In short, that's all. Everyone wants to make money. Even Long Qing and Zhu Yijun, a pair of top-notch father and son who have sat on the throne and are in charge of such a huge empire, have an extraordinary attachment to money. .

Long Qing was better, after all, Long Qing always dreamed that he could become a wise king, even if there were any expenses in the harem that could not be paid by the money in the internal treasury, Long Qing would not openly ask the treasury for it. Money, he always asks some people to secretly help him get some money to spend.

The most obvious thing is that as soon as Long Qing runs out of money, the corrupt officials in this world will be in trouble. This was the case last year, Long Qing had no money to spend, and Zhang Fan bought him thousands of money from Mobei at the beginning of the year. The heavy cistanche almost lost his life, so Long Qing decided to send Zhang Fan to Jiangnan, firstly, he could help him get some money back, and secondly, he could reward Zhang Fan in a disguised form. After all, Zhang Fan suffered so much. How tiring, and as an emperor, he naturally wanted to reward him well, but if the official reward was too heavy, he was afraid that it would cause dissatisfaction among other ministers in the court, so Long Qing used such a relatively subtle method.

As for Zhu Yijun, Zhang Fan couldn't understand it very well, but speaking of it, Zhang Fan knew that Zhu Yijun was also a "money fan" only when he was in Jiangnan last year. Expressed great indignation, Zhang Fan didn't think much of it at that time, after Zhang Fan explained his western plan to Zhu Yijun, and seeing Zhu Yijun's fanatical face, Zhang Fan completely understood Zhu Yijun is definitely a money addict, and the degree is quite deep, but for such a young child, who was born in the royal family, and as a prince, he has nothing to do with money, Zhang Fan can only give A "born money fan" evaluation.

However, Zhang Fan could not deny that Zhu Yijun's enthusiasm for money was very helpful to Zhang Fan's future plans, especially after Zhu Yijun ascended the throne and took power, it was even more necessary.

So Zhang Fan decided to go directly to Zhu Yijun to discuss it.

As for the Empress Dowager Li, Zhang Fan didn't plan to do anything, mainly because the Empress Dowager Li was in power now. If she was to discuss this matter with her, it would be necessary to bring this matter to the fore, but Zhang Fan I knew in my heart that if this matter was brought to light, it might not be possible.

It's not that selling arms to Fusang is hard to say, after all, it's not like Daming didn't do it before, but to someone like Zhang Fan, at best, it's sending other countries' national wealth, and at worst, it's just eating inside and out. , the two businesses are going on at the same time, and this is naturally not allowed for those old-fashioned ministers. Zhang Fan knew that if he went to find Queen Mother Li, this matter would probably go wrong.

But now, another problem has arisen. It’s true that Zhu Yijun is a money fanatic, and Zhang Fan can guess it without thinking carefully. As long as he tells Zhu Yijun that there is money to be made in this matter, then Zhu Yijun will definitely agree. But the problem is, Today's Zhu Yijun is just a child who has just ascended the throne and is only ten years old, and this is not the point. The point is that although Zhu Yijun is an emperor, he doesn't even have any rights in his hands.

Therefore, even if Zhang Fan agreed, the gun might not be able to be taken out. The Ming Dynasty was equipped with muskets on a large scale, except for the Shenji Battalion of the capital, only Qi Jiguang’s Qi’s army. There are also equipped muskets, but the number is not large, and it is still very scattered, so the inventory of the Ministry of War has not been much, and the last time it was ordered by Long Qing to start production.

Now, if we want to produce another batch, we must first have the emperor's decree, and then take the imperial decree to the Ministry of War, and then the Ministry of War will issue a document to the Ministry of Industry, and then start manufacturing.

Obviously, it is impossible for Zhu Yijun, who has no power in his hands, to even issue an imperial decree, because the jade seal is not in his hands.

Although Zhang Fan didn't have any good solution for this matter for a while, he didn't plan to just sit and think about it any more, so he decided to talk about everything first.

Today happened to be the day of the Xiaojing Banquet, when Zhang Fan went to Qianqing Palace, he happened to see Zhang Juzheng walking out.

The two met and greeted each other, but they did not neglect any etiquette at all, just like the two masters and apprentices who share the same goals in the diary, it seems that nothing happened between them.

To be honest, now Zhang Fan has no opinion on the impossibility of Zhang Juzheng. However, although what Zhang Juzheng did during the fight for power and profit some time ago was really inappropriate, but Zhang Fan knew that Zhang Juzheng was at least still With the thought of serving the country and the people, he didn't do it just for his own promotion, so now, Zhang Fan treats Zhang Juzheng as before, without any change, if Zhang Fan has If there is any doubt, he will still seek Zhang Juzheng's answer and help, and if Zhang Juzheng needs Zhang Fan's help, Zhang Fan will not refuse, after all, the court and China are peaceful now.

Moreover, Zhang Fan also understands that Zhang Juzheng's treatment of Zhang Fan's treatment of him is so small, it can even be said that there is no obvious change at all, it is impossible not to notice it at all, after all, Zhang Juzheng is also in the officialdom anyway He has been a figure for dozens of years, and now he is a senior scholar of the cabinet, so he is naturally very clear about these intrigues, but since Zhang Fan didn't tear himself apart, or something else happened Zhang Juzheng didn't want to get into trouble with Zhang Fan, after all, with Zhang Fan's current status, it would be very helpful to him in the future.

It's just that both of them understand in their hearts that the disagreement has already occurred, and it is extremely difficult to recover. However, the disagreement between the two of them is also indirectly caused by other things, as long as there is nothing that can be directly related to them Things happened between the two, I believe the relationship between the two will not get worse.

Zhang Fan and Zhang Juzheng just spoke a few words, and Zhang Fan felt that Zhang Juzheng's face was very proud, which was natural, after all, Zhang Juzheng's official position had reached the extreme now, and after this period of time, Zhang Juzheng could clearly feel that Zhu Yijun's attitude towards him was even more respectful for the big and small Jingyan.

After the two parted, Zhang Fan informed and entered the Qianqing Palace.

In the palace, Zhu Yijun is enjoying this rare leisure time, without the sense of restraint that Zhang Juzheng gave him, and without the nagging and wordy when Feng Bao was by his side, Zhu Yijun Naturally, he was extremely happy, and now he specially held a cup of tea and was enjoying it, but Zhang Fan really didn't know if Zhu Yijun could taste the difference between this top-quality Dahongpao and the one-two silver-a-jin tea. .

"The Grand Tutor is here." Seeing Zhang Fan coming, Zhu Yijun was naturally more happy, "Sit down quickly, Mr. Zhang just left, I don't know if the Grand Tutor and Mr. Zhang have met."

"I met Mr. Zhang at Qianqingmen," Zhang Fan said with a smile, "Seeing His Majesty's appearance, did I encounter something good?"

"Good thing," Zhu Yijun tilted his head and thought for a while, but found that he was half leaning on the chair now, and his calves were dangling because they were too large to reach the ground, so he couldn't help but said with a smile, "Of course it's a good thing , Mr. Zhang just gave me a lecture, and I really benefited a lot, "

When Zhang Fan heard him say this, if it wasn't because there were eunuchs and maids by his side, he almost couldn't help laughing. After Zhu Yijun became emperor, there were indeed a lot of changes. What exactly is Yan's opinion? Zhang Fan thinks that Zhu Yijun will not be bored, but he will never say anything about being too yearning and benefiting a lot. Obviously, Zhu Yijun is talking to Zhang Fan, but since The emperor is like this, Zhang Fan, a minister, naturally has no objection.

"And..." However, Zhu Yijun obviously didn't finish the topic, "As long as Feng Bao is not by my side, I will feel comfortable anytime and anywhere,"

Hearing what he said, the expression on Zhang Fan's face was nothing but helplessness. Now, the fact that Zhu Yijun hates Feng Bao is no longer just a secret between the two of them. No one knows about the court ladies and eunuchs or the ministers in the court.

Empress Dowager Li also knew this, but obviously, after knowing this situation, Empress Dowager Li had no reason to transfer Feng Bao from Zhu Yijun's side. In her opinion, doing so was obviously "benefit" to Zhu Yijun. "Yes, after all, it is good to have such a person controlling him.

It's not that Feng Bao himself doesn't know that Zhu Yijun hates him, but obviously, Feng Bao himself doesn't care about this situation, and it seems that he enjoys this "treatment" quite a lot.

As for Zhang Fan, there is nothing else to say except helplessness. Regarding this matter, Zhang Fanshi will never have the ability or reason to intervene, and now he can only do it in his heart. The future Feng Bao just mourned in silence.

"By the way, I still don't know what the Tai Tuo is doing here at this time." Zhu Yijun asked Zhang Fan's reason for coming, "Didn't the Tai Tuo just come this morning, why did he come again at this time?"

"This minister has some matters to discuss with His Majesty," Zhang Fan said to Zhu Yijun with a very mysterious look.

Seeing Zhang Fan's appearance, Zhu Yijun immediately let go of his relaxed look, and his eyes became brighter. Obviously, he knew that Zhang Fan must have brought something that would interest him.

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