Liang Chao's analysis seemed to make Zhang Fan find the suspicious point again, but this suspicious point was noticed by Zhang Fan at the beginning, but he didn't take it to heart. After all, in his own eyes, this seemed to be a Nothing urgent, nothing to pay attention to, after all, even he himself has such a habit.

But after what Liang Chao said, Zhang Fan discovered the problem. It seems that these people who have done monitoring tasks are different. Although Liang Chao is not as knowledgeable as Zhang Fan, if it is said that he is not as smart as Zhang Fan. As for the sophistication of the world, although he worked in the Jinyiwei and came into contact with a lot of people, compared to Zhang Fan who dealt with those old foxes who could be regarded as cultivated to the state of perfection in the court every day, he still had to A lot tender.

But there is one thing, Zhang Fan can't compare with Liang Chao, even though the difference in age between the two is not too much, but Liang Chao's family has been working in Jinyiwei for generations, even though he was still young at that time, But he also entered Weizhong early, and it has been seven or eight years now.

Don't underestimate the situation of these seven or eight years. At Liang Chao's age, this is the time when people can be tempered the most, and it is also the time when various experiences grow the fastest. The people and things he has come into contact with over the years are not counted, but he has also carried out hundreds of missions, and as a Jinyiwei, supervision is a big item, and almost all the grandparents in Liang Chao's family have done so. This background, so Liang Chao is no exception.

From not knowing anything, to listening to Wei Zhong's instructions, following the rules, and then following the rules, the lessons and experience gained, as well as the experience of the predecessors, let Liang Chao observe various unusual situations. The sense of smell is extremely powerful. It is very possible that in today's Jinyiwei, Liang Chao is No. 1 in this aspect alone, and even Wang Meng, who has always been rigorous, cannot surpass him.

Although Liang Chao is less rigorous than Wang Meng, and his actions are a bit careless, his thinking is much more active than Wang Meng's, and he often thinks of places that other people have not thought of, and makes things that look fundamentally different. It is to connect things that have nothing to do with each other.

This is the effect that the combination of Liang Chao's talent and his many years of experience can bring.

Now, Liang Chao's ability has been fully revealed, and he has indeed seen the problem from a little bit of clues.

And after listening to Liang Chao's analysis, Zhang Fan had to admit that his analysis was correct. He only considered the problem from his own perspective, not from the other party's perspective. There were too many factors that he didn't think of, but Zhang Fan also had the advantage of daring to admit that even though it was impossible for him to tell what he had missed in front of Liang Chao, his subordinate, he had already admitted in his heart that it was his mistake.

One is the situation in his own family, and the other is the problem that Yingyue and Zhaoxue are both women, all of which were ignored by Zhang Fan as a matter of course.

It is true that those teahouses are indeed places specially designed for the convenience of the female relatives who go out, but let alone the situation of Yingyue and Zhaoxue, if you think about it carefully, how can other female relatives go out like the two of them every day? The female family members of the family only go to the street every now and then. If they are tired, they will go there to rest. After all, tasting tea is not their first goal.

So, like this kind of tea house, the tea will not be too bad. After all, the women who can go to the tea house are at least from wealthy families, but it will not be too good. After all, even if it is really satisfying, the other party will After all, she is a woman, and it is impossible to come every day, so this kind of place does not require repeat customers, but the most important thing is to be clean.

Then again, what kind of women, especially those who have already entered the gate, still run on the street all day long. The situation of Yingyue and Zhaoxue is already quite special.

Of course, if you say that, after all, Yingyue and Zhaoxue have been going out almost every day for the past six months. Looking at it this way, it seems normal for them to go to such a teahouse every day, but Zhang Fan doesn't think so.

After all, they are still women, maybe Yingyue and Zhaoxue are different from other women, but there is no essential change, and let alone women, even men may not spend all day in teahouses, but Yingyue and Zhaoxue are good people, they are as punctual as the yamen servants go to the yamen every day when they go there, this is absolutely abnormal.

However, because Zhang Fan had no experience in this field before, and he was also very anxious because of the troubles in his heart at that time, he couldn't find it at all. It's very calm, but it may not be able to see the problem at a glance like Liang Chao.

But now, there is nothing to be depressed about. After all, he is a Shangguan. Even though this matter is his private matter, his subordinates are here to help him. It doesn't matter who finds out. What matters is the matter. It was really found out.

There is no need to worry about the previous things anymore. The most urgent task now is how to solve the problems discovered.

"You mean that the problem lies in this teahouse," Zhang Fan said, "How much do we know about the situation in this teahouse?"

"My lord, this teahouse is called 'Chunmingxuan', a very common name," Liang Chao said. Since it is a place where Yingyue and Zhaoxue often go, Jin Yiwei naturally cannot let it go, "Not only the name Ordinary, even Weizhong was very ordinary after the investigation, and found no problems. The boss there is a woman, a widow, who is from the capital, and there are brothers and sisters in the family. None of them have committed any crimes, and their family background is also innocent. Even his grandfather was a minister of the governor of Shuntian, so it can be regarded as some family background.

"Humble job also sent people to investigate her dead husband, and found nothing wrong. His husband was from Tong County, the only son in the family, and a scholar. He taught in a school in the capital. How good, the two died about three years after they got married.

"The two of them have no children. Apart from being beaten by a naughty student, her husband did not cause any major troubles before his death. Moreover, her husband's family is also clean. It is said that the three generations of their family are single. They are all talented teachers, although they have not passed Juren, but there are quite a few people in Tong County who know about their family’s situation, and they haven’t found any problems,”

Jin Yiwei is Jin Yiwei, and even such seemingly irrelevant things that haven't been discovered yet are all investigated clearly, without any omissions, and even what the ancestors did was dug out to check everything clearly.

However, in this way, there seems to be no room for development. After all, according to Liang Chao's statement, the widow owner of the teahouse is basically innocent.

However, there is a good saying, "There are many gossips in front of the widow's door." Although Zhang Fan knew that this was a guess that ruined people's reputation, he still had to ask: "What happened to the widow after her father died?"

"It's worth mentioning," Liang Chao said, "After her husband died, she had no intention of remarrying. Even if there were many people, they would come to propose marriage. He is willing to marry her as his wife, but she also refuses all of them.

"This 'Chunmingxuan' teahouse was opened after she became a widow. It is said that she wanted to find something for herself to do. The capital used was also from her own family. The origins are also very innocent, and the female relatives who go there, although It’s not from a wealthy family in the capital or a woman from a very distinguished family, but in this kind of place, most of the women’s families who will go there are not bad, and people have asked about their humble positions, and those women also have a high evaluation of this widow.”

"Then what about the people in her shop, have you checked?" Zhang Fan frowned and asked.

"I also checked, and there is nothing wrong with it," Liang Chao said here, paused, and said with a frown, "But..."

"But what?" Zhang Fan asked quickly.

"Because the humble subordinates seemed to have no problem with this matter at the beginning, so after such an investigation, they felt that there was nothing wrong and stopped paying attention," Liang Chao said, "Now it seems that there is really something wrong with it. When I return to my humble position, I will ask someone to check it out again immediately to see if there is anything missing, "

"Well," Zhang Fan said, nodding his head, "Although I don't know what's going on now, but let me tell you, do you think a woman and a widow would need so much money, and she also has To open a teahouse with the capital, I think the family is very well-to-do, so there is no need for that, right?"

"This..." For this question, Liang Chao was really uncomfortable to say, after all, the other party was a widow, but since Zhang Fan asked, he couldn't help but answer, "My lord, to be honest, I have seen this kind of thing before. If a widow encounters such a thing, it is most likely because of a man, "

"That's true," Zhang Fan said, "When you send someone to check, also check the account of that restaurant for me to see what's going on."

"Of course I understand this humble position," Liang Chao replied.

"Well, if that's the case, then that's fine," Zhang Fan sighed, and said, "Although we men can see that there are some problems with this woman, but if we look at it from a woman's point of view, I'm afraid it's mostly sympathy. ,"

Liang Chao didn't comment on Zhang Fan's remarks. He is not married yet, so he doesn't understand these things.

Having decided what to do, Zhang Fan has a plan. He wants to go back at night to find out.

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