The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 645 Secret Revenge

Coincidence, what is a coincidence, no, Zhang Fan still doesn't know how to explain this word.

Once upon a time, Zhang Fan in his previous life, the unknown Zhang Fan who lived at the bottom of the society and had no contact with high-level life, at that time he believed in the existence of coincidences, but he couldn't explain the reason why the coincidences happened.

But now, Zhang Fan, who is in this era and stands at the top of society, can't explain what a coincidence is. Of course, if you just talk about the original meaning of the word coincidence, no one will understand, but the more so , the more Zhang Fan felt that there really would be no coincidences in this world, the more important the matter, the more important and seemingly coincidental, then there must be something deep in it. All in all, today, after experiencing so many things, and many of them seem to be very coincidental, Zhang Fan no longer believes in the existence of coincidence.

But now that this happened, Zhang Fan really couldn't figure it out.

Judging from the news we have received so far, this incident is indeed a coincidence. The soldiers of the Golden Tooth Guard who went out to patrol, because of the hot weather and wanted to take a shortcut, accidentally encountered a group of people who were killing people, and Those soldiers are a group of people with a sense of justice by chance, and this kind of thing happened in front of them, let alone those who are paid by the army, even ordinary people, if they are capable enough, will have the idea of ​​​​stepping forward to stop it , and those people happened to be those who are plotting to rebel now, seeing the court's displeasure, and those who dared to take action against the court, so the two sides fought violently, killing and injuring several lives.

And by chance, at the end, the imperial court did not know who these people were.

As a result, Zhang Fan can see from the information he has received now that those people who did not know their identities at that time, and were quickly forgotten by the court as just some gangsters, now it seems that it is the Southwest that conspired to visit The subordinates of Zhang Yong and Wang Xin.

This is indeed a coincidence, but it's too coincidental, so coincident that even Zhang Fan, who has long believed that there is no coincidence in the world, has begun to doubt it. Big eyes.

"My lord, what do you think... about this matter..." Liang Chao seemed to want to say something.

"I understand what you mean," Zhang Fan said, "This matter is full of weirdness, although we didn't know what was going on at the time, and it seemed nothing, but now it seems that it is indeed just our guess. That's it,"

"My lord, what did you say in the letter?" Liang Chao shook his head slightly, put aside the chaotic thoughts in his mind, and asked, rather than thinking about things that he couldn't understand, he might as well focus on The present is good. After all, since the matter has already happened, it would be redundant to ponder whether it was a coincidence. The current problem is how to solve it.

"Our people don't seem to know what's going on. Although they know that something happened, we said here that it's not a last resort. We should try our best to contact them as little as possible, and it didn't seem to have anything to do with it at the time. , we didn’t tell them, and, according to them, Zhang Yong and Wang Xin didn’t seem to want to mention this matter very much. They only learned the whole story recently, so this is a rush Write to me," Zhang Fan said, "Now, they wrote to say that Zhang Yong and Wang Xin are very sure that our court conspired to lure them to appear and then arrest them. annihilate,"

"But my lord, from this point of view, things are a little different," Liang Chao said with a frown. "After all, if there is any movement in the court, we can't be unaware, even if it is a matter decided by the Golden Tooth Guard alone. It's impossible for us not to know, but we haven't received any news in the past few months, "

"Of course I know this," Zhang Fan said, "but if they insist on saying that, things might not make sense,"

"What does your lord mean?" Liang Chao didn't quite understand, maybe he didn't understand Zhang Fan's meaning, or maybe he didn't quite understand how to make things like this.

"Think about it," Zhang Fan said, "If they believe that this matter was done by the court, what would you think if you were them?"

"This..." Liang Chao thought for a while, and then he said hesitantly, "Those who were hunted down by them, perhaps, were the bait sent by the imperial court, who did something they didn't like, and were deliberately chased by them Kill them, and then lead those people here. After that, the Golden Tooth Guards seemed to meet them unintentionally, and then they couldn't stand it anymore, so they made a move. Maybe they would feel that the court wanted to use this Things, draw them all out, and then catch them all, "

"Well," Zhang Fan nodded, and said, "Although this idea sounds a bit unbelievable, there is nothing wrong with thinking about it now."

"This is really..." Regarding this, Liang Chao didn't know what to say for a while. After a moment of silence, he continued to ask, "Then what do they want to do now?"

That's right, no matter what, these things happened a month ago. Those people didn't react at that time, but what do they want to do now.

"Maybe..." Zhang Fan thought for a while and said, "It might be that those people felt that it was not suitable for what to do at that time. After all, in their view, what the court did was aimed at them. If they had taken any action at that time If so, isn't it the trap of the imperial court?

"However, they couldn't swallow this breath, and they always wanted to take revenge. Until now, seeing that there was no movement, they might feel that the court had given up seeing that they didn't take the bait. It's time to make a move, let the imperial court taste it, and know that they are not easy to mess with,"

"Well, my lord is right to say that," Liang Chao said after thinking for a while, "but there are some problems with this."

"There are indeed many problems," Zhang Fan said in the same way.

Both of them understood that Zhang Yong and Wang Xin were the ones who followed Wei Yinbao's rebellion back then, and now Wei Yinbao had been wiped out by the court long ago, and no matter what Wei Yinbao was, these two people still did this now, not Wei Yinbao's thoughts were not seeking justice for the people in the southwest, they just wanted to use Wei Yinbao's reputation to satisfy their own selfish desires.

Moreover, these two people are not without brains at all, although in a big sense, it is obviously unwise for these two people to do so. The court, no matter which dynasty or generation it is, hates these rebels the most , not to mention the Ming Dynasty where rebellion and setting up banners happened frequently, and this is even more so. These two people are bound to fail in the end.

But in terms of small things and some details, these two people are still quite smart, just like what they are doing now, when their strength has not yet accumulated well and is still relatively weak, they don't think about the early things at all. Even if they need to make a fortune occasionally to make some money, they do it quite secretly and spend a lot of time. If they don't pay too much attention, most people will feel that when they are killed halfway. When it comes to bandits in the rivers and lakes, they just see the benefits and make a difference. They will never link these things with those things like rebellion and rebellion.

Even on Zhang Fan's side, although Jin Yiwei knew for a long time that Wei Yinbao's remnants, that is, Zhang Yong and Wang Xin, escaped from the court's pursuit and went to no one knows where they went, but they have always been They are not counted.

If it wasn't for Zhang Fan meeting Yingyue, and what happened later, about the Five Poison Sect, no one would have guessed that these two people are still making these plans.

"But, my lord, it doesn't make sense," Liang Chao asked suspiciously, "If it was them, they should also understand that they are still weak now, and it is impossible for them to oppose us openly, so they will Choosing to do this seems to be even more secretive. Until now, although we have touched some, we don’t know them very well. Fortunately, they don’t know that we know. This is a good thing for us.

"However, if they take action because of this matter... These two people are not fools, can't they think that doing so may scare the snake and let us know their whereabouts?"

"Well, you're right to think so," Zhang Fan said, "But those two people have also considered this issue."

"My lord means..."

"I said in my heart," Zhang Fan picked up the secret letter in his hand, patted it, and said, "Although those two people made such a decision, they are not insane. On the head of the court, they want to do something to retaliate against the court, but they also understand the reason why they are not strong enough, so they are very careful in this matter.

"As stated in the letter, although our people know what they plan to do to retaliate against the imperial court, these two people are also acting secretly. They just shared some ideas with outsiders and said nothing else. Well, if this letter is said to inform us, it is better to say it is to remind us to beware, beware of an attack that has no clue at all, "

In this regard, Liang Chao also frowned. In comparison, no matter how powerful or powerful an enemy is, it is nothing, but what he is most afraid of is this kind, who is acting in secret. Let me show you the current situation.

This feeling is very uncomfortable,

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