Seeing Zhang Juzheng stand up.The person who was still thinking about whether he should stand up and say a few words also calmed down his mind.Although they also have something to say.It's not too big or too small.But now that Zhang Juzheng has stood up.Then the others naturally died down.On top of today's court.Who would dare to compete with Zhang Juzheng in the limelight?Besides, Zhang Juzheng is not a person who will find trouble for nothing.If he stood up.What is said must also be important.At least it won't be boring.

But today.After Zhang Juzheng stood up.Still very eye-catching.Why.After all this morning.Almost everyone in the court knows.He and Zhang Fan have already completed the "Examination Method".Now Ge Shouli is being asked to lobby the ministers in the court.Want to get them to agree.At least don't object.

This is what happened just now.How could these people present forget it?so.Now.Zhang Juzheng walked out like this.And it's not like it used to be.He didn't care about Zhu Yijun sitting on the throne and faced the officials.This time Zhang Ju was standing in the center of the hall.Looking at Zhu Yijun with a serious face.

This has to make the officials think in their hearts.Is Zhang Juzheng really in such a hurry.Now even with Ge Shouli helping him lobby the officials.But this is only a matter of an hour.And he was going to tell Zhu Yijun now.

See here.Even Ge Shouli.Even Zhang Fan who knows more about this matter.They were also very surprised by this.Ge Shouli was better.Although it was said that Zhang Juzheng did not trust him in doing so.But it can also be answered in another way.

Now that Ge Shouli has agreed to Zhang Juzheng.Helped him lobby the ministers.And he had already started to do so this morning.Although this is only a short time.It is impossible for people who have heard Ge Shouli's words to accept it immediately.even agree.But Ge Shouli's identity and what he said in the morning prevented those people from immediately objecting.Instead, he thought about it.

perhaps.What Zhang Juzheng asked for was just such a moment of hesitation and blankness.Let those who have always opposed him have such a blank space.Seize this opportunity and play Zhu Yijun quickly.I want the court council to pass.

And aside.Zhang Fan was very familiar with Zhang Juzheng.Actually thought of such a possibility.But he didn't insist.It didn't take long to drop the idea.

Of course.Not that that's impossible.only.if that is the case.There are too many uncertainties in things.After all, what Zhang Juzheng was about to face was nothing.but people.And people's hearts are unpredictable.It's not something you can guess and understand by relying on your own thoughts.

Outside the Meridian Gate in the morning.It is true that those who have spoken to Ge Shouli look hesitant.But thinking and hesitating is not really because of that matter.Perhaps those people are still very opposed to the "Testing Law" deep in their hearts.The hesitation and thinking at that time were only because Ge Shouli was the one who told them.

Zhang Fan understood Zhang Juzheng's needs on this matter.That must be infinitely close to perfection.It's a style of guesswork and luck like this.It's definitely not like Zhang Juzheng.Not to mention Zhang Juzheng's attitude towards this matter.

Since it is not the case.Then Zhang Juzheng had another purpose to stand up at this time.Zhang Fan didn't know what he wanted to say.But as long as it's not that.It doesn't matter.After all, it's not time yet.and.Zhang Juzheng is a cabinet minister of the first assistant university.Things in the pavilion are also quite busy.Perhaps he stood up this time to say something that is of great importance to the country.

But Zhang Fan wasn't too worried about anything.After all, he is a Jinyiwei.The control of intelligence is also very unique.recent.In Zhang Fan's impression.Nothing seemed to happen either.Unless it's that thing...

Just when the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty were secretly guessing what Zhang Juzheng wanted to say by standing up like this.Zhang Juzheng had a serious look on his face.He watched Zhu Yijun prepare to speak.And Zhu Yijun.It seemed that Zhang Juzheng's appearance made him a little uneasy.The little butt sitting on the dragon chair moved.He also straightened his body shape.It looks like facing a big enemy.

only.This short period of time has already made Zhu Yijun a little unbearable.He took the initiative to speak.He said to Zhang Juzheng: "It's not that Mr. Zhang has something to report." Zhu Yijun called Zhang Juzheng "Mr. Zhang".This is no longer a shocking move in the court.Everybody knows.certainly.Naturally, some people didn't like it at first.I think Zhang Juzheng's doing this is too much.Although the emperor is young now.But he is the emperor after all.An emperor is so afraid of a minister.This is definitely not a good thing in the future.

only.Later people know.Zhu Yijun called Zhang Juzheng that way only because Zhang Juzheng was really strict on top of Jingyan.That's why Zhu Yijun has a three-point fear of him.After knowing this matter.All the officials are relieved.After all, if the speaker on the Jingyan is not strict.The act of Jingyan is useless.And also because of this matter.Many people have changed their views on Zhang Juzheng.This can be regarded as Zhang Juzheng's unintentional.It also improved his reputation a lot.

but.Except for two or three people in the court.The real reason why Zhang Juzheng did this.In fact, it was to establish a majestic image in Zhu Yijun's eyes.Let Zhu Yijun be afraid of him.Moreover, Zhu Yijun seemed to be following the path designed by Zhang Juzheng.He became more and more afraid of Zhang Juzheng.

Although I can't see anything yet.But Zhang Fan understood.This continues.In the future, Zhu Yijun will be in charge.This kind of "habit" that has been formed is not so easy to change.Wait until then.Zhang Juzheng can be considered to be able to completely control the government.Is that a blessing or a curse?Zhang Fan didn't know.

"Your Majesty." Zhang Juzheng said. "It's July now too. Summer is already halfway through this year."

"Of course I know that." Zhu Yijun said. "I don't know what Mr. Zhang said. What is it?"

"When I established my country in the Ming Dynasty, I suffered from floods every year." Zhang Juzheng said. "Since the early years of Longqing, the flood disaster has decreased sharply. It can be regarded as an auspicious thing. It's just a sharp decrease. But it's not completely absent..."

The officials below the court were still worried.I don't know what Zhang Juzheng will say.This is what I heard now.Everyone felt relieved.

Although this kind of natural disaster is indeed very annoying.When the time comes, disaster relief will be troublesome.It is also troublesome to manage the river course.And it is even more troublesome for the people to be displaced and suffer from famine.Not to mention.after every catastrophe.All over the country, flags will be erected to engage in uprisings.That was the trouble among the troubles.But these troubles are annoying though.But it is not difficult.As long as it can be handled properly.Its harm is also quite small.Compared to those political struggles.This really can only be regarded as a trick.

Now Zhang Juzheng is talking about this matter.Although it is a matter of people's livelihood.But this is for the officials of the Ming Dynasty.It is also a cliché.Nothing to worry about.

"It's the fourth year of Longqing. The flood season is coming again." Zhang Juzheng naturally didn't know that what he said really gave a sigh of relief to all the people present.continued. "At that time, the embankment was broken in Pizhou and Suining. The local people were in dire straits. Fortunately, the first emperor was sympathetic to the people. He quickly sent people to repair and relieve the disaster. This is how the disaster was calmed down. The people lived and worked in peace and contentment.

"Now. Although it has been more than half of the summer, there is no danger. It's just that the cabinet received reports from many prefectures in Henan and Nanzhili this morning. The land of the Yellow River and the Huaihe River has been rained many times in recent days. The river embankment burst, and many places were washed away. Today, there are many gaps around Henan, Jinan, Luzhou, Fengyang, etc. A large number of fleeing people have already gathered in these prefectures.

"Fortunately, last year's harvest was plentiful. There is also ample food in the treasuries of the imperial court. It's just that there is no order from the imperial court. Officials in various places have no right to open warehouses for relief. I hope your majesty will make an order."

"What else is there to say." For this kind of thing.Although Zhu Yijun met him personally, it was only the first time.But that doesn't mean he hasn't heard it before.I also know what to do at this time. "The cabinet immediately drafted an order. Let the several state capitals that accommodate the people quickly open warehouses and release food. It is to help the people."

"At this moment, I understand." Zhang Juzheng said. "Actually. When I received the report this morning, I have already drawn up the imperial decree. I just need to wait for His Majesty's approval. It will be stamped with a jade seal. Then it can be sent to several places. It is because of the great importance at this time. I really can't wait any longer." .The matter of the humble minister's transgression. I also hope that His Majesty will punish the crime." As he spoke.Zhang Juzheng bowed to Zhu Yijun.But all the officials present noticed.Even Zhang Juzheng said this.But he didn't kneel down either.It's really disrespectful.

"Mr. is concerned about the people of the world. This matter is so sudden." Naturally, Zhu Yijun would not blame Zhang Juzheng for anything. "This can't be overstepped. If you have to wait until I know it before drafting the decree. If you delay the time and change the people's sentiments, then it will be a big deal. After the court is over, the imperial decree will be presented. After I read it Just stamp it with a jade seal. Let the cabinet execute it."

"My minister complies with the order. Thank you, Your Majesty, for the atonement." Zhang Juzheng stood up after saying a word.

Regarding Zhang Juzheng's attitude.The ministers on the side were very dissatisfied.He simply didn't put the emperor in his eyes.But now encounter this kind of thing.But it should not be considered.

It was Zhang Juzheng.And really can hold his breath.Just saw a farce.This is what is said.

now.The disaster relief work has been done.Now it's time to discuss how to control the water.

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