Zhang family.There was a lot of trouble.Um.That's not quite right.Although it was said that Luo Ling'er was going to have a baby.This is indeed a big deal.But this matter has long been foreseen in the family.So a lot of preparations have already been made.Just to prevent this from happening.therefore.It's not a panic now.After Luo Ling'er's personal servant girl ran to inform about this matter.Even Zhao Shi, Zhang Fan and Ru Xue are gone.The people below also know what to do.Midwives, doctors and the like have long been prepared.On call.

certainly.There is another reason for not being so flustered.After all, the Zhao family, Zhang Fan and Ru Xue are now.The most talkative people in these three families are not here now.They all went out.And Yingyue and Zhaoxue.Although it is useless to find them.But that doesn't mean they can't help at all.But now.Both of them are not in the mansion either.

therefore.Panic is panic.But this scale.I really dare not be flattered.

until.Zhang Fan and others came back.That's when the noise started.

"Old Madam. Master. Madam." The servants greeted the three of Zhang Fan who were approaching.

Although Ru Xue was also anxious.But at least she could nod her head.As for mother and son Zhao and Zhang Fan.I can't care so much anymore.Go straight to Luo Linger's residence.In front of Luo Linger's residence is a small courtyard.Zhang Fan and the others were waiting here.

"This...is there nothing going on here?" Zhang Fan asked a maid beside him.His expression was naturally extremely tense.

"Master, what's inside. The servants don't know either." The little maid also told the truth.Or it doesn't look like asking for trouble. "The midwife has already gone in. The doctor is also waiting there. It seems that there is nothing wrong." Obviously.She dared not speak so full.

this moment.How could Zhang Fan care about trying to figure out what a little maid said.He looked nervously at the closed door.

Say something.This is not the first time Zhang Fan has come into contact with this kind of thing.Last time Ruxue gave birth.Zhang Fan was very nervous.I'm afraid that something unexpected will happen.Fortunately, the mother and child were safe in the end.Although Ru Xue was a little haggard.But it doesn't matter.She also gave Zhang Fan a pair of white and fat twins.

Logically speaking.this time.Zhang Fan shouldn't be so worried.But this time.Things were a little different from last time.Last time.Zhang Fan was simply worried about Ru Xue.After all, it was the first time he had experienced such a thing.Not sure what to expect.

And this time.Even Zhang Fan already knew what was going to happen.Or what should be the process behind.But compared to Ru Xue's time, he was more worried.Why.After all, what is the state of Luo Ling'er's body.Now almost everyone in the Zhang family knows about this matter.

When Zhang Fan advised her not to have children.Many maids in the family have also discussed this for a long time.They all praised Zhang Fan.But he also sighed secretly that Luo Ling'er was so lucky.You can marry a man like Zhang Fan.To know.For this era.Although it has entered the pinnacle of feudal civilization.But women are always the disadvantaged group in society.No status.in this era.Even if a certain man loves his concubine very much.But it is impossible to persuade her to abort the child because she is worried about that risk.

To know.Things like having a baby.Any woman is dangerous in any situation.Now it's just because Luo Ling'er is more likely to face danger.But Zhang Fan still did it.

As for Zhang Fan's approach.These servants of the Zhang family.Especially those emotional than rational.For the maids who haven't talked about love yet.It's all unimaginable.It is also what they imagined in their hearts.

And the Zhang family.Zhao's this.Naturally, I don't like it.But in the end she did not hinder Zhang Fan's decision.not to mention.At the end.Luo Ling'er did not decide not to have children either.

Let's talk about Zhao's reaction.All are understandable.After all, as a mother-in-law.Naturally, I hope to see my daughter-in-law give birth to more grandchildren.No.Or that there is very little reason to change your mind for that uncertain reason.only.Anyone who knows understands.Mrs. Zhao didn't mean that.

And Ru Xue is concerned about this matter.After hearing the news.Also troubled for a while.But when she heard that Luo Ling'er insisted on giving birth to a child.She was even more troubled.

Ru Xue's emotions are more understandable to others.After all, she is Zhang Fan's regular wife.And she already had a son and a daughter for Zhang Fan.And now.Luo Ling'er, who was a concubine, was also pregnant with Zhang Fan.It would be fine if I had a daughter.But if a boy is born.That's annoying.future.What kind of status can Zhang Fan achieve in the imperial court?No one is sure these days.But many people do.As long as Zhu Yijun is in power for one day.Zhang Fan will definitely not lose power.Um.certainly.Absolute is a somewhat inappropriate word.But at least it's hard.And in the future, Zhu Yijun will be in charge one day.Wait until that time comes.Zhang Fan was even more unshakable.

but.Zhang Fan is not some god or ghost.He is also just a human being.Since it is a mortal.Then you can't escape the shackles of birth, old age, sickness and death.When that day comes.The huge family business of the Zhang family.And which son should inherit it?Controversies and conflicts about this kind of thing.Even bloody world.Ancient and modern, Chinese and foreign.Whether it is the emperor or general.Still a high-ranking official.Or just a big family in the folk.abound.It never stops.It will even continue.

Zhang Fan may be able to educate his offspring again.Whether it is a descendant or a concubine.Can be leveled with a bowl of water.Unbiased.But in the future.Always choose an heir.What will happen at that time.

Ru Xue now even gives people a more gentle appearance.But when that time comes.And what mother doesn't think about her own flesh and blood.Maybe in the eyes of others.In the future, if Zhao Xue also gave birth to a son for Zhang Fan.Ru Xue might not let her own sister go.Not even sure.

therefore.For Ru Xue's series of reactions.Many people also think it is normal.Hearing that Luo Ling'er was pregnant.Naturally not happy.After knowing that Luo Ling'er will give birth to the child no matter what.Naturally, he was even more unhappy.

only.Does Ru Xue really mean that?

perhaps.It's a little too hasty to think about it now.Things haven't reached that point yet.But in front of you.In the eyes of these servants.Zhang Fan was in a hurry.Maybe it was because she was worried about Luo Ling'er.Or worrying about their unborn child.Or maybe both.And Mrs. Zhao may be worried about Luo Ling'er.Or maybe he was worried about his unborn grandson.Or maybe both.But in their opinion.Ru Xue is worried now.It should just be whether Luo Ling'er can give birth to the child safely.Or she was worried about whether the child she gave birth to would be a boy or a girl.

In short.In the eyes of these servants.The three masters in this yard are all in a state of contradiction.Maybe it's the nature of gossip.It just makes them more interesting.After all, a big family.Especially the affairs of senior officials like Zhang Fan.To them.It is really an excellent gossip subject.

But actually.Except that Mrs. Zhao was still worried about whether her grandson would be able to be born safely.The most important thing in the hearts of the three is worry.Will Luo Ling'er be safe?

And over there.Zhang Fan was thinking about whether to speak to those doctors.In case something happens.Children are not important.The important thing is to keep Luo Linger.But in the end he still didn't do it.He just remembered.There is no such means in this era.Either mother and child are safe.Or kill two.Or the child is saved.But he couldn't keep his mother.only.Except for the first case.The latter two are what Zhang Fan absolutely does not want to see.Don't even think about it.

And now.Luo Linger's screams came from the room.It seems that in the eyes of these women.Even those young maids who have never experienced such a thing as giving birth come to see.This is all very common.But Luo Linger's screams.Every sound touched Zhang Fan's heart.Every word came to his ears.can raise his blood pressure.Make your heart beat a little faster.

The suppression of this feeling.It made Zhang Fan very uncomfortable.But he can't help it.this era.A woman gives birth.As long as it's a man.Not even the husband is allowed in.To the kind of restriction where there's no place where women can't let men see.After all, the couple who have been together for so long have come down.Zhang Fan had read everything he should have read.

It's another thing to worry about.What about a woman giving birth.How dirty.The more famous the man.The more you can't watch it.For fear of bringing bad luck or something.

Zhang Fan naturally didn't believe this.But he still dared not go in.After all, although he doesn't believe it.But mother Zhao believed this.Especially now that Zhang Fan has gained such a posture.She is also more inclined to believe in these ghosts and gods.Since my own mother won't let me.Then Zhang Fan couldn't resist.

And it is precisely because of this.Today's Zhang Fan is like an ant on a hot pot.Even if it's not dancing.But definitely very anxious.

even though.Even if he goes in.Can't help at all.Zhang Fan didn't understand this aspect at all.Going in can only be a disservice.He himself understood this.But he still couldn't help having that thought in his mind.

"Fan'er, calm down." Mrs. Zhao saw her son like this.Sent. "Mother also knows that you are anxious. But this kind of thing can't be rushed. Besides, it's useless if you are anxious."

Zhang Fangang wanted to say something.at this time.There was a constant scream in the house.Suddenly stopped.

This time.Zhang Fan's face turned green.

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