Today's court.Zhang Juzheng was sitting in the top chair.There is nothing to say about status.And the only one who can stand up to Zhang Juzheng a little bit.There was only Ge Shouli.It's just that Ge Shouli didn't rely on those status and power.It is his own personality charm that makes people like to talk to him so much.

as it is now.It's still early.It's not yet time for the morning court.The ministers were all waiting outside the Meridian Gate.Get together in twos and threes to talk about something.only.Two places are more crowded than others.One is naturally Zhang Juzheng.There are many ministers by his side.All with smiles on their faces.He was talking to Zhang Juzheng about something.One is Ge Shouli's side.Also gathered a lot of people.But the expressions on everyone's faces are different.Some are smiling.And some have serious expressions on their faces.

Zhang Fan saw such a scene.I have some ideas in my heart.There was nothing on the surface.After he dismounted.The footsteps just stopped for a while.He went straight to Zhang Juzheng.only.The path he walked also happened to pass by Ge Shouli's side.

When Zhang Fan walked to Zhang Juzheng's side.The two parties that gathered the most people immediately showed different performances.When he passed by Ge Shouli's side.Nor did he set out to hear what they were saying.It's just like a normal meet and greet.nodded.Just say a few words of greeting.And not only Ge Shouli.The people around Ge Shouli also nodded to Zhang Fan.

This can be regarded as Ge Shouli's credit.To know.Zhang Fan's rise to the position was too smooth.It feels like the young man just got lucky.Although also talented.But his talent has not yet been played.He is already in such a high position without being recognized by others.Those old people in the court who had been watching for dozens of years could not reach Zhang Fan's current height.This is naturally upsetting.So joint.Many people in the DPRK were very unfriendly to Zhang Fan.

And now.These people gathered around Ge Shouli.This is especially true.After all, like attracts like.People are divided into groups.People around Ge Shouli.Most of them are people like Ge Shouli.Although what they did was not as good as Ge Shouli.But definitely not bad.And especially these people.For people like Zhang Fan.That's even more true color.

And now.It was also because of Ge Shouli.These people's views on Zhang Fan have also changed.Although Zhang Fan's journey to become an official was indeed very smooth.But at least he is very righteous as a man and an official.this point before.It is very likely that only Ge Shouli knows best.Even Zhang Juzheng.Not necessarily have this awareness.

now.With the "help" of Ge Shouli.These people are also aware of this.It's not what it used to be.Even face to face with Zhang Fan is like a stranger.I don't care about it at all.He even turned his head away on purpose.

Although Zhang Fan didn't intend to thank Ge Shouli for this.Even he himself doesn't care too much about these things.But he still quite hoped to see this situation.

In Fan walked past them.Say hello to each other.Zhang Fan continued to walk forward.And the same is true for those who gathered around Ge Shouli.What to say or continue.There is no difference from before.

And to Zhang Juzheng's side.The situation is very different.Those people talking around Zhang Juzheng.Actually it wasn't talk at all.Most of these people have smiles on their faces.It's just that the smile is uncomfortable no matter how you look at it.It is definitely not the appearance that is revealed in nature.But it can be pretended.and.When Zhang Fan walked there.I also heard some of what they said.It's really not very comfortable.It's just flattery.

Fortunately.Zhang Fan was relieved.After all, Zhang Juzheng was surrounded.Listening to these can even be said to be far-fetched flattery.It can also maintain its nature.Although Zhang Juzheng had a smile on his face.But that look is just plain.There's nothing smug about it.Even a little barely coping.

see these.Zhang Fan didn't know what was going on in his heart.The mood suddenly improved a lot.It seems to be going through those things.There were some rifts between him and Zhang Juzheng.But there was no break between him and Zhang Juzheng.Isn't it because of the same idea that they have reconciled now?And now.Zhang Fan saw how Zhang Juzheng dealt with these flatterers.But it looks plain.Even faintly.He also showed an appearance that he was obviously dealing with it.Zhang Fan was naturally happy.

And now.The difference between the group of people gathered here and the group of people gathered there is revealed.

When Zhang Fan walked over.It happened to be seen by Zhang Juzheng.I don't know if he was really happy to see Zhang Fan.Or Zhang Juzheng is also tired of the words and deeds of these people around him.He took the initiative to say hello to Zhang Fan: "Yuande, you are here."

Hear Zhang Juzheng's words.The people around him also turned their heads to follow the voice.I saw Zhang Fan.But these people don't know how.There are ghosts in my heart or other reasons.After seeing Zhang Fan.Naturally, I greeted with a smiling face.But after.These people all showed that they had something else to do.Or they don't want to disturb the conversation between Zhang Fan and Zhang Juzheng.And found a reason to leave.and.The reasons these people are looking for can be described as strange.There is everything.There are even some reasons that make people want to laugh at all.

Maybe it's because of the large number of people here.Many people find the same reasons.Even if it is obvious that you want to leave.But apparently the same reasons are not repeated.Some people say they have friends there.Others said they were not feeling well.more than this.It's so cool.Not a trace of hot morning.He waved his sleeves.He wiped off the sweat beads that didn't exist on his face.Said it was too hot.It's so hot with so many people together.And with a smile on his face, he turned and left.

See what these people look like.Not only Zhang Fan.Even Zhang Juzheng had a smile in his eyes.

only.Zhang Fan's smile didn't last long before fading away.the reason is simple.Again.Birds of a feather flock together.People are divided into groups.The people on Ge Shouli's side.Although not all of them are really as honest and upright as Ge Shouli.flawless.But at least they did a good job.

And the people on Zhang Juzheng's side.But they all had other ideas in their hearts.Many people are here.It was obvious that Zhang Juzheng was in a high position.Want to curry favor with him.

To speak up.Why are there such people around Zhang Juzheng?After all, it's not his own problem.

If it is Zhang Juzheng, he will lead by example.Be impartial onlookers.Even with some small movements.Be careful.People with that kind of mind would definitely not dare to surround them.That is.The reason why these people with strange thoughts dare to approach Zhang Juzheng.Or because of Zhang Juzheng himself.Otherwise.How could Ge Shouli not have such a person?Ge Shouli may be upright.But even in the face of corrupt officials.Ge Shouli never made any radical words or deeds.Will not curse out.And even more will not hit.

And so.Still no such person went to Ge Shouli's side.

But Zhang Juzheng's side is different.There are quite a few people here.The reason is what Zhang Juzheng did in previous incidents.Let these people see.It turned out that Zhang Juzheng, who has always been good, also did this.Also "fellow people".And now.Zhang Juzheng stood at the top of the civil service.let these people.These used to be just trying to get some benefits as much as possible.It is best to be promoted again.But for those who are basically hopeless for that position.The desire was ignited again in my heart.

Since Zhang Juzheng.Doing so many little tricks like this.Hands and feet are not clean.Also got mixed up with a eunuch.Even this can go up.Then they are also okay.

so.These people are now so desperately trying to get close to Zhang Juzheng.and.Even if he won't be able to sit in such a high position as Zhang Juzheng in the future.It might also be possible to rely on Zhang Juzheng.Maybe let yourself go up a little bit.

so.Zhang Fan saw such a scene at this time.

And those people.Seeing Zhang Fan's arrival.It is natural to panic.after all.Zhang Fan's way of dealing with people.The way of being an official.It's all there for all to see.Now it is under the influence of Ge Shouli that the world understands it even more.Plus.more importantly.He is Jin Yiwei.What does Jin Yiwei do.Specially supervise the minister.And which one of these people has nothing on them?If Zhang Fan wanted to.There is no need to report anything up.Just find a reason to arrest them.

if that is the case.No one would say anything at all.

Think of this situation will happen to their own body.Where can these people stay here.If it weren't for this dynasty, it would have to go up.I'm afraid they absolutely want to stay away from Zhang Fan.It's best where you can't even see it.

This situation.Competence between the two parties.This made Zhang Fan not think about it.

And Zhang Juzheng is not stupid.Eyesight is also very good.This situation.Coupled with the change in the expression on Zhang Fan's face.How could he not see it.

but.While seeing it.He already understood what Zhang Fan was thinking.But to this.Zhang Juzheng was helpless.Also can't do anything at all.He could only show a wry smile.Who can blame all of this.Don't you have to blame yourself?

"Teacher." I don't know Zhang Juzheng's thoughts.Zhang Fan came to him.Say hello to him.

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