The next day, in the early court, when the civil and military ministers of the Manchu Dynasty were confidently expecting the issuance of the edict that Ge Shouli would take over as Minister of the Ministry of Officials, even Ge Shouli himself, who could not show his emotions on weekdays, , they all felt that their Shangshu business was settled, but they got an answer that did not satisfy them.

Sure enough, the person who took over the post of Minister of the Ministry of Officials was not Ge Shouli, but a mediocre person through and through, and it was obvious that this person had already been subordinated to Feng Bao.

Regarding this, the civil and military forces of the Manchu Dynasty were very angry. There was obviously something inside this matter, but the anger was the anger, but since the edict had been issued, there was no room for change.

What makes everyone puzzled is that they don't know why they would fall in love with such a mediocre person. Although it is said that both the Empress Dowager Li and the little emperor Zhu Yijun trust Feng Bao and Zhang Juzheng, but these two are not so partial These two people, so disregarding the overall situation of the court, handed over such an important position as Minister of the Ministry of Officials to a mediocre person. Obviously something happened behind this.

However, this is nothing more than everyone's speculation. Although this kind of speculation is very reliable, the facts are just like that, but people who don't know the truth naturally have no right to say anything. Besides, now Empress Dowager Li controls the government. If this is what Empress Dowager Li meant, then they will have to admit it. Although it is okay to ask for an explanation, after all, it is the Empress Dowager, and these ministers are not what they want to see.

And Ge Shouli himself, although he was not able to take over the position of Minister of the Ministry of Officials, he was also a little disappointed, but Ge Shouli was Ge Shouli, and he was not the kind of person who would make troubles because of trivial things, so although he was disappointed, he was also disappointed. Not particularly attached to it.

However, when they knew that the edict this time, including the selection of candidates and other matters, was entirely decided by Zhu Yijun alone, the expressions of these ministers were different. After all, as long as they were the emperor, they could go to see him. , You can also ask, or even question why the emperor didn't let Ge Shouli take over as Minister of the Ministry of Officials.

These ministers are quite excited now, but the more this is the case, the more this group of people gathered together will infect each other's emotions, and the emotions will intensify.

Even Ge Shouli, who knew what this group of people were going to do, stopped them frequently, but obviously, Ge Shouli couldn't talk to this group of people.

They didn't even think that even if they questioned Zhu Yijun, or that Zhu Yijun felt that he had done something wrong when they said that, but some things had already been said or done, especially things like imperial decrees and imperial edicts. There is no way to change it, even if Zhu Yijun realizes that he is wrong, what can he do, the most, the most is to feel sorry in his heart, besides, he is an emperor after all, so he must maintain the emperor's demeanor and demeanor Well, in the final analysis, this matter is at most that he has improperly employed people, but it has not yet reached the point of doing something wrong, and it is impossible for him to open his mouth to apologize to the ministers or something.

Moreover, this group of people never thought that Zhu Yijun is only ten years old now, and he is most likely to be seduced by others and make improper decisions. They only want to ask Zhu Yijun for an explanation on this matter. But he never thought about finding out who was behind the scenes.

In short, these people joined the petition and wanted to see Zhu Yijun. Faced with so many people's requests for an audience, no matter whether it was Zhu Yijun, Feng Bao, or Zhang Juzheng, there was no way to refuse.

So, a group of people came to Zhu Yijun, and all of them had expressions of resentment on their faces, and there were quite a few driving in the palace. This situation frightened Zhu Yijun, and he faced these excited people. Also a little overwhelmed.

Zhang Fan didn't pay much attention to this matter. Although he also felt a little pity for Ge Shouli and understood that there must be Feng Bao and Zhang Juzheng behind this matter, but he didn't pay too much attention to it. This felt unfair, and I didn't think about asking for justice or anything.

Now, when he heard that such a group of ministers went to Zhu Yijun collectively to ask for an explanation, he was also taken aback, and hurried over.

When Zhang Fan got there, he found that the scene was quite chaotic.

Those ministers were talking in front of Zhu Yijun one by one, and the topic was just that, that is, they wanted to ask Zhu Yijun why he didn't let Ge Shouli take over the position of Minister of the Ministry of Officials.

But obviously, this group of people was too excited. The few people at the beginning were okay, and their questions were tactful, and they followed the rules. They came one by one. You can ask any questions, and the words you say are very rude, and often the person in front has not finished speaking, and the person behind has already stood up and started talking.

The scene gradually became chaotic, and Zhu Yijun obviously didn't know how to deal with this kind of situation. Sitting in the seat was extremely awkward, and facing so many people with so many words that were becoming more and more excessive, it was originally not Zhu Yijun, who knew how to answer, was even more evasive now.

However, things are like this, the more Zhu Yijun dodges, in the eyes of these people, it seems that he has really done something wrong. In short, the direction of things is going from bad to worse.

And Feng Bao was on the sidelines, watching with cold eyes all the time, he didn't say anything from the beginning to now, and he didn't stop these people, but this doesn't mean that he will just stand like this all the time, saying nothing, He was just biding his time.

But now, the words of these ministers are becoming more and more excessive, and Feng Bao feels that it is time for him to speak up.

"You bastards, hurry up and shut up," Feng Bao yelled. At this time, his voice was very loud, and it didn't have the smell of a eunuch with yin and yang at all, and he seemed extremely upright. , the second class is a minister, but he is so disrespectful and disrespectful, what should he do?"

To be honest, it is indeed wrong for these ministers to vent their anger on Zhu Yijun, a young emperor. Moreover, they don't have disapproval and slight hatred for Feng Bao in their hearts, but now, they are indeed It was a mistake, and Feng Bao stood up and said such a thing at this time, and they had no way to refute it.

The current situation is that after Feng Bao said these words, they all glared at Feng Bao angrily, but for a while, no one wanted to say anything. This situation is really weird very.

"Everyone...don't say any more, dear friends," Zhu Yijun said at this time. Although there was still a lot of panic on his face, he was speaking with a firm look at this time, "Since I have decided Besides, the imperial edict has already been issued, and it is impossible to change it, "

"I came here not to ask for an edict from Your Majesty, and I don't have the guts to do so," one of the ministers said, "What I mean is that I want to ask Your Majesty for an explanation, why don't you let Mr. Ge take over as the official department?" The post of Shangshu, didn’t your majesty see that the memorial jointly presented by the ministers and others is not successful?”

"Memorial, what memorial?" Zhu Yijun immediately asked after hearing what he said. Of course he didn't know about the memorial. Feng Bao and Zhang Juzheng had already stopped the memorial. The contents inside are gone, and he has never even seen the cover.

Now that this matter has been brought up by these ministers, Zhu Yijun is naturally at a loss and knows nothing.

And when Zhu Yijun said this, the ministers below understood it in their hearts, and they didn't need to think about it at all. Almost everyone present knew what was going on right away. The normal gazes all looked at Feng Bao's body.

And Feng Bao was really calm. Facing so many glaring gazes at him, he stood there calmly and without fear, as if at this moment, he was on the side of justice.

"Feng Bao, you dared to deceive the Holy Majesty by withholding the memorial privately and not releasing it, you... You deserve to be punished for your crime," a minister below had already begun to speak, and the words were very fierce, and they didn't save any face at all. Feng Bao.

Now that someone spoke first, a new round of verbal battles started below, but this time the targets were all turned to Feng Bao.

Zhang Juzheng was not present today, so although the ministers present knew in their hearts that Zhang Juzheng must be involved, no one accused Zhang Juzheng of anything, and therefore, now Feng Bao bears all the attacks alone.

But unfortunately, in the face of so many people's accusations against him, Feng Bao just remained unmoved, as if these people were not talking to him at all, and he didn't hear anything, Feng Bao's calmness Zi Ruo really made Zhang Fan feel powerful. Either Feng Bao didn't care about these people at all, or Feng Bao had already thought of a countermeasure, but no matter which one, his composure and composure, when Zhang Fan really admired it.

If it were any other person, facing this kind of situation, he would definitely not be able to be as calm as Feng Bao.

"It's impossible for you to slander our family," Feng Bao said, although his voice was not low, but it was extremely steady, "How could our family do such a thing? Besides, this memorial has already been handed over to the Queen Mother. If you don't believe me, you can ask the Queen Mother for proof."

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