"My husband. If you have anything to do over there, go first." Ru Xue saw Zhang Fan's embarrassed expression.It seems that they don't know how to decide.Then he opened his mouth and said. "There's a concubine here. I won't make my mother tired."

"Yeah." Nodded.But the expression on Zhang Fan's face didn't change much.The reason is very simple.He wasn't worried about it.Although he didn't want Zhao Shi to be like this.But Mrs. Zhao is not a disrespectful person.And it's not like it used to be anymore.Someone is there to help her.

What Zhang Fan was really worried about was another thing.And it wasn't about the tip he had.Instead, he looked to the other side very worriedly.That is the side where the government is distributing food.

Look over there.how to say.Methodical.Very orderly.Of course.This is not the reason why the consciousness of these people is relatively high.Not to mention that most of these are farmers who have not received much education.Even those who have read books.Even famous scholars.I'm afraid it's about this time.Been hungry all day.Walked so much again.I was too hungry and forgot about those.Looting up.It's just that there are many official posts over there.There is even an army around.That's how it is.

To this.After Zhang Fan knew about this matter from the early morning.It has always been incomparable.certainly.Order is naturally a good thing.But that also depends.Like it is now.Also care about those.Although it is said that the people will abide by it even if they are afraid of force.But I'm afraid the dissatisfaction in my heart will only get worse.

but.Feng Bao is like this.He did it just for show.Wait until the disaster is over.The newspaper below said that the refugees who came to the capital were very well behaved.Never looted.There was no trouble.Then this credit belongs to Feng Bao.

perhaps.Feng Bao didn't understand this kind of thing.That's why it's taken for granted.I made such a decision.Or maybe.He actually knew.It's just that he knew it would be so.Do this again.It is really……

"Should I persuade him?" Zhang Fan thought in his mind.But not long.He had already given up on the idea.Although it is very likely that Feng Bao will agree to his request.But it is also possible to be unhappy.Zhang Fan didn't want to have any conflicts with Feng Bao over this kind of matter.

So.How to solve it.

"Ru Xue. Tell the servants." Zhang Fan said to his wife beside him. "Let them set up a few more pots. But don't set them up here. Put them farther away. It's better to let some people come over. But it won't be too crowded."

"En. Don't worry, Mr. Xiang. The concubine understands." I understood that Zhang Fan was really worried about this kind of thing.Ru Xue felt much better.Of course.Maybe it's her simple mind.Unexpectedly, Zhang Fan was troubled by more difficult things.or.She doesn't want to care about that.Although worried about Zhang Fan.But she also knows.There are many things if I want to worry about Zhang Fan.In addition to increasing troubles.But there is no way.That being the case.It would be better not to ask.Zhang Fan's own affairs.He can solve it himself.Ru Xue believes in her man.

but.If Ru Xue is also innocent.Then she is not that Chen Ruxue.

here.Ru Xue has already started ordering her servants to set up a few cauldrons in the open space on the other side.Getting ready to open another porridge place.there.Before Zhang Fan left.Looked at the situation here.There was an unspeakable look in his eyes.But he still did not say.Turned around and left.

On horseback.Although there are refugees outside the city now.The city gate has strict inspections on entry and exit.Whoever wants to come to town.Either there is heavy scrutiny.Or there is a warrant or something.

Of course.Zhang Fan and others are not in this ranks.That's right.This world.As long as it is someone who has any relationship with the government.As long as you see a person wearing brocade clothes riding a horse.No give way yet.

After the horses entered the city.Go directly to Jinyiwei's yamen.Although they are Jinyiwei.In many places in the world, it is possible to walk sideways.But this is the capital after all.It is at the feet of the emperor.Those who work for the emperor also have to abide by many rules.

It's not fast.But not slow.After all this time.It was almost noon too.There are not many people on the street.It didn't take long to arrive at the Yamen.

Zhang Fan didn't seem too flustered.But not procrastinating.After getting off the horse.Go inside.He said to Liang Chao beside him, "Where is the letter?"

"It's in the hands of the humble staff." Liang Chao, who was waiting in the yamen, hurriedly took out a letter from his arms.Hand it over to Zhang Fan. "This was just sent to the meeting not long ago. I immediately sent someone to notify the adults. I just asked someone to monitor it. See if there is any problem. I haven't read what is said in it yet.

Zhang Fan accepted the letter.One side unsealed.Go inside.Go into the room.Liang Chao immediately closed the door.

sat down.Zhang Fan unfolded the letter and read it.

this letter.Or it can be a secret letter.It is from the southwest side.It was sent back by the subordinates Zhang Fan sent to "break into the enemy's interior".

Talked.Just yesterday.Zhang Fan just happened to think about this matter.But I didn't expect it.Now there is an echo.

To this.Zhang Fan didn't show any surprise.after all.The reason why he sent someone in to monitor them.And return the message back.It was because Zhang Fan wanted to beware of them.It was also because Zhang Fan didn't know what they would do.now.A message came back.Although Zhang Fan felt that it would not be a good thing.But also somewhat relieved.The bare minimum.He knew what he was doing was working.

Haven't read this letter yet.No one knows exactly what happened.There could be bad things.But it's also possible that it's no big deal.But once it's a big deal.Now it's a wake-up call for Zhang Fan.Of course it's a good thing.

This.It was also after Zhang Fan had just received the secret report.But there is no reason to worry.He believed that his subordinates would tell him the news before the incident happened.

He saw that Zhang Fan had read the letter in his hand.Liang Chao couldn't bear it anymore.Quickly asked: "My lord, what happened."

"Do you still remember? Last month..." Zhang Fan frowned and said. "Just over there in the southwest. Something happened."

"Last month." Hearing what Zhang Fan said.Liang Chao began to recall. "We receive a lot of things here every month. I don't know which one the lord is talking about. But if it was last month and it was in the southwest again, then I'm afraid there is only that one thing."

Zhang Fan also nodded.

last month.It didn't sound like a big deal at the time.Now it seems very coincidental.

At the beginning of last month.Jin Yiwei received a report.certainly.This report is not official.It was the news that Jin Yiwei himself had inquired about.Said it was the southwest side.Be more specific.It is the Golden Tooth Guard next to the Lancang River.was attacked.certainly.Saying the attack was actually not too accurate either.

that time.Soldiers of the Golden Tooth Guard are patrolling outside.The form of hesitation in the southwest is more complicated.Coupled with the Wei Yinbao incident a few years ago.Contradictions among the multiple ethnic groups living there in the Han Dynasty also intensified.Although the local yamen for this reason.Most of them recruited people from various ethnic groups to serve as soldiers.But as long as you put on the clothes of the Ming army.will be hated by the local people.

Also because of this.Many guards are also determined.Change of casual clothes except when on patrol.In this way, although everyone knows that they are soldiers of the imperial court.But it is made up of local people.It won't be too much trouble.

It was the same that day.Because it was already summer at that time.Plus the southwest side.Besides the hot weather.Humidity is also particularly heavy.You will be sweating profusely after walking for a while.I feel terrible as hell.then.The same goes for a group of people in charge of patrolling.It was noon again.I was ready to go back to Weizhong to eat and rest.

then.The corps leader who led the team was greedy for shortcuts.He was about to go back to Weizhong directly through the forest.result.That's the decision.got them in trouble.

Say something.This imperial court will not take too much care of the vendettas of Jianghu gangs.From the point of view of the rivers and lakes.These people are dog eat dog.Preferably one dead.The other is also badly injured.but.These patrolling people.But met a group of people.These people were killing people.That's right.There is no big scene.It is murder.

Moreover, what they killed were old and weak women and children who were helpless.then.The patrolling people couldn't stand it anymore.As a result, hands started.But the other party is not afraid.Knowing that the opponent is the army.Also dare to do it.

result.There are only a dozen people here.Not much more there.But obviously.These people are no match for a well-trained army.Five people were killed.Seriously injured several.All the others ran away.Take those few back.But he didn't ask anything.He died because of his injuries.Of course.A lot of it was because the local generals also thought these people should die.There is no reason to treat them.

Liang Chao remembered this matter.

"Then you still remember. Did we also receive a letter from there last month?" Zhang Fan continued to ask.

"Of course." Liang Chao said. "My lord let the humble job take charge of this matter. The humble job naturally remembers clearly."

Letter said last month.Those people said that they were overshadowed by the court.But Zhang Fan's people only knew the news.Not sure what exactly happened.

Now it seems...

"Could it be..." Obviously.Liang Chao also thought of it. "Those people killed by the Golden Tooth Guard are the people over there."

this.What a coincidence.

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