The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 618 The Final Test

things nowadays.For the time being, it's settled like this.After the dispersal.Pan Jixun's speed was not uncomfortably fast.The first time was to follow Zhang Juzheng to the cabinet.And the Minister of the Ministry of Officials who was pushed up by Zhang Juzheng and Feng Bao also came with him.It's just that the attitudes of the two towards Zhang Juzheng are quite different.

Pan Jixun's respect for Zhang Juzheng was purely due to his different official positions.nothing else.And another person.Facing Zhang Juzheng, he just nodded and bowed.

Zhang Fan also came along with him.So he can see all this clearly.I can't help but sigh in my heart.But think again.Zhang Fan thinks so.That's not bad.At least Zhang Juzheng and Feng Bao wanted to control the government.But the two of them have no plans to mess around yet.Now there is such a person who obeys their words to take up the post of Minister of the Ministry of Officials.Although it may not be possible to make the Ming court prosperous in the future.But at the very least.There will also be fewer disputes and some ways.This is also a good thing.only.After all, the gain outweighs the gain.Then no one will know.

And Pan Jixun was obviously in a hurry.It's just that it seems reasonable to do things.Now in court.No. 1 water control is none other than him.It's not just others admitting it.Even Pan Jixun himself it has already been decided.There was no need for Pan Jixun to hide anything.

Other ministers in the court who can go to Nanzhili to control the water.Their abilities are also much inferior to Pan Jixun.Originally, Pan Jixun was very worried about this.But after he had read in detail the report submitted by Nanzhili to the cabinet.The heart just let go a little bit.The situation over there is similar to what Zhang Juzheng said.Although the situation seems to be quite serious.A large number of people were displaced.The several large state capitals in the Huaihe River Basin are even more overcrowded.But in fact the situation is not that serious.It's not as urgent as Henan.

After knowing this.Pan Jixun was also relieved a lot.and.The current situation.It is more than enough for the court to deal with it.It was above the court hall just now.Pan Jixun listened to Zhang Juzheng's words.I thought the flooding in the Huaihe River Basin was also very serious.The reason why Zhang Juzheng wanted to downplay it was because the Yellow River flood in Henan was really more serious.In addition, Henan is close to the prevent any surprises.That's why Zhang Juzheng made up such a statement.Let everyone feel.There is no delay in Henan.And Nanzhili can be placed in second place.

originally.Pan Jixun, who had such an idea, agreed with Zhang Juzheng in his heart.But not very happy after all.Now Pan Jixun knows that what Zhang Juzheng said is completely true.In this way.Pan Jixun's little dissatisfaction with Zhang Juzheng disappeared immediately.And now he.The affection for Zhang Juzheng is also deeper.Knowing that he wasn't ignoring the suffering people for some reason that seemed to him frivolous.This is for Pan Jixun.That's enough.

Thoughts here.Pan Jixun also began to think about who should be sent to Nanzhili to control the water.As a result, he thought about it this way.I found that there is a big problem in the current imperial court.It's not that he, Pan Jixun, is conceited.It was he who found it.In today's imperial court.If there is any serious flood.It was the same as that time in the fourth year of Longqing.Someone who can be dispatched to solve the problem in a short time.He really is the only one.

To this.Pan Jixun was both happy and worried.The joy is.There is room for your own talents.Can benefit the people.Let the people be at peace.But there are also many worries.After all, there is only one other person.If the same period of the year.two places.Huge floods even broke out in three places at the same time.He was also at a loss.It is impossible to go to two or three places to control water at the same time.until then.I don't know what will happen because of this.

And sent others.It's not impossible.However, other people in the DPRK and China who can be sent to control the water.His talent in this area is far inferior to that of Pan Jixun.Maybe it will work too.But both speed and timeliness are far behind.

To this.Pan Jixun was also quite worried.But now.But there is no solution at all.Fortunately, since Emperor Longqing ascended the throne.No major floods have occurred yet.Compared with what was recorded in the past.It's been fairly stable for the past few years.

But let Pan Jixun recommend someone.Although what he said in the court was swearing.But wait until now.However, some hearts were beating drums again.Nothing else.After all, those few people except him.In fact, the skills are about the same.Pan Jixun is naturally an expert in this area.Have the authority to speak.

so.Now let him choose the candidate.In fact, he was not asked to recommend the best water control.Instead, let him recommend the person who can do the job best.To this.Pan Jixun couldn't help feeling very sad.After all, even though Pan Jixun's current official position is great.But actually.For the political struggle in the imperial court.He doesn't know much about it.even.When Ding You returned to his hometown that year.After the expiry of the term, he did not want to return to the court and become an official.It can be seen that Pan Jixun is not eager for official positions or suppressing others.So relative.Pan Jixun was not very proficient in how to probe people's hearts.

and.The matter of water control is of great importance.If the wrong person is employed.Even if things are better there.It will also get worse and worse.So he can't be too relaxed in this regard.

And actually.Pan Jixun was asking for trouble.think about it.Since today's court.Several other people besides him.Their ability to control water is similar.That is to say.You can send whoever you want.And the only thing he had to think about.It is the character of that person as a man and an official.

As for Pan Jixun, who didn't understand it too well, there was actually no need to worry about it at all.He just needs to name a few people.Then just hand it over to Zhang Juzheng.

But Pan Jixun didn't do that.The reason.In fact, it was because of Zhang Juzheng.

Although for Zhang Juzheng.Pan Jixun was full of gratitude.And I agree with Zhang Juzheng's actions during this period.But in terms of fighting for officials.Pan Jixun has always had opinions on Zhang Juzheng.Especially after the last time Ge Shouli was promoted to be Minister of the Ministry of Officials.Although Pan Jixun didn't go to the Forbidden Palace to make trouble together like the others.But that doesn't mean he doesn't have any thoughts in his mind.

And now on to this matter.Pan Jixun understood better.The court's employment law.Has never been the best.Instead, use the best people.He, Pan Jixun, is indeed the best.But at the same time.He also never plays feints or compares anything.Put it all together.Pan Jixun is indeed the No.1 choice.That's why Zhang Juzheng fell in love with him.Others are different.Pan Jixun understood.sometimes.for something.Even if you know you can't do it.If you do that, big things will happen.But some people still do it.

So now.Pan Jixun was also worried.If I only selected a few people for Zhang Juzheng to choose based on their ability to control water.Maybe Zhang Juzheng will choose the person who listens to him the most.certainly.That's not the point.There is no harm in listening to Zhang Juzheng.It's just that Pan Jixun was worried.On the surface, the man listened to the above.There are other thoughts in private.That would be the end of it.

This comes down to it.It was just Pan Jixun's distrust of Zhang Juzheng.

So Pan Jixun is on this matter.It's a little difficult.

But the embarrassment didn't last long.If the disk continues, then change your mind.He still intends to be the same as before.Provide the names of several people.Give it to Zhang Juzheng.Let him choose.

The reason why Pan Jixun made such a choice.It's not about giving up on yourself or anything.In fact, he had other plans in mind.He wants to find a few people.Leave it to Zhang Juzheng to choose.It is used to test Zhang Juzheng.

It was what prompted Pan Jixun to make this decision.It wasn't his whim.first.He had read the report on the situation on the Huaihe River in detail.It's really not that serious.Even if it is to make one talent mediocre.And bring many people with different thoughts to do it.In fact, nothing too bad is possible.After all, that's how it is now.If people go there, it will be worse than it is now.The man himself would not have done that.not to mention.Even if that happens.Pan Jixun wouldn't have any problems as the one who elected him.After all, this person was appointed by Zhang Juzheng.It wasn't him, Pan Jixun.He just provided a few candidates.

and.Now Zhang Fan is present again.Even if something happens in the future.No one will deny anything.

Second.He just wanted to use this to test Zhang Juzheng.After all, the current Pan Jixun is grateful to Zhang Juzheng.But he still couldn't completely trust Zhang Juzheng.He wanted to take this opportunity to test Zhang Juzheng.It's also good to see if Zhang Juzheng is worthy of my wholehearted following in the future.

It sounds a little funny.Actually.Zhang Juzheng is also very related to this kind of matter.He couldn't be careless at all.And actually.Pan Jixun had this idea.I didn't find it myself.Actually his decision.It is also because he now agrees with Zhang Juzheng.It was just to make him feel better.

here.Pan Jixun was thinking about these questions.And over there.Zhang Juzheng was thinking about other things.

And Zhang Fan on the side.Looking at Zhang Juzheng's appearance.I also had some thoughts in my heart.

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