The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 611 The So-Called Courage

"Look at this. It seems that Mr. Ge has really started to help the teacher lobby those people." Zhang Fan looked at Ge Shouli's situation.Said to Zhang Juzheng behind him. "I just don't know. Mr. Ge is in charge. Can those people listen to him? Don't let them agree. At least don't object."

"What will happen then. Even if you ask me, I don't know now." Zhang Juzheng told the truth. "However. Anyway, it looks like now. The hope is not small."

"Really?" Even Zhang Fan himself didn't understand this sentence.After all, he said it himself.Still just recited it silently in my heart.His eyes looked over there again.It seemed that the people around Ge Shouli felt it too.Several people also turned their heads to look at Zhang Fan.

There is no unfriendly expression.only.There was suspicion in their eyes.Zhang Fan didn't know what this meant.But at least.It doesn't seem like a bad thing either. Fan discovered something very unusual.he sees.Although those people's eyes are looking at this side.But at first.That was definitely staring at Zhang Juzheng behind him.That suspicious look.They also went for Zhang Juzheng.It's just what they are suspicious of.He was doubting Zhang Juzheng himself.Or they are doubting the "Testing Method" proposed by Zhang Juzheng.But Zhang Fan didn't intend to think about these things.Honestly.It doesn't matter what exactly they're thinking about.The important thing is that none of them showed disgust.That's enough.

And next.The eyes of these people left Zhang Juzheng.Although Zhang Fan was far away from them.But he also saw very clearly.The eyes of those people really left Zhang Juzheng.It just left Zhang Juzheng's gaze.Still staring at it.

And here.There were only Zhang Juzheng and Zhang Fan.If these people weren't looking at Zhang Juzheng.Then he must be looking at Zhang Fan.Although know.Since these people even looked at Zhang Juzheng with such a neutral gaze.Then looking at yourself will not have any other meaning.but.Seeing myself being watched by so many people.Anyone else would feel uncomfortable.

but.Even if you feel uncomfortable.Zhang Fan did not avoid their gazes.After all, I didn't do anything wrong.There is nothing to avoid either.

but.Gradually.Zhang Fan found out.The way they looked at themselves changed.No.It should not be said to be a change.It's since they looked at themselves.His eyes revealed an emotion.Just before.Zhang Fan felt uncomfortable.That's why I didn't notice.Calm down now.Naturally, it was obvious.

In those more than ten eyes.Contains many things.But most of it can be summed up as a pity.Or mercy.This can't help but make Zhang Fan feel a little puzzled.What a pity.pity what.What a pity I have.What is there to be merciful about?

It's a pity that I have a good background.The champion of Lianzhong Sanyuan was born.But is he going to be the Commander of Jinyiwei, a role that all the officials hate?Not like it.After all, nowadays.He can be regarded as having survived.The Marquis of the imperial court.He is also the first-rank Taifu of the dynasty.And still so young.It would be a pity to say this.I'm afraid that the whole court is full of people who are going to die of frustration.

mercy.What can I be pitied about myself?And especially the word mercy.No matter how Zhang Fan thought about it, he didn't understand it.Today's self.It can also be regarded as a high weight.And it doesn't lose its essence.Don't be confused by the gorgeousness in front of you.And he was so trusted and affirmed by Emperor Zhu Yijun.This is no secret in the court.As long as it is not a "blind man" with a mess in his heart.All can see this.Although today's Zhu Yijun is young.It is not yet possible to be in charge of the court.Power rests in the hands of Queen Mother Li.even.Zhu Yijun's emperor.However, she was also afraid of Feng Bao, a eunuch who was a slave by her side.It can be said that it is a bit too useless.But everyone knows.Zhu Yijun is not an incapable person.Especially after Zhang Fan's teaching.It is even more extraordinary.

Someday.Zhu Yijun will definitely truly hold the imperial power completely in his hands.This is something everyone agrees on.Even Queen Mother Li, who is now in power, believes this without any doubt.certainly.Zhang Juzheng is no exception.So during this year.Zhang Juzheng asked to reopen the feast.Another request for Zhu Yijun.It can be said to be harsh.This is precisely because Zhang Juzheng understands that Zhu Yijun will definitely be in charge in the future.So now Zhang Juzheng is doing this.I just want Zhu Yijun to develop a "habit".The "habit" of being afraid of yourself.In this way.Even if Zhu Yijun came to the court to rule in person in the future.He will also be habitually afraid of Zhang Juzheng.That way.Zhang Juzheng wanted to do something.There is an emperor who listens to himself so much by his side.That would be quite convenient.

Of course.Even Zhang Juzheng harbored such scheming.Even those who knew it felt that Zhang Juzheng would not end well in the future.but.The bare minimum.Zhang Juzheng understood it himself.Zhu Yijun will always have sole power in the future.He never denied this.

but.Even under the premise that the entire imperial court has already agreed with such a thing.There always seems to be one person who doesn't believe in evil.This person is none other than someone else.It was Feng Bao.He, Feng Bao, acts like this now.He didn't take Zhu Yijun, the emperor, seriously.Behaving perversely.He was even more rude to Zhu Yijun.Although they are after all the relationship between the emperor and the eunuch.Impossible to move hands and feet.But Feng Bao would go to Queen Mother Li and sue Zhu Yijun at every turn.

To this.Zhu Yijun had no choice.The current Zhu Yijun is to Feng Bao.Resentment is less.But fear is more.But in the future.Wait until Zhu Yijun monopolizes power.When he understands that he no longer has to be afraid of anyone.Even Feng Bao at that time realized this.It is useless to stop the flag and drum up.He couldn't see Zhu Yijun forever.Even if it can be done.It is also impossible for Zhu Yijun to never forget this bold eunuch who once bullied him so much.

As long as Zhu Yijun thinks of him.All the fear and resentment in my heart.It will definitely burn his heart double.Make him feel uncomfortable.And the so-called spit.That is ambition.An emperor's ambition for an eunuch.One can imagine what kind of situation it will be.

Everyone in the court understands.Some even have great hatred with Feng Bao.And he was also the one who was dealt with by Feng Bao.also know this.So these people have now been demoted to the point where they cannot be lowered.Continuing to be an official is simply more uncomfortable than staying at home.But they are still holding on.But they are not holding on to wait for a day.I can get up again.They hold on.Just for the sake of being an official.And look at how unlucky Feng Bao is.I want to see what kind of miserable appearance Feng Bao looked at that time.It can be seen how much resentment these people have towards Feng Bao.And how much hatred did Feng Bao create.

But these are gossip.That's the point.Zhu Yijun will always take power one day.Pro-government.Well that day.It will also be the moment when Zhang Fan will make his fortune again.There is no doubt about this.

so.Zhang Fan couldn't see it at all.What is there for me to be pitied by these people.

"Yuande." Just when Zhang Fan was wondering.Zhang Juzheng's voice came from behind. "What are they looking at. Why are their eyes so strange." Obviously.Zhang Juzheng also saw the gaze from the opposite side.only.Zhang Juzheng couldn't understand why even more.

And Zhang Juzheng's opening.Instead, it reminded Zhang Fan.moment.He also understood what the reason for this look was.reason.It was on Zhang Juzheng's body.

They were pitying and sympathizing with Zhang Fan.Think of him as a man of great accomplishment.Now it's actually mixed with someone like Zhang Juzheng.

After all.This actually has nothing to do with Zhang Fan.The reason is still on Zhang Juzheng.

only.this discovery.Let Zhang Fan realize.How embarrassing is Zhang Juzheng's current situation.He really can never go back to the old times.Today's Zhang Juzheng.Because of something that has already happened.It has already been marked as a "treacherous" by these upright officials in the DPRK.And I'm afraid I'll never get rid of it.

Think here.Zhang Fan felt a little sad in his heart.Yes.sorrow.He was mourning for Zhang Juzheng.But it's not entirely sad.

after all.If Zhang Juzheng didn't do these things.Do not unite with Feng Bao.Do not oppress others.With his ability, he may also be able to fulfill his great ambition alone.but.Then I don't know what year and month I will have to wait.

But Zhang Juzheng chose such a shortcut.Although it allowed him to succeed earlier.But it has given up his own reputation.future history books.Perhaps many people will know.There was a Zhang Juzheng in the Ming Dynasty.He is a minister of ZTE.It was he who rejuvenated the aging Ming Dynasty.

But when someone wants to conduct research on Zhang Juzheng.With excavation.It will also be found.Zhang Juzheng.Not as good as the middle school history textbooks say.So flawless.His end was dismal.Even when he was an official.Not a good official either.He also did a lot of disgraceful things.despised by other officials.

but.Zhang Fan has no right to comment on these.He does.Zhang Juzheng knew this a long time ago.And since I already knew it, I still have to do it.At least.Zhang Juzheng has courage.

To know.A man without courage.Nothing can be done.

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