"Why did the teacher say that?" Hearing Zhang Fan's answer, Zhu Yijun asked very puzzled, "Didn't the teacher just say that a ten-year-old child has too little experience, and he can't read a lot of books, let alone write in the book?" Second, I can’t understand the world. Although I am the emperor now, I understand that I am not a young genius like Xiang Lu and Gan Luo. On the contrary, I am actually very stupid. If I don’t have a teacher Teach me, I'm afraid I'm not as good as I was before."

It is rare for the emperor to say such humble words. No matter whether he really thinks so in his heart or not, it is estimated that everyone who sits on the throne may have asked himself this question in his heart, and he really has the ability to do well. This emperor, can he really govern the world well, but there are really few who can speak clearly in front of his courtiers like Zhu Yijun.

This is also because the person in front of Zhu Yijun is Zhang Fan, the person he can trust the most. If it were a different person, he would never say such a thing. Knowing that being an emperor requires the manner of an emperor, although this is just a scene, it is indeed a royal dignity that needs to be estimated.

"Your Majesty, what I said is not a lie, nor is it a deceit in front of Your Majesty," Zhang Fan replied, "Your Majesty was the crown prince before he ascended the throne, and I entrusted the trust of the late emperor to be able to teach His Majesty." The important task of your Majesty, I know very clearly in my heart, although Your Majesty is still young, but I understand that as long as your Majesty can work hard, in time, it will be a blessing to Ming Dynasty."

"Hehe, you don't have to be like this, teacher. I can't understand how much I have in my heart." Zhu Yijun smiled, and suddenly he sighed and said, "It's a pity that my two imperial brothers are long gone. Well, the elder brother Xian is pregnant with the crown prince, who will die at the age of five; the second brother Jing mourns the king, who will die when he is less than one year old; and the emperor is only two years old now, if my two elder brothers are alive, I am afraid that the throne It's not my turn to sit down, either."

"Your Majesty, since the matter is now a foregone conclusion, why bother to mention these things," Zhang Fan said, he did not intend to comment on this kind of matter, saying that it is difficult for an upright official to decide on family affairs, let alone the emperor's family affairs. Outsiders, don't say that a courtier can't ask questions. Even if he wants to ask, he may involve himself in it, which will be troublesome. "Now that Your Majesty has sat on the throne, you shouldn't think about it. You still have to look at it." In front, the past, let it pass, Your Majesty should think about how to deal with the present, "

"What the teacher said is, it's just..." Hearing Zhang Fan's words, Zhu Yijun smiled helplessly, "I understand these truths very well in my heart, but now, even if I want to do it in my heart, I'm afraid I can't do it. Ah, I'm so idle now, I always think about these things, "

Zhu Yijun's words made Zhang Fan silent. Yes, although Zhu Yijun is now the emperor and the most powerful person in the world, but speaking of it, he is not worthy of the name of emperor, not to mention that Queen Mother Li is in charge of the government. Although Zhu Yijun may not object to this point, after all, Queen Mother Li is his biological mother, and Queen Mother Li is not a person who can mess around.

But now, Zhu Yijun encountered the most disturbing thing.

It's not because Feng Bao and Gao Gong didn't treat him as an emperor. Regarding this point, Zhang Fan once mentioned it to Zhu Yijun, and Zhu Yijun was not worried about it. He understood that although he was young now, But there will always be a day when he grows up. After he takes power, all these things will naturally be resolved, and they all understand Queen Mother Li's temper.

Zhu Yijun is not upset about Feng Bao and Gao Gong's struggle for power, not to mention that Zhu Yijun, who was born in this atmosphere, understands and has seen too many such things, and understands that these are inevitable. Even, he I'm very happy to see two people who can restrain themselves in name fight with each other. It's best for both of them to get hurt, then Zhu Yijun will be happy.

What bothers Zhu Yijun is that these two people have no respect for him. This is the most intolerable thing for an emperor, and the most intolerable for his subjects to be disrespectful to him. for how long.

It's just that Zhu Yijun should have been resentful about this, but the helplessness of reality made him unable to do anything about it, and the resentment could only turn into helpless annoyance.

Regarding this matter, even Zhang Fan and Zhu Yijun didn't want to talk about it, and what he said just now only revealed something faintly, without explaining it.

However, Zhang Fan can naturally guess some, but he can't say anything about this kind of thing.

"Your Majesty and the Queen Mother have already made plans," Zhang Fan asked. This was the purpose of his coming here today.

"Plan, what plan?" Zhu Yijun, who was still thinking about other things, obviously didn't notice what Zhang Fan asked.

"It's about Gao Gong," Zhang Fan reminded him.

"Hmph, this Gao Gong is too impolite, he dared to say something like that..." Zhu Yijun was very upset when he thought of this, "But now, this matter is not up to me, everything depends on it." How does the queen mother decide, but..."

Zhang Fan naturally knows that how to deal with this matter depends on Queen Mother Li's plan, but the most important thing is to see what Feng Bao can do to make Queen Mother Li believe what he said: "However, "

"Feng Bao said that Gao Gong planned to unite with the King of Zhou in Henan, abolish my throne, and welcome the King of Zhou to ascend the throne. By the way, he would give himself the title of Duke of the State," Zhu Yijun said calmly. .

"This..." Zhang Fan was really stunned, he really didn't expect it to be like this.

Today, after Zhang Fan received the news, he knew that Feng Bao would fight back immediately, so as soon as he heard the news from Jin Yiwei, he knew that Feng Bao left in a hurry after reading the letter sent by Zhang Juzheng, so he knew Feng Baoding must have gone to complain first.

As for Zhang Fan, he was always thinking about what method Feng Bao would use to impeach Gao Gong. Naturally, the matter should not be too small, otherwise, how could the Empress Dowager Li use those trivial reasons to abolish a The chief assistant of the cabinet of the current dynasty, the official title of the emperor's assistant minister.

But if the matter is too big, it will be found that there is no such thing when the time comes, I am afraid that Feng Bao himself will be the one who is unlucky.

But Zhang Fan was thinking all kinds of things, but he never thought that Feng Bao would dare to impeach Gao Gong with such an outrageous thing as the usurping of the throne by a certain dynasty.

Zhang Fan is very clear about what kind of person Gao Gong is. Indeed, in order to achieve his goal and eliminate those who oppose him in the court, Gao Gong will use any means. He can think of any method. Gao Gong is no longer the Gao Gong who had ambitions in his heart and wanted to show off his talents.

But Gao Gong is not so messed up that he wants to rely on this method to act, not to mention that the success rate of supporting a prince as emperor is extremely low. Even if he can succeed, in the future Gao Gong The name will definitely be infamous for thousands of years, Zhang Fan does not believe that Gao Gong will not understand this.

Therefore, there is no need to investigate at all, Zhang Fan is [-]% sure that this matter was fabricated by Feng Bao, which made Zhang Fan very puzzled, how could Feng Bao be so extreme, he is not afraid of things being exposed, and killing the enemy will not succeed , On the contrary, did you pay yourself in?

But after thinking about it in a blink of an eye, Zhang Fan understood Feng Bao's intentions, and Zhang Fan, who had figured it out, couldn't help admiring Feng Bao.

What era is it now? It is a feudal dynasty, an era where the emperor is the master of the house. Although the emperor is only one person, the power of the royal family is huge.

However, what this feudal ruling class is most worried about is whether someone will overthrow it by itself in the future.

The Ming Dynasty was the peak of feudal centralization in China, which can be seen from the original intention of Jinyiwei and Dongchang.

Even if it wasn't the Ming Dynasty, this kind of thing would definitely be better to kill the wrong than to let it go in any dynasty.

However, Zhang Fan couldn't help but feel a little slanderous in his heart. Feng Bao simply wanted to kill Gao Gong by doing this. Although the two really had conflicts that could not be resolved, did Zhang Fan need to do this? I'm really not sure.

"Don't talk about the queen mother, what is your majesty thinking?" Zhang Fan asked. Now he can't directly ask the Queen Mother Li what decision she will make. He can only ask Zhu Yijun to see if he can find out something.

"Teacher, to be honest, I don't like these two people, whether it's Feng Bao or Gao Gong," Zhu Yijun thought for a while and said, "However, if it's true, I hope Gao Gong can leave."

As soon as Zhang Fan heard it, he understood it, and he could figure it out after a little thought.

Yes, Feng Bao, as the eunuch in charge of ceremonies and the governor of Dongchang, has great power and can even contain the emperor, but he is a eunuch after all, he is the emperor's slave, no matter what happens in the future, Zhu Yijun will always be able to control it. Live a day at Feng Bao.

But Gao Gong is different. As a cabinet minister, Gao Gong has the right to oppose the emperor. He even has a large group of disciples and censors behind him to protect him. The emperor wants to kill the ministers. It is very difficult to kill a powerful minister, a person who has so many people who will speak for him.

More importantly, the current Gao Gong has disturbed the peace of the court. It may not be a good thing to let Gao Gong leave.

At this point, Zhang Fan already understood in his heart that even now, the Empress Dowager Li has not made a decision, and Zhang Fan can already foresee Gao Gong's fate.

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