"Sir, you're back," Ru Xue, who was taking care of the child, couldn't help but greet Zhang Fan when she saw Zhang Fan coming back.

"Well," Zhang Fan smiled when he heard Ru Xue's voice, then bent down and teased his son and daughter.

Seeing Zhang Fan like this, Ru Xue was also very unhappy in her heart. Reminiscent of Zhang Fan's appearance at lunch today, Ru Xue understood that the troubles that troubled Zhang Fan must have not been resolved, and she was still worrying about him. Thinking of this , Ru Xue couldn't help being very concerned about Zhang Fan.

Seeing Zhang Fan playing with the children, Ru Xue wanted to say something to him several times to comfort him, but after several attempts, Ru Xue was still unable to speak, perhaps because she didn't want to ask Zhang Fan. For things outside, after all, at home, it is an excellent safe haven. If she mentions those troublesome things at this time, wouldn't it be even more unpleasant, or maybe, seeing the happy look on Zhang Fan's face now, Ru Xue is really happy. I couldn't bear to disturb him, and let his mood turn bad again just after he got better.

"Ru Xue, look," Zhang Fan's voice came over at this moment.

Ru Xue followed the prestige, and saw two tired little guys lying side by side, but due to the hot weather, it was really uncomfortable for the two kids to lean against each other like this, but, as the elder brother said, Yi didn't seem to care about this, but Yanyue, as a younger sister, was very hot, and kept pushing her brother with her hands and feet, wanting him to stay away from her so that she could cool off.

However, Yan Yi also showed a "gentleman's demeanor" in this regard. Even in the face of his sister's unfriendly behavior, he was able to bear with it and not fight back, and even moved to the other side on his own initiative.

Seeing this scene, Ru Xue couldn't help laughing.

Seeing Ru Xue's smile, Zhang Fan's mood improved a lot, and he couldn't help but joked, "Why, seeing my child like this, please feel happy."

"It's true, my husband, what's there to be happy about," Ru Xue suddenly blushed for some reason.

"How can you be unhappy?" Zhang Fan disagreed with Ru Xue's words, and continued jokingly with a smile on his face: "Our Yan Yi is really a 'gentleman'. Which girl is married to him, that is really a good fortune, "

"What's so good about that?" Ru Xue said angrily. Obviously, she didn't agree with Zhang Fan's words. If that's the case, that's not good. I've seen the concubine of General Qi's family style. Although it's beautiful outside, but the appearance at home, that's... If Yan Yi is really like this, then the concubine should teach him well. up,"

"What are you talking about?" Zhang Fan naturally disagreed with Yingyue's remarks, "That's not fear, that's pain. If you don't have love in your heart and don't love your wife, how can you be afraid?"

"Sister-in-law." Hearing Zhang Fan say the word "mother-in-law", Ru Xue naturally quit. She really didn't think that Zhang Fan would say that, which really made her feel a little hard to listen to.

However, even if she is like this, Zhang Fan still looks like he is laughing. It is only then that Ru Xue understands that Zhang Fan is teasing herself.

Speaking of it, Ru Xue is not a unwilling person, especially when it comes to Zhang Fan's affairs, she has always given in. Zhang Fan is also very clear about this. That kind of atmosphere, after getting married, even Zhang Fan knew that it was actually Ru Xue who had been accommodating him, even though it was not a big deal, but it was Ru Xue who had been accommodating him after all.

But today, for some reason, Ru Xue didn't seem to want to give in to Zhang Fan anymore. At this moment, she changed her embarrassed expression to a smiling one, and said to Zhang Fan with a smile : "I am not happy for our son. I don't care whether he will be a gentleman in the future, or whether he will be bullied by his own wife after he gets married,"

"Huh." Hearing Ru Xue speak in such a tone, Zhang Fan felt so strange, but when he turned his head and saw Ru Xue's smiling face, he understood. It turned out that Ru Xue was also joking with him.

It's not that Ru Xue is usually a boring person, it's just that Ru Xue who looks like this is really rare. Seeing such a rare scene, Zhang Fan is naturally reluctant to let it go like this. Just appreciate it.

"Why," Zhang Fan couldn't help but follow Ru Xue's words, and asked, "If in the future, our son has a successful career, but ends up marrying a Hedong lion and coming home, you can bear it, or should Ru Xue You are going to turn your elbows outward, so that in the future you and your daughter-in-law will not quarrel, and you will only find trouble with your own son..."

Zhang Fan's words are getting softer and softer. Originally, these were just his words joking with Ru Xue. scene.

In fact, speaking of it, he himself is definitely not as "miserable" as the situation he just said, and he didn't mean what he said just now, but he just said it casually in response to the current situation. Naturally, the more "miserable" he wants to say Only then will it be more effective.

But Zhang Fan always felt that the situation seemed to be almost the same as his real situation as he said so.

Although it is said that Ru Xue has always been accommodating to him and has never lost her temper with him, since he married Ru Xue into the family, the situation has indeed undergone some changes.

Take one thing as an example. Originally, only Zhang Fan and Mrs. Zhao were orphans and widowed mothers left in the Zhang family. Not to mention Mrs. Zhao loved her son the most. After her husband died, Zhang Fan took it seriously. His sympathy is just that Zhao's teaching is good, not only did not teach Zhang Fan to be an unfilial son who has been pampered, but made him a talent.

However, since Ru Xue entered the door, Zhao's attitude towards Zhang Fan has also changed. Of course, this does not mean that Zhao no longer cares about Zhang Fan, but she realizes that Zhang Fan can support himself, so when she arrived At this moment, if Zhang Fan did something wrong, especially regarding Ru Xue, Mrs. Zhao would never be stingy with her saliva, and if Zhang Fan was caught, she would be scolded.

So, although the current Zhang Fan loves Ru Xue quite a lot, there is no sense of fear in it, but this fear is not created by Ru Xue, Ru Xue is still the very gentle Ru Xue , this fear was actually caused by Zhao Shi to Zhang Fan.

Zhang Fan said those rambling words, but he thought of the scene he was facing, so he couldn't help but become a little speechless.

And Ru Xue is so smart, not to mention that she and Zhang Fan sat down as husband and wife for the past few years, and they can be regarded as a tacit understanding. Zhang Fan's words, coupled with his current expression, Ru Xue is even more displeased. It didn't take him long to figure out what he was thinking.

Thinking of that matter, Ru Xue couldn't help but laughed, although she knew that as a wife, it was really inappropriate for her to laugh at her husband on this matter, but she couldn't help it no matter what.

Seeing Ru Xue laughing, Zhang Fan naturally understood that she thought of it too, which made him feel very embarrassed, but he could see that Ru Xue was so happy, all those things like self-esteem can be put aside .

"Ru Xue, since you weren't thinking about these things, why did you laugh before?" Although Zhang Fan didn't care about Ru Xue laughing at himself, he still didn't like it and wanted to change the topic.

"At that time, I was happy for our daughter," Ru Xue said with a smile.

"Happy for our daughter." Hearing what Ru Xue said, Zhang Fan couldn't help but feel puzzled, "What's there to be happy about?"

"Think about it, Xianggong," Ru Xue said, "Our daughter has been like this since she was a child. If any son of a family marries her in the future, she will teach her to be obedient. Naturally, I am happy about this. something happened,"

Hearing what Ru Xue said, Zhang Fan showed a strange expression again. Yes, he did successfully change the topic of Ru Xue, but the current topic did not make him feel What's so relaxing, on the contrary, it seems to be more embarrassing than before.

Seeing Zhang Fan's expression made Ru Xue even happier.

As for Zhang Fan, although he understood that Ru Xue was just joking with himself, he still couldn't help asking: "I said, Ru Xue, you didn't mean it," it seemed that he believed it. .

"That's not necessarily the case," Ru Xue said, "But I don't know how to teach my daughter that way. It's not good to be spoiled and spoiled, and it will harm other people's families in the future. However, if the daughter's nature is like this, then But it’s beyond what I can do.”

By the time this was said, the two children had already fallen asleep.

When Zhang Fan saw Ru Xue's cheerful appearance, his heart was also moved.

By the time Ru Xue found out that Zhang Fan's eyes were wrong, it was already too late. Zhang Fan and he hugged her into his arms. He didn't know if it was because of the weather, or if Ru Xue really had some hope in her heart. She was also emotional, but...

"My husband...don't...the children are still here...and...it's time for dinner..." Ru Xue refused intermittently.

And the more she was like this, the more Zhang Fan wanted: "They are asleep, and there is more than half an hour to eat, it is enough," Zhang Fan hurriedly finished these words, and hugged Ru Xue to the bed go.

In the hot summer, it is really passionate,

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