The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 452 Joint Plan

The so-called new emperor ascended the throne.Amnesty to the world.After all.It is indeed cheaper for some people.But talk and talk.Those are big mistakes.A person locked in a dungeon.Most of them don't enjoy this benefit.

Talk about it.The Ming Dynasty changed an emperor.This is for the court.Naturally, there have been quite a few changes.But for the people of Limin.These things are not what they should care about.They care more about that.Can we harvest more crops this year? If you are single, you can ask for a daughter-in-law.Those who are married can have a baby; earn more money so that they can live more comfortably.

But the capital.This prime place.It is very different.

Eunuchs do auxiliary affairs.This is for many people.All unheard of.Things you can't even think about.But now.But it happened in front of them.

But this is Feng Bao's personality.The hundred officials are quite clear.Except some love rights.Love some small fortune outside.Didn't do anything out of the ordinary.As the new emperor's inner court, he took care of his life.It is also full of literary talents.And now the situation is settled.Everyone can only accept it.

And Feng Bao is the only thing that worries people the most.The extremely bad relationship between him and Gao Gong.All the officials are worried.The hostility between the two.Will it cause any trouble.certainly.more importantly.Just don't get yourself into trouble.

Fortunately, Feng Bao has been the new emperor since Zhu Yijun became the new emperor.Didn't do anything out of the ordinary.But after all, it was only a few days for Zhu Yijun to ascend the throne.The so-called time sees people's hearts.Time is too short these days.Still can't see why.

But Feng Bao has one side.What really worries the officials the most.In fact, it is Feng Bao's enemy.That is the high arch.

Once high arch.With skills.And not small ambitions.Work hard.In the short term, it has achieved remarkable results.However, this is only one aspect.

but.Gao Gong thought he was unparalleled in talent.Very proud.domineering.Anyone who knows Gao Gong a little bit knows it.Gao Gong is too impatient.Can't stand people who disagree with me.Nor can it be tolerated for a while.There are some words that can't act according to his intentions.It will explode instantly.It can be described as domineering to the extreme.And the way the high arch exploded.No one wants to see it at all.

Just Longqing Dynasty.In just six years.Gao Gong has done many outrageous things.

The earliest was Chen Yiqin, a bachelor.He and Gao Gong were both former staff members of Prince Yu's Mansion back then.But I saw Gao Gong's self-importance in this.Didn't dare to join the cabinet at all.Taking advantage of illness to become an official.

after.Yushi Kedao inspected the achievements of officials.Gao Gong protects his disciples.Refuse to report.He was impeached by Zhao Zhenji, a scholar of the Metropolitan Procuratorate.But Gao Gong will not wait.He asked Han Ji, his disciple, to impeach Zhao Zhenji for being arrogant.But things were out of hand.result.Long Qing cared about the high-ranking talent.Zhao Zhenji was actually made official.

And Zhao Zhenji became an official.Li Chunfang was also involved.At that time, Zhao Zhenji had asked Li Chunfang to contain Gao Gong in the cabinet.Li Chunfang also agreed.As a result, Zhao Zhenji was so unanimous in his official career.How can Li Chunfang, who is quite old, feel at ease.Not long after that, Zhishi also returned home.

And then later.Yin Shidan was elected into the cabinet.The two are also former ministers of Prince Yu's Mansion.It's just that Yin Shidan is very fair.Gao Gong doesn't like him.But Gao Gong has already kicked out three people in the cabinet one after another.In the end, Yin Shidan joined the cabinet.

But not for long.Someone impeached Gao Gong's confidant Zhang Siwei.The high arch is very short.After hearing the news.He said it was Yin Shidan's instruction.

I was already a little angry.Yin Shidan, who has been holding back for the stability of the cabinet.This time it exploded.In the cabinet in front of all the great scholars.Pointing at Gao Gong and cursing.Said that he expelled Chen Yiqin first.Chase Zhao Zhenji again.Chase Li Chunfang again.Yin Shidan should also be expelled.It is simply to want to occupy the cabinet forever.After speaking.Yin Shidan, who couldn't get angry, even swung his fist to hit the high arch.

The result can be imagined.Yin Shidan was dismissed from office.

In this way.In the cabinet, Zhang Juzheng and Guo Pu were the former assistant ministers.other people.People who are not compatible with Gao Gong.They were all kicked out by Gao Gong.even.Guo Pu is still someone who arches himself high.And although Zhang Juzheng and Gao Gong are not compatible.But Zhang Juzheng has always acted cautiously.And there is Feng Bao in the palace to help.Gao Gong didn't let Gao Gong take the opportunity.

However these.All after Gao Gong returned to the court.What he did in less than two years.And the things listed above.All those involved are some big names.And the little people below.Petty officer and lord.I don't know how many people were trapped by Gao Gong.

It has come to this point.Out of a Guo Pu can be regarded as friends with Gao Gong.Sincerely stand outside Gao Gong's side.Others gathered under the high arch.They're all fools and snobs.He doesn't have any sincerity towards Gao Gong.even.Even Guo Pu.Now it's just because of the friendship with Gao Gong in the past.And still stand on Gao Gong's side.Actually.Guo Pu also did what Gao Gong did.extremely dissatisfied.

And what makes people disagree with Gao Gong the most.Naturally, it was about Xu Jie.Indeed.Xu Jie was the elder of the two dynasties.The big traitor Yan Song was defeated.He is highly respected.same.Xu Jie is also a person with many problems.

But for someone who has already retired.No longer in officialdom.There will no longer be such a person who will cause difficulties for Gao Gong.Gao Gong didn't intend to let him go at all.Even thousands of miles away.Gao Gong still wanted to intervene.He wanted to put Xu Jie to death.Fortunately, it was resolved by Zhang Fan.

Heroes are famous.This is what everyone in the officialdom hopes for.But for a person who has already served.And he is a person who has left the officialdom sadly.One is not likable though.But there is no one who has done any evil things.After he retreated.But he still has to be punished to death.This is definitely not everyone's favorite.As long as it is official.There may be such a day.They don't want to be there.The same as Xu Jie.Not to mention that time.There will be no Zhang Fan to rescue them. the officials are concerned about Gao Gong.Some exaggeration can be said to be the wrath of man and god.but.In Longqing's will.It is clearly written.Gao Gong is the minister of the new emperor Gu Ming.This made everyone feel helpless.

Now I want to move the high arch.It is impossible to rely on these people to work hard on their own.You can only wait until Gao Gong himself does something that will allow others to seize the opportunity.

But this is in the eyes of the officials.It is not difficult either.After all, with Gao Gong's extremely arrogant character.I want to make him do something stupid by himself.It is not difficult either.Now.All these people have to do is wait.

But now.Without everyone knowing.This opportunity is coming.

Since Zhu Yijun ascended the throne.Feng Bao has not moved these days.But this doesn't mean that Gao Gong can feel at ease.

Although said before.He lost a game.But a high arch is a high arch.He has his own pride.How could he allow such a disgraceful scene to remain in his heart.He wants to get rid of the unhappiness in his heart.

and.Although Feng Bao hasn't done anything in the past few days.There is no abuse of power for personal gain.There was no partisan gathering.No one has ever been framed.But Feng Bao relied on the power of the Queen Mother.Some have the intention of coercing the emperor to make the princes.Especially after Feng Bao often saw people.that look.Very arrogant.

But even though he is just a eunuch.But facts are facts.Although Queen Mother Li is the regent.And it's not in vain.But Queen Mother Li is not a person with a rapidly expanding desire for power.therefore.A regency is a regency.It has not reached the point of listening to politics behind the curtain.

And even in the harem.Empress Dowager Li didn't carry her to ask about many things.therefore.Actually manage the government.It was Feng Bao.

Approved red post.In the past, it was just the supervisor of rites who wrote for the emperor.But now.It really became Feng Bao's approval of popularity with his own will.

Don't say that there is a gap between Gao Gong and Feng Bao.Change anyone else to be the Minister Gu Ming of this outer court.would be very upset about it.

the most important is.If this situation continues.The national decree is okay to say.After all, although Feng Bao and Gao Gong are hostile.But I dare not make jokes about national affairs.But the two parties are deadlocked on trivial matters.This makes it impossible for Gao Gong to impeach others as he pleases.Drive out people you don't want to see.

Figured this out.Gao Gong has made up his mind to drive Feng Bao away.

And the reason is very simple.Gao Gong intends to make those censors.Impeach Feng Bao.Impeach Feng Bao as a supervisor.Interfering in government affairs.Acting on behalf of the emperor without authorization.Responsibilities Division Ritual Supervisor, an organization composed of unlearned and incompetent eunuchs.Seized the power that should have belonged to the cabinet.Demand the removal of the regime of the Supervisor of Rites.Recertification with the cabinet.Supervisor of rituals.They should just do their jobs.Just manage the etiquette, calligraphy and painting, printing and other things in the palace.Political affairs should still be handed over to their cabinet.It's better for professionals like them to do it.

This is of course a very reasonable reason.And that's exactly how it is now.What Feng Bao did was indeed a lot of ultra vires.If Gao Gong really wants to do this.It may not be possible.

But these years.Gao Gong is no longer used to doing it alone.He found.Let many people attack one person at the same time.Just like the wolves living on the Tartar grasslands.Even if the opponent is a tiger.Also unable to resist the attack of wolves.

High arches need someone to back them up.and.Just rely on those people under him.There are still some deficiencies.Who are his subordinates.Gao Gong himself knows best.Of course he wouldn't worry about it.

High Arch needs a strong man to help him.He considered Guo Pu.But he could also see that Guo Pu was beginning to retire now.Gao Gong needs to find someone else to cooperate with.

And this time.Gao Gong found someone he definitely should not have found.Set a date for his future.

Longqing six years.June [-]th.The tenth day of the new emperor Zhu Yijun's ascension to the throne.The gate of Zhang Juzheng's house.this afternoon.Someone rang.

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