it comes to the word power.Whether it is Zhu Yijun who is the new emperor.It was still Zhang Fan who was by his side now.Or ministers.All understand.These are all fake nowadays.King of the world.It sounds majestic to the extreme.But actually.Everyone understands.Today's Zhu Yijun doesn't have that ability.Also subject to people.

After ascending the throne.Go to Huagai Temple.Civil and military officials all wear court clothes.Honglu Temple led the deacons into the Huagai Hall to salute.

after.There are many other things.I won’t repeat them one by one here.

Because it is now June [-]th, the sixth year of Longqing.therefore.Although the year of Wanli has been set.But still have to wait until this year passes.activated next year.

now.Now that Zhu Yijun has become the emperor.Then the original queen and concubine.Naturally, it will be upgraded.

The queen is not Zhu Yijun's biological mother.But it's the aunt.Respected as the Empress Dowager Rensheng.Live in Ciqing Palace.Concubine Li Gui is Zhu Yijun's biological mother.Now his son is enthroned as the new emperor.Of course she is also the empress dowager.Concubine Li Gui was revered as the Empress Dowager.Live in Cining Palace.

The emperor entered the hall to face the court.All the officials knelt down to congratulate.after.It was the first imperial decree issued by the new emperor after he ascended the throne.

Generally speaking.This first decree.In fact, most of them are similar.Basically.First remember the late emperor.Express your intention to make great efforts in the future.Then pardon the world.To show kindness.

But this time.Zhu Yijun's ascension to the throne was somewhat different.

Generally speaking.Especially in the Ming Dynasty.In this dynasty where the secret service was extremely developed.The new emperor's enthronement in each dynasty.The rotation of the throne is inevitable.It also means this.Changes in the positions of officials in the DPRK and China.Some people get lucky with it.Step by step; some people will be unlucky because of it.

But no matter what.Usually it is postponed for a period of time.After all, today is the new emperor enthroned.It's not appropriate to say these things.

But Zhu Yijun.Obviously not prepared to do so.

He now asked Feng Bao to promulgate this imperial decree.Although it was Gao Gong, the minister Gu Ming of the outer court.And Feng Bao, the assistant government of the inner court.Written after the two experienced an unpleasant and reluctant cooperation.Although Zhu Yijun, the son-in-law who is similar to a puppet, does not have any real power.But even so.He still had to add one.

that one.Gao Gong is strongly against it.But Feng Bao gave his full support.

In this stalemate situation.Neither of them can argue.The matter finally went to Li Shi, who was still a noble concubine.Although she was still a concubine at the time.But Mrs. Li obviously has the right to make a decision.

After she heard the news.Didn't think much about it.Immediately nodded in agreement.

To this.High arches are extreme opposition.He also didn't care about the face of Concubine Li Gui, who was about to be regent.Oppose it directly.

But Concubine Li Gui only said one sentence.He blocked Gao Gong's mouth.Concubine Li Gui said that this matter is His Majesty.That's what Long Qing wanted.

Now.It doesn't matter whether Long Qing said this sentence or not.Gao Gong had no choice but to agree.

good.This is indeed related to a person's job change.No.It should be said to be a change of official title.And it can make Gao Gong so angry.The people involved are, of course, disliked by him.And this official title must be very important.

really.Feng Bao read to the end of the imperial decree.Suddenly came a sentence: "Here. The commander of Jinyiwei, the prince and the grand master, and Zhang Fan, the loyal and brave uncle, stepped forward to accept the seal."

To this.Zhang Fan was not prepared at all.The situation at the scene is a bit funny.Zhang Fan, the head of Zhu Yijun's guard of honor.At this moment, he was standing beside Zhu Yijun.But Feng Bao said so.Zhang Fan couldn't help but walked down from above.Go to the center of the hall.Kneeling down: "My humble minister, Zhang Fan. I respectfully hear His Majesty's will."

"Zhang Fan..." Feng Bao drew a long tone.Said. "Continue to be in charge of the post of Commander of Jinyiwei. Zhen. I think you are a teacher. I am specially named Wei Yuanhou. I will take the post of Taifu. His wife Chen Ruxue will take the order of the first rank. I admire you."

As soon as this decree is read out.Above the already silent court.It became an eerie silence.The title of Marquis.It doesn't matter.Continue to be in charge of Jinyiwei.With the relationship between Zhang Fan and Zhu Yijun.Everyone wants it in their hearts.Madam Yipin Gaoming.Although it is a first-class product.But at the end of the day.It's just a madam.

But this master...

What is Taifu.One of the three males.It is second to the Grand Master.higher than CPIC.There are clear records in the Ming Dynasty.San Gong.In charge of the emperor.Manage yin and yang.Jingbang Honghua.Its duty is the most important.

If it was in ancient times.The post of Taifu is well deserved.When the emperor was young.Sangong became the real ruler of the country.

But now.The title of San Gong.Has no real power.But this official title.It's still an honor.and.Calculate carefully.This is the title of Taifu with no quota.More is given to the dead than to the living.Especially those who are still officials.

And now... the 23-year-old Taifu.Have you seen it?To hear is to have heard.But it's all in the classics.

And now.A living example is placed before everyone's eyes.

have to say.Zhu Yijun chose this time.It is imperative to announce this at this time.It is indeed a good move.

If it is on weekdays.This one down.I don't know how many ministers will object.That year when Zhang Fan was appointed by Long Qing as the crown prince and grand tutor.That's it.In the end, it was because of Long Qing's insistence.It was passed.

And now.The matter was announced above the new emperor's enthronement hall.Officials no matter what.None can object.

How can there be the first imperial decree issued by the new emperor.It was something that was opposed by all the ministers.It's just that there has never been the first ritual decree of the new emperor before.Just release such a news thing.

Zhang Fan didn't even know about this news before.I froze for a long time.Still under Feng Bao's reminder.This is Zhang Fan kowtowing to thank you.

The first day of the new emperor's enthronement.Just in this dramatic situation.It's over.

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