Zhang Fan was extremely surprised by Liang Chao's answer. In fact, before Zhang Fan asked such a question, he was already prepared in his heart. , and whether it is the army or gangs, everyone will do that more or less, even himself is no exception.

However, Zhang Fan did not expect that Liang Chao would answer him like this almost every time. Although Liang Chao had said before that no matter what Zhang Fan asked him, he would answer truthfully, but this answer always made Zhang Fan feel It's so untrue, but Zhang Fan can't figure it out, even if he wants to hide something from him or lie, he should say it in a good way, but Liang Chao's words are obviously putting himself in the " Of course, there are cases where people want to make things worse, but Zhang Fan can't see why Liang Chao would do that at the moment.

In short, he could be sure that what Liang Chao told him was absolutely true, but the truth made him feel untrue. Maybe he didn't want to believe his words in his original intention.

How should I put it, seeing what he said made Zhang Fan show such a surprised and confused expression, Liang Chao felt a little apologetic in his heart, but more of it was funny.

"Does your lord think that what Xiaozhi said is too much?" Liang Chao asked, "Maybe in the eyes of adults, it is normal for someone to do that once in a while, but like what Beizhi said, doing it every time is a shame. It feels weird,"

Nodding his head, Zhang Fan didn't speak, it's not that Zhang Fan had nothing to say, but at this moment, he really couldn't say anything.

"Hehe, I can understand your lord's mood," Liang Chao said with a smile, "Since your lord has never served under Jinyiwei, he naturally doesn't know about this. When it comes to this kind of thing, it’s just like adults now. They can’t get used to it, and they can’t figure out why. We have gotten used to it, even if it is not necessary, we will do it, it is impossible to change it, but if adults insist on explaining why we have this habit, I really can’t say no come out,"

Faced with Liang Chao's answer, Zhang Fan could actually find many contradictions without even thinking about it, but at such a stall, Zhang Fan couldn't ask a single word. Only then did Fan come back to his senses, and asked intermittently: "What... have you guys done?"

"That's too much," Liang Chao said. Now that everything has been said, in the face of Zhang Fan's inquiry, Liang Chao no longer intends to hide it, and simply told the whole truth. , "Sometimes, it is indeed for selfish reasons. For example, if a certain court ordered an official to commit something, and he will be quarreled and questioned. Silver and the like will fill their pockets, but no one dares to take more. After all, it will be easy to be seen, and if it is found out, it will be a terrible thing. Therefore, the brothers in Weizhong are very restrained in this regard. Even if they have it every time, it is only a little bit, basically people can't see it at all.

"And sometimes, without selfishness or even a little bit of oil and water, we will still do that. As long as the things ordered by the above can be completed, it is also okay to do some small actions below. Perhaps, this is what we as subordinates do. Yes, I don’t always like the reason why I do it exactly according to the meaning above.”

Hearing what Liang Chao said, the expression on Zhang Fan's face became quite weird, and after a while he said slowly: "I can understand selfish things, and I don't intend to blame you for anything. , but the last one, I really can't figure it out at all. Of course, I can understand that people have a rebellious heart, but it doesn't have to be like this every time, let alone, if it's you and yours I can figure out what the Shangguan's faults or disagreements are, but if you are still doing this now, do you mean that I have mistreated you somewhere?"

"No, no, no." Hearing what Zhang Fan said, Liang Chao hurriedly waved his hands and said no, "To be honest, even though I am young, I have not married yet, even if I entered Weizhong, it is not too long. Long, but the adults are definitely the best Shangguan I have ever seen. Sometimes, after I return home, the market will think so. It is really a blessing to have an adult as a Shangguan. How can adults be dissatisfied?"

"Then you still..." After Liang Chao said this, although Zhang Fan was very happy in his heart, he was even more puzzled, and the expression on his face was also the same. This really made him puzzled, since he did a good job. Even after he took over Jinyiwei, he discovered that the people in Weizhong were doing a lot of tricks when they were performing tasks. For this reason, Zhang Fan also specially reported to Longqing to let Jinyiwei do that. The monthly fee, which has not been raised for nearly 100 years, has been raised a lot. Zhang Fan’s so-called high salary is to support the honesty, but he also understands the truth that a person’s heart is not enough. It will make the situation worse, but by doing so, he has indeed improved the atmosphere below a lot.

Just now Liang Chao said that he is absolutely satisfied with him as a superior, but he said that he is still doing that now, which is obviously something that a subordinate who does not agree with a superior will do.

Originally, Zhang Fan asked Liang Chao these things today because Zhang Juzheng planned to secretly change the concept of the court law, so he wanted to ask Liang Chao to see if there was anything inappropriate in doing so. I didn't hold out too much hope that I could find out anything valuable, so it should be a kind of reference.

But now it seemed that he had asked something that was truly extraordinary. Of course, Zhang Fan only thought that this extraordinary, and Liang Chao and others still regarded it as indifferent.

"My lord..." Facing Zhang Fan who was puzzled, Liang Chao said, "Although I have not read many books in the humble position, the knowledge in this book is indeed much less than the adult, but the humble position entered the guard After middle school, I have also met a lot of people. To people, I think there is something to talk about in a humble position. This person is like this sometimes, and some are greedy and not enough. Yes, it is purely looking for trouble for nothing. Of course, looking for trouble for nothing is a bit too much, but I don’t know what to say for a humble job. In short, no matter who it is, when it first enters Jinyiwei, start working Especially the work assigned by the Shangguan, it is absolutely dedicated, and I dare not be sloppy in the slightest.

"But there are all kinds of people, not everyone can persevere, especially doing this kind of work all the time, although it's the first time I find it very enjoyable, stepping on others, there are others. For senior officials, the feeling is even worse, but after doing this kind of work for a long time, they will feel bored, and almost every time, this kind of work is not difficult. We didn't know what was wrong, and we didn't dare to resist us. As soon as we saw our people arrive at the door, the dozens of members of the family would definitely tremble, as if they had already entered the execution ground.

"No one in Weizhong finds it boring to do this all the time, so in the end, we simply disobeyed the orders of the superiors a little while we went to work, although when the time comes, others won't even look at it." I don’t know what we have done, even our superiors, but what we have done, we know best in our hearts, and every time we do this, we feel very comfortable in our hearts. I still want to do this once, and as time goes by, it becomes a habit, even now, continuing to do this will not make the low-ranking people feel happy at all, but we will still do it, "

This time, facing Liang Chao's answer, Zhang Fan didn't show any surprise, and he didn't even feel that there was anything wrong in his heart, but started to think about it.

Speaking of which, what Liang Chao said just now can be summed up in two words, "boring". It is the boring things they have done for many years that make them so.

And the same is true of Zhang Fan, even if the court or even the emperor asks him to do something, even if he has no quarrel with the emperor, he will still violate the rules a little while doing things, although in the end, things will be done Yes, the emperor praised him and everyone, and he couldn't see what he should have done, but Zhang Fan, who made it himself, knew it in his heart, and he would be happy about it, no, it should be said to be excited .

It's like doing homework in the previous life. The teacher has finished all the homework, but he also likes to write two typos on purpose, or write the words scribbled. At that time, the teacher can't see anything at all, but in his heart I always feel comfortable doing what I do.

How should I put it, maybe only humans can do this.

Zhang Fan didn't intend to blame Liang Chao for anything, after all, what he did was just an unknowing behavior as a person.

It's just that Zhang Fan really didn't expect that Liang Chao's answer to the wrong question let him know something new. Although it was just some boring stuff, Zhang Fan's mood became much better because of it.

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