The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 563 Good or Bad

"I don't know why Your Majesty made such a statement." Zhang Fan heard Zhu Yijun say this.Naturally, he objected immediately. "What I said is in my heart. How could I deceive His Majesty?"

"Then..." Obviously.Zhu Yijun believed in Zhang Fan.But he was still very confused. "Then why did the teacher bow his head and say nothing?"

"Please forgive me, Your Majesty. I was thinking about other things just now. It's not these things." Zhang Fan quickly explained. "What I said to His Majesty just now is all the truth. I never thought of deceiving Your Majesty."

"I understand what the teacher is thinking. It's just..." Zhu Yijun said intermittently.Obviously.He was still very uncertain. "It's just that I really can't understand the truth. It is right to follow the teachings of the saints. I have been taught this way since I was a child. I think the teacher would not say that there is anything wrong with it. It's just that I don't understand. Since I have to follow the teachings of the saints, why? We must agree with those hypocrisy and deception. If the corrupt officials in the court act secretly, no one will know. That’s fine. But knowing that there are ministers in the court who are corrupt and perverting the law, we must tolerate them. It is still impossible to punish their crimes I really can't figure this out."

"Your Majesty is right," Zhang Fan said. "However. I do have a question to ask His Majesty."

"Teacher, please ask." Zhu Yijun nodded.

"My minister assumes...if..." Zhang Fan thought for a while.Said. "If there is such a minister in the imperial court. He is indeed greedy for petty gains. Of course. Everyone has a greedy heart. But this person likes to be greedy for petty gains too much. Years have passed. It's just that corrupting some petty gains is already He couldn't satisfy him anymore. So this official began to gradually expand his hands and feet. In the end, he was simply corrupt and amassing countless wealth. He didn't ask for bribes from his subordinate officials, but also bribed his superiors. In order to get a higher official position. Your Majesty I think. How should such a person be."

"Of course it should be killed." Zhu Yijun heard what Zhang Fan said.Naturally, he said it without thinking. "The salary of eating the king. It is a matter of being loyal to the king. What's more, the salary given to them by the imperial court. Isn't it enough for him to eat and clothe himself?" This is not Zhu Yijun's bloodthirsty.It's just that the emperors of the Ming Dynasty seem to have such a virtue.No matter how bloodthirsty he is like Zhu Di, no matter how playful he is like Zhu Houzhao, and no matter how greedy for money he is like Zhu Yijun.No matter how you are.They will never allow the officials below to do that.

Hearing what Zhu Yijun said.To be honest, Zhang Fan was very helpless in his heart.Officials of the Ming Dynasty.What is his salary?In Zhang Fan's heart, it couldn't be more clear.If the officials in the world are really law-abiding.Clean and honest.And I haven't been greedy for a penny.Or just like Ge Shouli.The family has a lot of money.Naturally, I can eat and wear warmth.You can still live in a big house; or it's like Hai Rui's.He was really of civilian origin.Not a penny was taken.Even if the official is the governor of Yingtian.But still live in a home like a ruined temple.

Honestly.Even though Zhang Fan really didn't want to get close to those corrupt officials.He probably couldn't bear this either.No wonder.After all, Zhang Fan's official career is infinite.It went very well.As soon as he entered the court, he was appreciated by Long Qing.Naturally, he has not received that kind of treatment.

Even Zhang Fan thought about it.If he hadn't been favored by Long Qing.Even if it becomes a champion.Either become a good man in the court.As a backup official; or as a local magistrate or something.that time.How will he be an official.Zhang Fan himself had no way to dare to guarantee himself.

But Zhu Yijun is the emperor after all.He said so.Zhang Fan can't always say he's wrong.

so.Generally speaking.Corrupt officials are really annoying.But some are indeed "no way".certainly.This is not to justify what those corrupt officials do.But the world is really unpredictable.Who can think of it.In the beginning, I just wanted to make a little profit.Let yourself live a little more moist.But finally.Desire always breaks through the shackles of the human heart.It is difficult for those who have tasted the sweetness to go back to the old life.At the end.Don't talk about the royal law of the court.Or the moral concepts of the human heart.Even death can no longer threaten these people.

in this way.There are only so many corrupt officials in this world.And it never decreases.There will only be more and more.And these people will always only get more and more greedy.It never dwindles.

In general.That's it.But Zhang Fan couldn't tell Zhu Yijun about this.This will only make Zhu Yijun understand.It is impossible to completely end the problem of corrupt officials all over the court.Although it is true.But Zhang Fan thinks.Instead of saying that, Zhu Yijun felt that this matter was hopeless.making him desperate.It might as well be without deceiving him.Give him a possibility.Let him still have this glimmer of hope in his heart.

"Your Majesty's words are correct," Zhang Fan said. "Corrupt officials are naturally hateful. They not only enrich their own pockets, but also resort to deceit. However, Your Majesty can think of another possibility."

"What's possible." Zhang Fan agreed with his words.Zhu Yijun was naturally happy.But Zhang Fan heard another problem.He also had to reconsider.

"If there is such an official." Zhang Fan said. "He is not corrupt. But his hands and feet are not clean. He wants to get some money to spend. It's just that he understands. You can't get any money from the people. And that will only make you die faster. So He specially selected those who were rich and unkind to accept bribes. And at the same time, he did not forget that he was an official of the court. It was the court who used him to govern the world and the people. He was also very good to the people. It can even be said. With him. In The people under his rule live and work in peace and contentment. His Majesty thinks that this kind of official should be killed."

"This..." Zhu Yijun heard what Zhang Fan said.confused. "Under the sun. Is there such a person?"

"Your Majesty. Although this official is only talking about things, please trust me. There are too many such officials in the world." Zhang Fan looked at Zhu Yijun.Said very sincerely.

"This...he cares about the people. He can let the people live and work in peace and contentment. This is certainly a good thing. From this point of view, he can be regarded as a good official." Zhu Yijun was thinking.Said slowly. "However. He is still greedy for money. To satisfy his own greed. This is also a violation of the court's law. According to the law, he should be punished..." He said.Zhu Yijun just listened.He really didn't know how to answer Zhang Fan's question.

"Your Majesty. Actually, few people can answer this question." Zhang Fan didn't intend to make things difficult for him. "If in the past, if the court encountered such a thing, it would never consider how many good deeds this official has done in the past. Or how many good deeds he has done for the people. Or how many people will cry out for him to redress his grievances. Absolutely He will be convicted. His property will be confiscated. Then those who are demoted will be demoted, those who will be dismissed will be dismissed, and those who will be executed will be executed.

"But. His Majesty really thinks that for such an official, he shouldn't be given the slightest chance. Maybe this person just embezzled tens of thousands of taels of silver. Although this is really true for an official There are too many. But what this person has done for the common people cannot be exchanged for these tens of thousands of taels of silver."

"This..." Zhang Fan said.Zhu Yijun was even more confused.

indeed.Throughout the past and present.No matter what era.what dynasty.An eternal theme is.All achievements are worthless.For a general who leads an army to an expedition.Even if it has been on the battlefield for decades.Killed countless enemies and never lost.But only one defeat.Maybe it was annihilated.Maybe it's just a small failure.But it is possible to be blamed for the great crime.Not to mention losing his official position.And maybe lose your head.

And the same is true of civil servants.No matter how much you love the people on weekdays.How clean and honest.But once he was found out, he had corrupted the law.Basically, it can be confirmed that this person is finished.his official career.Even his life ended here.

"Your Majesty, the words of this minister are not intended to make His Majesty follow any method from now on," Zhang Fan said. "My minister is just telling Your Majesty. Being human in this world is really too difficult. People are not simple. You can't judge them simply by good or bad. Even if some people are full of evil, they still have a particularly good side; and Even if someone is full of benevolence and morality, there will also be a bad side.

"And now. The thing Mr. Zhang proposed. That's it. Don't just look at this person as good or bad. Don't just see that he has done good things now. You can't see the bad things he used to do. And vice versa. Similarly, just because he has committed some bad things now, it means that this person has always been a bad person. No matter who makes any mistakes, he should be sentenced and punished. You can’t just see his side and push this person into the bottomless abyss. "

Zhang Fan finished speaking.No more words.He can say that.It can already be said that he told Zhu Yijun clearly what was right.something is wrong.what's left.Zhu Yijun had to think about it himself.And Zhang Fan didn't believe it either.Zhu Yijun couldn't even figure out such a question.

certainly.Zhu Yijun is likely to be very confused about this.It is impossible to figure out the truth of this in a short time.

"Teacher." Zhu Yijun said. "I still don't quite understand the reason. But since the teacher said so, I will think about it. I believe the teacher will not deceive me."

Looking at Zhu Yijun's smile.Zhang Fan felt very relieved.But at the same time relieved.He is also more worried.Emperor's trust.Is this a good thing or a bad thing?

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