Over there, Pan Jixun was thinking about the things in his heart, which could be said to have been settled long ago, and things that he himself had already agreed to, but he still needed to deceive himself, so as to give himself a chance to Convince yourself of the reasons to identify with Zhang Juzheng, who you have already identified with.

It sounds ridiculous to say this, but sometimes people’s hearts are like this. No matter how obvious and conclusive the facts are, it’s okay not to agree with them.

Just like Pan Jixun, in fact, he also understands that his gratitude to Zhang Juzheng is very high, so high that it was just to replace the people in the world, or to say that he is grateful to Zhang Juzheng for allowing him to continue to do what he wants. The ordinary emotion of what he did gradually changed into Pan Jixun's personal gratitude to Zhang Juzheng.

Once things in the court involve giving up, it will be quite serious, no matter what type it is, it existed before, or it happened later, in short, once there is such a personal Feelings are definitely not a good thing. After all, who knows what will happen in the future and what situation the other party will be involved in. At that time, this selfishness will make you unable to ignore it, and in the end, This selfishness will drag you down who have nothing to do with you.

Just like those "old men" who have experienced wind and rain in the court, each of them has this kind of thinking in their hearts, and they understand this truth, so the official positions are actually trying to avoid this. This kind of thing happens, but even those "proven" people like them cannot completely avoid it. Once they have too much personal friendship with someone, personal emotions will naturally be involved in it. If something happened, it would be hard not to be involved here.

Of course, this kind of situation is also limited to the future. What will happen to one of the parties sounds a little unreliable, but in fact, even Zhang Fan, who has only entered the official career for less than five years, knows that such things There is absolutely no luck, even if you have been an official all your life, you have been timid, cautious every day, trying your best to avoid trouble, but when the time comes, if you don’t go looking for trouble, trouble will come to you naturally .

Even Zhang Fan himself understood this point, he had encountered this situation more than once.

So, this is a seemingly accidental, but in fact inevitable thing.

Even Pan Jixun himself may not be unaware that he is now Prime Minister Hedao because of his outstanding talent in this area. Moreover, this is not what his family said, and it is not just someone in the court who admires him. In fact, the entire court, Even the emperor and empress dowager understood this point. Pan Jixun is the No. 1 in flood control nowadays, but even so, those who are not as talented as him will still be jealous of him.

This sounds a little unbelievable. Since talent is not in a hurry, and some people may not even be able to catch up with Pan Jixun in character as an official, why are they still jealous? As long as you can reach a high position, whether you can do your job well is just one of them. The most important thing is whether you can get along with others.

Regardless of the importance of water control, no one in the DPRK dares to take it lightly, but this does not mean that no one really thinks otherwise.

In short, Pan Jixun really took it for granted.

But let’s not talk about it until now, Pan Jixun, who has made up his mind, told Zhang Juzheng the names of several people and let him choose by himself. Afterwards, he did not delay at all, and took the order from the cabinet on the spot. Go home and pack your things, ready to go to Henan.

For Pan Jixun's intentions, both Zhang Juzheng and Zhang Fan quite agreed. It is a good thing to have such hardworking people in the court.

Especially Zhang Fan, thinking of this, thinking of Zhang Juzheng's possible fate in the future, and the current relationship between him and Pan Jixun, Zhang Fan secretly planned that if he could in the future, he would lend a helping hand to Pan Jixun put it.

Pan Jixun left, and the others also left. In the normally busy cabinet, there is nothing left now, only Zhang Fan and Zhang Juzheng are left. At leisure.

Zhang Juzheng, in particular, had other thoughts in his heart, and Zhang Fan didn't know why, and he was aware of it in his heart, especially at this moment, when the two of them were alone, seeing Zhang Juzheng's pensive look on the front , I also realized that there was nothing wrong with my feeling, Zhang Juzheng was really thinking about something.

Regarding Zhang Juzheng, Zhang Fan didn't have anything to pretend to be. Since he saw what was on his mind, Zhang Fan didn't intend to guess anything, so he asked directly, "Teacher, what's the matter?"

"Oh," Zhang Juzheng also came back to his senses after being told by Zhang Fan, looked at Zhang Fan and asked, "Yuande, what's the problem?"

"There is no doubt about it," Zhang Fan also looked at Zhang Juzheng and said, "It's just that... the students saw the teacher's pensive face, and they don't know what the teacher has in mind."

"Oh, this matter." Hearing what Zhang Fan said, Zhang Juzheng had no intention of hiding it, and said, "I won't talk about it yet, let's see what Yuande you might guess."

Hearing what Zhang Juzheng said, Zhang Fan is also going to follow up. In fact, Zhang Juzheng didn't mean to test Zhang Fan, but he said this because there were still some things in his heart that he didn't understand, so he did it like this. explain.

But Zhang Fan didn't care, and thought about it carefully.

Today's matter, at first glance, there is no problem at all, everything is normal, even before he saw Zhang Juzheng thinking deeply, he didn't think there was any problem at all.

But now, after what Zhang Juzheng said, Zhang Fan had to think about it. After all, Zhang Juzheng was not a person who would be aimless. Since he said that, it meant that there was something wrong with it.

After thinking about it, Zhang Fan really came up with something.

"What's the matter Yuande, what did you think of?" Zhang Juzheng also saw the change in Zhang Fan's expression, and asked with a smile. He was naturally very happy that Zhang Fan could think of the problem so quickly.

"Students are not talented," Zhang Fan said, "although some problems can be seen, but they can't see the whole picture,"

"It doesn't matter, just say as much as you think of," Zhang Juzheng looked very interested, and put aside the question he was thinking about just now, obviously this side is more interesting to him.

"Come up this morning..." Zhang Fan thought for a while and said, "The teacher stood up and said that he had received reports from Henan and Nanzhili to report the flood. I'm afraid that even the ministers in the court didn't see any problems, and they may not even see it in the future, but since the teacher said so, the students have more eyes and saw some unusual things, "

"Oh," sure enough, Zhang Juzheng became even more interested when Zhang Fan said this, "Let's hear it."

"This flood is a major event," Zhang Fan said, "The cabinet chief is in charge of all affairs of my Daming, and the teacher is the first assistant university student of the cabinet. It is the Ministry of Industry, even if anyone stands up and says this matter, it is understandable and will never arouse anyone's suspicion.

"However, the student has been in office for some time. In the past few years, there have been some floods, just like the big event in the fourth year of Longqing. Although the student was an official in the East Palace at that time, he was in charge of teaching the prince and had no right to In the court, but also heard some. At that time, although the cabinet had already received the report, the matter was also reported by the Ministry of Household Affairs.

"Later, the students discovered this problem by accident. Over the past hundred years since the founding of the Ming Dynasty, there have been countless floods, but almost none of them were reported by the cabinet personally. Moreover, since the teacher took charge of the cabinet, although this This is also the first time I have encountered this kind of situation, but it shouldn't be the teacher talking about this matter. Of course, even if the teacher is talking about it, there will be no problem. This is purely because of what the teacher said just now. After some words, let the students know that there is a problem, and the students can see it.

"However, even if the student said so, the student himself feels that this guess is a bit far-fetched, but, apart from this, the student did not find anything unusual, so please ask the teacher to redeem the student's blindness."

Zhang Juzheng listened to Zhang Fan, with a smile on his face all the time, and when he heard Zhang Fan finished speaking, the smile on his face became even wider, and he said: "No clumsiness, if you are still clumsy, I am afraid that there will be no one in the court." There is no one who can see clearly. Indeed, the only weird thing about this thing is here, but I did it on purpose to make it look like nothing happened at all, so that those who are interested will not have so many the eyes of the heart."

"Students can see it, thanks to the teacher's suggestion." Zhang Fan didn't take credit at all, but in fact, the situation seemed to be the same. If it weren't for Zhang Juzheng's questioning and his affirmation that he was Zhang Fan couldn't see anything unusual about those thoughtful words, "It's just that the students are not thoughtful, and the students really can't figure out why the teacher did this... Could it be..."

Zhang Juzheng didn't speak, but looked at Zhang Fan and nodded, "Could it be" something, it seems that there is indeed something wrong inside.

And when Zhang Fan saw Zhang Juzheng nodding, he suddenly realized, he couldn't help admiring Zhang Juzheng, he didn't expect him to come up with this idea,

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