The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 550 Always Be The Same 1

After Ge Shouli finished speaking.In Zhang Fan's heart.The solemn feeling for him was even stronger.This is no longer simply awe-inspiring to describe Zhang Fan's mood at this time.There is also a feeling of admiration in it.

What Ge Shouli said just any population.Everything can be said.And what others said.It is definitely easier than what Ge Shouli said.Even more burden-free.But Zhang Fan knew it in his heart.A person who can do what he says.That is simply too little.

He had no doubt that Ge Shouli's words were from his heart.It can be seen from this.Ge Shouli said these words.Just how determined was it.For those who slander their own reputation.He is able to have no personal feelings at all.Start with the big picture.he understands.Personal feelings are compared with the overall situation of the court and the country.It is so insignificant.

Zhang Fan stood up.He bowed respectfully to Ge Shouli.

"Yuande. What are you doing?" Ge Shouli saw this.It was also a big surprise.He quickly stood up and helped Zhang Fan up. "Get up quickly. The old man didn't do anything."

"No. Master Ge." After Zhang Fan stood up.Said to Ge Shouli in a dark and solemn tone. "Based on what Master Ge said just now, Zhang Fan is full of admiration in his heart. I also ask Master Ge to be worshiped by Zhang Fan." He was speaking.Zhang Fan bowed again.

this time.Although Ge Shouli still didn't want to.But he saw that Zhang Fan was so determined.It means letting him bend down.

"Yuande." Ge Shouli said to Zhang Fan. "What kind of virtue does this old man have, how can he dare to treat you as such a big gift. What the old man said just now, everyone understands it, and everyone can say it."

"But..." Zhang Fan looked at Ge Shouli.Say it sincerely. "This junior understands in his heart. What Mr. Ge said just now is not hypocritical. And Mr. Ge will definitely do what he says. That's all. Mr. Ge deserves the respect of this junior."

"Everyone can say big things." After Zhang Fan sat down again.He spoke again. "However. There are too many people who don't mean what they say.

"Indeed. Everyone knows these words are right. Personal grievances are too insignificant compared to national affairs and the country. But how many people can really do what they say. Most of them People. They just say one thing in front of others, but they do another thing behind their backs."

"Yeah. You're telling the truth." Ge Shouli didn't deny Zhang Fan's words.Rather it is said so.Immediately he showed a smile.He looked at Zhang Fan and said. "But. How do you know that I'm not the kind of person who can talk big. One way is in front of others, but another in back."

I heard Ge Shouli say that.Zhang Fan didn't answer him.Instead, she looked at him and laughed.Seeing Zhang Fan smile.Ge Shouli also laughed.

"Because..." The two looked at each other and laughed for a while.That's when Zhang Fan spoke. "The junior understands in his heart. Master Ge must do what he says. Since Master Ge said what he said just now, then Master Ge will definitely be able to do it."

For Zhang Fan's words.Ge Shouli didn't say anything more.Obviously.He admitted it.There's nothing to be polite about.Yes it is.No it is not.Since what Zhang Fan said is correct.Then Ge Shouli admitted it.It doesn't need to be polite.

"The younger generation really admires Mr. Ge's heart." Zhang Fan said. "If this happened to the younger generation, I'm afraid the younger generation would not be able to treat Mr. Ge so indifferently."

"If someone else sits at the top of Jinyiwei. To be honest, I will definitely not be at ease." Ge Shouli is also looking at Zhang Fan now.There was no look of contempt in his eyes.Obviously these words are from his heart. "But you, Zhang Fan, are sitting in this seat. The old man is relieved.

"In the past. Don't talk about pointing people's noses and cursing things. Even if some rumors are spread, it will cause a bloodbath. No one dares to speak. Until you took over Jinyiwei. At that time, the old man's heart I still think so. Although you were born as a scholar, you may think about it. You will not hate the ministers in the court. But the old man always feels that you will become. It is not that there are no literati in Jinyiwei However, they were all good at the beginning. But later on, they became even worse than the others. At the beginning, the old man thought that you were just one of them. In addition, you were able to get this position. It was all because of the first It's just the emperor's trust in you."

Speaking of which.Ge Shouli stopped.

And Zhang Fan heard what Ge Shouli said.But he laughed: "Master Ge is right. Maybe. The younger generation is just like what Master Ge said. It may even become more than others in the end."

And Ge Shouli heard what Zhang Fan said.Instead look at him.shook his head.He also said very firmly in his mouth: "I don't think so."

"No." Hearing Ge Shouli's affirmation.Zhang Fan laughed again. "Your junior doesn't know. Where did Master Ge get such confidence? Sometimes, even this junior himself feels unreliable. Besides, it's only been two years since this junior took over the Jinyiwei. What will happen in the future, no one knows." I don't know. Is it possible that Mr. Ge can tell fortunes and fortune-telling." These words were a bit sarcasm.But Zhang Fan still said so.He knew that Ge Shouli would not care about these things.

"No." Shaking his head.Ge Shouli said. "This old man is also a scholar. I understand the principles of heaven, earth, monarch, relative and teacher. But this old man doesn't believe in those ghosts and gods. I dare to be so sure that you are different from them. In fact, this old man understood it the first time."

"First time." I heard Ge Shouli say so.Zhang Fan was confused again. "What is Mr. Ge referring to?"

"I still remember the first case you handled after you took over Jinyiwei." Ge Shouli said.

Ge Shouli said so.Zhang Fan's extraordinary memory was immediately remembered.good.The beginning of the millennium.It was the fifth day after Zhang Fan took over Jinyiwei.Just one thing happened.That day Zhang Fan received a message from Wang Meng.It is said that Wei Zhong received the news.Qinglu Wangdao of Guanglu Temple accepts bribes and fills his own pockets.He even put the food expenses in the palace into his own pocket without authorization.

to be honest.This Guanglu Temple is specially in charge of meals.Don't underestimate it.There is a lot of oil and water in it.Assuming the post of Minister of Guanglu Temple.There is indeed a lot of oil and water.But because these people are above political affairs.There really aren't many hooks.At most, after grasping the handle.Hit it.Or be dismissed from office.That's it.

certainly.A place like Jinyiwei.People naturally want to be caught.But after arresting someone.It is necessary to clean him up.Don't say it's corrupt money to spit out.Even his own wealth and finances will never be let go.Then people will not just be dismissed as a simple matter.Well, there is still a life to go out.If it is not good, it will die directly inside.Don't think it's weird.Very reckless.This is the secret service of the Ming Dynasty.Sounds pretty scary now.But at that time.This kind of thing is too common.

But this way of kingship is different.He is not usually a person who would take bribes and break the law.In short.For whatever reason.He is in the hearts of officials in the court.Word of mouth has always been good.After he was caught.Although everyone felt that there was no hope.But they played anyway.He said a lot of good things to Lu Wangdao.

And just when everyone felt hopeless.Lu Wangdao was released by Jin Yiwei.Not just unscathed.It is the official reinstatement.

Unscathed.The officials are naturally understandable.After all, even Jin Yiwei.Nor is it the master who only knows how to extract confessions by copying instruments of torture.There have also been occasional benevolences.But the official reinstatement.This is simply unimaginable.To know.Even if it's not Jinyiwei's trial.If you wronged a good person.Nor would he admit his fault like that.Always looking for a reason to say something.This is how you save your face.

Only later did everyone know.It was Zhang Fan who went to Long Qing and explained the whole story.Someone falsely accused Lu Wangdao.After Long Qing heard about it.Make an order in person.Let the king of the road reinstate his post.

This is from that time.The impression of Zhang Fan among the officials of the Manchu Dynasty has changed a lot.Although it is not enough to immediately feel that as long as Zhang Fan sits at the top of Jinyiwei.There will be no more unjust, false or wrongly decided cases.But after all, it's much better.

But Ge Shouli was different.He knew it from then on.Zhang Fan is really different from others.Zhang Fan might be assimilated.But I can definitely keep such a thought in my heart.Also from that time.Ge Shouli has been paying attention to Zhang Fan.This is the back.Ge Shouli would stand up and speak for Zhang Fan without warning.Actually.That's because Ge Shouli had already approved of Zhang Fan.

Figured this out.Zhang Fan had a new view on Ge Shouli.He felt that Ge Shouli's vision of seeing people was extremely precise.Having said that though.Zhang Fan felt that he was a little too boastful.But his opinion of Ge Shouli will not change.

"Then...Master Ge. From now on..." Zhang Fan still wanted to confirm with Ge Shouli one more thing. "Will Mr. Ge treat the teacher..."

He didn't wait for Zhang Fan to finish speaking.Ge Shouli understood what he wanted to say.Smiling and shaking his head.Ge Shouli said: "Don't worry about this. Since the old man has considered the overall situation at this time, he will not give up halfway. If Zhang Juzheng does something wrong in the future, the old man will still stand up and say no. But if what he said is right The old man will stand up and agree with him."

I heard Ge Shouli say that.Zhang Fan felt relieved.All he has to worry about now.It was whether Zhang Juzheng and Feng Bao would take the initiative to trouble Ge Shouli.Zhang Juzheng might not.But there is Feng Bao.But not necessarily.

"But..." Ge Shouli then said two more words.But he didn't continue talking.

Looking at Ge Shouli.Zhang Fan was confused again.

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