With these things in mind.Especially when Zhang Fan thought of Zhang Juzheng's intentions.Can't help but let out a big sigh.

Obviously.For this matter.Zhang Juzheng definitely attached great importance to it.He puts the realization of his ambitions above all else.And that's it.on this matter.Zhang Juzheng only needs to do what he can.within the range that can be done.Then he will absolutely have a [-]% chance to act.At least do it.Even if something unexpected happens.And definitely not because of his own lack of preparation.

And now.Although outsiders don't know about Zhang Juzheng going to apologize to Ge Shouli alone.But if anyone knows.Under this premise.The meaning of Zhang Juzheng's apology is obvious.Everyone understands.Zhang Juzheng would never simply apologize to Ge Shouli.After all, it's so embarrassing.Zhang Ju had a purpose.That is to let Ge Shouli replace him in the court.Say good things for his "Testing Method".

but.If other people know about it.Don't take personal considerations into account.It's just a question of success or failure.Not many people are optimistic about Zhang Juzheng.After all, his purpose is too obvious.The same is true for Ge Shouli.I'm afraid Zhang Juzheng still doesn't want to leave after apologizing.When you want to say something but don't speak.Ge Shouli could immediately figure out that he must have something to ask of him.

And after Zhang Juzheng told him about this matter.What will Ge Shouli do.Will he accept Zhang Juzheng's apology?Will he help Zhang Juzheng?Many people are not optimistic.after all.A few things that happened before.Although it has nothing to do with Ge Shouli.But Ge Shouli resolutely stood up and said something fair.Although this is an extremely admirable move.But it is also very worrying.I was afraid that Ge Shouli would encounter some trouble because of this.

And the truth is exactly as people feared.Trouble did follow.Two people represented by Feng Bao and Zhang Juzheng.This kind of resistance to Ge Shouli was particularly fierce.

Although it is about those things.Feng Bao took the lead.After all, only the hostile relationship between Feng Bao and Gao Gong is so strong.So much so that it reached the point of being immortal.And between Zhang Juzheng and Gao Gong.Although it also turned from friendship to hatred.And that hatred doesn't need to be any lighter than the relationship between Feng Bao and Gao Gong.but.No matter how bad Zhang Juzheng is.Nor is he an immortal.At that time.Feng Bao has already been expelled from the court.He left sadly with great loss.This is for Zhang Juzheng.That's enough.he understands.anyway.Even if it is Gao Gong, think again.With his current age and the situation of leaving with a whole body of humiliation.It is absolutely impossible to make any waves in the future.

However.It was because of Feng Bao's persistence.And it was an important moment for Zhang Juzheng to consolidate his relationship with Feng Bao.So he can only continue to deal with Zhang Juzheng with Feng Bao.Although at that time.Zhang Juzheng did not object to this matter in his heart.But speaking of agreeing.But not necessarily.After all, there is no time when one might lose power.

only.Eunuchs are not the same as ministers.Even if the minister loses power.There may be another day in the future.Numerous examples have well proved this point.So Zhang Juzheng had to blame Gao Gong even because of Feng Bao.But I still want to leave some room in my heart.

But eunuchs are different.a eunuch.Especially at Feng Bao's current height.It was also the second eunuch with such high status and power in the entire Ming Dynasty.Once a favored eunuch loses power.Then the end is quite miserable.

a minister.A high-ranking minister.He was able to get to that position.Many of them involve interests.As well as the suppression and exclusion of political opponents.Even some dark and bloody methods are indispensable.but.A minister wants to be promoted.There is also friendship.common philosophy.

And a eunuch.A high ranking eunuch.In the process of a eunuch ascending to power.But there is no common concept of "boring".Or like-minded friendship or something.all of them.There is only simple intrigue and mutual fighting.so.a eunuch.Especially a eunuch in a high position.Once lost.The end would definitely be quite tragic.After all, this kind of person is trusted by the ruler.Once lost.That would mean that he had really done something extremely bad.So the punishment is very heavy.I don't see those eunuchs who were in high positions but made big mistakes in history.Or he was executed on the spot.Or it was put in a place where the birds don't shit to guard the mausoleum.And wait until then.It took so much effort.The eunuch who framed so many people and rose to a high position.An eunuch who is only involved in interests.That is absolutely no one will help him.Want to return to that past glory.Absolutely impossible.

Feng Bao naturally understood this truth.So he is so crazy now.Crazy to the point where people feel a little puzzled.Actually he understood.Once you lose power, you have nothing.Since when the time comes, I am very confident that I will have nothing.There is no way to return to glory.Then take advantage of the time when you have power.Make more.Enjoy.and.Under such madness.Naturally, many people have a great fear of Feng Bao.At this moment, no one dared to touch him at all.Even move.The Empress Dowager Li, who is now in charge of the government, backs him up.Zhang Juzheng was helping him in the open.And he himself has the existence of Dongchang, which is even more powerful than Jinyiwei.No one could touch him at all.

Not to mention that the current little emperor Zhu Yijun is young.And it's not yet in power.But in the future, even if Zhu Yijun is in power.Facing Feng Bao, who has the very special title of "Great Eunuch".But it doesn't necessarily mean that you want to change it.

Although Zhang Fan was not proficient in history in his previous life.I don't know if there is no him, a butterfly flapping its wings.In the original time and space.Feng Bao was indeed because of Zhu Yijun's coming to power.As well as Zhang Juzheng's death, Zhu Yijun found a reason to dismiss him.But now.Even Zhang Fan who didn't know these things at all.It's not impossible to see this happening.

I'm afraid even Feng Bao himself.Maybe sometimes.But those were the things he was afraid of.Of course he wouldn't think about it.

all in all.No matter what feuds there are between Zhang Juzheng and Ge Shouli.In fact, there was no direct conflict between the two of them.we can even say.for the relationship between the two.It wasn't Zhang Juzheng who provoked it first.It was the result of Ge Shouli's "deliberate finding of faults".Of course.Ge Shouli was right.And it should definitely stand up and speak out.

And now.Zhang Juzheng went to apologize.And he asked Ge Shouli for help.Zhang Fan has his own opinion.It's different from what most people would think.

Zhang Fan thought so.No matter from which aspect.Ge Shouli would always help Zhang Juzheng.This is not speculation.But there are reasons and basis.

Just imagine.First of all, consider this matter from Zhang Juzheng's perspective.Zhang Juzheng is resourceful and resourceful.The style of acting is also extremely rigorous.For things that matter to you.You have to have great confidence to do it.Absolutely will not act rashly.

But it is related to the matter of "Taocheng Law".Zhang Juzheng is definitely 120 hearted about this.He dared to ask Ge Shouli for help.That must be determined first.Doing this by yourself is sure to succeed.Then do it.Actually.Just look at what Zhang Juzheng has accomplished in the past.Even if they don't know what kind of solution Zhang Juzheng came up with to deal with Ge Shouli.But just relying on Zhang Juzheng's desire to do this.It is enough to convince those who know it.He will be successful.

Secondly.From Ge Shouli's side.Ge Shouli was the elder of the Three Dynasties.The name of honesty, honesty and prudence is well-known in the government and the public.But he was so slandered by Zhang Juzheng in front of the real little emperor.It is absolutely unbearable for anyone to change.But Ge Shouli is different from ordinary people.He was thinking about the overall situation of the court.I don't want to see political turmoil anymore.So he endured it.

But I endured it.It doesn't mean that he forgave Zhang Juzheng.After all, Zhang Juzheng said such bad things about him in front of the emperor.

But Ge Shouli has one more point.He's a guy who puts the big picture first.It always has been.Usually in the court, although he is silent.Even if there is a little dispute.Will not ask anything.But as long as there are any major problems in the DPRK and China.Especially those big problems that can lead to catastrophe if not solved.Ge Shouli would never be stingy with his saliva.He must be the first to speak out for mediation.

And now.Zhang Fan understood.Zhang Juzheng must have seen this clearly.to be so sure.Ge Shouli will help him in this matter.

Several conversations with Ge Shouli.Let Zhang Fan understand a little bit.In Ge Shouli's eyes.There is no such thing as a political enemy.Some are just colleagues with different political views.Regardless of whether the other party's daily actions are good or bad.But as long as what he does is against the court.Things that are good for the whole world.Ge Shouli will definitely be obliged.

Actually.Although Zhang Fan didn't know.But he always felt.Even if Zhang Juzheng went to see Ge Shouli yesterday without apologizing.Just ask for his help.I'm afraid Ge Shouli might not agree to his request.

Think here.Zhang Fan sighed again.That's right.He was worried about Ge Shouli.After all like he does.It is sure to suffer.He has already tasted this loss once.Fortunately, now.Most of the civil and military ministers in the court would speak for Ge Shouli.This reduces the possibility of his tragedy a lot.

"My lord. Here we are."

I was thinking about these.Liang Chao's words came.The horse has come to the Meridian Gate.

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