Halfway through the wine, Zhang Fan mentioned this matter. In fact, since Liang Chao had already said it before, it would be fine for him to ask directly, but after the previous incident, Zhang Fan always felt that he It's really a big joke, even though he has not estimated his status as a superior and sincerely humbled Liang Chao, but that happened not long ago, and he still has some concerns in his heart.

Of course, before he said he asked Liang Chao to stay and drink with him, in fact at that time he really didn't think so far, but simply felt that being alone in such a room was a bit boring, so Liang Chao was invited, but after sitting down like this, he realized that this was a good opportunity, at least it would make talking a lot easier.

That's why he asked that question just now.

However, there is nothing wrong with Zhang Fan, but Liang Chao, who was asked, feels a little different. Indeed, although there are only two of them now, the atmosphere is indeed much more relaxed. At the dinner table, although there is no superb food and wine, and there is no singing and dancing, the atmosphere is quite harmonious, which makes people relax a lot.

However, after Zhang Fan asked such a question, Liang Chao still had some strange feelings in his heart. He always felt that what happened just now, although they were both equal and modest, but in such a short time, Liang Chao still couldn't fully adapt.

As a result, he was very impatient about this matter just now, and he was anxious to talk about it, but after Zhang Fan's question, he suddenly didn't know how to speak.

Seeing Liang Chao's appearance, Zhang Fan also understood in his heart. Moreover, this discovery had some collateral effects on him. Originally, Zhang Fan had some thoughts about this, but it was not too serious. After Liang Chao messed up like this, he also began to feel that this was a bit inappropriate.

"Ahem," coughed twice, as if to cover up the embarrassment, Zhang Fan said with an indifferent expression, "It's okay, the past is the past, you don't have to worry too much about it." Don't worry too much, let's talk about it now, what exactly did you find out?"

Hearing what Zhang Fan said, Liang Chao also understood, so he temporarily let go of the embarrassment in his heart, and began to recall, and, after recalling it like this, he really got better, and the worry and so on went away. And the smoke cleared.

After thinking for a while, Liang Chao said, "My lord, what happened..."

Yesterday, after Zhang Fan discovered the problem, he was quite worried. After discussing with Liang Chao for a while, he went home to see if he could get any news from Yingyue and Zhaoxue, not to mention , Zhang Fan's starting point is quite correct. Based on his familiarity with Yingyue and Zhaoxue, he knows which of them he should start from.

In the end, the simple-minded Zhaoxue became Zhang Fan's target. Under Zhang Fan's insinuation, although Zhaoxue never missed a word and told him what they had done during this period of time, it was also a matter of letting him go. Zhang Fan understood that no matter what it was, it was definitely not a bad thing, so this made Zhang Fan feel relieved a lot today, but he still didn't know what was going on.

But after Liang Chao thought about it with Zhang Fan yesterday, he ruled out some possible hidden dangers, and pointed his target at the teahouse that Yingyue and Zhaoxue often went to during this time, the owner of "Chunmingxuan", the widow body.

So, after Zhang Fan went back yesterday, Liang Chao immediately recruited his subordinates and ordered them to go to self-study to investigate the owner of the teahouse, the widow.

"According to the news that the brothers under the humble staff came back from inquiries," Liang Chao said, "In the past, after all, she was a widow, and we only knew that she was called Zhao Weishi, because at that time, the humble staff didn't think that this Zhao Weishi would have anything. Trouble, so I didn't inquire in detail, I did a self-study investigation yesterday, and her real name is Wei Yaoyao, she was born in Jiajing 20 years ago, and now counting, she is more than three years old."

Hearing what Liang Chao said, Zhang Fan was also thinking in his heart. For a woman who is already in her thirties and a widow, if the matter is really related to men, it may not be incomprehensible. How should I put it, isn't there a saying, "Thirty is like a wolf, forty is like a tiger", although it sounds a bit obscene, but Zhang Fan doesn't intend to ignore it just because it is obscene.

Secondly, after all, due to the reasons of this era, I heard from Liang Chao before I added that this Wei Weiyao was born in a scholarly family. Wei Yaoyao is a woman, but in such a family, no matter what, she can read and write sentences, or read a few books, and write a few poems that are not handed down from generation to generation. Of course, these are not the most important things. What's more, women in this kind of family will definitely have their own thoughts in their hearts, even if their appearance never expresses their inner thoughts, they will always have a reserved and gentle appearance , But the heart is very likely to be a brook or a stormy sea.

All in all, it means that these women definitely have their own ideas.

Thinking of this, Zhang Fan couldn't help but compare several of his women, and found that the most naive Zhaoxue, even on the outside, was very naive, while the quieter people in normal times, such as Ruxue or Luo Ling'er, they had many things on their minds.

Of course, those things are not scheming or conspiracy, but purely because they have their own thoughts in their hearts, but they seldom express their thoughts, even when facing people who are closer, such as In front of Zhang Fan, they were the same.

As for a widow like Wei Yaoyao, she is also a thoughtful widow. Although Zhang Fan couldn't guess what she would think, he could guess that it was pretty much the same, and the matter about men was definitely the first thing he could think of. matter.

Perhaps this Wei Weiyao, although following the lessons of her family and following the three virtues, but now, her father has passed away, her husband has also left, and there is no man and half woman left between her and her husband, so it is said that this "three From"? In some respects, it is no longer possible to control Wei Yaoyao.

Perhaps, being a widow for so many years made her feel quite lonely, eager to find a man to comfort herself, and this Wei Yaoyao is not a silent girl. I heard that even if she is not a talented woman, she is She has a delicate face, and the mature charm of a woman of this age is naturally difficult for a man to resist. Therefore, even if Zhang Fan doesn't need to listen to and verify things, he can imagine that it must be There are quite a few men who have coveted her for a long time.

In this way, although most of those men have some kind of purpose, but how can I put it, one is willing to fight and the other is willing to suffer, Wei Weiyao may choose one of them, after all, if she can no longer hold back It is understandable to be lonely.

And then, what Zhang Fan wanted became more clear. Maybe after Wei Yaoyao made a decision in her heart, it might be the reason for this long-term suppression and sudden release, or it might be something else. In short, It is very likely that she will fall madly in love with that man.

And maybe, that man approached Wei Yaoyao with a purpose from the beginning; and maybe that man really liked her before, but after he really got it, he started to have other thoughts, Of course, there are only two answers, either defrauding money and sex, or both.

For this point, Zhang Fan is absolutely confident, after all, it was the matter of money that brought the problem to the surface before.

Of course, regarding the matter of money, Zhang Fan is actually a little confused. If Wei Yaoyao gave money to that man because she was cheated, Zhang Fan would believe it, but if it was Yingyue and Zhaoxue who lent her money If so, Zhang Fan couldn't figure it out. For this kind of thing, even Wei Yaoyao, who was in it, knew that she was cheated, and she was willing just because she didn't want to lose it again.

However, Yingyue and Zhaoxue, who are also women, are different. They should be able to see clearly. However, Zhang Fan can't figure out why Yingyue and Zhaoxue, after knowing this kind of thing, Or give Wei Yaoyao money so that she can give it to another man.

It is one thing to be pitiful, or empathy, but Zhang Fan also understands that if Yingyue and Zhaoxue really feel sorry for Wei Weiyao, then they should not do so.

This is something that Zhang Fan can't figure out. Of course, Zhang Fan may not have noticed it himself. Perhaps the reason why there is such a contradiction is that he guessed wrong from the beginning.

Thinking about it, Zhang Fan also had an ambiguous look on his face.

Liang Chao looked at Zhang Fan's expression. If it was normal, he would soon be able to figure out what Zhang Fan was thinking, but at this moment, after he learned the whole story, he couldn't think of Zhang Fan at all. I went to the place I thought.

Therefore, a rather weird appearance appeared here. Zhang Fan looked at Liang Chao with an ambiguous expression, and there was a faint smile on the corner of his mouth, while Liang Chao looked puzzled. , looked at Zhang Fan a little confused.

"My lord, why do you show such an expression?" Liang Chao said with a puzzled look, "Could it be that the humble official said something that shouldn't be said?"

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