The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 612 The Heart of the Eight Trigrams

The sound of drumming came from the turret above the Meridian Gate Tower, and the Meridian Gate slowly opened. It was time to go to court. When the officials saw it, they no longer gathered together to chat in small groups, and stood up quickly. Formed a queue and walked in slowly.

Zhang Fan stood at the front of the line and walked slowly. He had already noticed that many people were looking at him with strange eyes when he was outside just now. Now he is walking in the line. , his feeling became even stronger.

Although I have turned my head to look at the danger of being recorded by the censor, I have never seen anyone staring at me, and no one has glanced at me, but that feeling has never been It has been reduced, and as the distance from the Emperor's Great Hall gets closer, Zhang Fan's feeling becomes stronger and stronger.

Recalling the possibility that had been thought of before in his mind, this feeling really made Zhang Fan feel uncomfortable.

Fortunately, no matter how big the Forbidden City is, it takes half a stick of incense to arrive at the Forbidden City. All the officials are already outside the palace gate of the Emperor's Palace. The officials were about to enter the morning session, so people were naturally very vigilant, all of them looked upright and did not look sideways.

At this time, Zhang Fan could clearly feel that the gaze he hated was much less, almost gone, but it was only almost there, and it hadn't completely disappeared yet.

This made Zhang Fan feel a little angry. Speaking of which, it was okay just now. Even if there was a censor following along the way to monitor the words and deeds of the officials, it would not be a big deal to do small things at that time. More than [-]% of the court officials had done this before. , but now, they are already standing in front of the hall, and there are still people staring at him. In Zhang Fan's view, this is not just a strange thought, it feels more like a wave of resentment.

Thinking of this, Zhang Fan couldn't care about the etiquette of the imperial city or the presence of the emperor, and turned his head to look.

The other officials were a little surprised by Zhang Fan's move, but even the censors standing beside him didn't intend to stop him. After all, everyone felt the strange atmosphere this morning.

Although Zhang Juzheng who was standing next to Zhang Fan had no intention of scolding Zhang Fan, seeing him like this, he couldn't help but want to dissuade him. However, before Zhang Juzheng acted, he discovered that the expression on Zhang Fan's face changed from just now. The angry look quickly turned into a helpless and embarrassing look. While Zhang Ju was interested in this, he was also more curious. He didn't know what Zhang Fan saw that made him have such a drastic change.

Out of curiosity, even Zhang Juzheng couldn't help turning his head and following Zhang Fan's gaze.

It’s a good moment, it’s embarrassing enough for someone like Zhang Fan to violate the rules, especially those censors, who are responsible for monitoring the words and deeds of officials, but Zhang Fan is special, not because of him Jin Yiwei or the status of the Taifu, but the relationship between him and the emperor Zhu Yijun, and even the Empress Dowager Li is very optimistic about Zhang Fan, even if these censors are extremely rude to Zhang Fan, it can even be regarded as a If the defiance of imperial power is recorded and submitted, no one will care. At that time, if Feng Bao, who is now on a good relationship with Zhang Fan, finds out, he may use some means to deal with them in order to further win over Zhang Fan. The gain outweighs the loss.

But now, Zhang Juzheng actually did the same thing, which made these censors almost collapse. One Zhang Fan is not enough, and now another Zhang Juzheng is added, and Zhang Juzheng is even worse than Zhang Fan. If you can't touch Zhang Fan, you can't touch Zhang Juzheng even more. These two are the masters who can burn you, and what's more, they don't have to do anything at all. You can't blame them.

The censor over there was on the verge of madness, but the master and apprentice Zhang surnamed here didn't care at all. Zhang Fan still had that helpless and embarrassed look on his face, but Zhang Juzheng's originally curious face was not. There was a hint of a smile on his face. He followed Zhang Fan's gaze and found a figure standing behind Sun Piyang, Minister of the Ministry of Punishment. He was able to stand behind the Minister of the Ministry of Punishment, and he was able to make Zhang Fan show such an appearance. There is only one person, and that is Zhang Fan's father-in-law, Chen Wenchuan, the right servant of the Ministry of Punishment.

Seeing that it was Chen Wenchuan, Zhang Juzheng couldn't control so much anymore, but he laughed. After all, in this way, this is not a matter of political opponents, but related to Zhang Fan's family affairs, even though he said so It sounds a little far-fetched, but it's pretty much the same.

In this regard, Zhang Juzheng didn't pay much attention to Zhang Fan, but observed Chen Wenchuan carefully. If Chen Wenchuan could be promoted to be the right servant of the Ministry of Punishment, although Zhang Juzheng didn't say a word about this matter himself, it was definitely related to Chen Wenchuan. He is inseparable.

But to be honest, although Zhang Juzheng never regretted it, he was also worried. He knew that although Chen Wenchuan was a scholar, he was in the military camp. It wasn't that he was worried that Chen Wenchuan would not be able to do the work of the Ministry of Criminal Affairs, but that he would not be able to handle the relationship between the court and China and cause trouble.

However, now it seems that this is simply worrying. With such a good son-in-law as Zhang Fan, even if Chen Wenchuan didn't want to say it, he had to admit in his heart that because of this matter, he had never encountered it in court. No troubles, only that one time, when Zhaoxue also married Zhang Fan, some people really looked at him coldly for a while, but later, several cases of the criminal department were perfectly closed under his handling, and no one said anything about it. What's the matter, today's Chen Wenchuan is smooth sailing in the court.

Back to Zhang Fan, Zhang Fan did not expect that the one looking at him was his father-in-law. Originally, he wanted to find the person who was staring at him, and return a glaring look to scare him away. But after he saw that it was his father-in-law, Zhang Fan also lost his temper.

It seems that this son-in-law is afraid of his father-in-law, but it is a kind of nature. Speaking of it, even if something really happens, Chen Wenchuan is not the kind of person who will tell his daughters and let them deal with Zhang Fan. After all, Zhang Fan There is nothing to be afraid of Chen Wenchuan at all.

However, this is what it looks like now.

But speaking of it, Zhang Fan can understand that Chen Wenchuan would look at him like this. Chen Wenchuan is really upright and upright as an official. In addition to some factors, and it is not his voluntary.

It is precisely because of this that the current Chen Wenchuan is also walking among the group of honest people, but Zhang Fan also talked about this with Chen Wenchuan, and he found that Chen Wenchuan is not stubborn, even though he was born as a literati, and in addition Having been in the army for so many years, the character of only knowing how to obey orders also made him a bit rigid, but it was also because of life in the barracks and several expeditions that Chen Wenchuan was not a flexible person. After all, marching and fighting, Flexibility is especially important.

Therefore, although Chen Wenchuan has made friends with those people, he is not as stubborn and accepting death as those people. Zhang Fan is naturally happy about this.

He also talked with Chen Wenchuan about Zhang Juzheng's reforms, and even revealed more about the "Taochengfa" than he did about Ge Shouli, and Chen Wenchuan really did what Zhang Fan thought, even since he heard At the beginning of Zhang Juzheng's plan to reform, he did not immediately veto it. After listening to Zhang Fan's narration, Chen Wenchuan strongly agreed.

But now, Chen Wenchuan looked at him with such regretful eyes, which really made Zhang Fan uncomfortable, but he couldn't help it. After all, the other party was his father-in-law. You can't glare at it, even if it is like that, Chen Wenchuan may not avoid it.

But, after thinking about it, Zhang Fan's thoughts drifted to Zhang Juzheng's side again, and now even his father-in-law felt that it was wrong for him to follow Zhang Juzheng like this, but Zhang Fan had nothing to do about it, what could he do? Besides, even though he was with Zhang Juzheng at this time, it wasn't that he didn't have any such thoughts in his heart.

Thinking of this, he could only sigh helplessly and turned his head away.

The matter is not over yet, although Zhang Fan and Zhang Juzheng, the two most disturbed people, have calmed down, and Chen Wenchuan no longer stares at Zhang Fan, but other people have seen this scene and can't help I thought about it in my heart.

Zhang Fan, who seemed to be going smoothly and had nothing to fear from anyone, actually developed a "fear" of his father-in-law Chen Wenchuan. This is good news.

It's just that these people didn't intend to make any fuss about it. After all, they also knew that Chen Wenchuan was also a person who didn't like oil and salt. They just regarded it as an interesting thing.

From these people's point of view, Zhang Fan's fear of Chen Wenchuan was actually tantamount to fear of guilt. Speaking of which, there were quite a few celebrities who feared guilt in the Ming Dynasty.

But these people are more interested in knowing which daughter of Chen Wenchuan Zhang Fan is afraid of, which is the gentle and virtuous Chen Ruxue, or the innocent and cheerful Chen Zhaoxue. After inquiring, it can also be used as a talking point when we get together to discuss in the future.

It can be seen from this that everyone has the heart to gossip, and this man is not necessarily weaker than a woman.

At this time, the eunuch's voice sounded, and the morning morning began,

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