The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 459 True Thoughts

early in the morning.The atmosphere is different.

The new emperor ascended the throne.Logically speaking.New dynasty, new atmosphere.All courtiers should be more energetic.It is also good to give the new emperor a good impression.It will be convenient in the future.But now.Longqing's coffin is still in the mausoleum.The national funeral has not yet officially ended.Everything should be kept simple.

so.Although the weather has returned to the past.every morning.The officials still have to get up in the dark.After standing outside the Meridian Gate and waiting for the palace gate to open.Go in early morning.But during this time.The officials all seemed very quiet.That's right.Just quiet.And it's extremely orderly.perhaps.This is for the new emperor and empress dowager to see.

certainly.There are also how those used to be.Still doing whatever you want.This is not about others.It is the high arch.

But Gao Gong is now.It also has this capital.In the former imperial court.He is a cabinet bachelor.And it's the chief assistant.Being an official has already achieved the extreme.Since the beginning of this year.After being promoted to the Grand Bachelor of Zhongji Temple.Gao Gong is even more powerful.Not to mention those things he doesn't like.Or someone who has some gap with him.Even in front of his own disciples.Gao Gong also held his head high.Look down on people.

And now.Longqing's will came down.Gao Gong served as the assistant government of the new emperor.It can be said that although the official position has not changed.But the status is even more detached three points.Today's high arch.And indeed have the qualifications to be proud.

even though.Said in the will.The chief assistant of the cabinet, Yu Sili, was in charge of the eunuchs and the eunuchs jointly assisted the government.There has never been a precedent for this Ming Dynasty.It was indeed at the same time that it made Gao Gong feel uncomfortable.It caused other ministers to criticize Gao Gong a lot.But this kind of thing.Others can only think in private.He didn't dare to show any mockery in front of Gao Gong.So as not to cause trouble for yourself.

Early this morning.All the officials came to the Meridian Gate again and waited to open the palace gate.But this very common thing.Today is different.A eunuch in the palace came out to deliver a message.He said that today he would call all the ministers into the palace.Announce the two palaces and the imperial edict.

This news.Many people are puzzled.The officials understand.It must be something other than something in the palace or court.And it's a big deal.otherwise.Wait for the ministers to go in and go to court.Although it was announced in the early morning.Why bother to do it so many times.

This has happened before.The last time was to let Xu Jie go home.But Gu Nian Xu Jie's status as a veteran of the two dynasties.Let him succeed in his official career.last time.It was ten years ago.It was the time when Yan Song was dismissed from office.

But even so.Every time is a big deal.But today's ministers did not think about it.After all, nowadays.Everything in the DPRK and China is still stable.It doesn't seem like a harbinger of something big going to happen.In the eyes of many ministers.The most likely thing is to announce the day when Longqingzi Palace was launched.

But some people.Some people who know the inside story.But I understand what will happen today.It's just what they know.Some are true.Some are fake.

Take today's Gao Gong as an example.It's not like the usual arrogant look at all.But more than ever.The whole is a look of rejoicing and celebrating the new year.why.In Gao Gong's view.The matter of impeaching Feng Bao himself must have been settled.Today, the Empress Dowagers of the Two Palaces and Zhu Yijun announced their audience.It must be to get Feng Bao to leave.

Gao Gong is so confident.So this idea is now confirmed by Gong was talking and laughing happily with the group of people gathered below him.Speak freely.Most of them are what Feng Bao will encounter today.What a tragedy it would be.besides.Wait until Feng Bao is no longer an obstacle to Gao Gong.What are their plans.Or when it comes time to expel some people who don't agree with them or something like that.

And people who understand the real inside story.But he looked at this side coldly.Zhang Fan and Zhang Juzheng are exactly like this.They understand.Today may be the last day that Gao Gong can still dance like this.

See this scene.Honestly.Zhang Fan didn't feel that there was anything to be happy about.He looked at his teacher Zhang Juzheng.walked up to him.

"Teacher." Zhang Fan said.

"Yuande." Zhang Juzheng was awakened by Zhang Fan's voice.He looked at Zhang Fan.asked. "What's the matter?"

"Does the teacher know? What will happen today." Zhang Fan asked.Although he already knew it.But he didn't want to say it.

perhaps.In Zhang Fan's heart.Although it is also very annoying to Gao Gong.But Zhang Juzheng would be like this.He also disagrees a bit.

"No. It's nothing." Zhang Juzheng at the moment.But he didn't want to tell Zhang Fan. "Maybe the Empress Dowager and Your Majesty are doing this for the sake of the former Emperor's Palace. That's why we have to announce the order for us to enter the palace."

Listening to Zhang Juzheng's answer to himself like this.Zhang Fan couldn't help but let out a long sigh.

"Yuande. What's the matter?" Seeing Zhang Fan sigh.Zhang Juzheng couldn't help asking.

Zhang Fan thought about it.Still going to say it.It's not to reprimand Zhang Juzheng for anything.After all, this kind of thing in the court.In addition to intrigue.It was also accompanied by incomparable bloodshed.than on the battlefield.More than anything.It's either you die or I die.There is no place for you to hesitate about your enemies.Otherwise, people who are unlucky, or even lose their lives.But it could be you.

But Zhang Fan always felt.If he doesn't speak up now.Between him and Zhang Juzheng in the future.It may also evolve into what Zhang Juzheng and Xu Jie were like back then.It's like a stranger.There may even be mutual hatred.Zhang Fan.Don't want to be like that.

Take a deep breath.Zhang Fan said, "The teacher doesn't have to hide it from the students anymore. The students already know about it."

"You know. Why do you..." Zhang Juzheng heard what Zhang Fan said.looked at him with some surprise.suddenly.Zhang Juzheng smiled wryly. "That's right. You are the governor of Jinyiwei. These things must not be hidden from you."

"But teacher. Why did you do this?" Zhang Fan asked.This is not a question.It's just that Zhang Fan really couldn't figure out why.

"Why. There's no reason." Zhang Juzheng still smiled helplessly.Said. "Since Gao Gong went to my place to discuss this matter with me. This is inevitable. Now Feng Bao is very powerful. And I think. With Gao Gong's impeachment of Feng Bao, those things can't be overthrown at all. Feng Bao. In the future, Feng Bao will get out of this trouble. He will definitely know that I understand this matter. But I didn’t tell him. At that time, he will definitely vent his anger on me.”

"No. The students didn't ask these questions." Zhang Fan said. "The students also understand these things. But this kind of thing. The teacher only needs to delay it for two days. Then talk to Feng Bao. It will be fine soon. But the news that the students got from Weizhong was that it was on the day Gao Gong went to look for you. I'm afraid it didn't last an hour. The teacher wrote a letter about the matter and sent it to Dongchang. That's why." Zhang Fan said here.Feeling a little excited.

"Alas..." Hearing what Zhang Fan said.Zhang Juzheng sighed.He understood that the reasons he said just now that even he could not believe were not enough to deceive Zhang Fan.Now Zhang Fan asked.Zhang Juzheng couldn't help but answer. "I know what Yuande you think. You must think I'm too unkind. You don't hesitate to betray a courtier to an eunuch for the sake of power."

Zhang Fan still looked at Zhang Juzheng with an excited expression.Did not speak.No negation.In fact, Zhang Fan already agreed with Zhang Juzheng's words in his heart.even.Zhang Fan felt that Zhang Juzheng's explanation was too light.

"But today." Zhang Juzheng continued without waiting for Zhang Fan to speak. "I still have to stand up and help Feng Bao speak up."

"It doesn't take long for students to become officials. But such things are not uncommon," Zhang Fan said. "Students don't want to ask the teacher what they're going to do. They want to ask why the teacher is doing it."

"Yuande. Do you think I'm the kind of person who doesn't distinguish between right and wrong?" Zhang Juzheng was obviously excited by Zhang Fan's question. "I will definitely not do that kind of thing. All of this is for the court. Although Feng Bao is a eunuch, and holds a lot of power. He is also the assistant government of His Majesty's inner court. It seems to be a sign of chaos. But Feng Bao I don't mention this person, you should understand. He is not a person like Wang Zhen and Liu Jin. On the contrary. He is much better than those ministers who claim to be fair and honest. Look at Gao Gong again. He It has only been more than a year since he returned to the cabinet. What has the court been like by him. I know Gao Gong's knowledge. It is indeed admirable. But he is in such a state of mind. It has made the court a mess. The future of this court will be terrible. What to do."

Zhang Juzheng finished speaking.Zhang Fan sighed again.It's not that he doesn't understand what Zhang Juzheng said.indeed.Today's high arch is too presumptuous.The imperial court has also been messed up by him.Let him go on like this.This country is only going to get worse.

by that time.Don't talk about making any New Deal reforms.It may be very difficult even to restore the government to normal.Even Gao Gong is not young now.But by that time.Even if he disarms and returns to the field.the impact he had.Will be around for a long time.

It's not that Zhang Fan doesn't understand this truth.He also knew that Zhang Juzheng would say this truth as a reason.but……

"Students are naturally aware of these things," Zhang Fan said. "The students just want to ask. The teacher's words are really what they think. They are still used to prevaricate the students."

Zhang Juzheng looked at Zhang Fan.It took a long time before I opened my mouth and said: "This is naturally what I think in my heart. I will never prevaricate you once."

Listen to what Zhang Juzheng said.Zhang Fan was relieved: "Since that's the case, the students should help each other in this matter." After finishing this sentence.Zhang Fan turned around and walked away.

It's not that he doesn't believe Zhang Juzheng's words.It's just that Zhang Juzheng really thought so in his heart.But not entirely so.But for Zhang Fan today.That's enough.He didn't want to delve into it.I don't intend to know the details.

At this moment.The sound of drums from the turret came.The palace gate also opened slowly.

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