The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 498 Silent Encouragement

"Teacher, what's wrong with you." Zhu Yijun looked surprised when he saw Zhang Fan.He wanted to go elsewhere.Can't help but ask. "Is it because I paid too little money. Then..."

"No, no, no." Zhang Fan wanted to add more when he heard Zhu Yijun.Hurry up and stop. "Your Majesty has expressed a lot of artistic conception. Now there are only three ships over there. The things bought with the cost of 50 taels of silver can already fill all three ships."

"Oh. So that's it." Zhu Yijun heard what Zhang Fan said.It was a look of sudden realization.Said. "In that case. That's all. But I can't take care of myself. I don't care about the people below who go to sea. Since three ships are not enough, let them add three more. But about the artillery and the extra ships. Guard. I still have to figure out a way for you, teacher. There is nothing I can do now." Zhu Yijun was right.Now he has no power in his hands.It's just that Kong has the title of emperor.Without the permission of Queen Mother Li.Not even the right to dispatch an army.Naturally, it is impossible to equip merchant ships with artillery.

"Your Majesty, please rest assured on this point. This minister will naturally take care of it." Of course Zhang Fan understood this point.Commitment down.After all, nowadays.The imperial decree to allow merchant ships to go to sea to be equipped with some basic force for protection has already been issued by Long Qing.But in terms of businessmen.It depends on whether they need and are willing to pay.This is also an income.But Zhang Fan wants to get these things.Naturally, it costs nothing.

"Yeah. I don't know if the teacher has other things to do." Zhu Yijun asked in this way.Zhang Fan brought him a "good" news today.He is also very excited now.

"One more thing." Zhang Fan said.

"Oh." I heard from Zhang Fan that there is still something to do.Zhu Yijun's interest rose again.Quickly asked. "What else is there?"

"It's about Fusang." Zhang Fan said.

"Fusang." I heard Zhang Fan mention this word.Zhu Yijun was also a little puzzled.last year.He is also in Jiangnan.Although he left early.I didn't see the scene of the Japanese pirates' large-scale invasion.But this will not prevent him from hating Japanese pirates.Now I heard Zhang Fan mention Fusang.Zhu Yijun was also moved in his heart.Can't help but ask. "Could it be that those pirates have plans to do something."

"That's not true." Zhang Fan said. "I am near the East China Sea of ​​Ming Dynasty. I have been infested by Japanese pirates for decades. Now it has been suppressed by General Qi Jiguang. Today's Japanese pirates are no longer as frequent as before. In addition to that last year, the large-scale invasion of Japanese pirates was also caused by Qi's army. I was kicked out. And now. The war on Fusang Island has reached a peak. From my point of view, although there will still be a small group of Japanese pirates invading my frontier. But there is nothing to be afraid of. A large number of Japanese pirates have invaded. These few days There should be no more years."

"En." Hearing Zhang Fan's words.Zhu Yijun thought for a while and asked. "In that case, why did the teacher mention Fusang?"

"This matter still has something to do with Yin Zi." Zhang Fan said.

"Oh." Sure enough.I heard Zhang Fan mention the word "silver".Zhu Yijun's interest rose again.Quickly asked. "Teacher, tell me quickly. Could it be that there is another way to make money."

"Yes. That's true." Zhang Fan said. "And this matter can not only make money. It can also make the fighting on Fusang Island more intense."

"Quickly talk and listen." Zhu Yijun hurriedly urged.

present.Zhang Fan told Zhu Yijun all about the transaction with Oda Nobunaga this time.

"Well. That's how it is." After Zhu Yijun finished listening.Think about it and say. "The teacher's plan is. Let's sell some more muskets. So that the water there will be muddier."

"That's exactly what I mean." Zhang Fan said. "Who are those Japanese pirates from Fusang? They have invaded my Daming sea area for more than a hundred years. Now it should be revenge for them. And. They don't think so. We have to thank us."

"Hmm. It's true." Zhu Yijun heard what Zhang Fan said.It is also recognized.

"Also. Let's sell them the muskets. The profit is quite huge." Zhang Fan continued. "Especially now. There is a melee on Fusang Island. The demand for these weapons among the various princes is quite large. And as the saying goes, 'the icing on the cake is not as good as the timely charcoal in the snow'. Let's sell things to them now. We don't need to say it ourselves. They raised the price up."

"Hmm." Zhu Yijun said to himself. "It's just a musket of ten taels of silver. We can indeed sell an infinite amount of gold when we faint. It is really a profitable business. It's just that we can't make too much. Otherwise we have guns. They have no money. But it doesn't help .”

"That's good." Zhang Fan said. "But we sold it not only for money."

"Yes. What the teacher said is good." Zhu Yijun agreed with Zhang Fan's words.But then.His face fell down. "However. This matter. Although I am willing in my heart, there is nothing I can do. The Ministry of Industry wants to manufacture muskets. But it must have both my will and the Ministry of War's documents to start manufacturing. But if the Ministry of War does not have my will. But I don’t know how to issue documents either. But, I don’t have the right to issue an imperial decree now. Even if I wrote it, it won’t work if it isn’t stamped with a jade seal.”

Zhang Fan was so troubled seeing Zhu Yijun.But he was indifferent.Actually.In Zhang Fan's heart, he had already thought of a way.But he couldn't tell Zhu Yijun about this method.

"Why didn't the teacher go to the queen mother?" Zhu Yijun asked.

"This... I want to come. The reason why I didn't go to Queen Mother Li. Your Majesty should be able to figure it out." Zhang Fan didn't say it.Instead, he asked a question.

Listen to what Zhang Fan said.Zhu Yijun thought about it in a blink of an eye.It was exactly as Zhang Fan said.If Zhang Fan took this matter to the Queen Mother Li.It is estimated that there is no hope.After all, Queen Mother Li is in power.But she is not a bad-hearted person.For this kind of disturbance to other countries.Add fuel to the fire again.It's really hard for a woman to do it.

"The teacher is right. If the queen mother knows about this, then all the ministers in the court will know about it." Zhu Yijun said. "In this way, even if the mother can agree to come down, those ministers will not agree to do such a lowly thing."

Although Zhu Yijun used the term "low work".But about it.Zhang Fan didn't think there was anything wrong.

"It's just that there is one thing I don't understand." Zhu Yijun asked suddenly.

"What's unclear, Your Majesty? But it's okay to ask. I will try my best to answer." Zhang Fan said.

"This kind of thing. Those ministers who want to come to the court will never agree." Zhu Yijun said. "But last year. How did my father, the emperor, make the decree without making it known to the whole court?"

"That's the way it is." Hearing Zhu Yijun's question.Zhang Fan's eyes also lit up.Now it's finally getting to the point. "For the Ministry of Industry to manufacture muskets. Although it is necessary to have an imperial edict from His Majesty and a document from the Ministry of War. But that's all."

"What do you mean by that?" Zhu Yijun said to Zhang Fan.Some doubts.

"At that time, the imperial decree issued by the first emperor was only shown to the Ministry of War and the Ministry of Industry, but it was not announced in the court." Zhang Fa explained. "That's why. Among the ministers in the court, except for the two ministers of the Ministry of War and the Ministry of Industry and the four ministers, basically no one knows about this matter."

"I see." Zhu Yijun heard Zhang Fan's explanation.This is the sudden realization. "So I thought that the imperial decree must be seen by all the officials in the court." For Zhu Yijun, who had never personally issued a single imperial decree.He really didn't understand this truth.

"Well. This matter is actually correct." Zhang Fan said. "After all, these edicts have been sent out. Officials are not forbidden to watch them."

"Then how did the father prevent the ministers from seeing the imperial decree?" Zhu Yijun heard what Zhang Fan said.Can't help but ask.

"This matter is actually very simple." Zhang Fan explained. "After all, the ministers in the court have been officials for decades. Their mouths are also very strict. What should be said and what should not be said. Naturally, they all understand. And. Although the imperial decree is not It’s not that people are not allowed to watch it. But if they don’t know that there is such an imperial decree, then naturally they don’t want to watch it.”

"The teacher means..." Although Zhang Fan didn't say it clearly.But after hearing what Zhang Fan said.Zhu Yijun already knew what Zhang Fan meant.

indeed.Although it exists.But if you don't know it exists.Of course you don't want to see it.Then come.Although it was put on the bright side.But it was not thought of.Not being noticed either.This secret can naturally be kept.

But Zhang Fan didn't say anything about Zhu Yijun's sudden "epiphany".Just nodded.Just affirmative.

"That's it..." Zhu Yijun saw Zhang Fan's affirmation.The little brain started to work.

But for Zhang Fan.It's the limit for him to remind the words to this extent.If Zhu Yijun still can't figure out the mystery.And what should he do.Then Zhang Fan was helpless.After all this matter.It is impossible for Zhang Fan to completely clarify to Zhu Yijun.Otherwise, it would be a serious crime to instigate the emperor.

In case you get caught.Then Zhang Fan couldn't escape being involved.

but.Fortunately, Zhu Yijun finally lived up to Zhang Fan's expectations.

"Teacher. I have thought of a way." Zhu Yijun finally said what Zhang Fan wanted to hear.

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