Although it is said that above the court, what is making a lot of noise now is a matter that has already been concluded in everyone's minds. Of course, some people may ask, since there has been a conclusion, it has already been understood that the result will be What's wrong, why are these people still arguing like this.

In fact, this reason is really strange, and some are just to pass the boring time. Don't look at this reason as if it seems a bit of nonsense, but it is actually the case. The place where the top leaders discuss national affairs is indeed a bit boring.

And some, even for the sake of being more boring, but they have to do it for a reason, that is, to stand up and make a public appearance, to increase their popularity, and there are even those who stand up to speak, in fact, what he said is the same as what he thinks It's not the same thing at all, but he still stood up and talked about it.

This is not something incomprehensible. In fact, regardless of the vast territory of the Ming Dynasty, it is the land of the land. Could it be that there are more than tens of thousands of ministers who come to this emperor every day? There are more than a hundred people attending the morning court in the main hall, and among them, some people are really unique, which can definitely be regarded as his home field. Every morning court is full of non-stop chatter, as if the world has lost him It's like not turning around.

And some people lower their heads and muffle their voices, and even say something ugly, and some people don't even fart. Don't look at it, in fact, most people in the court are like this. It took months or even years to say a word, and some were even more ruthless. Since the day he was qualified to stand here to stand in court, he hadn't said a word.

In fact, it’s no wonder that these people are negative. They are really in that position that is neither awkward nor awkward. What can they say? You are right. Some people will say that they follow the trend to go to meetings and flatter others. , What you said is wrong, and it will immediately attract a group of people to denounce. Since it is wrong to say anything, these people simply stop talking, but sometimes, even if they don't speak, they have to be implicated.

Anyway, if you want to gain a foothold here, and if you want to stand long-term and stable, it doesn't mean that you can just find a way and use it all the time. When you shut up, you must also keep your mouth shut, and don't hold back your mouth.

Of course, this kind of person usually goes smoothly in the court, does not make too many enemies, and can have a good death in the future, but this kind of person will never be able to sit to the extreme, it seems that paranoia also wants to an important condition for success.

Anyway, all in all, the court is discussing a problem that is not nutritious, even if everyone knows that it is impossible for the court to sell weapons to outsiders, muskets are still possible, but swords are absolutely impossible Yes, it wasn't possible before, and it may not be possible in the future, but people still want to make a big deal out of it, as if it wouldn't be fun if they didn't.

But no matter how boring it is, no matter how boring it is, and no matter how conclusive it is, it is a major national event after all, and facing a group of people who are discussing this kind of unnutritious national event, Zhang Fan is in front of the court. Is it too much to think about the personal relationship between children and children?

Of course, no one here would know what Zhang Fan was thinking in his heart. Even Zhang Juzheng, who was standing next to Zhang Fan, saw Zhang Fan's fuzzy look on his face, and he felt that he was very concerned about what he said now. I'm not interested in the question, I'm bored in my stomach.

What Zhang Fan was thinking, in fact, even he himself felt that he was thinking too much, but he still couldn't help thinking about it.

It can be said that when Joanna was the most envoy that year, she had experienced a lot during the time she followed Zhang Fan in the south of the Yangtze River, especially when the Japanese pirates invaded on a large scale. Zhang Fan asked them to follow Zhu Yijun and his party It’s safer to go back to Beijing. That’s what Richard meant at the time. It’s not that he’s weak as a man, but he’s still a civil servant after all. If there are three ups and downs, one's own life is not important, and the major events of one's own country are delayed, then it will be troublesome.

Joanna also has a reason for wanting to stay. Her reason is that, as a Westerner, although she has learned a lot about Eastern things, including wars, from Marco Polo's works, she has never seen it with her own eyes. So I wanted to stay and see for myself what it was like.

But, in fact, her reason was not Zhang Fan, even she herself didn't believe it.

Since there is a war going on outside, and they are facing such a situation where the enemy may break through the city gate and die at any time, since they are special envoys from foreign countries, it is naturally impossible for them to easily go up to the tower to observe, it must be Protecting their safety should be the first priority, and the fact is the same. From the beginning of the entire Jiangnan war, from the news of the Japanese pirates landing, she has been "closed" in a safe place in Yangzhou City, until the Qi family army came after a long journey After defeating the Japanese pirates, she had the opportunity to come out to see the scene after the war that was so invisible at all.

Does it make sense to do this? If you ask Joanna such a question, she can't answer it herself, but if you ask her, if she does it all over again, will she still choose to stay? No need to think about anything, I will definitely nod and agree.

Why, I’m afraid you don’t need to ask this question, both Zhang Fan and she can see it. Of course, other people can’t see it. It’s not because they have poor eyesight, but because they are not in the middle of it, so they can’t see clearly. , Besides, the difference between the East and the West makes it impossible for people to imagine that a woman would take the initiative to express her love to a man.

But in fact, it's not because of how open Joanna is. Her behavior is already quite reserved for her. Perhaps it's because she, who was born in a noble family, even in a place that is far worse than the East A country that needs to be more open should still maintain a ladylike reserve.

It's just that Joanna is not the kind of person who is reserved to the death and clings to the style of aristocrats. She understands that if she wants to get true love, especially the person she finally fell in love with, she must be bold, and she will miss it. It's too late to regret.

But Joanna did not do this. After all, at that time, she had not yet encountered major changes in her family, and she still had something to worry about in her heart. Moreover, she and Zhang Fan were from two countries separated by thousands of miles. At that time, she felt that this was almost impossible. It was impossible, her initiative might just be to leave some memories.

But now she no longer has any worries, even worse than that, Zhang Fan has almost become her new hope.

However, Zhang Fan still couldn't figure it out. Perhaps if things developed as before, even though Joanna would never be able to meet Zhang Fan again, I am afraid that she and Zhang Fan could remember each other for the rest of their lives.

However, even though Joanna understands that she can boldly release her love for Zhang Fan without worrying about anything or worrying about anything, her urgency for Zhang Fan has faded. .

Maybe it was because she felt that she had nothing left, but now she and Zhang Fan were standing on an unequal position, and she only came to treat Zhang Fan at this time, as if with a purpose, which made her a little unacceptable , and also afraid that Zhang Fan would have some criticisms about this.

Of course, Zhang Fan himself did not understand these things, perhaps because although Zhang Fan understood, he never thought about this possibility at all. Zhang Fan was not considered a kind person, but he revealed several Very naive, even back then, he had already understood that Yingyue approached him with a different purpose, but he didn't have too much dissatisfaction with her.

This is the thought in Zhang Fan's heart. He is not a kind person. Of course, that also means that when he can be ruthless, he can be ruthless, but Zhang Fan's heart is always full of innocence. , He always felt that no matter who he was facing, there was room for maneuver.

This kind of thinking has been verified by him until today, but no one can say for sure whether he will suffer any losses from this matter in the future.

In short, Zhang Fan, who had such a naive idea, would never think that Joanna had such thoughts.

In this way, another awkward scene appeared. No matter whether Zhang Fan was naive or not, he didn't believe that Joanna would have such thoughts at all.

As for Joanna, who was worried that Zhang Fan would have such thoughts, she would definitely not have such thoughts.

However, the two of them don't know each other's thoughts, and Zhang Fan doesn't care, but this is a kind of torture for Joanna. She doesn't know if she will be able to be like before, or even She also understands the oriental tradition, and understands that here, a powerful man can have a woman, and there is no need for her to have a lover after marriage, and to hide it.

Joanna was even willing to be young, but she didn't know how she should face Zhang Fan's other women.

But at present, these are things to talk about. Now, Zhang Fan and Joanna don't know whether she can live to see Zhang Fan.

On this side, Zhang Fan was thinking wildly, and the small farce in the court hall over there also came to an end, and it turned out to be a settled matter.

Now that one thing is done, it is necessary to solve the next one.

As usual, Zhu Yijun didn't speak, and sat quietly, while Zhang Juzheng walked out slowly and stood in the middle of the court hall,

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