"Xuan. All officials will see you on the pilgrimage." In this high-pitched announcement.Ministers in court uniforms of various colors filed in.Although for this huge Emperor Palace.These hundred or so people are really not that many.But the atmosphere is very different.

how to say.In short.Hundreds of court officials gathered here.That aura is quite sharp.

Gao Gong's sentence "How can a ten-year-old emperor rule the world" is not meant for fun.Although it doesn't matter who it is.Ask any minister of the DPRK and China whether this sentence is right or wrong.Absolutely no one dares to say this sentence in front of others is right.

But actually.Almost everyone felt that this sentence was not a lie.It makes sense.

But the reason.Exactly why this is so.It may be different from what most people think.It is not because the person who sits on the throne at the age of ten is still a child.It doesn't make sense.Books are not read enough.It is still unable to perfectly handle national affairs and affairs between ministers.

These are just minor obstacles.After all a little.This is the era of feudal dynasties.Who can sit on the throne is not determined by those who become ministers through connections or imperial examinations.It's a royal thing.A man who is a courtier.You can disagree with the person sitting on the throne.You can even unite those who are really talented.to overthrow him.But no matter who.It is impossible to question why the emperor of the previous generation passed the throne to such an incompetent person of this generation.

What really makes this statement stand.that's because.The ten-year-old emperor knows too little about the world.Such a child.Especially these princes.It's fine if it's normal.But once it is looked up by so many people below.A single decision by oneself can determine the lives of many people.This added pressure.Not everyone can bear it at such a young age.

Thus.Almost a blank slate of children's emperors.Firstly, he could not bear the heavy pressure of the ministers.Then come someone else.Especially those who think they are old-fashioned.People who always like to impose their will on others.It's easy to get him to agree to something unreasonable without thinking about it.Or even a wrong decision; two.For courtiers' strife.The young emperor was also extremely easily bewitched by those close to him.

That's the point.

But Zhu Yijun did a good job on this point.I have never been afraid of things like crowds.actually.about this point.It seems that the emperors of the Ming Dynasty did well.No one has ever made a fuss about it.Most are.Some are truly fearless.Some are just messed up.

And now.Zhu Yijun had a serious face.But he sat on the dragon chair that was extremely wide for him without any tension.As usual, he faced the visits of the ministers below to him.He can also calmly say the incomparably majestic words of "all the ministers are in peace".

But he also understands very well.If now.Next to him are not the queen mothers of the two palaces.Or to be more precise.It's not the words of his mother, Empress Dowager Li.That would be pretty perfect.

And for the minister standing below.Now this scene does not make them feel good.Especially high arches.

Why.Because Feng Bao is now standing next to Zhu Yijun's dragon chair.

Since Zhu Yijun ascended the throne.As long as it is the turn of this morning.Or when the ministers are summoned.Feng Bao must be standing next to Zhu Yijun.If this is on weekdays.It's nothing.After all, there was an eunuch standing beside the emperor.It's not too much.

But Feng Bao is different.He didn't know how to avoid it at all.Or on purpose.Kowtowing to a ten-year-old emperor is not unacceptable.After all, he is the emperor.It is a transcendent existence in this era.

But you Feng Bao is a eunuch.Even if he holds the power in his hands that can even contain the imperial power.But you are still just a eunuch after all.A castrate.a servant.He dared to stand beside the emperor and accept the prostration of the civil and military ministers of the Manchu Dynasty without knowing how to avoid it.This is simply bullying.And he was deceiving the emperor in front of the emperor.

But now.Both queen mothers and emperors were present.None of them said anything.This happens by default.Others who are ministers.What else is there to say?

But although I can't say it.But they were angry with Feng Bao.Or jealousy.But it is increasing day by day.Especially for high arches.As the assistant government of the new emperor, he.It was supposed to enjoy the honor of seeing the emperor without paying homage.Why can Feng Bao, who is also the assistant government, not bow down.It doesn't matter if you don't bow down.You, Feng Bao, should also consciously stand up a bit.

And Feng Bao's natural look.It made Gao Gong extremely angry.

It can be said.Gao Gong chose this time.The new emperor began to impeach Feng Bao only half a month after he ascended the throne.This matter plays a large factor.

But now.Gao Gong felt that he was about to die.He united a lot of people yesterday.The memorial to the impeachment of Feng Bao will be given his right to assist the government.Skip the ceremonial supervisor.It was delivered directly to the Empress Dowager of the Two Palaces and Zhu Yijun.And now.The two palaces and the emperor Xuanbai officials had an audience.In Gao Gong's view, it must be for this matter.

Think here.Gao Gong couldn't help being very happy.He also glanced at Zhang Juzheng who was standing beside him.It seems to be saying.Now I am about to do something.Great achievements.You Zhang Juzheng dared to reject me at that time.Regret it now.

But Zhang Juzheng ignored Gao Gong at all.Even the eyes staring at the ground did not move.This made Gao Gong a little angry.I was very happy just now.At this time, it fell down.

However, the high arch is adjusted quickly.In his opinion.I'm about to drive Feng Bao away soon.Wait until then.He arched high in the court and there was no hindrance.Although Zhang Juzheng is the second assistant of the cabinet.But isn't it just how to round and flatten according to Gao Gong?

at this time.Zhu Yijun who was sitting on the dragon chair spoke.Although the voice is immature.But it sounds quite majestic: "Where is the cabinet scholar Gao Gong?"

Zhu Yijun just said this sentence.Those ministers who didn't know what would happen today already knew a little bit about it.Especially Guo Pu.His face was ashen.

"My minister is here." Gao Gong heard Zhu Yijun calling himself.Gao Gong walked out in a desperate manner.Stand in the center of the hall. "I don't know why Your Majesty called this humble minister." Gao Gong himself hadn't noticed yet.

He is now the assistant minister of the new emperor.It was the Minister Gu Ming appointed by Long Qing before his death.Although Zhu Yijun is the emperor.But anyway.I still have to respect the minister who was appointed to me by my father who left me in a big way.But just now.When Zhu Yijun called Gao Gong.It is to call his official name directly.This is absolutely not normal.

Those standing below who don't know the truth can already guess what will happen today.However, the head is full of high arches of victory.Where will you notice these.Still looking happy.

"Gao Gong accepts the order." Feng Bao stood beside Zhu Yijun.Holding an imperial decree in both hands, he walked over.

"Wei... The minister leads the decree." Gao Gong knelt down on the ground in displeasure.For things like kneeling to Feng Bao.It is the most unpleasant for high attack.It was fine just now.After all, there were other hundred and ten people accompanying him.And now there is only him.

And at this moment.There is a high arch in the heart mixed with two emotions of happiness and unhappiness.Didn't care at all.Why, in his eyes, was Feng Bao who was about to be punished.Now it is possible to stand proudly in front of him and read the imperial decree to him.

Feng Bao didn't pay attention to these.See Gao Gong knelt down.Then he opened the imperial decree and read it aloud.

The minister standing next to him.It has long been possible to predict what this imperial decree will say.And high arch.Listen to Feng Bao's reading.This change is extremely big.

There is no other word in the decree.It's not too long either.Very simple.The specific content is just a little bit.That is to accuse Gao Gong of arrogating power.There is no king.after.It is to list all kinds of crimes that Gao Gong has committed.

Talk about these things.people present.Everyone, including Zhang Fan, is very familiar with it.The imperial decree is not many words.Just listed a few typical things.But these things.Both were used to impeach Gao Gong.Some can even be traced back four or five years ago.But these are all because of Gao Gong's status.And no success.Among them, the person who gave the memorial.Some have already retired and returned to their hometowns.Some were kicked out of the court by high archers.And some are still there.But it was also because of the high arch.He was demoted out of Beijing.

And high arch.With good wishes and lofty ideals, Gao Gong.This moment.He was full of hope.To hear this in vain.It was really like a bolt from the blue.Use face like dead ashes.Sweat poured down to describe the image of Gao Gong today.Obviously a little too conservative.

And the last of the imperial decree.High Arch will be expelled.Notice.is expelled.Instead of giving him an official post.Expelled from the capital.In a few days, he will return to the field for the elderly.

did not expect.I have worked hard all my life.Gao Gong killed countless people blocking the road in front of him.This is the only way to end up now.

"Your Majesty... Your Majesty. The two empress dowagers. My humble minister... my humble minister..." Gao Gong at this moment.Where can I speak as neatly as before.On and off.Trembling. "These... these are all false accusations against my minister by those villains. My minister... I am wronged. Please also ask the Queen Mother to investigate clearly."

"Hmph. I was wronged. I'm still aware." It wasn't Zhu Yijun who spoke.But Empress Dowager Li. "If it's not true, His Majesty will issue this edict to fail. Those present have something to say."

"Who...who dares to speak ill of this official." At this time, Gao Gong became a little frenzied.Openly roared above the hall.

silence.Very quiet.

Facing this silence.Gao Gong calmed down a little.In his opinion.Now who dares to stand up and say that he is not.

However.Just something to say.

"My minister has something to play."

With such a voice that broke the silence.A man stood up.

This person is not Zhang Juzheng who has just indicated that he wants to speak on the spot.It was Zhang Fan.

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