The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 607 Advance Loan

Looking at the majestic gate and the majestic building behind the gate, although it wasn't too long, even Zhang Fan has a superb memory, but he still can't remember how many times he saw it. However, he always felt that no matter his past, present, or future, every time he saw these things, there would always be something new in his heart.

This is the center of power of the largest empire in the entire world, and it is also the place where all those who want to be immortal will fight for it.

Zhang Fan didn't know what his wish was, but he was sure that he never thought of becoming famous forever, or being infamous for thousands of years. Zhang Fan in his previous life was also talented, but he was buried by many things, but even so At that time, Zhang Fan resolutely believed that as long as he persevered, one day he would win the sky and see the sun. Of course, even if he succeeded, Zhang Fan never thought about becoming famous or anything. He just hopes that he can live a better life, and that his parents who have worked hard for him all their lives can live a better life in the future.

And when that unexpected disaster made him unable to realize that wish, he came to this place alone, without family or friends, Zhang Fan was very at a loss at that time, even though he had received higher education and knew We should look at everything in the world with scientific and rational eyes, but this does not mean that Zhang Fan does not respect ghosts and gods, but don't get me wrong, this does not mean that Zhang Fan is superstitious, but that Zhang Fan has had such a part in his heart since he was a child. It's just thoughts, although he believes in science, he also believes that everything has its own retribution; he believes that many things are predestined by God.

Perhaps, this is also a bit of a contradiction. If the gods doomed him to be unsuccessful in his previous life, what he learned was not what he learned, and he would never be able to live a good life. Then, even if Zhang Fan tried harder and persisted, what would be the use? .

But then again, no matter how you say it, Zhang Fan is just an ordinary person, but in fact, all the people in this world are ordinary people, ordinary people, how can they know how God arranges them in the dark? What about life.

In short, it is a sentence, without knowing what will happen in the future, it may not be possible to succeed if you do it, but you will never succeed if you don't do it.

At that time, Zhang Fancai had just arrived here, his mind was at a loss, he didn't know what was going on, he didn't know why he came here, and in this era, God didn't say anything, yes It wasn't that there was any task assigned to him, and at that time, because of his arrival, Zhang Fan was also quite sad that he would never see his parents and friends from his previous life again.

However, fortunately, there is also his family here. Although his mother is the biological mother of this body, she is not the biological mother of his soul. At first, Zhang Fan resisted a little. It was very weird to do so, so the intimacy at the beginning was not actually Zhang Fan's will, but his thoughts followed this body to act.

But gradually, Zhang Fan discovered that in Zhao's body, there was an aura that was no weaker than his biological mother, and even much stronger, which made him want to get close. At that time, Zhang Fan began to accept it, and, also From that moment on, Zhang Fan's dazed thoughts found their purpose again.

But in fact, this goal is too simple to say, so simple that it is almost exactly the same as what he thought in his previous life. To persevere, not to be stumped by the current suffering, to get ahead in the future, even if it is not for yourself , but also for my hard-working mother.

It's just that after doing this, Zhang Fan found that he was very smooth now, or luck, which was incomparable in his previous life.

While possessing this body, Zhang Fan also inherited all the memories of "him" in his mind, and he found that he still has an unparalleled memory. He can remember everything clearly as long as he has seen it. In this regard, it is very useful for people of this era. After all, the imperial examination system of the Ming Dynasty is obvious to all, and it is very rigid. It does not require you to understand or diverge on your own. You only need to read the book and memorize it. , Just write it out.

But Zhang Fan is not an elm-headed man, especially from later generations, he always thinks in his head, and it is also because of his ability that Zhang Juzheng and Long Qing fell in love with him. I have to say good luck.

Although he was harassed by Tartars on the way, Zhang Fan, who just had a citizen of Juren, wanted to attack with the army to conquer the Tartars, but after several life-and-death pursuits, Zhang Fan was able to retreat in the end. You know, swords have no eyes on the battlefield, and it is extremely lucky to be able to retreat unscathed for the first time like Zhang Fan.

Afterwards, Zhang Fan, who had won three yuan, entered the official career. Although he was at odds with Xu Jie, who was in power at the time due to some problems, he was favored by Emperor Longqing. , I was able to be in the court class and discuss national affairs with the emperor and ministers, and what Xu Jie did to him almost made him lose this opportunity forever, but whether this is a blessing or a curse, if it is not for Xu Jie. I'm afraid Long Qing won't bring up Zhang Fan so quickly. Zhang Fan is a blessing in disguise, but how many people are there in this world who can be blessed in a misfortune? Zhang Fan like this is another kind of great luck.

To be able to meet Ru Xue, this intelligent and very reasonable woman, and to marry her, this may be the luckiest thing Zhang Fan has ever felt.

Such luck, such luck, and such smoothness, if it were placed on ordinary people, they would already be smug and do not know why, but Zhang Fan, although he is not special, is no different from ordinary people, but he is still a little different , Zhang Fan, who has experienced that unimaginable time-traveling experience, has a different view on all of this.

Although it is said that everything I have obtained now is entirely due to excellent luck, and it is not just due to luck, Zhang Fan's own factors also account for a large part.

In other words, if we want to talk about all of this, Zhang Fan can be so smooth, it has nothing to do with God at all, it is just pure luck, this is also reasonable, after all, even in this era, In such an era where everyone believes in ghosts and gods, believes in karma, and burns incense and recites Buddha's name every now and then, this is just a form of belief. I'm afraid there are no people who can really benefit from it. People dare to say.

However, Zhang Fan always felt that what he got now was not just by chance, he always felt that there was something helping him in the dark.

And Zhang Fan is not a person who can calmly accept favors given by others. Perhaps the phrase "no reward without merit" can be used even for God in Zhang Fan's mind. Even now, Zhang Fan has obtained these things without doing anything, and he will not regard these as nothing in return. In the words of later generations, Zhang Fan thinks this is a "loan".

No matter what God wants him to do, but for a person who has no power, no status, and no status at all, there is nothing he can do, especially, God spent so much "strength" to make him such a When the people of later generations brought this era, Zhang Fan would never believe that all this was just asking him to do some ordinary things.

The status and status given to him now are just for the convenience of his future actions. This is the "equipment" for him to complete the task, but it is also a reward for him.

Although no one, or those illusory fairy sounds and dreams, have ever told him what to do, Zhang Fan is not a person who will sit and wait. I have set a lot of goals, some goals are right in front of me, and he can achieve them with hard work, while some are too ambitious, so grand that no one in the world has ever thought about it, but this is important for him. The same is true for Zhang Fan, he naturally does not intend to become a fat man with one bite, and he must do things step by step. Those long-term and ambitious goals for the future, although they are already in Zhang Fan's mind, they are just a framework. That's it, there's nothing in it.

But now, looking at the Meridian Gate that he was used to seeing on weekdays, Zhang Fan thought of these things again.

Especially today, he told Liang Chao not to tell him things that might bother him, but to concentrate on what might happen today.

Today is Zhang Juzheng's big day, and it might not be his Zhang Fan's big day. Even though he and Zhang Juzheng are no longer as close as they used to be, their goals do not conflict, and even It can be said to be the same, the things that Zhang Juzheng is going to do now are also in Zhang Fan's plan.

Although it is said that what Zhang Juzheng wants to do is much smaller than what Zhang Fan wants to do, but everything always starts from the subtleties at the beginning.

Today, although it is not the day to officially start to act, it is also an important day, so important to see whether things can go smoothly in the future.

Thinking of this, Zhang Fan got off the horse.

At this time, before the Meridian Gate, as usual, many officials had already arrived, and many people were talking to each other, just like usual.

Zhang Juzheng has his own circle, and so does Ge Shouli.

Seeing this, Zhang Fan smiled slightly, and walked towards Zhang Juzheng,

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