"You all go out. I have something to talk to the Taifu." Zhu Yijun saw Zhang Fan's appearance.He already understood that Zhang Fan must have something secret to say when he came to him this time.Immediately he spoke out to dismiss the eunuchs and court ladies.

Now the eunuchs and maids have long been accustomed to this.I do not care what time.As long as Zhang Fan is here.Then Zhu Yijun will definitely let them retreat.But there are also some advantages to this.Over time.These eunuchs and maids felt that Zhang Fan was here.It's no longer talking about events.Because no matter what.Zhu Yijun will let them go.

This is to create a fascination for those ministers who want to inquire about the affairs of the palace.Because no matter when, Zhang Fan and Zhu Yijun are the two monarchs and ministers.It's impossible to guess at all.

Everyone I saw has gone out.Zhu Yijun immediately changed his appearance.If you talk about him just now.Although lazy.But still maintain some imperial etiquette.It makes people look lazy anyway.But now.There are no more those who like to chew their tongues in front of Feng Bao.Zhu Yijun looked like these people who were "running dogs".And only one can fully understand itself.And he doesn't care about Zhang Fan who does something that is not in line with royal etiquette.Zhu Yijun was naturally able to relax completely.And revealed the true face of Mount Lu.

But Zhang Fan saw him like this.Still a little helpless.Today's Zhu Yijun.The whole person sat on the large chair.Place your elbows on the desk in front of you.Prop your chin.A pair of eyes looked at Zhang Fan radiantly.Obviously, it was like waiting for Zhang Fan to bring him some good stories, as if he was preparing to listen to a book.

"Teacher. Tell me quickly." Even if it is only a few breaths.But Zhu Yijun couldn't wait any longer.Quickly asked Zhang Fan. "I see the way the teacher looks like. Obviously there is something interesting. Now I am feeling bored. The teacher hastened to talk about it. It can also make me happy."

"Yes..." Zhang Fan looked at Zhu Yijun with such high interest.Can't help but sigh helplessly in my heart.Then a smile appeared on his face again.said with a smile. "My minister is here. I want to hand over the money to His Majesty."

"Money. What money?" Zhu Yijun heard what Zhang Fan said.Can't help but be puzzled.He didn't remember that Zhang Fan wanted to send money to him.

"Return to Your Majesty. That's what happened." Zhang Fan naturally understood that Zhu Yijun didn't know about it.explained. "Last year, I mentioned to the late emperor about going out to sea for business. At that time, the late emperor was also very interested in it. He even took out a sum of money from the internal treasury. I asked the late emperor to buy a batch of goods. We shipped them together. Go to sea. Make some money. Now those ships have returned. So this time, I came here specially to send money to His Majesty."

"Oh." Sure enough.This topic immediately aroused Zhu Yijun's great interest. "Father, he has done these things."

"Uh..." Zhang Fan heard what Zhu Yijun said.Some people don't know how to speak.Say something.The emperor loves money and spends a lot.There is nothing wrong with that.Just like Long Qing.Out of the money in the treasury to make money.I'm afraid there are not many.And it's not a glorious thing after all.So Zhang Fan's visit to Zhu Yijun was quite mysterious.That is, to cover up people's eyes and ears.

And obviously.Looking at Zhu Yijun, he is not ashamed.The joy of being proud of it.Zhang Fan really felt helpless.Even when Zhang Fan and Long Qing talked about it last year.Long Qing was the only one in the room with Zhang Fan.Nor will it be like Zhu Yijun.Showing an excited look.Show yourself interested.Long Qing asked Zhang Fan very mysteriously how profitable this matter was.After getting Zhang Fan's reply.Still thought it through.This is the decision to take out a sum of money for "investment".

But now Zhu Yijun.Zhang Fan looked at his enthusiasm.Obviously, they don't care about those reviews at all.Or if this matter is spread out.What kind of impact will it cause.

Zhang Fan now regrets coming to talk to Zhu Yijun about this matter.Anyway, only Zhang Fan and Long Qing knew about this matter at the beginning.And when Zhang Fan gave the money to Zhao Xiande.Didn't say anything either.Zhao Xiande thought it was Zhang Fan's own money.Zhang Fan felt that he might as well just embezzle the money for himself.

"This..." But now.Zhang Fan also had to consider how to answer Zhu Yijun's question.He thought for a long time.Open your mouth and say. "The former emperor's internal treasury was indeed a little tight at that time. That's why I let the minister do this."

"Hmm..." Zhu Yijun heard what Zhang Fan said.I thought about it.He wasn't thinking about his father.But thinking about how to use it.Or how to develop this matter. "Then... Teacher. How much money is there?"

"A total of 230 taels of silver." Zhang Fan replied.This is not a small number.Originally, the money would have shrunk a lot.After all, after Zhang Fan played Longqing's request to be able to escort the fleet to sea and return with the court's warships.The tax levied by the imperial court has also increased a lot.Fortunately, those sea merchants did not complain about this.On the contrary, I am very willing.After all, spend some money to buy peace.This is the wish of all businessmen.

It's just because of Zhang Fan.Coupled with his anti-corruption and anti-Japanese behavior in Jiangnan last year.In short.Whether it is the government or the people in the south of the Yangtze River.They all have a good impression of Zhang Fan.certainly.The government's attitude towards Zhang Fan is not just a simple favor.Add to that fear.therefore.Now it is Zhao Xiande who is supposed to be Jin Yiwei.Obviously there is no need to pay any taxes anymore.

So this money is also quite rich.

"Oh." Hearing the amount of silver reported by Zhang Fan.Zhu Yijun didn't seem too surprised or excited.After all, the 230 million taels of silver is not a lot.It can also be worth half a year's tax of the Ming Dynasty.But Zhu Yijun didn't express his surprise.After all, he didn't know how profitable it would be to do business overseas.So I don't know what the number reported by Zhang Fan really means.In his opinion.Long Qing must have spent millions of dollars to earn it back.But even though it's only doubled.But Zhu Yijun still felt that there was a lot of money to be made.

but.Zhu Yijun still asked casually: "I don't know how much the father spent."

"Return to Your Majesty." Zhang Fan said with a normal expression. "The first emperor gave a total of 10 taels of silver to the humble minister that day."

"Oh... what." Zhu Yijun heard Zhang Fan say it was 10 taels.Still didn't react at first.Just responded casually.But then.He realized how much money Zhang Fan was talking about.Can't help but turn pale with shock. "Teacher...you...how much did you say. Say...say it again."

"Return to Your Majesty. It's 10 taels of silver. Not a lot of money. Not a lot of money." Zhang Fan naturally predicted that Zhu Yijun would look like this.So he still has such a face as usual.Said with a smile on his face.

"Ten... 10 taels... 10 taels..." Zhu Yijun muttered the number.It took a long time to tell Zhang Fan. "That is to say. The 10 taels earned more than 230 million taels."

"Not bad." Zhang Fan nodded affirmatively. "It is indeed more than 230 million taels."

Hearing Zhang Fan's confirmation.Although Zhu Yijun still looked surprised.But he fell silent.He naturally believed that Zhang Fan would not talk nonsense to him.After all, he didn't need it.But.This twenty times the profit.It still made Zhu Yijun feel a little surprised.

As a former prince.Today's emperor.Naturally, he has learned things related to people's livelihood.he knows.There are industries that can earn more than [-] times the profit.But either it is the kind of no-cost business of a green forest hero.Or the risk of taking the risk is simply too great.And sailing at sea is also dangerous.But now for the sea route has been figured out.And there are also merchant ships with artillery and personnel guards.Basically there is no danger.This made Zhu Yijun's mind, which was already ready to move, beat violently.

"Your Majesty. Your Majesty." Zhang Fan called Zhu Yijun twice before he came back to his senses. "What should I do with the money?"

"Oh. Put it directly into the inner vault..." Zhu Yijun wanted to say that.But he stopped mid-sentence.I thought about it.Speaking of. "No. Don't put it in the inner library. Just put it in the teacher's place."

"Your Majesty. Why is this?" Regarding Zhu Yijun's words.Zhang Fan was really puzzled.

"If it's put in the inner treasury, the queen mother will definitely know about it," Zhu Yijun said. "Although this is the meaning of the father. The mother will not say anything. But the mother will never allow it to happen again. Put it next to the teacher. The mother will not know. Then let the teacher use it to make money. It is convenient. Not a lot.

Hearing what Zhu Yijun said.A deeper sense of helplessness rose in Zhang Fan's heart.Even Zhang Fan didn't think about these things.But now.Once it's about money.Zhu Yijun's brain will run at high speed.In an instant, you can think of these ways to deceive people.To this.Zhang Fan could only admire it.

"My minister obeys the order. It's just..." Zhang Fan asked. "Next time. How much does Your Majesty plan to contribute? You can't use all of the 200 million."

"Yes. What the teacher said makes sense." Zhu Yijun thought for a while.Said. "Then... let's pay another 50."

Listen to Zhu Yijun's words.Zhang Fan was also taken aback.Say it this time.The cargo on the three ships is all added together.The cost is only 50 taels of silver.And now.Zhu Yijun will pay 50 yuan alone.It seems that the title of "money fan".The young Wanli Emperor in front of him is really about to sit down.

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