The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 633 The So-Called Cheap

After Zhang Fan entered the yamen.Those on duty at the Yamen understand.If he came here at this time, he would definitely stay here for lunch.After Zhang Fan ordered someone to go to his home to inform him that he would not be going home at noon.The people below also consciously went to a nearby restaurant to order a few exquisite dishes and a few jugs of fine wine.

certainly.There are people on duty in this yamen twelve hours a day.But no one ever eats here.The reason is very simple.This yamen's meal.It's really not that good.Zhang Fan was also fooled.It was also his first time here.I don't know this situation yet.So it's time for lunch.Someone below said to go to a better restaurant to order dishes.result.At that time, Zhang Fan wanted to show off.To put it bluntly, it is just pretending to be 13.He didn't let people go.Instead, ask if there is no such thing here.After all, there are people in this twelve-hour place.Impossible without meals.

then.The people below were not familiar with Zhang Fan who had just taken office at first.I don't know if this new Shangguan has any special habits.I didn't say much.He did as Zhang Fan ordered.

And since that time.Zhang Fan never said that he wanted to eat the food in the yamen.He even remembered after eating those things for the first time.What kind of mood was it when he remembered the weird expressions on those people's faces before.

certainly.These are little episodes.Zhang Fan will come over at this time.Not for anything else.His original purpose.It was because he wanted to go to Ge Shouli for help.Think about it for yourself first.Although this matter is not something that needs to be paid attention to.But after all, the stakes are high.Zhang Fan had to think about it.Wait till you figure it out.Go to action again.This can be regarded as Zhang Fan's consistent style.certainly.If it is something urgent.Don't give him too much time to think about it.He can only do it first.On the way, I became wise in a hurry.

And now.The issue before Zhang Fan was not a major national event such as the "Testing Law" or flood control.It's a matter of personal matters.It can be said to be a family matter.and.matters concerning women.Even if it's not a bad thing.It is definitely a troublesome thing.

Just like what Zhang Fan encountered today.About Yingyue and Zhaoxue.He understands now.The two did nothing bad.Nor was it involved in any trouble.But look at the way the two are acting now.It's all done in a hidden way.Don't dare to be aboveboard at all.It is also for this reason.That's why Zhang Fan was made so worried before.

And now.Although it is already understood that it is not a bad thing.Zhang Fan didn't take it too seriously for a while.But not caring about it and not caring about it are two different things.This is not.Liang Chao once mentioned this matter.He began to worry again.

But want to come.Worrying won't last too long.After all, since this matter has been mentioned.Liang Chao was about to tell him everything.

Think here.Zhang Fan walked into the room alone.He didn't ask Liang Chao to explain anything to him right away.Just sitting there alone.Think about it.

I don't know how long it has been.Maybe just for a while.But Zhang Fan always felt that he had been thinking for a long time.Until there was a knock on the door.

"Come in." Zhang Fan who came back to his senses ordered.

"My lord." It was Liang Chao who opened the door.He walked in with a food box. "The humble staff brought the food to the adults."

It seems that I am really hungry.Although it didn't smell any fragrance.But Zhang Fan also had some energy.

Liang Chao opened the food box.Place the dishes on the side table.It's summer.Hot weather.Although there is no good scenery to see in this yamen.But here is also a pattern that has been carefully designed.good ventilate.Doesn't look hot.And the people below are also quite caring.Understand the reason for this season.Therefore, although the dishes ordered are also meat and vegetables.But even if it looks like it doesn't make people feel how hot it is to eat.

"It's another dish from Shiweixuan next door." Zhang Fan asked casually.

"Yes." Liang Chao replied.Then he asked with some concern. "What. Does your lord think it's not to your liking? If you're humble, I'll ask you to go to another place to order it." That's all.Liang Chao was about to put away the dishes.

"No need." Zhang Fan stopped.road. "Shiweixuan's food is not bad. And there is no better restaurant here. The nearest one has to walk five or six streets. It's too troublesome. I just think. Every time I come here, I eat these. It's a bit boring. It's okay. I don't come here to eat every day. Otherwise, I really want to ask you to change it."

"That's what your lord said." Liang Chao said as he spoke.Continue to put the dishes on the side.

Finally put the wine jug and wine glass away.Fill up the wine for Zhang Fan.Liang Chao planned to leave.

"Wait." Zhang Fan called to stop Liang Chao.Said. "You didn't eat, did you? I can eat half a bowl with so much. Sit down and drink two cups with me. It's a bit boring to eat alone. It's good to talk to more than one person."

"This..." Liang Chao wanted to refuse at first.But seeing that Zhang Fan didn't care too much about his answer.He had already walked to the table and sat down on his own.Liang Chao simply cupped his hands and said. "It's better to be respectful than obedient in a humble position."

"Yeah. Give it to yourself too." Zhang Fan nodded.Said.

clink.Drank the wine in the glass.Fill up again.The two also ate

"Actually, my lord, you don't know." After eating for a while.Liang Chao said suddenly. "It's because of the adults. We are in some trouble here."

"Oh." Hearing what Liang Chao said.Zhang Fan was a little puzzled.asked. "what happened."

"The food in this yamen is not very good. No one likes to eat here." Liang Chao said. "But in the past, we didn't have much monthly money. And we didn't need money to eat food in the yamen. If we bought it outside, the yamen didn't care. We had to pay for it ourselves. So we just endured it.

"But after the lord came, he gave us a lot of monthly money. The brothers have money. Naturally, they want to have a good time. No one eats the things in this yamen. They all go outside to buy.

"It was nothing at first. It was that time. My lord originally said that I would eat here. But I bought everything back. My lord left for a while. So someone ate that portion. As a result, the next day. That person returned Go buy it. After that, until now, the brothers in this yamen have been going to Shiweixuan to order dishes every day. But now, the food is full. But the pockets are deflated."

Listen to what Liang Chao said.Zhang Fan was a little surprised at first.But then.He laughed out loud.Looking at Liang Chao, he said, "Okay, you smart ghost. Say it quickly. These words are your own thoughts. The people below asked you to tell me. Also. How many red envelopes did you accept?"

"Hey..." Hearing what Zhang Fan said.Liang Chao laughed awkwardly.obviously.Zhang Fan hit the nail on the head.You guessed it. "My lord. I don't dare to hide it. The red envelope is indeed received. But my lord, don't get me wrong. It's all my brothers' own money. It's not something that came from an improper way. They just want me to mention this to my lord." Things. Let’s see if the food here can be changed in the future. Of course. The brothers want to eat well. You can’t let the yamen pay for it all. So..."

"So. You just want me..." Zhang Fan cast a glance at Liang Chao.He picked up his glass and took a sip.Said. "Food in the future. The yamen will also take out some money and paste it in, right?"

"Hey..." Liang Chao laughed again.Obviously Zhang Fan was right again.But he immediately changed his expression again.Said. "But my lord. We don't want to take advantage of anything. If your lord agrees, in fact, the Yamen has no loss at all. After all, as long as your lord nods and agrees, there is no need to cook in this yamen. Save those money. Also That's enough."

"Yeah. It's true if you say so." Zhang Fan said.

" lord agrees." Liang Chao said.moment.He also had a happy look on his face.

"Sigh. Don't get too excited." Zhang Fan saw him.Said. "I agreed to this matter. From now on, the yamen will no longer ask about food matters. How much money was spent on it every month before. It was all posted in. The brothers were subsidized half and half. If it’s too much, you pay for it yourself. If it’s less, I won’t take advantage of it. Leave it until next month. But I have to give you a rule.”

"What rules." Hearing Zhang Fan agreed.Liang Chao was naturally happy.So I asked the export very readily.

"That's right. From now on, this yamen can only buy dishes from Shiweixuan. Others are not allowed." Zhang Fan said. "If you want to change the taste, you can pay for it yourself. I don't pay for restaurants other than Weixuan."

"What does your lord have to do with Shiweixuan?" Liang Chao couldn't help asking.And his expression is not very good.

"No. That's what I said." Zhang Fan said.

"But. If I eat it every day, I'm afraid I'll get tired of it in half a month." Liang Chao was a little embarrassed.

"Then it depends on your own choices." Zhang Fan acted as if he had nothing to do with himself.Take a sip of wine.

gritted his teeth.I thought about it for a while.Liang Chao said: "Okay. Let's do as your lord wants." He had thought about it.I would rather eat Shiweixuan until I get tired of it.I don't have to suffer as much as before.And save a lot of money.It is also enough for other daily expenses.But what does this other mean?That is a personal preference.

"Okay. This matter is settled." Zhang Fan said. "Now tell me what you've been trying to tell me."

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