Early in the morning, Zhang Fan was walking on the way to the morning court just like yesterday. It was still early, but the sky was already a bit dark, after all, it was summer.

Zhang Fan slept very peacefully yesterday. After all, what he said to Luo Linger made him very relieved. After letting go of the troubles in his heart, he was very relaxed. However, because a lot of things happened yesterday, and he slept soundly at night. It was still relatively late, and it was useless to be reassured. Zhang Fan only slept for a few hours, and now, riding a horse, his eyelids were clenched.

Liang Chao next to him had something to do this morning, but he was not here. Therefore, even Zhang Fan was riding a horse, only a slit was visible in his eyes, and his body was even more precarious, swinging as the horse moved forward, as if he would fall off the horse at any moment Go, but the few guards on the side did not dare to step forward to support Zhang Fan or wake him up. After all, these people are not like Liang Chao and Wang Meng, who are so valued and loved by Zhang Fan, even if they We all know that Zhang Fan is very easy-going, but he still dare not do that.

Finally, the horses were in place.

"My lord, my lord," a guard at the side approached Zhang Fan and carefully woke him up, "My lord, we have arrived,"

Zhang Fan, who was sobered up, still seemed a little confused about the situation for a while. He looked around for a long time, but he looked like he was in a dream. After a while, he even woke up. Zhang Fan, now he understood where he had come. Seeing that there were already many people waiting there, Zhang Fan got off his horse and walked towards that side with some frivolous steps.

The people waiting here, when they see Zhang Fan coming, naturally treat him well. This is also thanks to Zhang Fan's popularity in daily life. People who have some small disputes between them will at least nod their heads when they see him. Of course, their faces are still cold, but the kind of people who clearly saw him but deliberately turned their heads and pretended not to see him are Rarely happens.

But today's situation is a bit different. Many people didn't notice Zhang Fan, and they didn't do it on purpose. They were really discussing something with their colleagues around them, and they didn't notice Zhang Fan's arrival.

Zhang Fan didn't care about this either. He passed through the crowd and walked towards Zhang Juzheng. Although the voices of people talking were very low, he could hear some things. Sure enough, what people were talking about , mostly about what happened yesterday.

Yesterday, Feng Bao had promised Zhang Fan that he would not tell Zhang Siwei's matter so quickly, and Zhang Fan also believed him, but even if Feng Bao said the matter intentionally or unintentionally Well, Zhang Fan didn't think that these people outside would get the news so quickly, after all, it was too late yesterday.

But now, even if these people don't know about Zhang Siwei, but yesterday's incident happened at noon, Zhang Fan believes that as far as the capital is concerned, the whole dynasty knows everything, these people are not fools, and here, They are all people who went to court yesterday, so they naturally know something.

After adding up and down like this, and after a little guessing, you can guess that this matter must be someone who wants to deal with Feng Bao, but behind the scenes.

This kind of thing sounds really unbelievable. After all, the dispute between the courtiers is now involving the people, and it is really a bit inappropriate at such a difficult time of flooding. However, these people don't think there is anything wrong with it. Something is wrong. After all, in order to deal with political opponents, these people have never seen anything. Don't say that although the impact of this incident is not good, after all, no one was killed. Even if someone was killed, they will not feel that there is anything wrong of.

Hearing what these people were talking about, Zhang Fan couldn't help but want to laugh, but he admired Feng Bao even more in his heart. In such a short period of time, Feng Bao came up with such a way to take advantage of people's common thoughts, so as to turn the Their thoughts turned to one aspect. This way of using strength and strength is not easy to learn. It must be years of "struggle" experience that gave Feng Bao this experience.

Without thinking too much, Zhang Fan walked straight towards Zhang Juzheng.

Seeing Zhang Fan approaching, although the worried expression on Zhang Ju's face did not completely disappear, it was much more relaxed, and he greeted Zhang Fan: "Yuande, you are here."

Suddenly, Zhang Juzheng noticed Zhang Fan's appearance, sleepy eyes, slightly dark eye sockets, and sloppy footsteps, he couldn't help frowning slightly, and said to Zhang Fan in an elder tone: "Yuande, I'm not saying something to you for my teacher's sake." , you are young now, although you are a young man, and your family is also a beautiful wife and concubine, but you can't be so indulgent, if you are young, if you damage your body or suffer from some hidden disease, you will not be well in the future, "

Zhang Fan was still thinking about the current affairs in the court. For a while, he didn't understand Zhang Juzheng's meaning. When he thought about it, his face turned red, but he didn't want to show his power to Zhang Juzheng. It was worth holding back He said: "The teacher misunderstood. A lot of things happened yesterday. The student went back late. Moreover, at home, Ling'er gave birth to a child, and there was a lot of trouble. The student went to bed late, not... not the teacher. as said, "

"Oh, ah," Zhang Juzheng thought at first that Zhang Fan was going to say something to evade, and didn't take it too seriously, but when he realized that he had heard some terrible news, he couldn't help but yelled out.

Beside, upon hearing Zhang Juzheng's surprised voice, many people looked here curiously, as if they were watching something strange.

"Yuande," Zhang Juzheng said happily without lowering his voice, "I congratulate you for being a teacher. You are blessed with a precious son."

"Students don't dare," Zhang Fan hurriedly said, and corrected, "Actually, teacher, Linger gave birth to a daughter."

"Oh, that's it." Hearing that Luo Ling'er gave birth to a daughter, Zhang Fan could clearly see that Zhang Ju's positive joy had diminished quite a bit, but it did not disappear completely. "A daughter is a daughter. A happy thing, Yuande, you don’t know that it’s not good to have too many boys in your family, but you don’t know, having three sons as a teacher, I was very happy at first, but in the end, when I was seven or eight years old, I was so troubled. The things are one after another, and my daughter is much quieter and more obedient, "

The reason why Zhang Juzheng said this was because he thought that Zhang Fan was not happy that he had another daughter instead of a son, so it was just to comfort him.

Of course, there is another reason for Zhang Juzheng to say this. After all, Ru Xue has already given birth to a son for Zhang Fan, and the Zhang family can be regarded as a successor. In terms of inheriting the family business, otherwise, daughter and son are not the same thing.

"Thank you, Teacher, for your concern," Zhang Fan thanked, but the smile on his face did not diminish.

"By the way, Yuande, what happened yesterday..." Zhang Juzheng was obviously also very concerned about this matter, and asked Zhang Fan, "You were there yesterday, tell me what's going on."

At that moment, Zhang Fan told what happened yesterday. However, he didn't mention Zhang Siwei's matter, nor heard his own speculations about Feng Bao. It's not that he can't tell, but the current He is wary of Zhang Juzheng. He has to be careful when he asks Zhang Juzheng about matters related to Feng Bao. Did not say.

"So that's what happened," Zhang Juzheng said after hearing Zhang Fan's words, "I also know something, but I thought these people were misrepresenting it. Now that I heard you say that, it's really true. It seems that it is Someone wants to deal with Feng Bao,"

"Teacher thinks so too," Zhang Fan smelled it suddenly, and after that, his eyes kept staring at Zhang Juzheng.

Hearing Zhang Fan's question and seeing Zhang Fan staring at him so closely, Zhang Juzheng was also a little confused for a moment.

Originally relying on Zhang Juzheng himself, especially now that Zhang Fan has not said anything, but his questioning has clearly told Zhang Juzheng that there is a problem in this matter, as long as Zhang Juzheng thinks about it, he will definitely be able to figure it out of.

But now, being stared at by Zhang Fan, he was stunned for a moment, and he didn't know what to think, so he couldn't help asking: "What's wrong with Yuande, is there something wrong with it?"

"Teacher really doesn't know," Zhang Fan asked again. In fact, since he asked this question, it shows that although he has doubted Zhang Juzheng in many things, he still trusts Zhang Juzheng in his heart. He believes that Zhang Juzheng should not deceive himself.

People are so contradictory.

"I really don't know," Zhang Juzheng was completely intimidated by Zhang Fan, and he really didn't know what Zhang Fan wanted to say for a while.

"Teacher, don't you think..." Zhang Fan looked around, and whispered to Zhang Juzheng with a cautious look, "Is this incident a little strange, or is it too coincidental?"

"You mean," Zhang Juzheng also discovered the problem after hearing what Zhang Fan said.

"That's right," Zhang Fan said, "First of all, it was a coincidence that Feng Baocai decided to distribute food like that this morning, and someone went to make trouble at noon, and the teacher felt that in today's court, who would dare to do that?" Go against Feng Bao,"

"Yuande, I probably know what you're going to say." Zhang Juzheng is very smart, Zhang Fan already understood when he got to this point, "What did you find out?"

"It's hard to tell by inquiring," Zhang Fan said, "However, the students can see something."

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