The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 551 Difficulties

This thing seems to have passed.

On the morning of the next day, the imperial decree was promulgated, Ge Shouli added the title of Crown Prince Shaobao, to show that he had been an official in the court for dozens of years, loyal to the monarch and the country, and other documents were issued to all corners of the country. Everyone in China knew about this. This expression is very indifferent, neither showing any angry appearance, but also not showing any happy appearance, just a completely calm appearance.

Zhang Fan has been prepared for this point, but Zhang Fan has been prepared, which does not mean that other ministers will agree with it. They are still very upset about what happened to Ge Shouli. The glory is incomparable, but in the final analysis, power is nothing at all. Therefore, while they sympathized with Ge Shouli, they also hated Feng Bao and Zhang Juzheng.

But since Ge Shouli, who was in it, didn't say anything, it's hard for others to intervene. After all, since Ge Shouli even tolerated Zhang Juzheng's exaggerated and slanderous words, the others also It's not good to be nosy anymore.

However, Zhang Fan knew something else. After the morning court that day, he deliberately went to find Zhang Juzheng and had a talk. During the conversation, although Zhang Juzheng's performance was the same as before, he didn't show anything, but Zhang Fan always could I feel some guilt in it. It seems that although Zhang Juzheng said those words for many things, now this appearance is also the demerit he wants to get, but obviously, Zhang Juzheng is not without a little guilt in his heart. After getting this The news, to be honest, even Zhang Fan felt a lot better in his heart.

However, Zhang Fan still had a question in his heart. He talked with Ge Shouli at his home yesterday, and at the end, he heard Ge Shouli utter the word "but". He knew that Ge Shouli must have something else to say.

But just when Zhang Fan wanted to ask, he saw the expression on Ge Shouli's face that he didn't want to talk anymore. Therefore, Zhang Fan didn't ask why in the end, but he always had a question in his heart. I feel that Ge Shouli seems to have something on his mind, and it has something to do with him no longer wanting to step into any disputes.

From the second day onwards, Zhang Fan would occasionally talk to Ge Shouli, and Ge Shouli would always talk about his hometown intentionally or unintentionally, and sometimes he would also talk about him and the old man. Correspondence between friends Yang Bo.

In the beginning, Zhang Fan didn't feel anything wrong with these situations, and three months later, Ge Shouli had always been like this, so Zhang Fan didn't take it to heart. It's June, and Luo Ling'er has been pregnant for eight months. In addition, because of some previous events, this pregnancy has become extremely difficult. Although Wang Youcai, the imperial physician who owed Zhang Fan his life, Now it seems that Luo Linger wants to give birth to a child smoothly, and it is not difficult for mother and child to be protected, but this pregnancy still consumes too much of her vitality, Zhang Fan is very troubled by this, so recently He also went home to accompany Luo Linger whenever he was free, so that she could relax and not be too nervous.

Therefore, although Zhang Fan has always been very puzzled about Ge Shouli, he didn't pay much attention to it, but he gradually began to have an idea in his heart.

Indeed, Ge Shouli during this period was a bit unusual, often mentioning things about his hometown, and although his body was still in good shape, the fatigue on his face was clearly evident. Therefore, Zhang Fan also became aware of it. Firstly, Ge Shouli is old after all, and secondly, Ge Shouli may have the intention of retreating.

Regarding the possibility of Ge Shouli retiring from the old age and returning to his hometown, although Zhang Fan felt a little bit reluctant, he didn't get too entangled in it. In his opinion, it would be best to let everything happen naturally. Moreover, during this period of time, Both Feng Bao and Zhang Juzheng were busy with other things, and they didn't mention that they wanted to liquidate anyone in the court, or they wanted to trouble Ge Shouli, so Zhang Fan felt relieved.

Speaking of Zhang Juzheng, he has been very busy recently. It's not that there is anything wrong with the court recently, but that Zhang Juzheng is busy with his own ambitions. Yes, it's about the New Deal.

Regarding this matter, Zhang Fan also paid a lot of attention. During this period of time, he also met with Zhang Juzheng many times to discuss together. Now the political situation in the court is considered to be stable, and Feng Bao and Zhang Juzheng are in charge of the affairs of the court. It has become a fact. Although the officials in the court still have many disagreements with the two of them, this fact has been accepted by everyone.

Now that the conditions are ripe, Zhang Juzheng naturally has plans.

But although there is a plan, but how to do it, to be honest, there is no way to say.

Now the imperial court is considered stable, and the people are hesitant that the sea ban has been opened. Now, whether it is taxation or life, it is good. What Zhang Fan noticed is that with the opening of the sea ban, more and more people in the Ming Dynasty have awareness. The huge benefits brought about by going to sea to develop business and trade also have more and more people doing this business, although no matter which business, once the number of people increases, everyone will definitely get a lot less , and therefore, mutual use of means to suppress opponents often occurs.

This matter should not have been taken care of by the imperial court, but Zhang Juzheng made some laws specifically for this purpose, to deal with these matters. To be honest, Zhang Juzheng's move has received mixed reviews in the court. Some people think that Zhang Juzheng This is a great move, it gives those businessmen who are ignorant of etiquette and profit-seeking a law to follow, but some people think it is not good, thinking that Zhang Juzheng is meddling in his own business, and the court should meddle in whatever the businessmen want. It was a bit embarrassing, but no matter what, the situation was much better after all.

Although it is said that many people have started the business of going to sea to do business, most of them are also living in the eastern coastal areas, and because of the opening of the sea ban, many people no longer go to sea according to the previous regulations. Since the end of last year, many people have also been like this. They no longer follow the time limit. As long as the conditions are met, they will sail to sea. So by the middle of this year, there will always be one or two merchant ships in the east going to sea or returning to sea almost every day. .

In this way, more manpower is required.

At the beginning of this situation, the price of those manpower has risen even more. After all, there are places where manpower is needed everywhere. In the past, many people were willing to pay one or two times more wages.

It's good that this situation didn't take long. Many people in the inland got the news and went to the coastal areas to find a job.

This situation reminded Zhang Fan of the situation he had seen in his previous life. Many people went to work in developed places just to make more money.

Fortunately, at the beginning of the Ming Dynasty, Zhu Yuanzhang ordered that people should not move freely, especially those who had their own land. Although Zhang Fan sneered at this order, but now it seems that it is precisely because This eased the situation a lot.

Not to mention the many problems, on this land, as long as there are more people, it is easy to cause trouble. The most important thing is that although I come here to work as a heavy worker, the wages I get are still better than those at home. There would be a lot more. If the population flow was not restricted, Zhang Fan was sure that many people would definitely leave their fields and come here to earn money.

Today, because of Zhu Yuanzhang's "foresight and foresight", although many people are now running to the east, those fields have not been abandoned, there are still people farming the land, and there will still be food.

This is what made Zhang Fan breathe a sigh of relief, so now he can only despise Emperor Taizu's measure while thanking his order for bringing the current situation under control.

It can be said that the current situation is just right. There are people farming in the back, and there are people making money over there. The wages paid by those merchants will inevitably be much less, which is not beneficial to both parties.

This is one aspect.

Now Zhang Juzheng encountered some difficulties again, the matter was related to the land.

I remember before, when Gao Gong was in power, in order to retaliate against Xu Jie who had returned to his hometown, he ordered Hai Rui who was in Yingtian to search the fields. The fields embezzled and concealed by a large number of nobles and big landlords were distributed to the peasants, and tens of thousands of hectares of fields were discovered that time, which can be described as a rich harvest.

But even so, it is only in Nanzhili. In other places in Ming Dynasty, there are countless lands hidden by nobles and landlords. They do not pay taxes to the court, but they are still producing crops. .

Taxation has always been the most serious problem in the Ming Dynasty, and this situation has undoubtedly worsened. Although there is no problem with the money in the treasury now that the sea ban has been lifted, it is still a big problem if the land is not reported and the grain cannot be collected. .

Zhang Juzheng is also working hard in this area now, and he also understands in his heart how difficult it is to let those royal nobles and landlords and old money spit out the hidden fields, but he still intends to do so.

But he encountered many difficulties.

Matters like fields, in the final analysis, are matters of the people and the economy, but Zhang Juzheng can't deal with them from the beginning, he needs to make other preparations.

One of the most important points is the administration of officials. If the administration of officials is not clear and government orders are not clear, no matter how many solutions are thought of, it will be in vain.

Therefore, the first thing Zhang Juzheng has to do is to reform the administration of officials in the court. However, since the founding of the Ming Dynasty, although the court has undergone several major changes, some things have never changed. How dare you want to change it? Difficulties,

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