The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 540 Chaos Escalation

As soon as Feng Bao said these words.Everyone present was also silent.It's not that Feng Bao's words are loud.Or when he speaks.What a righteous expression on the face.All these people present were bluffed.

but.The content of what Feng Bao said is indeed impeccable.After all, the memorial was presented to Queen Mother Li.Obviously.Although it is possible for Feng Bao to deceive them on this matter.After all, no one saw with their own eyes that Empress Dowager Li got the booklet in her hand.But there is a point.Feng Bao dared to lie about the possibility of this matter.That's pretty much nothing.

What did Feng Bao rely on to obtain such great power today.Not to mention that he and Zhang Juzheng were in collusion.It also doesn't mention whether Feng Bao did anything wrong with Long Qing's will.But now.He can sit firmly in this seat.Necessary point.It is also the most indispensable point.He has the favor of Empress Dowager Li.

Why did he gain such trust from Queen Mother Li.The most important two words.It is trust.

Let alone.The ministers present could not go to Queen Mother Li to verify anything.But now this matter has been spread after all.Whether or not Empress Dowager Li will get any kind of eyes and ears is anyone's guess.But one thing is certain.As long as Queen Mother Li knows what Feng Bao dared to lie to her.Then Feng Bao's troubles are not one or two.

but.Feng Bao also played tricks here.Although he mentioned that Empress Dowager Li got the imperial edict.But did the ministers Zhu Yijun see the imperial decree just now?He never mentioned it.Feng Bao had already prepared for this.He asked someone to withhold the memorial.But he wasn't ready to let it go.But to press back.specific time.It's today.Wait until these ministers leave.It was only then that Zhu Yijun was able to see the excerpt.But wait until then.Everything is too late.

By the time.Even if Queen Mother Li knew about this matter.ask.Feng Bao will be fine.He just needs to hand over a young eunuch as a scapegoat.Then cry hypocritically in front of Queen Mother Li.Then nothing will happen.

In short.This is exactly what Feng Bao had in mind.Wait until then.Everything has become doomed.Even the ministers know that they have been tricked.But there is no other way.North Korean affairs.Is it child's play.Now that it has been settled.It is impossible to change it.

"The ministers are terrified." Although the ministers were still unhappy with Feng Bao.But now it's all said and done.There was nothing they could do. "The minister now just wants to ask His Majesty to tell the minister. What happened to Mr. Ge?"

"This..." Zhu Yijun thought for a while.Said. "That morning at the court. The love affairs recommended Ge Aiqing as the Minister of the Ministry of Officials. I also know about it. Although I have not been on the throne for a long time, I have heard of Ge Aiqing's name. But after all, this matter involves The succession of the Minister of the Ministry of Officials of the imperial court is a matter of great importance. Naturally, I have to think about it more."

"Your Majesty's words are very true." Another minister responded. "Such careful consideration. Naturally it is necessary. But Weichen and others really can't figure it out. Why did His Majesty replace Master Ge?"

"Because Ge Aiqing is well-known. After all, I don't know much about it." Zhu Yijun frowned.Although there are no wrinkles on that delicate forehead now, there are not many lines.But his appearance is really worrying. "So I found Mr. Zhang. I want to ask."

As soon as Zhu Yijun said this sentence.Everyone present fell silent again.

It's over.Ruined.As soon as Zhu Yijun mentioned Zhang Juzheng's name.Even if it is someone who doesn't know the situation anymore.I can even guess what's going on in my heart.obviously.The young and ignorant Zhu Yijun couldn't make the decision.He called Zhang Juzheng to inquire.

But the problem is.Zhang Juzheng and Feng Baonai are in the same group.Although everyone understands this point.But Zhu Yijun may not be able to understand.Or say.Even Zhu Yijun knew something in his heart.But Zhu Yijun, who is still too innocent now, doesn't think of the two officials.Especially what it means for a foreign minister to have such a good relationship with an internal eunuch.

so.Zhang Juzheng definitely misled him.

"Your Majesty..." a minister asked hesitantly. "What did Master Zhang say to His Majesty?"

"You..." Feng Bao saw this.Hurry up and stop it.But this time.All the ministers glared at him.

In fact, it is no different from before.Feng Bao should not be afraid of the stares of these people.But this time the atmosphere.Obviously something is wrong.Even Feng Bao was stunned.

that feeling.It's really indescribable.Even standing aside.Not a word was said.Zhang Fan who has been watching with cold eyes.I don't even know how to describe the situation at this moment.Words to be forced to say.All the ministers present at this time were no longer simply angry.That look is obvious.If you, Feng Bao, dare to interrupt again.Then it's not just as simple as these ministers wanting to make life difficult for you.By the time.Definitely a desperately strong reaction.

This feeling is so strong.Even Zhang Fan who was outside could feel it.Not to mention Feng Bao who is in the middle of this matter now.Feng Bao is indeed not afraid of these ministers.Whether it is from the current power.Still from the extent of his Feng Bao's favor.

But always say.Dazed and frightened.The horizontal is afraid of death.Today's Feng Bao can't even touch the word "stunned".At best, it can only be said that he is not afraid of these people by relying on his strength.And now.Feng Bao was faced with so many people who showed this expression of "do not want to die" at him.He also flinched.

Zhu Yijun was obviously also frightened.Although he is not the target these ministers want to target.But Feng Bao is standing by his side now.This also caused him to be affected by the anger of these passionate people.

"Mr. Zhang..." Zhu Yijun trembled a little when he spoke.He paused for a moment.I calmed down a bit.Although still a little nervous.But at least he can speak clearly. "Mr. Zhang recommended someone else to me. At that time, I was also wondering. After all, that morning, almost all the lovers recommended Ge Aiqing. And although Mr. Zhang didn't speak at the time, he didn't stand up to oppose it. Now Mr. Zhang suddenly changed his mind. I naturally want to ask to understand.

"At that time, I asked Mr. Zhang. Isn't Ge Aiqing an honest minister? Why did you change your mind at this time?"

"What did the lord Zhang say to His Majesty?" Immediately, a minister asked.

The ministers on the side who did not speak.Now they are all looking at Zhu Yijun nervously.I'm afraid I missed something.This situation.Rang is Zhu Yijun who just calmed down a little.I got nervous again.

"Mr. Zhang said...Ge Shouli is not an honest minister." Zhu Yijun repeated.The accent spoke with some trembling.

quiet.Silence again.But it's obvious.This time the silence.It will be accompanied by an extremely strong storm.

There was a "wow".The pot exploded in this not-so-small hall.It was like a gust of cold water pouring into a boiling oil pan.

All the ministers present.All started to attack.I don't know who they are targeting at this time.Anyway, I disagree.

Think about it too.such a time.It doesn't matter if you are really clean or pretend to be clean.One thing is certain.That is for an official.Fame is really important.Even those who have already had a bad record will desperately oppose this kind of "slander", whether it is true or not.And people like Ge Shouli are really clean and honest.Loyal to the emperor and patriotic for decades.Hardworking people.It is now being said so.Who can agree.

It's not that all the ministers present had a deadly friendship with Ge Shouli.It was so exciting to see Ge Shouli being insulted like this.The reason is also very simple.Although it is impossible for everyone present to be able to do what Ge Shouli did.But there is one thing.All the ministers present also respected what Ge Shouli had done in the past few decades.

And now.These guys have been around for so many years.It can be regarded as a belief that has gradually formed.But it was so embarrassing to be uttered by a single sentence at this moment.Who can accept this kind of thing.

It is not so much that Zhang Juzheng's words insulted Ge Shouli, whom they admired.Rather, Zhang Juzheng's words overturned the beliefs of these people for many years.

Now.Even a person like Ge Shouli was said to be dishonest.So what does this official still do?What's the point of being an official?What an ideal.What revenge.At this moment, all those great things were said to be worthless by one person's words.Who can accept this.

Faced with such a situation.Even though Feng Bao's throat was broken, he couldn't calm down the anger of the ministers present.And Feng Bao really didn't dare to stand out at this moment.To know.Although these ministers are literati.But if the literati become popular.That's a merciless denial.It doesn't matter the occasion.

then.The great eunuch Wang Zhen monopolizes power.He promoted his confidant Ma Shun to be the commander of Jinyiwei.As a result, Yingzong was captured.This Ma Shun even sneered in front of the ministers.But look at what happened to Ma Shun.The ministers were in front of the prince.He was beaten to death on the court.Although he, Feng Bao, is not afraid of what these people will do.But this kind of scene.No one can guarantee.Is he, Feng Bao, the second to be beaten to death in court?He was also the first person to be beaten to death in front of the emperor.

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