The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 626 Interrogation Methods

Zhang Fan thought of this situation.He just wanted to ask Liang Chao.See if he can say something out of nowhere.Good to remind myself.See if you can find any solution.result.Things were beyond Zhang Fan's expectations.He just asked.But asked something different.Some make sense.But for a while, he couldn't accept it.

certainly.It's not that Zhang Fan really can't accept it.In other words, he planned to do something about what Liang Chao had told him.After all, before he said these words.It has been said.This is a very common matter who.It's not like he hasn't done it himself.only.He didn't expect Liang Chao's answer to make him feel too "normal".The usual is overdone.

but.Initial discomfort.Afterwards, it brought another strange feeling to Zhang Fan.where to think.Zhang Fan couldn't bear it anymore.Laughed out loud.

"My lord..." Seeing Zhang Fan like this.Liang Chao couldn't help but look weird.want to ask.But he didn't dare to ask. "My lord...are you alright?" Although Liang Chao was not worried about any troubles if he said these things.But he wasn't completely worried.After all, in front of Shangguan, when he said that he used to do things, he would always have some small actions that disrespected orders more or less.No matter who is a subordinate, there will be some drums in his heart.but.He really didn't think of it.After Zhang Fan listened to what he said.Will be laughing out loud.

It should be said that Zhang Fan reprimanded him with a straight face.Or say nothing.His face was as cold as frost.Liang Chao has considered all these.And he thought about it though.But I still decided to speak out.But now.He did say it.But what he got in exchange was not what he thought in his heart.It was Zhang Fan's loud laughter.This makes him not surprised.

"It's all right...I'm all right..." Although Zhang Fan hadn't yet reached the point of laughing.But it's almost the same.He answered Liang Chao intermittently. "I just thought of something funny in my mind."

Zhang Fan said so.Liang Chao and the guards beside him were even more puzzled.Although what Liang Chao said just now is not too bad.And Zhang Fan also said before that he would not care about it.But they really couldn't figure out why Zhang Fan laughed so much.

"Do you know?" Although Zhang Fan held back.But there was still a deep smile on his face.Said to Liang Chao who was full of doubts. "Originally I asked you those questions just now. Actually, I wanted you to talk about your opinion. See if you can help me. But I didn't expect it. You said it. It's really funny. And. You don't think so. This kind of thing. Do you often encounter it?"

Zhang Fan said so.Liang Chao and the others were taken aback.But then.They all laughed.Things were exactly as Zhang Fan said.If you really think of it.It's really funny.

What does Jin Yiwei do.Although there are many yamen in it.The management aspect is also huge.Almost everywhere will step in and close some.But it is what people fear most.Or its supervision of court be honest.That is its intelligence work.

Since it is doing intelligence work.Then it is inevitable to interrogate the criminals.Among them, torture and the like are naturally indispensable.All it does is get people to tell the truth.In order to check or find evidence in the future.

but.There are some really funny things about this.Speaking up.That's why.Its target is people.And as long as it is human.Especially the officials of these courts.As long as it is being targeted by Jin Yiwei.Even if it is not a heinous crime.There is definitely something shady about it.

And often.for example.Jin Yiwei only arrested him because he formed a clique for personal gain or something.Want to set out his words.Uproot others involved.but.In the face of these, most of them are from the background of scholars.Although he has integrity, he is very tough.But in the end, it is hard to beat the pain of flesh and blood.What's more, it was Jin Yiwei who executed the punishment.So basically they couldn't bear it a few times and they all recruited.

But.The problem also appeared at this time.Sometimes you want to ask about party formation.But such torture.But put another one.For example, it was fraudulent about corruption and breaking the law.Although not the main idea.But there are always surprises.

want to ask one thing.But another thing was cheated out.This situation seems rather amusing.But actually.It appears in people's life all the time.from everyday life.All the way to national affairs.It can be described as everywhere.only.Generally, no one will pay too much attention to this situation.Take it out alone.

But organizations that specialize in intelligence like Jinyiwei are different.This unexpected gain is often exactly what they characteristic was also studied by them alone.up to now.Jin Yiwei arrests people for interrogation.Never say why.Just saying you made a huge mistake.Let you explain everything.

Actually.Facing those who are officials, they all have brains.At least not too stupid.Otherwise, they would not be able to be officials.Even if you are an official, you can't do these things.As long as it can make them think about it calmly.What have you done yourself.And what happened before and after Jin Yiwei captured him.In the end, he could guess what Jin Yiwei was looking for them for.

But Jin Yiwei will naturally not give you this kind of time.Coupled with the environment at that time and the uncontrollable mood when the person was just arrested.Few people are able to think about problems calmly in that situation.

so and so.Here comes the problem.During Jin Yiwei's interrogation.They will never ask you "did you do such and such a thing" with a clear and directional question.Instead, you will ask "what have you done" kind of divergent questions without any direction.If so.Many people would easily slip up in that tense and oppressive atmosphere.Unanswered questions.Naturally, Jin Yiwei can find new things.

certainly.Not all of them are like that either.After all, some people are really determined.Even in that situation.But it can also be adaptable.Always keep your own moment of sobriety.And can adjust the mentality in a very short period of time.Figured out why Jin Yiwei was looking for him.

certainly.Since these people can figure it out.There are also ways to deal with it.They will definitely not say things immediately and neatly.That will make people feel that they are lying and dealing with it.They will definitely hold out for a while.Then talk.

But Jin Yiwei is Jin Yiwei.Even if you already got what you want.They still want if the other party said it.They still wouldn't stop interrogating.Keep digging.See if you can dig up something new.

Of course.on the way.Torture is naturally indispensable.It is also because of the torture.Even some people with firm minds can't bear the double shock brought by this kind of physical and psychological, and will eventually collapse across the board.Summon all the other party wants to know.

after all.Even if these people's heads are clearer.Be more determined.But they are also people with ghosts in their hearts after all.People with ghosts in their hearts.It is very difficult to treat death like a dead man.

Under Jin Yiwei's interrogation method.Among those who were actually interrogated.Ninety-nine percent of them will recruit some new things.And this interrogation method.It has also become the standard interrogation method of Jin Yiwei today.Everyone who is brought in.No matter what he did.Or the wronged person.All will use such a set.And often still be able to find out some new things.

Even now.After Zhang Fan took charge of Jinyiwei.Although he can't completely change those old stereotypes.But it was also because of Zhang Fan.There were also a lot less cases of torture to extract confessions among Jin Yiwei.

But even so.Use this method.Still can ask a lot of unexpected things.

Hearing what Zhang Fan said.Naturally, Liang Chao and the others could understand what he was talking about.for a while.Everyone had strange expressions on their faces.Especially Liang Chao.After all, it was all said by him alone.

But this weird look didn't last long.It all turned into a smile.Especially Liang Chao.The smile on his face is three points more than others.

"Your Excellency is right. This is indeed similar to that situation." Liang Chao said with a straight face.There is also a smile in the weirdness.Said.Immediately afterwards, he showed an expression of admiration towards Zhang Fan. "However, I want to come from a humble position. My lord is indeed suitable for the position of the commander of Jinyiwei. I didn't expect my lord to just say a few words so lightly. I recruited all the low-ranking people. And it's another thing. Hehe..." Speaking of which.Even Liang Chao himself couldn't bear it.Laugh out loud.

"Hi Liang Chao." Zhang Fan also had a smile on his face.Said. "Nothing else. It's all like this now. But I still don't forget to flatter."

Some people's laughter came from some quiet streets.On the contrary, it looks even weirder.Especially those servants who occasionally pass by.Surprised to see this appearance.Especially seeing Liang Chao and others wearing a brocade suit.Still protecting someone like Zhang Fan.But laughing in the street.It's all weird.far away.leave now.

"But then again." Liang Chao said. "I don't know what the lord wanted to ask about the humble job just now."

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