The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 564 The so-called future

After Zhang Fan walked out of the palace.The time is still a little short of noon.Plus it's summer.The sky was also clear and cloudless.Although it can't be called scorching sun.But the weather in the north has always been dry.Even if it's not very hot.It also makes people feel extremely irritable.

Especially Zhang Fan at this time.Even though he hadn't done anything before.But what he said just now.There is also about the emperor Zhu Yijun.and thoughts about your future.It really gave him a headache.Plus it's noon now.The stomach is also a little hungry.Zhang Fan felt a little powerless.

Although today.He and Zhang Juzheng and Feng Bao.It can be said that Empress Dowager Li nodded in agreement with Zhang Juzheng's reform of the administration of officials.That is, the passing of the "examination method".But after all, the stakes are high.It's hard to be too cautious.So before Zhu Yijun officially issued an imperial edict to the court.They still need to think about it a lot.

Item-by-item on this.Even more careful consideration.See if there is anything you haven't thought of.Or what loopholes will be left for people to exploit.after all.This matter was only done by the three of them.Not to mention.Feng Bao just provided some news and said something nice in front of Queen Mother Li.And even Zhang Fan had a lot of help in the process of Zhang Juzheng's thinking of a solution.Also personally helped Zhang Juzheng come up with a lot of ideas.But not many.

And Zhang Juzheng.Even he was brilliant.But.Once this imperial decree is issued by Zhu Yijun.Obviously, it will cause the disapproval of most people in the DPRK and China.What will happen then.Just what you can think of now.It includes the use of ancestral laws that cannot be easily changed; there are a large number of officials in the court.Changing the administration of officials rashly will make the ministers feel dissatisfied.This creates trouble; some people even take some extreme paths.Do something they can't expect now.

But these are troublesome though.But it's not right in front of us either.Because both Zhang Juzheng and Zhang Fan knew it in their hearts.through today's events.Empress Dowager Li and Zhu Yijun will definitely agree to use this "examination method" to check the officials in the court.There will inevitably be resistance at that time.But it's not insurmountable.Even if the ministers are too strong.But this is an imperial decree after all.Moreover, the cabinet led by Zhang Juzheng himself would naturally not reject his own the ministers in the DPRK will be dissatisfied with this.But the decree is the decree.Since the emperor issued an imperial decree.Cabinet also passed.Then it must be implemented.

so.In the promulgation and implementation of the "Test Law".They are bound to run into some trouble.certainly.Those troubles are not necessarily small.but.They all understand in their hearts. The "examination method" is bound to be passed and days they don't have to worry about that stuff.

And what they really need to worry about.It was in the process of the imperial court implementing the "testing method".As time goes by.Will there be any other problems.To know.The Ming Dynasty will be vast.There are many people.Therefore, there are many officials needed.

And now.Although the "examination method" proposed by Zhang Juzheng seems to have no flaws.And it can somewhat put an end to the corruption of most officials.It can also check out a large number of corrupt officials.

but.The problem is what they have to face.It's not just a dozen corrupt officials.Or three or five high-ranking corrupt officials.what they have to face.It was the entire Ming Dynasty.Hundreds of officials.There is a saying that "three cobblers beat Zhuge Liang".But now Zhang Juzheng and the others are only three of them.But you have to fight against thousands of people.Even Zhang Juzheng, Zhang Fan and Feng Bao are indeed extremely intelligent.But even they themselves don't believe it.Three people can defeat hundreds of people.

Not to mention.How many of these thousands of people will be the targets they want to attack.Plus.When these people realize.After Zhang Juzheng and others used such a method to treat them as targets of attack.what will they do.

The dog jumps over the wall in a hurry.Do something drastic.It's possible.But most of these people are civil servants.And basically they are some problematic officials.The so-called "problems" seemed to Zhang Fan.Then it is impossible to act impulsively.They will be greedy for life and afraid of death.Do everything possible to think of ways to evade responsibility.The best thing is to keep what you have done from being discovered by as to be able to continue.And more likely.Even if the court finds out what's wrong.It will not cause much crisis to oneself.At least get out of the way.

Add to that the sheer number of these people.So it is not impossible for them to join forces.

Just imagine.Such a group of corrupt officials gathered together.Brainstorm.Find a way how to escape the "perfect" verification method established by Zhang Juzheng and the others.To know.There is no such thing as "perfect" in the world.Even the ancients.There may be different ways of expressing it.But that doesn't mean they don't understand it.

In a strong fortress.It will always be captured.So when these guys get together and figure out what to do.Zhang Juzheng absolutely did not believe that they would not be able to think of any way to deal with him.

so.Whether it's Zhang Fan or Zhang Juzheng.What matters most now.Try to perfect the "examination method" as much as possible.Even if it is more perfect.It is also possible for others to find the flaw in it.But today's effort.But it can also make that probability smaller.Even if it can only be infinitely close to zero.But it is absolutely impossible to completely disappear.But that's enough.

After all, there are things in this world.It's impossible to be perfect no matter what you your job well.That's the way to go.

Moreover.It doesn't mean working so hard now.After the "examination method" was promulgated.Zhang Juzheng and the others will not ask any more questions.And will always be carried out in accordance with the rules and regulations stipulated above.If there is any problem on the way.Amendments are inevitable.

But those.It is not something that should be considered now.

This is just like a truth that Zhang Fan learned from his mentor in his previous life. "Chess masters can consider the situation of the next five moves. But chess masters only need to consider how to move the next step."As long as you can accurately grasp the situation in front of you.That is the reason to be able to win.And think too much.But it may not be a good thing.After all, the future is the future.The future is full of too many variables.It is impossible to estimate.What will happen in the future.No one can tell clearly.

Think about it.Zhang Fan's distressed mood also eased a little.The matter in front of me is indeed anxious.But it has not reached the point of imminent fire.If you are frowning because of this now.I'm afraid we'll have to wait until something actually happens in the future.You may really have no choice.

Since there is nothing to do now.Then don't push yourself too hard.After all, relaxation is the way to last.And always tight words.But it's definitely not a good thing.

Thought of these.Zhang Fan intends to make these reforms.Or the troubles I got from Zhu Yijun.Put it all down for now.Don't think about it so much.After all, even if he wants to think about it now.But there was nothing for him to think about.Since there is no trouble.Why so.Let yourself always be suspicious.

Moreover.As long as he can be himself.Even when troubles come in the future.It should also be easy to deal with.

certainly.This does not mean that Zhang Fan can completely relax now.After all, helping Zhang Juzheng to perfect the "examination method" is also a top priority.After all, what can be done now is more and more perfect.There is also less chance of problems in the future.And even the question of what will happen in the future.But the losses caused will be correspondingly smaller.

Just like today.Although Zhang Fan had just come out of the palace.But if he has nothing to do this afternoon.He must go to Zhang Juzheng's place.But research and study with him.

And actually.The reason is not so simple.Although it is said that the "examination method" proposed by Zhang Juzheng was used to reform the administration of officials in the court.It is indeed very important.But Zhang Juzheng's original intention was not here.The ambition he harbored in his breast was not so shallow.What he wants to reform is the whole world.therefore.Enabling the court to promulgate and implement the "Testing Law" is only his first step.There is still a long way to go.

but. "Testing into the law" is a foundation.If the foundation is unstable.How can we build on Juzheng's main purpose at the moment is.It is necessary to ensure that this foundation can be laid firmly.Even if it's not foolproof.But there must be no major problems.

Zhang Fan naturally knew this too.So he had to go there again to talk with Zhang Juzheng.but.Definitely not now.Zhang Fan was very tired at this time.What he wants to do most now.Just go home.Have a nice lunch with your family.Take a good nap.Allow yourself to recover.Only in this way can we better devote ourselves to work.

Think again.Now at home.I already have a pair of children.Moreover, Luo Ling'er is also pregnant for nearly nine months.It is not far from the time when my third child comes into the world.But what he was more worried about at the moment was not his own children.It was Luo Linger herself.After all, Luo Ling'er has some physical problems.And what he wants most now is to be by her side.Let her have less burden.Don't worry too much.

Think about it.Zhang Fan's spirit has improved a lot.Get on the horse.Go to your own home.

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