The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 653 Worry too much

"What... what's going on," Zhang Fan's voice trembled suddenly. Naturally, Zhang Fan would not feel comfortable listening to the sound, but from a certain point of view, it could let him know a little bit what was going on inside.

But now, the sound suddenly disappeared, which made Zhang Fan's expression change instantly, or to put it another way, at the moment the sound stopped, he thought of something very bad in his mind, and became so flustered. He asked out his voice in a panic, and even made the people on the side who hadn't thought about it so much feel a bad feeling in their hearts.

"This...this may" Mrs. Zhao seemed to want to say something to calm Zhang Fan down, but after talking for a long time, she couldn't say anything at all. Obviously, she also had no experience. over this situation.

And Zhao's approach not only didn't help Zhang Fan, but made him even more worried.

"Sister, don't be like this," Ru Xue said from the side, "We don't know what's going on inside, so don't be so worried, Mr. Let...someone go in and have a look."

Obviously, Ru Xue's words were still very useful. Although Zhang Fan's worry didn't ease much because of it, he obviously calmed down a lot.

Seeing this, Ru Xue gestured to the side, and an old woman entered the room.

Not to mention, I don't know if it's a coincidence or what, just as the old lady entered, Luo Linger's voice sounded again. This time, Zhang Fan's face that was originally full of worry relaxed a lot, but , but he couldn't completely relax, after all, the worst possibility that had been entangled in his heart just now is gone, but after all, the possible crisis has not passed yet, and he is still worried.

The old woman came out and walked over. Before she could speak, Zhang Fan impatiently asked first, "What happened just now, what's going on inside now?"

"Master, just now, the second lady fainted from the pain for a while, but now she woke up again," the old lady said, "There is no movement now, I guess... I guess I will have to wait a little longer,"

Hearing what she said, Zhang Fan didn't know what to think. Maybe she was telling the truth, or maybe the situation inside was actually very critical. What she said now was just to make Zhang Fan relax. That's all.

Perhaps, even Zhang Fan felt in his heart that the old woman in front of him was lying to him and didn't want to tell him the matter, but at this time, even though he was worried in his heart, he still chose to believe what she said. It's just a kind of self-comfort.

"Fan'er, don't be so flustered," Zhao said at this time, "This is how women give birth to children. You can't help Ling'er if you worry about it here. Besides, this is not the first time you have experienced it. Isn’t it the same for Ru Xue at that time, people can feel relieved after experiencing it once, why are you more worried every time, there is nothing to do at first, and you messed it up like this, even I started to worry up,"

"Mother...I..." Zhang Fan seemed to want to say something, but after opening and closing his mouth for a long time, he couldn't say anything, and finally he could only say, "My child knows, and my child is also worried..."

"Okay, okay," Mrs. Zhao seemed to be a little impatient with Zhang Fan, frowning slightly, and said, "Sit down for me, don't make a sound, and wait quietly."

"Yes." Facing his mother's words, Zhang Fan naturally did not refute, and deserved to sit on a chair beside him.

The people on the side saw Zhang Fan's appearance, especially his fidgeting, sitting on the chair, but constantly twisting his body, wanting to stand up, but not daring, even in today's tense environment. Under the circumstances, there is still a smile on the face.

Zhang Fan has been worrying in his heart, always hoping to end this torture quickly, but now two or three hours have passed, and there is nothing else in it except Luo Linger's voice because of pain. Movement and stillness made Zhang Fan's mood heavy with the passage of time.

Last time, when Ru Xue gave birth to twins, it took more than half a day. That time, Zhang Fan didn't understand anything, and thought that after such a long time, there would be some accidents. I know that giving birth soon is not necessarily a good thing. In many cases, the child is born too fast, not only the mother is dangerous, but the child is also very dangerous.

According to the experience of these midwives, the most normal time should be three to five hours.

This is why, although Zhang Fan is very anxious now, and he can still hear Luo Linger's painful voice in the room, although he is extremely anxious, he can still do it.

Although he didn't dare not listen to his mother's words, but if the matter was really critical, Zhang Fan couldn't care less.

Zhang Fan himself didn't feel it. In fact, it was more difficult than being on the battlefield. Although on the battlefield, the sword had no eyes, or there were enemies chasing and killing, or even the situation between life and death, Zhang Fan had encountered it before, but In the final analysis, it is a one-shot deal, life is life, and death is death. Maybe if you work harder, or if your desire to survive is stronger, there may be some turning points.

But the current situation is different from those. This kind of thing does not mean that he can survive it with a single effort. Even, as a man, Zhang Fan may have no choice but to work hard. All I could do was wait here, and then the mentality of not believing in ghosts and gods was now praying non-stop, praying that Luo Linger would be safe and well.

"Hey, what's the matter at home?" Zhaoxue's voice came over. Obviously, she and Yingyue had also gone home. It can be seen that it was already very late at this time. If it weren't for the midsummer world, the days would be longer If so, I'm afraid it's already getting dark outside.

"Hush..." Ru Xue gestured to her younger sister, asking her to keep her voice down, not to disturb Zhang Fan who had just calmed down, "Ling'er is giving birth."

Hearing the news, Zhaoxue was obviously very interested, and hurried to her sister's side, as if she wanted to ask something, and Yingyue also walked over, but she had an interested expression on her face Apart from that, it still seemed to have a trace of sadness. Fortunately, no one was paying attention to her at this time, otherwise it would be a wild imagination.

"It's true, you run out all day, and you don't know what happened at home," Ruxue said to Zhaoxue with a look of reproach. It's no wonder, although they are the same now, but Zhaoxue is her own It is impossible for Ruxue to reprimand Yingyue who is standing beside her.

But obviously, Zhaoxue was very dissatisfied with this, but she couldn't say anything, she could only have an aggrieved expression on her face.

Seeing her sister's appearance, Ru Xue just smiled and didn't say anything else. She didn't tell the two of what happened outside the city today, obviously she didn't want them to know what they were worried about, even though Xiangmei was injured Now, she is still in a coma with the doctor, but the situation is much better. Ru Xue doesn't want to make trouble at this time.

The sky also gradually darkened with the passage of time, dinner was already prepared at home, but obviously, no one wanted to eat, since the master didn't intend to eat there, Although these servants were hungry, it was impossible for them to eat.

"By the way," Zhang Fan stood up suddenly, as if thinking of something, "Why did you forget about this?"

"Fan'er, what's the matter?" Zhao looked at Zhang Fan and asked.

"Mother, my child remembered something," Zhang Fan said, turning around and walking outside.

"This child, my daughter-in-law is giving birth, what else is she going to do?" Mrs. Zhao said in a complaining tone, "It's because he was so worried just now."

This is Zhao's misunderstanding. Zhang Fan would not think about other things at this time. Even outside the city, there are still many things waiting for him to solve, but in Zhang Fan's heart, there is absolutely no Luo Linger's matter is important.

The reason why Zhang Fan did this was because he had thought of something. In fact, he should have thought of this matter, but he had been worrying about Luo Linger and forgot about it.

Without stopping, Zhang Fan walked directly outside the house, and said to the subordinates who had been here all the time: "You guys run to me right away, and go and invite the Imperial Physician Wang from the palace."

After these people heard this, they didn't move, but asked: "My lord, is Doctor Wang on duty today?"

"On duty, but it's not at night. It's time to come out now," Zhang Fan thought for a while, and immediately said, "Divide into two teams, one team goes to the palace, the other team goes to his home, and if you find it, tell him, It's about the second lady, let him bring the medicine box to me right away."

"Yes," after asking clearly, these people had no doubts anymore, and immediately turned to work.

Zhang Fan stood at the door and did not go back immediately. Instead, he looked up at the sky. The sky had already darkened. Fortunately, there was no sign of rain during this period of time. This may be for this generation of nearby farmers. It's not a good thing, but now, for those refugees outside the city, it should be good.

Zhang Fan didn't know why he was still thinking about these things at this time, but he didn't stop, turned around and walked into the house again.

At home, there are still things that he is most worried about now,

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