The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 457 Right and wrong

"What are you talking about, Your Majesty?" Zhang Fan didn't know why Zhu Yijun said that.Hastily answered. "What's more..."

"Teacher." Suddenly.Zhu Yijun interrupted Zhang Fan.The tone is very severe. "I... I said it. I... I. Teacher..."

Heard this title again.Zhang Fan was a little stunned.Since Zhu Yijun ascended the throne as emperor.He had never called Zhang Fan that.Although it is said that Zhu Yijun has just ascended the throne not long ago.distance from the last time.That's what he called Zhang Fan.It was only half a month.But Zhang Fan always felt that.This title is heard now.It made him feel so strange.

to be honest.Zhang Fan also felt a little sad in his heart.Another hardworking boy.Always have their own childhood.But Zhu Yijun, who was born in the royal family, did not.And now.Zhu Yijun whose childhood has not passed yet.So pay attention to it.Pay attention to what you say and do.Pay attention to your etiquette.This is a claim many people have in their dreams.According to Zhu Yijun.But it was extremely uncomfortable.


"Your Majesty, what do you want to ask me." There was only a short pause.Zhang Fan spoke again.The sound was still flat.Words are still very respectful.

Hearing Zhang Fan speak like this.Zhu Yijun sat there.He lowered his head.Although Zhang Fan couldn't see Zhu Yijun's expression.But he knows.Zhu Yijun must be very sad.But now.It can only be this way.

"Teacher, since I became the emperor, many things have changed." Zhu Yijun murmured as if talking to himself. "The queen... the queen... I think. Now I can't see the queen clearly at all."

Zhang Fan heard this sentence.My heart was a little shaken.Zhu Yijun wanted to say something.Zhang Fan completely understood.

The former concubine Li Gui was to Zhu Yijun.Definitely for the good mother.Everyone says that a loving mother loses her children.But this Concubine Li Gui is not.She loves Zhu Yijun very much.Everything is always for his sake.Zhu Yijun will definitely not suffer.

It sounds like Zhu Yijun should be spoiled by such a mother.It is not.Concubine Li Gui is a loving mother.Acts with great measure.There is sternness in kindness.Love Zhu Yijun.But never blindly.Prioritize clearly.It's time to criticize.It is absolutely extremely strict; but whenever Zhu Yijun does well.When doing it right.Concubine Li Gui will never be stingy with words of praise.And besides the praise, it is also very measured.Absolutely will not let Zhu Yijun feel frivolous.

But now.With the upgrading of the identity of the mother and son.The attitude between mother and child has also changed.Today's Zhu Yijun has only sat on the throne for half a month.Can't do anything wrong.But neither Zhu Yijun nor Zhang Fan.I understand very well in my heart.If the current Zhu Yijun did something wrong.Empress Dowager Li will definitely be severely punished like never before.

at this point.Zhu Yijun can understand.After all, he is the emperor now.The emperor did something wrong.Absolutely.Severe punishment also requires Zhu Yijun to remember the lesson.Don't do it again.

However for those who are right.right thing.But Zhu Yijun could no longer enjoy the praise from his mother.

Although it sounds ridiculous.But it is what it is.The emperor should make the right decision.At most, I can get a sentence of "Your Majesty is wise" from the ministers, which is not painful or itchy.The unnecessary praise that will be completely immune in two years.

Just like some time ago.After Zhu Yijun ascended the throne.Respect the queen and his mother as the queen mother of the two palaces.

Originally this kind of thing.It belongs to the emperor's family.It is extremely normal for Queen Mother Li to find Zhu Yijun to talk about it.

But Queen Mother Li did not do this.She didn't even summon Zhu Yijun.she did.In the identity of his own queen mother.Made the first decree in her life.Zhu Yijun was praised in the writing.Mostly from filial piety.

Perhaps the change came too quickly.Or other factors.In short.Zhu Yijun never thought of it.own mother.He couldn't even say a few words of praise for his son in front of him.Instead, use purpose instead.not to mention.In Zhu Yijun's opinion.There is no need for Yi to praise him for this kind of thing.

Although these things are the family affairs of the emperor.But after all, the Queen Mother Yizhi.Especially this kind of decree praising the current emperor.Naturally, it is necessary to tell the world.And after knowing it.All the officials of the imperial court praised this greatly.Some people say that the Empress Dowager is benevolent.It is also said that the emperor is filial; there are flattering ones.There are also those who speak the truth.

But Zhu Yijun didn't care about these.He was really heartbroken.

"Your Majesty." Zhang Fan sighed.For such Zhu Yijun.He couldn't bear to treat him coldly anymore.Said. "How can the humble minister not know."

"Teacher. I... I. I promise you. I will never use this to punish the teacher." Zhu Yijun suddenly said hurriedly. "I just hope that the teacher will stop treating me like this. It is said that the emperor is a loner. I didn't look lonely when I saw my father before. But when it's my turn to sit on the throne. It's only half a month. It's already Sad to death. I don't want to go on like this for the next few decades. Occasionally, there is someone who is close to me. In the end, I found out. All he did was to gain some benefits from me."

If in a few years.Zhu Yijun would never be able to say such a was also because Zhu Yijun was young.Too talented to say that.

"Weichen...Weichen understand." Zhang Fan was really shocked by Zhu Yijun's words.It took a long time to say. "Weichen understands what to do in the future." When he said these words.Zhang Fan's words were no longer lifeless.There is a lot of anger.

But Zhang Fan understood.This is only for a while.A few more years.I'm afraid that after Zhu Yijun's emperor's majesty was raised.This problem no longer Fan had no choice but to accommodate him in this way.And there is a limit to this accommodation.After all, companionship with a king is like companionship with a tiger.It's too obvious.

"Hmm." Zhu Yijun could see it naturally.Seeing that Zhang Fan was able to promise himself.Naturally very happy.But then.His face became unhappy again: "The teacher still wants to tell me. After all, this ten-year-old emperor can rule the world."

"This... this..." Tell the truth.Zhang Fan didn't know how to answer Zhu Yijun's question at all.Although just now.The two seem to have returned to the time when they talked about everything before.But now Zhu Yijun is the emperor after all.Talk to the emperor about whether he can rule the world.This is a bit like lighting candles in a hut.

But seeing Zhu Yijun looking at him eagerly wanting to know the answer.Zhang Fan understood that he had to answer this question.But what should be the answer.To be honest, Zhang Fan had no clue at all.

"Where did your Majesty come from? I heard this sentence." Zhang Fan asked a question that seemed extremely stupid to him.He is the commander of Jinyiwei.Responsible for monitoring officials.Of course, he couldn't be more clear about this kind of news.

"Feng Bao said it." Zhu Yijun said angrily.

"What." Zhang Fan was stunned again.How could Feng Bao say these words.

"Oh. It was what Feng Bao said when he came to see me and the queen mother." Zhu Yijun sighed.Said. "The words he said were said by Gao Gong. Although I don't know whether it is true or not, but I think about it. It is probably true. Hmph. This is what Gao Gong should have said."

"This humble minister really doesn't know." Zhang Fan said.In my heart, I admire Zhu Yijun a little bit.young age.Zhu Yijun is quite good at reading people.There are not many meetings between him and Gao Gong.But it can be felt that this sentence is said by Gao Gong.Really is not simple.

"Oh. I didn't ask the teacher who said this sentence." Zhu Yijun said impatiently. "I understand. Except for the teacher. Many people in the court have this idea in their hearts. It's just that Gao Gong dared to say it. It really makes me feel uncomfortable. I want to ask the teacher. This sentence Is it right or not?"

"Is this..." Zhang Fan pondered for a while.Open your mouth and say. "Your Majesty. I feel that this statement is also correct. It is also not correct."

"Oh." Hearing what Zhang Fan said.Zhu Yijun became curious. "What does the teacher say. Let's hear it." If it's someone else.say this.Zhu Yijun will definitely be unhappy.But since it was what Zhang Fan said.Zhu Yijun naturally wanted to hear it.

"It's not right to say that. There's also a reason." Zhang Fan said. "Xiang Lu was able to be the teacher of Confucius at the age of seven. Gan Luo was regarded as a minister by Lu Buwei at the age of 12. It can be seen that as long as he is a capable person, he doesn't care how old he is. It is really hard to work out what is the most important thing. Important. Your Majesty is ten years old now. But at the age of ten, you have to govern the territory of the Ming Dynasty. It is a responsibility to say that you are young, but you cannot rule the world."

Hearing Zhang Fan's words.Zhu Yijun blushed a little.after all.Although he is the emperor now.But nothing has been done yet.No right to do anything.Zhang Fan said so.It's obviously raising him up.But think about it.After all, Zhu Yijun did not refute.It can be regarded as acquiescing to Zhang Fan's words.

"Then why did the teacher say it again? This sentence is correct." Zhu Yijun continued to ask.

"Your Majesty, have you ever thought about it. Why are the names like Xiang Luo and Gan Luo. They will be widely spread." Zhang Fan asked back.

"Because of their young age, they have made great achievements." Zhu Yijun replied.

"Not bad." Zhang Fan nodded. "You are young. You have knowledge hidden in your chest. This is a rare thing. But after all, it is only a minority. Most people are at this age. They can read at most. Gao Gong said so. It is just a fact. So What Wei Chen said is also correct."

"That's it." Zhu Yijun said so after Zhang Fan.I also understand a little bit.But then he asked again. "So. The teacher thinks. Gao Gong said this. Right or wrong."

"Of course it's wrong." Zhang Fan replied without thinking.

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