The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 675 The Solution

Zhang Fan wants to discuss this matter with someone. Although Feng Bao's method seems to be smart, there are many loopholes in it, but if Feng Bao is really allowed to implement it, it will be difficult for others to find a solution Yes, and Zhang Fan thought for a long time, but he couldn't find any good solution, so he decided to find someone to help and discuss with him.

However, in the end, Zhang Fan chose Zhang Juzheng.

Originally, he could also go to Ge Shouli to discuss with him, but now facing this matter, after all, it was Feng Bao who framed Zhang Siwei wantonly. What Zhang Fan wanted was a peaceful solution, preferably one that would allow the Feng Bao retreated when he knew the difficulty, and he would not let him do any drastic actions.

Although it is not impossible for Ge Shouli to say this, Zhang Fan is worried. After all, Ge Shouli has a strong sense of justice. If something too drastic happens, Feng Bao will no longer be forbearing, and if he does something that will cause the court to become chaotic, it will be bad.

Although Zhang Fan feels that the possibility of Ge Shouli doing this is very low, it is not impossible. Zhang Fan has always been cautious about this matter. He does not need any ambiguous possibility. In case something goes wrong , that would be bad.

So, after thinking about it, he finally decided to come to Zhang Juzheng to discuss this matter.

In fact, Zhang Juzheng is not the best choice for Zhang Fan. After all, Zhang Juzheng and Feng Bao are now in a cooperative relationship, standing on the united front, and they are quite close. Zhang Fan is worried whether Zhang Juzheng will also participate in it. .

Therefore, before he told Zhang Juzheng, he had to ask some questions, whether Zhang Juzheng was involved in it, so that he could tell him about it.

And the reason why he asked Zhang Juzheng to discuss this matter was because Zhang Fan understood that Zhang Juzheng had always acted cautiously, and also because of his relationship with Feng Bao and Zhang Fan. Even Zhang Juzheng would be very surprised when he heard the news, but he would definitely not do anything too big, so it would not cause any bad influence.

After Zhang Fan affirmed this point, he made up his mind and came to discuss with Zhang Juzheng.

"Yuande, tell me quickly, what exactly did you guess?" Although Zhang Juzheng hadn't heard Zhang Fan explain the details of the matter in detail, he could feel it from Zhang Fan's expression and tone of voice before. When it arrived, the matter was definitely not a good one, and it would not be small, so he hurriedly asked.

"Teacher, just like what the students said, don't you think this happened too coincidentally?" Zhang Fan said, "Teacher has never considered another possibility. It may not be that someone wants to deal with Feng Bao. Perhaps it is possible that Feng Bao wants to deal with someone, "

"This..." Zhang Juzheng didn't know what to say when he first heard Zhang Fan's words. In fact, at this moment, he also had a funny feeling, but this feeling disappeared immediately. That's it, what's left is possibility, and with Zhang Juzheng's thinking, this possibility is infinitely closer to reality.

After getting along with Feng Bao for so many years, Zhang Juzheng naturally understood Feng Bao. Now that he heard Zhang Fan's words, Zhang Juzheng thought about it, and found that what he said was not only possible, but Zhang Juzheng believed that Feng Bao could definitely do such a thing. .

"If you say that..." Zhang Juzheng frowned, and said slowly, "It is indeed possible, and the possibility is very high. Feng Bao can really do such a thing."

"Originally, after the students knew something, they were only a little skeptical," Zhang Fan replied with a smile on his face, "But since the students heard something, they are absolutely sure that it is definitely Feng Bao's Got an idea,"

"What did you hear?" Zhang Juzheng asked quickly.

"I asked people to find out from the people who caused the trouble, their so-called mastermind behind the scenes," Zhang Fan said, "After hearing this person's name, the students are completely sure that the whole thing is Feng Bao's idea, "

"Who," Zhang Juzheng asked quickly, "Who is Feng Bao going to deal with?"

"Zhang Siwei," Zhang Fan said such a very common name in a very low-key and calm voice.

However, after hearing this name, Zhang Juzheng was taken aback, and then frowned even deeper. Zhang Siwei naturally knew it. Zhang Juzheng was also very optimistic about Zhang Siwei, and the previous one, Feng Bao and Zhang Siwei Although Zhang Juzheng had always been a bystander and hadn't participated in the incident, it didn't mean that he didn't understand. He fully understood all the details, big and small, in that incident.

But now, when Zhang Fan mentioned Zhang Siwei's name, Zhang Juzheng was just surprised, but he didn't doubt the possibility. There were some things that Zhang Fan didn't know. In fact, Feng Bao had talked about this with Zhang Juzheng before. Moreover, Feng Bao's words clearly mentioned that he must deal with Zhang Siwei.

Now it seems that Feng Bao is about to act.

After being surprised and frowning, Zhang Juzheng showed a helpless expression mixed with a wry smile again, looked at Zhang Fan, and said: "Yuande, you have been asking me just now, do you know something? Not doubting, I also participated in this matter, "

"Yes," Zhang Fan didn't mean to evade, nodded, and said, "The students are worried about this, and the teacher doesn't know about it. The students spent a lot of effort last night to convince Feng Bao that the students He didn't know about this matter, and even so, Feng Bao already had doubts about the students.

"Of course, the student's effort yesterday was not in vain. He found a lot of places to talk to him, and also acted in a lot of plays. That's why Feng Bao didn't think Zhang Siwei did the thing after returning to the palace. Tell the queen mother, otherwise things will be troublesome.

"Nowadays, the first thing students have to do is to stabilize Feng Bao. If Feng Bao knows that the students have already known about this matter, he must be worried that the students will ruin his good deeds, but he will not turn against the students, so He will definitely step up his actions, if that happens, not only Zhang Siwei's life will be lost, but the court will also start to be in chaos."

"Yuande, you don't need to say any more." Zhang Juzheng also nodded helplessly, and said, "I understand what you said, and I don't mean to blame you, but your guess is a bit incomplete about this matter. Feng Bao would never ask me to do this kind of thing. The last time Ge Shouli was, Feng Bao felt that he was too difficult to deal with, so he dragged me, but generally, he would not let me do these things. He also understands that my idea of ​​a new policy is imminent, and he doesn't want to make too many enemies in the DPRK, so I really didn't participate in this matter, "

"It's so good," Zhang Fan said, although he didn't show much on the surface, he was still very happy in his heart, "This time, the student just needs to discuss with the teacher how to calm this matter down." yes,"

"I understand," Zhang Juzheng said, and stopped talking, he had already started to think about it.

Seeing that Zhang Ju was thinking about it, Zhang Fan waited patiently aside. Now he was not in a hurry. First of all, it was not too late for this matter. In addition to the scene he performed in front of Feng Bao yesterday, he thought it would be too late. It can be delayed for a while.

Secondly, as far as it is concerned, there is still some time before the court.

Of course, Zhang Fan didn't just leave the matter to Zhang Juzheng, and he didn't ask anything. When Zhang Ju was thinking, he was also thinking about it, but Zhang Fan thought for a long time, but he still couldn't think of anything. good way.

Over there, Zhang Juzheng sighed.

"Teacher, there is a way," Zhang Fan hurriedly asked when Zhang Juzheng came back to his senses.

"No, I can't think of any good solution in such a short period of time." Zhang Juzheng shook his head and said, "However, I can be sure."

"What?" Although Zhang Juzheng said that there was no way out, Zhang Fan was a little disappointed, but he heard that Zhang Juzheng still had something to say, so he couldn't help asking quickly.

"Actually, I probably know what you're thinking." Zhang Juzheng looked at Zhang Fan and said, "You must be thinking, is there any way to stop Feng Bao and make him feel that this matter cannot be done? Get out of trouble, don't you?"

"Yeah," Zhang Fan couldn't help being curious when he heard what Zhang Juzheng said, isn't this nonsense, Zhang Fan came to him just to let him solve this matter for him, "Could it be that my method is wrong,"

"No, your method is naturally correct," Zhang Juzheng said with a smile, "However, the method is correct, but the direction is wrong."

"The direction is wrong." Hearing Zhang Juzheng's words, Zhang Fan was stunned again, "Teacher, what do you mean by this? What is wrong direction?"

"You must want to start with Feng Bao and find a way to save him from this plan," Zhang Juzheng said, "The reason why you have been unable to figure it out is because you understand that Feng Bao is determined." It is difficult to change your mind. You may have thought of many ways, and all of them are possible, but in the end you find that those ways are also likely to fail.

"However, have you ever thought that this matter has two aspects. Feng Bao wants to deal with people, but haven't you considered the side of the person being dealt with?"

"The teacher means..." Zhang Fan obviously understood what Zhang Juzheng said.

"That's right," Zhang Juzheng nodded, and said, "Since Feng Bao can't find a loophole, then find a way from the person he wants to deal with."

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