Feng Bao wants to strike first.Relying on his status as a eunuch.It is conducive to the convenience of being close to Zhu Yijun and Queen Mother Li.First came to complain in front of the two.And it's still a bit of oil and vinegar.

but.at first.Empress Dowager Li and Zhu Yijun were also somewhat skeptical.Just this morning.Feng Bao and many censors and ministers in the court.The documents for the impeachment of Feng Bao have already been handed over.Zhu Yijun and Queen Mother Li who have read those excerpts.Everyone thought that Feng Bao came here to bite Gao Gong back.And in fact it is.

only.The two of them are thinking about everything.No one expected Feng Bao to impeach Gao Gong for trying to abolish the emperor and support the Henan Zhou king as emperor.I also want to be a duke of the country.

Originally this kind of thing.If it is usually said.I'm afraid no one will believe it.But now.It happened that Feng Bao, who should be the most trustworthy, said it.This made the mother and son feel a little bit worried.

and.In the eyes of Zhu Yijun and Queen Mother Li's mother and son.Even if Feng Bao wanted to frame Gao Gong or something.That should be important too.But it is not such a rebellious thing.After all such a big thing.In case of wearing a bag.Feng Bao himself is in trouble.

But neither of them mother and son thought of it.Feng Bao was really so bold.Really dare to take this kind of thing out.

So now.Empress Dowager Li, who is qualified to make an order, was very muttered in her heart.From Feng Bao's point of view.She believed in Feng Bao.but.This thing is too big.She also didn't quite believe that Gao Gong would do such a thing.

In this way.Empress Dowager Li began to hesitate.And Zhu Yijun.He was completely shocked by the news.I couldn't come back to my senses for a long time.

For Zhu Yijun.He really wasn't too worried about whether Gao Gong had such thoughts.After all, the world does not have a high surname nowadays.Still surnamed Zhu.He Gao Gong said that abolishing the emperor will abolish the emperor.He thought he was the king of heaven, and I couldn't do it.

Moreover.His high arch is now a big one.It's just a cabinet minister.Minister Gu Ming appointed by Long Qing before his death.It's just the new emperor's auxiliary minister.But now it is the Empress Dowager Li who is really in charge of the court.Not to mention Gao Gong's plan.Will the ministers below agree?Even Queen Mother Li couldn't pass this level.

Who is the King of Zhou in Henan?Although Zhu Yijun only saw him once at his enthronement ceremony.And the image is also very blurry.But he had.Know what kind of person this king of Zhou is.This king of Zhou.It is indeed ambitious.But all his ambitions are spent trying to find ways to occupy a few more acres of land.Charge a few percent more land rent.I opened a few more shops and went to the top.This kind of person is because he is a relative of the emperor.The desire to be an emperor is definitely there.But let’s say he cooperated with Gao Gong.Tried to usurp the throne.Zhu Yijun didn't quite believe it.

But know people, know face but not heart.In case this king of Zhou really has such thoughts.Zhu Yijun didn't dare to guarantee it.But even so.Zhu Yijun was not worried either.He doesn't believe that Gao Gong is working with someone who only wants to make money.What can be done.

But for what Feng Bao said now.Zhu Yijun still felt uncomfortable.And it's very unpleasant.The reason is Gao Gong's words. "How does the ten-year-old emperor rule the world".

Although this is also Feng Bao's one-sided statement.But Zhu Yijun thinks.above this sentence.Feng Bao did not deceive himself.And with Gao Gong's character.It is not a lie to be able to say such a sentence.

so.This sentence just irritated Zhu Yijun who is now strictly speaking less than ten years old.

age.It's innate.It is also something that cannot be changed.Zhu Yijun thinks.Those who talk about things like this are absolutely insane.Think back then.Taizu Zhu Yuanzhang and Chengzu Zhu Di who established a brilliant foundation.They didn't fall from the sky.Popped out of the rock.Which has no childhood.It's your high arch.I'm afraid I didn't know what I was doing when I was ten years old.

Zhu Yijun has encountered this situation before.Most of them were eunuchs in the palace and the like.Talk about him behind his back.But Zhu Yijun never cared about it.

Naturally, Zhang Fan would not underestimate Zhu Yijun.even.Even if it is quite strict teaching.Zhang Fan would never provoke him with such words.

Feng Bao had some such emotions.But Feng Bao never said anything.even.Zhu Yijun always thinks self-righteously.Feng Bao made things difficult for him.In fact, on the other hand.Treat him like an adult.

certainly.Zhu Yijun is not stupid.He knows people who think about it.There must be in this world.And not less.But he can say it himself like Gao Gong.I'm afraid he's the only one in the world.

Let's take a step back.Maybe people all over the world can say that about Zhu Yijun.And he won't be angry.Only Gao Gong can't do it.

What is Gao Gong's status now.That was Minister Gu Ming pointed out by Long Qing before his death.Zhu Yijun's current assistant minister.Gao Gong as the assistant government.Because the emperor was too young to look down on him.How can this kind of person be qualified to be an assistant government.

and.This is also an extreme contempt for imperial power.This is absolutely not allowed in this day and age.

But now.How everything should be handled.Zhu Yijun is not yet able to make a decision.He turned his face to his mother.Everything is up to her decision.

"Queen Mother. Your Majesty." At this moment.Feng Bao spoke. "The servant came here today to talk about this matter. It really makes people a little angry. Now that the Queen Mother and His Majesty have known about it, the servant still has something to do, so I will leave."

Feng Bao's words.Both Empress Dowager Li and Zhu Yijun were a little surprised.Since Feng Bao said such an important thing.How could you not care about the back?

"Feng Bao. The Ai family wants to hear your thoughts." Queen Mother Li said.

"Gao Gong is too rude. He should be punished for his crime." Feng Bao immediately said with a look of resentment.But then.He put on a rather helpless expression. "But this is a matter of great importance. The slaves really can't be the masters. In the end, it's up to the Queen Mother to make the decision."

This is where Feng Bao is smart.He said it to the end.It's just a primer.And Feng Bao also understood.I want to make Empress Dowager Li and Zhu Yijun make up their minds to get rid of Gao Gong just by what I said.difficult.If Feng Bao himself was too anxious.On the contrary, it will show its feet.It's not good for them to see anything.

And now.Feng Bao retreated at the right time.Let Empress Dowager Li and Zhu Yijun feel.Feng Bao said these words for no reason.Since it is not for what.Then the authenticity of these words can be greatly improved.

But Feng Bao is not that simple.Now that I have already started.Then they just need to be sure in their hearts.Feng Bao had already planned for this point.

After Feng Bao left.The mother and son looked at each other for a long time.But he couldn't make any plans.Not long after.Empress Dowager Li asked Zhu Yijun to go back.I meditate on myself.

at this time.Feng Bao's queen recruited.Before he came to the Compassion Ning Palace.It is already well prepared.He bought the Compassionate Ning Palace.The two close servants of Empress Dowager Li.Said these words again to Empress Dowager Li.certainly.Of course, the words cannot be exactly the same.But it is also a change of soup but not medicine.

In this way.Empress Dowager Li's heart.It is also believed to be true.Although Empress Dowager Li is a woman.But she never hesitated to do things.Especially in the face of such a major event that needs to be decisive.Definitely act swiftly.Decisive and relentless.

And now the Empress Dowager Li.I already have a calculation in my heart.

Enthroned as emperor.The place where I live will naturally change.For this huge Qianqing palace.Zhu Yijun is not unfamiliar.But now.Zhu Yijun who lives here.I always feel that it is a bit too big here.After the place is big.It will make people feel lonely.The solution is.Let more people in.

But Zhu Yijun doesn't like too many people wandering around him.So in today's Qianqing palace.It retains the minimum number of people that can maintain normal operations.And Zhu Yijun seemed to like it very much.It's sad to say that it's a little quiet.But fortunately.Zhang Fan, the grand tutor, would come here every day.

Speaking of Zhang Fan.Zhu Yijun has just returned to the palace.Then he saw that Zhang Fan was already waiting here.

"Teacher. At this hour. Why are you here?" Zhu Yijun saw Zhang Fan here.asked with some doubts.

As soon as Zhu Yijun said these words.Zhang Fan was fine.Instead, Zhu Yijun sighed himself.

yes.He became emperor.Naturally, this title can no longer be the same as in the past.

Although said before.Zhang Fan also called himself "Weichen" in front of Zhu Yijun.But the distance between the two is not far.Very close.

But now.Since Zhu Yijun is already the emperor.The name will also be changed.Call yourself me.This is not a difficult thing for Zhu Yijun who has been the prince for four or five years.

But whenever he used this word to address himself in front of Zhang Fan.And when Zhang Fan behaved more humble and respectful in front of him.Zhu Yijun's Sina always feels a little weird.Even a little lost.

"What's wrong, Your Majesty." Zhang Fan looked at Zhu Yijun.Ask knowingly. "I see that your majesty's expression is not happy. Could it be that something troublesome happened." Zhang Fan clearly knew what happened.I also know why Zhu Yijun is unhappy.But of course he wouldn't say it.Still have to ask this question.

Listen to what Zhang Fan said.Zhu Yijun let out a long sigh.I didn't speak for a long time.

Zhang Fan waited quietly.In his opinion.This matter really hit Zhu Yijun a lot.No matter how.A person who has just sat on the throne for a few days.I heard that the courtiers under him were going to fight each other.It's really not a happy thing.

Zhu Yijun screened off the maids and eunuchs in the house.Wait until the door is closed.Suddenly he said: "Teacher thinks that the ten-year-old emperor can rule the world."

"..." Zhu Yijun's words.Zhang Fan was really shocked.

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